The war in Ukraine and Donbas

can't confirm, but this is not good.


That asshole posted a video that was taken over 5 years ago. It was a Russian exercise in their own Kura missile range on the far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula. Half a fucking world away from the U.S.

Post something scary and 100 million other people will re-post. This is how public sentiment can be manipulated and orchestrated so that the mentally and morally unstable West will be the ones to lead the world into WWIII.

I don't have an X account but everybody needs to pile on Dominic Michael Tripi and call him out.

This is exactly the type of intentional misinformation that both sides are sowing just to get clicks or drum up public fear that will help drive .gov spending.

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Those apparently were not launched in the Atlantic or Caribbean as the tweetard alludes.

""The navy said the submarine, named Yuri Dolgoruky after the medieval prince who founded Moscow, launched the Bulava missiles in a single salvo from a submerged position in the White Sea.
The mock warheads the missiles carried reached their practice targets on the opposite side of Russia — the Kura shooting range on the far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula.""

Yes, exactly.
and it happened in May of 2018.

Serbian President A. Vucic: "We will have a world war in 3-4 months - We are checking what we have in oil, flour, sugar"

"No one can afford to lose. When you have this situation, we are probably approaching a real disaster. And then we come to another question. Who is ready to lose 1 million, 2 million, 5 and 10 million people? Ask yourself. I am not ready to lose a single person. And we will not participate in it. But that is a question for others.

I can't say World War III, but I don't think we're far from that big conflict! No more than 3-4 months! And there is a risk that it will happen even sooner.

In Europe, the leaders act like big heroes, but they are not honest and they don't tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war.

The world is changing even though we don't want to accept and admit it, but it is indeed changing on a daily basis and much faster than ever before. And when you have these kinds of conflicting interests, then you come close to big conflicts and big wars. And I don't see how anyone can stop it.

I'd like to see it more than anything to be honest. Today I was checking the data regarding our stocks of oil, flour, sugar, salt and everything because I don't know what tomorrow will bring for all of us."
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“The point is not that they are helping our enemy, but that they are our enemy,” the Russian president said, arguing that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev was orchestrated by Western elites who seek to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia.
Those apparently were not launched in the Atlantic or Caribbean as the tweetard alludes.

""The navy said the submarine, named Yuri Dolgoruky after the medieval prince who founded Moscow, launched the Bulava missiles in a single salvo from a submerged position in the White Sea.
The mock warheads the missiles carried reached their practice targets on the opposite side of Russia — the Kura shooting range on the far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula.""

thanks, nice detective work!!!!
But do they have four vessels around Cuba or not? I hope if they do, and Pedometer gets stupid - they know the coordinates for Washington DC.
I believe they do.
Reminder: We are all hobbled by too much partial information, too much manipulated or incorrect information and as always, information that will never be disseminated at all outside siloed groups.

Pedometer is and always has been stupid.
In my opinion, too many people keep dropping his name as if he is actually making decisions.
As I have mentioned many times, a person or group not including POTUS is responsible for all decisions being made. Nobody could look at what little they are allowing to be visible and conclude otherwise.

Sadly, I wish we could only worry about him being stupid. I believe everything we are allowed to see and everything being kept in motion on the geopolitical front is being driven by purposeful decisions that are well thought out.

It's not reckless negligence. On the contrary, the intent is an engineered societal genocide.
Fingers crossed that they haven't accounted for all the variables.
But do they have four vessels around Cuba or not? I hope if they do, and Pedometer gets stupid - they know the coordinates for Washington DC.
not that it matters, but people often use stock or old footage to support a story, and that doesn't necessarily discount the story.
other news outlets did report missile drills in the atlantic, but not within 66 miles of our coast.
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We have videos showing French troops on the ground already .My question - those our our troops being used as "military advisors" for our donated equipment - how many of thm are actively engaged in combat? Are these not "boots on the ground"?
Putin seems to think so.

Nightmarish 24 hours for the Ukrainian ED with 1,800 casualties: Mercenary bases, airports, S-300 arrays and weapons depots were hit​

"According to the update of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

-The morning raids hit Ukrainian Forces airbases, concentrations of foreign mercenaries and military warehouses."

Rheinmetall CEO: West has weapons left for Kiev for a year at most​

"The West will be able to continue supplying weapons to the Kiev regime for no longer than six months or a year, Armin Papperger, head of German defense group Rheinmetall, said on June 11 at a conference on Ukraine’s reconstruction in Berlin.

“When I look at Europe at the moment, I see that we will have delays in deliveries to Ukraine because we don’t have enough money in the budget,” he said.

According to Papperger, the €100 billion special fund created in Germany to boost defense production and modernize the army has already been depleted. All countries in Europe will need to spend more money if they want to support Kiev, the head of the concern emphasized."

Rheinmetall CEO: West has weapons left for Kiev for a year at most​

"The West will be able to continue supplying weapons to the Kiev regime for no longer than six months or a year, Armin Papperger, head of German defense group Rheinmetall, said on June 11 at a conference on Ukraine’s reconstruction in Berlin.

“When I look at Europe at the moment, I see that we will have delays in deliveries to Ukraine because we don’t have enough money in the budget,” he said.

According to Papperger, the €100 billion special fund created in Germany to boost defense production and modernize the army has already been depleted. All countries in Europe will need to spend more money if they want to support Kiev, the head of the concern emphasized."
Saw something the other day stating that German Bundeswehr would only have enough ammo for two days of fighting if WW3 were to break out.
And yet they are trying to mobilize. Cant have it both ways.
Germany has allowed the west to subjugate them for the last 80yrs. It is to the point that they have lost their inherent strengths tied to industry, military and strong leadership. Everything is for show now.

Over the last 10 or so years, I have been reading quite a few papers documenting how bad the British, French and German militaries have been allowed to decay. Yes, all 3 still have showy, high tech stuff to make headlines with but they now lack coherent military leadership ability, supply infrastructure, available munitions (from handguns to artillery) or trained/trained/motivated personnel to run the machine. Even on their tip of the spear/high tech planes, tanks and ships the available ready rate is in the teens %.

They may now be posturing with the belief that if they interject themselves directly into the conflict, the U.S. would jump in to do the heavy lifting. What they aren't realizing is that the U.S. isn't in much better shape.

Basically a leadership wide Dunning-Kruger effect.
Germany has allowed the west to subjugate them for the last 80yrs. It is to the point that they have lost their inherent strengths tied to industry, military and strong leadership. Everything is for show now.

Over the last 10 or so years, I have been reading quite a few papers documenting how bad the British, French and German militaries have been allowed to decay. Yes, all 3 still have showy, high tech stuff to make headlines with but they now lack coherent military leadership ability, supply infrastructure, available munitions (from handguns to artillery) or trained/trained/motivated personnel to run the machine. Even on their tip of the spear/high tech planes, tanks and ships the available ready rate is in the teens %.

They may now be posturing with the belief that if they interject themselves directly into the conflict, the U.S. would jump in to do the heavy lifting. What they aren't realizing is that the U.S. isn't in much better shape.

Basically a leadership wide Dunning-Kruger effect.
When you off shore most of your manufacturing and mothball your factories, plus hamstring your energy production and feminize your male population. Your a country in decline! That is what the entirety of western europe has done to their countries and the U.S. political class has done the same to us here!
Germany has allowed the west to subjugate them for the last 80yrs. It is to the point that they have lost their inherent strengths tied to industry, military and strong leadership. Everything is for show now.

Over the last 10 or so years, I have been reading quite a few papers documenting how bad the British, French and German militaries have been allowed to decay. Yes, all 3 still have showy, high tech stuff to make headlines with but they now lack coherent military leadership ability, supply infrastructure, available munitions (from handguns to artillery) or trained/trained/motivated personnel to run the machine. Even on their tip of the spear/high tech planes, tanks and ships the available ready rate is in the teens %.

They may now be posturing with the belief that if they interject themselves directly into the conflict, the U.S. would jump in to do the heavy lifting. What they aren't realizing is that the U.S. isn't in much better shape.

Basically a leadership wide Dunning-Kruger effect.

A subjugated Germany, and Europe, is exactly what the US wants.

The US doesn't want a powerful Europe. They want a Europe, and especially Germany, to be weak enough to exploit and subjugate. This has always been the US's aims for Europe. We are to be the unipolar hegemony that dominates the world.

Unfortunately for us, we've played our hands too heavily with sanctions, wars and coups. We are going further into debt chasing our idiotic forever wars, while countries create economic alliances to get off of the Petro/US-dollar to sanction proof their economies. The sun is setting on the US empire.
I believe they do.
Reminder: We are all hobbled by too much partial information, too much manipulated or incorrect information and as always, information that will never be disseminated at all outside siloed groups.

Pedometer is and always has been stupid.
In my opinion, too many people keep dropping his name as if he is actually making decisions.
As I have mentioned many times, a person or group not including POTUS is responsible for all decisions being made. Nobody could look at what little they are allowing to be visible and conclude otherwise.

Sadly, I wish we could only worry about him being stupid. I believe everything we are allowed to see and everything being kept in motion on the geopolitical front is being driven by purposeful decisions that are well thought out.

It's not reckless negligence. On the contrary, the intent is an engineered societal genocide.
Fingers crossed that they haven't accounted for all the variables.
The good news is for us, you cannot ever take into account all variables. You can get close but not all the way. And the biggest under estimation of them all is usually human resolve. If you have a group with a strong enough resolve then they can do large things, whether it’s a small group or a large one. If nothing else, they can be a big pain in the ass to disrupt any plans someone may have.
Polls and interpretation

Volunteers abound

Not the recruters , please do not burn down our van


something i don't get. so,you are dragged violently off the street obviously against your will. we know that ukr infantry has a real high casualty rate. ukes must know it for sure. if you are not stupid,you can guess that you will be assigned to some sacrificial mine clearing unit. what is to keep you from doing some "fraging" stuff? you are v. likely to die anyway. take a bunch of the slavers with you? why not? the prevalence of fragging in VN is still a subject of debate in many places. it did happen way more than 1,2,korea or any of our mideast wars. i sure wouldn't want to be a lower level commander of a bunch of press ganged troops. worse than normal survivability,i bet.
And yet they are trying to mobilize. Cant have it both ways.
The funny thing is that their strength right now 185,000 troops. Their plan is to be at 213,000 by 2035. Another funny thing is they are losing troops faster than they are being replaced and they will never make the 213,000 by 2035 at this rate. They are bringing armored vehicles out of mothball to upgrade them because they don't have enough.

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Germany has allowed the west to subjugate them for the last 80yrs. It is to the point that they have lost their inherent strengths tied to industry, military and strong leadership. Everything is for show now.

Over the last 10 or so years, I have been reading quite a few papers documenting how bad the British, French and German militaries have been allowed to decay. Yes, all 3 still have showy, high tech stuff to make headlines with but they now lack coherent military leadership ability, supply infrastructure, available munitions (from handguns to artillery) or trained/trained/motivated personnel to run the machine. Even on their tip of the spear/high tech planes, tanks and ships the available ready rate is in the teens %.

They may now be posturing with the belief that if they interject themselves directly into the conflict, the U.S. would jump in to do the heavy lifting. What they aren't realizing is that the U.S. isn't in much better shape.

Basically a leadership wide Dunning-Kruger effect.
The Canadian forces are the same. A career officer said,”the CF has reached peak tokenism, there is nothing behind the facade, not equipment, not training, not leadership, not clear vision, there are almost zero professionals left in uniform, and the ones that tried have given up in anger and disgust.”
The Canadian forces are the same. A career officer said,”the CF has reached peak tokenism, there is nothing behind the facade, not equipment, not training, not leadership, not clear vision, there are almost zero professionals left in uniform, and the ones that tried have given up in anger and disgust.”
I'm tracking.

The West will get it's ass kicked in a conflict that we precipitate.
My ultimate worry is that once the faux leadership is humiliated and faced with having to answer to their own angry masses, they will jump straight to canned sunshine.

I have said before, while we fear monger about the bear and the dragon it is the West that will be the first to go nuclear due to inadequate conventional capabilities.
I have said before, while we fear monger about the bear and the dragon it is the West that will be the first to go nuclear due to inadequate conventional capabilities.
This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ X10
Once the rainbow warriors are shown what real war is, the big sticks will come out. Russia & China will negate most all US GPS ability, and Ivan will give the west a final block of instruction on what happens when you believe, your own B/S ability's are all that.
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This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ X10
Once the rainbow warriors are shown what real war is, the big sticks will come out. Russia & China will negate most all US GPS ability, and Ivan will give the west a final block of instruction on what happens when you believe, your own B/S ability's are all that.
I do not think the Russian army is all that great either - they are just bigger and can absorb more casualties than Ukraine. I saw first-hand while we were in Iraq that the European NATO nations let their militaries rot away depending on the US. Now the Europeans are serious but you cannot build militaries from essentially scratch overnight - especially with the current cultures of the EU (and US).
Its kind of ironic our current military leadership which has embraced the woke and DEI culture has created a situation where our troops will just be cannon fodder should we get into a conflict with a real adversary. While those actually capable of engaging with an adversary have either been purged or are avoiding service altogether. At Kasserine Pass, inexperienced US troops under inferior command were soundly defeated by a well trained German force. Karma is a bitch.
I do not think the Russian army is all that great either - they are just bigger and can absorb more casualties than Ukraine.
They don't have to be great. They just need to sustain and not lose.

Perseverance in the face of a meat grinder will win the day over elegance and finesse of battle.
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They don't have to be great. They just need to sustain and not lose.

Perseverance in the face of a meat grinder will win the day over elegance and finesse of battle.
being able (currently and for some time) to fire 10x the number of artillery shells as the ukrainians helps, and it must be devastating to morale of the poor ukrainians that survive on the other end. knowing they are dying for scum like zelensky, xiden and soros makes me sick to my stomach.
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I don't think canned sunshine will happen that soon. Why do they need to do that when we are destroying ourselves from within by Marxists/globalists and the principality they represent? Is that principality not obvious? No other outside source needed here. And not just us - all the first world, heck even developing countries (Africa, S.America) will face the same.

Timeline wise: I think before WW3 we still have to see Psalm 83- in which Israel conquers all of its surrounding ideological enemies to the point where it is so secure that it doesn't need to have any walls or borders - (nuking of Damascus here?), no one will mess with them and it has an "internal" souce of wealth and self-sufficiency (?oil under Gaza vs. other booty), and/or maybe through the treaty with the WEF/UN/one world would make sense that the next pandemic/famine/social unrest in all civilized and developing countries occurs on or around the same time with rise of one principality/government/leader.
Its need for basic necessities and safety/security that leads to the acceptance of the one world government/globalist agenda.

Only then, once Israel is both rich and secure, do the countries that do not border Israel, including Russia, Turkey, Iran & N. Egypt -atttack Israel for its riches: Ezekiel 38/39 - it is then that God shows himself as a force to contend with; Israel will be struck by a nuke or some other "biological' event but as it will spend 7 month recleaning its ground and 7 months before it can bury its dead (Ezekiel 39:12) because God is pissed at the blasphemy in Israel- it somewhat makes sense that this will occur during after the Abomination of Desolation in the Third Temple (Daniels week 35 or 3.5 weeks into the Tribulation) or thereafter when thy accept the Mark.
It isn't until Revelations 9 (an army of 200M on horseback) that China enters the picture; but then again Revelations isn't necessarily in chronological order. I think it just will happen in the second half of the Tribulation.

How long this all takes, (how quickly progression occurs), is anyone's guess.

I could be way off and many things could happen before this sequence -but paying attention and "tracking" myself , this is my gestault.
It will be interesting to see how things play out.

Could what we are referring to as WW3 not even be the ultimate war?

Why are we so self centered that we believe the United States will still be intact or important enough to be a player in the final prophesies?
Could an intermediate conflict called WW3 be the catalyst that leaves whole nations wasted and re-sets the world geopolitical hierarchy based on those left standing?

Could it be that we are not as important as we think we are in the grand scheme of things? Because we are always looking at thinks from our perspective, maybe we fail to see the reality that we may not be the center of things. Maybe just another empire that peaked and was absorbed?

We frame potential worst-case scenarios by what we have witnessed in the past.
As horrific as our species has been shown to treat others in past wars, who the hell are we to think our history chronicles the extreme of what we are capable of doing to each other?

Neither WW1 or WW2 fit into the box that I would call a war of "biblical" proportions.
Perhaps those facing the scale of death at those times thought it was biblical but in hind sight, it was not even close. I'm sure I would be biased if I was watching a whole city burn and all of my forces annihilated because I'm only seeing a small slice of the pie.

Even in our worst-case dreams, I think we might be naïve in thinking we can imagine the scale, misery and butchery that a true "Armageddon" would entail. I think it will make WW1, WW2 and a WW3 look like a gang rumble by comparison.
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i don't think they (the mic or military) want to start a big war.
they are happy enough to pick off goat herders for a couple trillion, and they are apparently happy letting ukrainians die, but they would suffer the wrath of most americans if our boys and girls are sacrificed for this bullshit war over who gets to exploit this poor country's resources.
i don't think they (the mic or military) want to start a big war.
they are happy enough to pick off goat herders for a couple trillion, and they are apparently happy letting ukrainians die, but they would suffer the wrath of most americans if our boys and girls are sacrificed for this bullshit war over who gets to exploit this poor country's resources.
All volunteer military. Less than 1% of nation serves now. Most Americans do not know anyone in the US military. This site is different as more served and know those that served.
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nuclear was always our back up plan. ussr/east block could have gotten to the channel conventionally. expensively but...our forces were just a trip wire. they knew it and held off military action. successfully employed cultural undermining using idiots,as per lenin.
i believed that russia was done in also, left afganistan after 10k military deaths. some weeks in 20th cent they lost that many. thought their cultual fabric was destroyed by massive male deaths in ww1/2 like germany,france,UK.
i was wrong. looks like they are still willing to make big sacrifices for mother russia. maybe even more so. there appears to be no NKVD forcing the unwilling into battle from behind. not so the ukes in light of press ganging recruitment.
but correct in thinking west's chances of taking on russia in conventional are zilch. our best have been driven out or quit in disgust over all of west civ. so,yea,first nuc use likely to be our deranged ones when they see themselves going down without it.
i am unable to figure out how those idiots think they will survive what they think they can start with impunity. without heavy armed protection,they are done. they won't get any-have nothing to pay with. can you see schumer,grahm,johnson et al surviving in a mad max world?
nuclear was always our back up plan. ussr/east block could have gotten to the channel conventionally. expensively but...our forces were just a trip wire. they knew it and held off military action. successfully employed cultural undermining using idiots,as per lenin.
i believed that russia was done in also, left afganistan after 10k military deaths. some weeks in 20th cent they lost that many. thought their cultual fabric was destroyed by massive male deaths in ww1/2 like germany,france,UK.
i was wrong. looks like they are still willing to make big sacrifices for mother russia. maybe even more so. there appears to be no NKVD forcing the unwilling into battle from behind. not so the ukes in light of press ganging recruitment.
but correct in thinking west's chances of taking on russia in conventional are zilch. our best have been driven out or quit in disgust over all of west civ. so,yea,first nuc use likely to be our deranged ones when they see themselves going down without it.
i am unable to figure out how those idiots think they will survive what they think they can start with impunity. without heavy armed protection,they are done. they won't get any-have nothing to pay with. can you see schumer,grahm,johnson et al surviving in a mad max world?
they aren't just fighting for a portion of ukraine that is predominantly ethnic russians (and always has been), they are fighting for economic survival.
the reason the cia and people like nuland overthrew the government was to get access to the oil and gas fields in the donbas, and cripple the russian economy by replacing them as the energy supplier to the eu. it was ridiculously stupid to think russia or putin would allow that to happen.


Could what we are referring to as WW3 not even be the ultimate war?

Why are we so self centered that we believe the United States will still be intact or important enough to be a player in the final prophesies?
Could an intermediate conflict called WW3 be the catalyst that leaves whole nations wasted and re-sets the world geopolitical hierarchy based on those left standing?

Could it be that we are not as important as we think we are in the grand scheme of things? Because we are always looking at thinks from our perspective, maybe we fail to see the reality that we may not be the center of things. Maybe just another empire that peaked and was absorbed?

Very possible. No America in the Bible, but there is reference to Russia/China, even Europe (by descendants).
It's really hard to say what will happen because history is a bit of a cycle and things go around over and over in similar fashions and things can look horribly bad and such but they may actually not be nearly as bad as a previous era of the same point on the cycle.

That being said, those who worship the Illuminated One have made their plan very clear. Eventually they will bring about their 3rd great war in which the Christians, Jews, Muslims and Atheists will ALL fight each other to the point of utter despair and hopelessness, until the point where they give up all their beliefs and philosophies and are terrified at what utter destruction awaits them.

Then a saviour wielding miracles will appear to save society from the brink of oblivion. He will show everyone the plan to return to safety and prosperity by turning over their will and following the teachings of the Illuminated One. The world will rejoice for the saviour and will rush to bow down and obey him, and MOST of the Christians will be accept him as will most of the Jews and most the Muslims and probably almost all the Atheists.

Which turning of the wheel of time brings us to that event is something I can't say, it could be this time, it could be a generation from now. The first two great wars produced the exact results as promised by the servants of the Illuminated One.
i don't think they (the mic or military) want to start a big war.
they are happy enough to pick off goat herders for a couple trillion, and they are apparently happy letting ukrainians die, but they would suffer the wrath of most americans if our boys and girls are sacrificed for this bullshit war over who gets to exploit this poor country's resources.
At this point it isn’t whether or not anyone wants to start a big war. It more likely has to do with missteps that touch it off.

For those who are look at this in an eschatological fashion where the US is a non-player, these missteps calculate in well. But that also requires the likes of Hagee to be correct. He is but a man, not God. In that sense, how it plays out is open for debate. Not saying he is wrong, but I’m also allowing for “room to move”. Welding oneself to an interpretation has proven frustrating if not totally fruitless in the past. We have to live through the times we have been born into, whatever the outcome. None of us have the power to change it, nor does the Great Commission change, so it changes nothing. I hope this makes sense. If the time is short, work and witness harder.
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It's really hard to say what will happen because history is a bit of a cycle and things go around over and over in similar fashions and things can look horribly bad and such but they may actually not be nearly as bad as a previous era of the same point on the cycle.

That being said, those who worship the Illuminated One have made their plan very clear. Eventually they will bring about their 3rd great war in which the Christians, Jews, Muslims and Atheists will ALL fight each other to the point of utter despair and hopelessness, until the point where they give up all their beliefs and philosophies and are terrified at what utter destruction awaits them.

Do they need a WW3 for their end goal, or can widespread famine, social unrest, pandemic, a few wars and rumors of wars achieve their desired one world government/AC? (I think we already are in WW3 by proxy anyway).

Think about their next bird flu trick - if they are pre-advertising vaccine sales already you know they are working hard in their labs as we speak to increase human morbidity and mortality. And they will make it IVM and HCQ treatment-resistant this time, although there wil be a cure - they will just be more quiet about it. If it were really as bad as they want, it would have spread already, and it hasn't. We also know what they can achieve in fear with their false positive tests. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if they release something airborne and blame it on bird flu - we get tic tac contrails regularly - who would know?
Say they do achieve a high mortality- maybe 50%. Gotta kill all fowl and cattle off the bat. Private farm? Doesn't matter - watch them make it illegal to own any poultry or cattle. No exceptions, period. Those who canned/stored/froze eggs &meat will be ahead of the game.With Gates/China now owning >50% US farmland - some of those who didn't or coulnd't plan ahead might get stuck eating what they want to produce i.e. their fake meat; I wouldn't be surprised if we are already being fed many more insects than those published FDA guidelines. And those insect are genetically manipulated too- for protein content they will say. People will "adopt" animals from shelters for dinner. I know, its awful, but they don't want anyone to have pets anyway. Then have HAARP/direct energy weapons assist in a few "natural disasters" for martial law to be enacted. I could go on, sorry to hijack the thread on Ukraine/Russia, but I'm not feeling optimistic today.
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I'm tracking.

The West will get it's ass kicked in a conflict that we precipitate.
My ultimate worry is that once the faux leadership is humiliated and faced with having to answer to their own angry masses, they will jump straight to canned sunshine.

I have said before, while we fear monger about the bear and the dragon it is the West that will be the first to go nuclear due to inadequate conventional capabilities.
If we cannot stop the stupidity, I’m a let’s get it over with guy.
Do they need a WW3 for their end goal, or can widespread famine, social unrest, pandemic, a few wars and rumors of wars achieve their desired one world government/AC? (I think we already are in WW3 by proxy anyway).

I can't say for sure, all I know is that they said they said they were going to use the 3rd great war to bring about their plans.
They have been pretty true to the script.

The thing about war is it's one of the best thing for them to get the sheep to kill themselves off and make the true masters of the world rich at the same time.
Even the "good folks" get all head in the sand totally jingoistic about "glorious war" and are happy to enslave, kidnap and force their own progeny and those of others to go die for the glory of war. You see it here on SH all the time with blowhards waxing lyrical about how we should enslave "draft" everyone to our glorious military to make them do as they are told and get rid of any self determination or free will (for their own good of course).

The propaganda for war being the be all end all and the most best glorious thing has been ingrained for generations and is almost impossible to get people to understand, most of the "good folks" reflexively heel to and start wrapping themselves in flags and chants and going all rabid on anyone saying otherwise as soon as some glorious war is announced.

I'm pretty sure the third great war will bring with it, famine, societal collapse and probably the kind of plagues we fear.
Do they need a WW3 for their end goal, or can widespread famine, social unrest, pandemic, a few wars and rumors of wars achieve their desired one world government/AC? (I think we already are in WW3 by proxy anyway).

Think about their next bird flu trick - if they are pre-advertising vaccine sales already you know they are working hard in their labs as we speak to increase human morbidity and mortality. And they will make it IVM and HCW treatment-resistant this time, although there wil be a cure - they will just be more quiet about it. If it were really as bad as they want, it would have spread already, and it hasn't. We also know what they can achieve in fear with their false positive tests. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if they release something airborne and blame it on bird flu - we get tic tac contrails regularly - who would know?
Say they do achieve a high mortality- maybe 50%. Gotta kill all fowl and cattle off the bat. Private farm? Doesn't matter - watch them make it illegal to own any poultry or cattle. No exceptions, period. Those who canned/stored/froze eggs &meat will be ahead of the game.With Gates/China now owning >50% US farmland - some of those who didn't or coulnd't plan ahead might get stuck eating what they want to produce i.e. their fake meat; I wouldn't be surprised if we are already being fed many more insects than those published FDA guidelines. And those insect are genetically manipulated too- for protein content they will say. People will "adopt" animals from shelters for dinner. I know, its awful, but they don't want anyone to have pets anyway. Then have HAARP/direct energy weapons assist in a few "natural disasters" for martial law to be enacted. I could go on, sorry to hijack the thread on Ukraine/Russia, but I'm not feeling optimistic today.
you shouldn't. and you are right in that they do not "need" a nuc war. US and w.europe are near helpless considering the presence of hostile armies located there. the grid is too vulnerable as is agriculture. any resistance is likely to be fragmented and easy to viciously put down. i do fear that one could easily start thru accident,stupidity or panic.
i begin to think that "they" have more than 1 branch with slightly different goals. got the crazy like kim and most muslims. those that want to conquer and rule the remains like xi. those like soros who want to destroy and create a huge slave pool. not putting that very well but the picture might contain different goals and methods. in any case,western civ dies and stays buried.
I can't say for sure, all I know is that they said they said they were going to use the 3rd great war to bring about their plans.
They have been pretty true to the script.

The thing about war is it's one of the best thing for them to get the sheep to kill themselves off and make the true masters of the world rich at the same time.
Even the "good folks" get all head in the sand totally jingoistic about "glorious war" and are happy to enslave, kidnap and force their own progeny and those of others to go die for the glory of war. You see it here on SH all the time with blowhards waxing lyrical about how we should enslave "draft" everyone to our glorious military to make them do as they are told and get rid of any self determination or free will (for their own good of course).

The propaganda for war being the be all end all and the most best glorious thing has been ingrained for generations and is almost impossible to get people to understand, most of the "good folks" reflexively heel to and start wrapping themselves in flags and chants and going all rabid on anyone saying otherwise as soon as some glorious war is announced.

I'm pretty sure the third great war will bring with it, famine, societal collapse and probably the kind of plagues we fear.
I agree completely. The truth is incredibly depressing. I must be getting old.
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We need to completely abandon this self-destructive neocon foreign policy ASAP.

The Frums, Kagans, Nulands, Applebaums, Friedman's, et al have set us down this path of self-destruction.
I’m not sure that the few that see what is happening have the pull to change it now. Mostly, I have stepped back into a long term family provider role, understanding that I cannot change “them”.

That being said, I’m being accused of stolen valor on CGN today, aided and abetted by chopper the cold lake government narrative curator. The smarter guy would have just given up I guess.
It is also interesting that at 28:50 into the video, Pepe Escobar says pretty much the same thing which I figured out by myself and posted about it earlier - a couple of Russian ships in Cuba is just a demonstration, but the "cream of the crop" are subs hiding in deep waters... Not sure if it is good or bad, but American public has no idea about hundreds of russian missiles with nukes being ready for launch from a very short (for missiles) distance, which pretty much limits to nearly zero any in-time defensive actions against these missiles. Presence of these subs may actually contribute to prevention of direct nuclear exchange between the U.S. and Russia, if MAD idea is still alive. At the same time, the U.S. will be likely "blessing" EU for some sort of hot war with Russia, and after EU is sufficiently ruined and needs all the help it can get to recover, the U.S. will strengthen its economic and political control over EU and, by default, it should also provide an additional support for the US dollar in particular. At the moment, U.S. dollar needs support, as it is no longer a real "petrodollar" (see latest news about Saudi Arabia), which was always a big deal. Just speculating again, and I may be wrong...

This ten-year deal BTW, re-affirmed inclusion of Ukraine into NATO. So of course that's what Russia's are gaming for...