Do you regret getting the jab

Do you regret getting the covid vaccine?

  • Yes, it gave me health problems.

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • No, I feel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

    Votes: 23 65.7%

  • Total voters
Gorilla warfare, navy seal, 300 confirmed kills blablabla.
Fuck you bootlicker and fuck your zogbot friends who took the jab.
I was fired as a 15 years senior airline pilot, my wife was fired as a nurse about the same time. Guess what ? I had also have a family to feed. Director of flight ops told me to get the jab or I’ll never see the inside of a flight deck ever again. But I wasn’t a disgusting cuck piece of shit like you, I told him to fuck off and after a legal fight got my job back after being terminated. Prostitutes and yellow bellied cowards are exactly why this Covid shit lasted as long as it did.
Fuckin’ A Bubba !!! 🤣👍👍👍
@DocRDS, it's not hard to others to see that you are feeling threatened as hell on this forum. I will say that if anybody associated with this forum actually doxed you, they need to have their ass beat to the point they think they are fixin to meet Jesus. That's a bullshit move regardless of the direction it comes from.

That being said.....
Are you positive a person or persons from this site was instrumental in doxing you?
We have to take you at your word that you were actually doxed, so I'm not throwing shade at that part.

Assuming that this happened, are you presuming that it originated from this forum because you are having some personality clashes with a few?. .( OK, a lot) or do you actually have proof? Even if some of the guys here hate your ass and talk shit to you, I'm thinking none would actually dox you because that is a straight up cowardly and pussy move.

If you do not have some pretty solid proof that your doxing originated here, I will throw out another possibility.. . . .

I am going to assume that your demeanor and people skills exhibited on this forum are a direct representation of how your demeanor comes across on the phone and in person. If this assumption carries any weight, we have to consider the possibility that your phone and in person interactions are generating about the same percentage of people that have opposing views and may even possibly be losing patience with you on a more local level.

If any assholes actually doxed you, it may well be someone in your closer work or public circles.

Standing by to be wrong.
Hell yeah I'll round you all up--because you'd do the same to me so I need to get there first. Natural Human Reaction.
Fucking left wants my hide, whats a few more assholes in the pit. Take a number.

You could of let it be. Now I won't: you made the choice. I am just responding like a normal animal does when threatened.
I still think you're a blow hard faggot, who is probably off his meds. Or on them again? Either way you should probably get checked out one last time, maybe a new scrip is in order. Or a straight jacket?

If you're going to do something crazy please don't involve anyone else, I.E. don't go on a shooting spree, just go start your car in your garage with everything all sealed up and just take a nap. Nice and peaceful like.

Pretty good melt down so far.
@DocRDS, it's not hard to others to see that you are feeling threatened as hell on this forum. I will say that if anybody associated with this forum actually doxed you, they need to have their ass beat to the point they think they are fixin to meet Jesus. That's a bullshit move regardless of the direction it comes from.

That being said.....
Are you positive a person or persons from this site was instrumental in doxing you?
We have to take you at your word that you were actually doxed, so I'm not throwing shade at that part.

Assuming that this happened, are you presuming that it originated from this forum because you are having some personality clashes with a few?. .( OK, a lot) or do you actually have proof? Even if some of the guys here hate your ass and talk shit to you, I'm thinking none would actually dox you because that is a straight up cowardly and pussy move.

If you do not have some pretty solid proof that your doxing originated here, I will throw out another possibility.. . . .

I am going to assume that your demeanor and people skills exhibited on this forum are a direct representation of how your demeanor comes across on the phone and in person. If this assumption carries any weight, we have to consider the possibility that your phone and in person interactions are generating about the same percentage of people that have opposing views and may even possibly be losing patience with you on a more local level.

If any assholes actually doxed you, it may well be someone in your closer work or public circles.

Standing by to be wrong.
If somebody was doxing me and I had their real name, that shit would be posted everywhere I could possibly post it.....I would do this AGAINST legal counsel! Claiming you want to search out members and or find them at shooting matches, but then won't ID people ACTUALLY fucking with your real world life......hmmmmm. These are words on a screen, people actually coming to my home, no way would I hold back that info.
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Reactions: Terry Cross
Lets set the record straight shall we gentlemen.
Uncle Chikn has a memory like a bear trap, something our current thread cunt, does not think possible i reckon.
Back when we had a BIG covid thrread, this DOCUNT doxxed himself. He told everyone who he was, where he worked.
He was pulling this sam3 shit back then too.
Its been nearly 4 years now...hell its been 4 years...time flies.
He was a lot more rabid in that thread than he is now.
I Have no doubt his employer learned of his bullshit, tough break i reckon.

With all due respect @Terry Cross no one outed him. He outed himself and told everyone that didnt bow to his superior intellect that they should die.
No i had nothing to do with it, im as tech savvy as a caveman. And yeah...its still a bit of a dick move...but he did make it real easy.
I simply put the cocksucker on ignore, where he will remain......
Unless my screen blows up with one sided quoted convos again.
Lets set the record straight shall we gentlemen.
Uncle Chikn has a memory like a bear trap, something our current thread cunt, does not think possible i reckon.
Back when we had a BIG covid thrread, this DOCUNT doxxed himself. He told everyone who he was, where he worked.
He was pulling this sam3 shit back then too.
Its been nearly 4 years now...hell its been 4 years...time flies.
He was a lot more rabid in that thread than he is now.
I Have no doubt his employer learned of his bullshit, tough break i reckon.

With all due respect @Terry Cross no one outed him. He outed himself and told everyone that didnt bow to his superior intellect that they should die.
No i had nothing to do with it, im as tech savvy as a caveman. And yeah...its still a bit of a dick move...but he did make it real easy.
I simply put the cocksucker on ignore, where he will remain......
Unless my screen blows up with one sided quoted convos again.

You need a more formal title, like Historian of the Hide.
I regret getting the initial shot and one booster. But I had to for work and also my parents are elderly and I needed to visit them. They insisted I get it or they wouldn't see me. Didn't you also need to get it to even travel back then???

Anyway, while I haven't had any serious issues, my blood pressure is elevated now, and it never used to be. I wish I could go back and skip the jabs.
I regret getting the initial shot and one booster. But I had to for work and also my parents are elderly and I needed to visit them. They insisted I get it or they wouldn't see me. Didn't you also need to get it to even travel back then???

Anyway, while I haven't had any serious issues, my blood pressure is elevated now, and it never used to be. I wish I could go back and skip the jabs.
I used to travel for business back then and I never ran into any jab requirements for flying. Masking was mandatory, as I'm sure you remember.

Sorry to hear about your blood pressure. I worked out of my home office. My employer never "forced" anyone to get the jab (or threatened us that we'd be fired if we didn't). But, they did have a requirement that to enter headquarters, we had to be jabbed and masked up. I never cared much for headquarters, so I just never went. They never scheduled any mandatory meetings during that time.

After the covid frenzy started dying down, they kind of forgot about the jab requirement, so I started taking customers for HQ visits again.

I did face a lot of peer pressure and moderate pressure from my employer to get the jab. I was fortunate in that I was close enough to retirement and I would have just quit if they forced the jab issue. The timing worked out pretty well for me. They needed me a lot more than I needed them. I retired three years ago, almost to the day. As I was getting closer to my retirement date, the covid hysteria was dying down.

Do i think I dodged a bullet ? Absolutely. And yes, I have known multiple people that the jab has killed. There's just too much evidence out there to willfully ignore it any more. And, the blatant censorship and ostracizing of those professionals with contrary viewpoints is a very, very good indicator that something is rotten in Denmark.

I see where the WHO is ginning up "Monkey Pox" as their next fundraiser. I won't be taking that jab either.
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“More deaths among vaccinated Americans not a reason to avoid vaccines, experts say”
Its these kind of articles that tell you the kind of people you are dealing with. There is no way they believe what they are saying.

Then if you ask the question why they are knowingly lying the answers are never good. But the base reason that covers every answer is that they do not value you, your loved ones, your community or your fellow citizens. They simply do not care about you, only themselves and the ones that are throwing financial scraps their way.

Those that believe this type of stuff are not just weak-minded, which is bad enough. They are victims of their own misguided trust.
Purebloods----hmm where have I heard that term.

The only difference between purebloods and vax-pushers is the vax pushers are in power. "Purebloods" are just as much petty tyrants and "True Vax Beleivers" Both groups should be executed because they would do the same to you first

There's a hot take for ya.

(and there was no option for "It didn't do shit but give me covid--I got better")
Are you mad at yourself because you are a puppet and did what your masters told you to do?

Don’t blame or get mad at the pure bloods because you didn’t have the balls to stand up!