I don’t mean to be insulting, but this is planet Earth. Many of us here choose the simpler method which works far better quicker and is less prone to accumulating errors by a factor of at least 10.
We don’t miss by 3 inches, we miss by so many MILS. We tell the shooter to favor (X) mils and not work a mathematical equation worthy of an Oppenheimer or Einstein hypothesis. But hey, if proving the connection between relativity and Quantum Mechanics is your thing while trying to correct a miss, go for it. Let us know how it turns out. However, be quick, some of us only expect to live another 25 to 30 more years.
Now getting to the subject at hand (sorta)
Hold left edge right? Or is it left? Being an old mortar man, I understand bracketing. I’ve used it many a day in handgun silhouette when bullets just weren’t landing where they were supposed to. Works great when zeroing on the NVA, not so much when trying to salvage a round. At least for me, but it got me on target, after wasting at least two of five shots allocated for that round. Spotting a miss and then using those funny little Christmas Tree lines inside my scope to make a correction works far better.