Why are we not talking about the devastation in Western NC, TN, and other places?

I am a conspiracy theorist and trust the federal govt about as far as I can throw a bulldozer, but damn this is a stretch even for me to believe.
I keep hearing there is no government support. Then in most videos I watch. I see military helicopters flying.

A lot of the damage I have seen in videos the people's lot where their house was is now the river bottom. A lot of them were in places where I would have never built a house. I would not be at all suprised if a lot people can't rebuild where they were.
I keep hearing there is no government support. Then in most videos I watch. I see military helicopters flying.

A lot of the damage I have seen in videos the people's lot where their house was is now the river bottom. A lot of them were in places where I would have never built a house. I would not be at all suprised if a lot people can't rebuild where they were.

I can't believe that the federal government built interstates in these places with out consulting you. Several state highway departments could have used your input before building roads and bridges in those areas. I can't believe that the insurance companies didn't consult you before putting their company at risk by insuring these homes.
I can't believe that the federal government built interstates in these places with out consulting you. Several state highway departments could have used your input before building roads and bridges in those areas. I can't believe that the insurance companies didn't consult you before putting their company at risk by insuring these homes.
I am not sure what your rant has to do with my comment or reality for that matter. I think you are taking things wildley out of context then in your anger you are making stupid assertions. You think because the fed and state did something it was good idea? 🤣🤣We build roads to places. The cross the least bad spots to get there. 👍

You think it's a good idea to build homes by a river in the flood plain? You think those homes had flood insurance or could even get it? You can't get flood insurance here if your home is in a flood plain.

You think people are going to rebuild their homes on a 40ft deep ravine that is now literal river bed?
no,shoot them or whatever method a particular state uses. after a fair trial for attempted murder of course. holding the order givers and order doers was never well done at nuremberg.
being a totally convinced life long atheist,you guys carrying on about satan is becoming hard to doubt. i see diffuse,institutional evil being done at all levels of society. mao,hitler,stalin etc were all monsters but they all had helpers at all levels. just some element that brings murderous actions out of people and into motion? the destructive behavior is spreading out everywhere.
Doubt no longer. Today is the day of salvation. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Grace from God. All Scripture (the Bible) is truth, however unbelievable it may be to carnal man.
I keep hearing there is no government support. Then in most videos I watch. I see military helicopters flying.

A lot of the damage I have seen in videos the people's lot where their house was is now the river bottom. A lot of them were in places where I would have never built a house. I would not be at all suprised if a lot people can't rebuild where they were.

There was zero federal support when it was needed the most. I was in there the Saturday after the storm had past. No helos, no national guard, I saw zero federal response. I did see sheriffs, police, fire, electric crews, and a few trucks of what looked to be state work crews clearing roads.

There was some trouble making it in, but because locals had already started clearing roads there were passable routes. This was 36 hrs after and people were in need of rescue and likely dying by the hour. If a pickup truck could make it in from the outside, so could a convoy of national guard with relief supplies.
I am not sure what your rant has to do with my comment or reality for that matter. I think you are taking things wildley out of context then in your anger you are making stupid assertions. You think because the fed and state did something it was good idea? 🤣🤣We build roads to places. The cross the least bad spots to get there. 👍

You think it's a good idea to build homes by a river in the flood plain? You think those homes had flood insurance or could even get it? You can't get flood insurance here if your home is in a flood plain.

You think people are going to rebuild their homes on a 40ft deep ravine that is now literal river bed?
It was a once in a 500 year flood.
You drive a car, shower and do many other things every day that are risky by statistics.
There's nothing wildly out of context or anger in my post. I was just pointing out the hilarity of "A lot of them were in places that I would never have built". That's like saying "I'd never build in Kansas (tornadoes), Florida (hurricanes), Montana (fires), California (earthquakes) or have a medical procedure done (250,000 killed annually by malpractice) .
I see military helicopters flying.
There are a lot of military helicopters in private hands, UH60s, MD500s and even old UH1s. I believe there are quite a few CH46 and 47s trickling into private ownership as well.

I live about 30 minutes away from Bragg, 25 from Seymour Johnson and an hour from Lejune. I have seen less air traffic over my house in the last week than I do most every other week.
Folks keep voting in fagots like these ,that would at the time of the founding fathers just be hung from the first tall tree.

Exactly. He literally passes it off as if the war over there will come here if we don’t help Israel. Whaaaat!?!? More likely he can’t get a kickback, or as big of a kickback, if they help the flood victims; therefore, we won’t help them…….Muuu kickback y’all, can’t give that up. He left out the fact he’s been a wiling participant in letting an unknown number of terrorists across our southern boarder who will bring the war he’s mentioning to our doorstep anyway. He’ll make money on that too I’m sure.
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The Cajun Navy folks have made a cryptic post on Facebook showing that they are armed. Someone asked why and they responded implying that they have encountered guys on ATVs with firearms and body armor. I guess we will see just how far things can devolve now. It’s been a week for some of these folks and they haven’t gotten any help.
It was a once in a 500 year flood.
You drive a car, shower and do many other things every day that are risky by statistics.
There's nothing wildly out of context or anger in my post. I was just pointing out the hilarity of "A lot of them were in places that I would never have built". That's like saying "I'd never build in Kansas (tornadoes), Florida (hurricanes), Montana (fires), California (earthquakes) or have a medical procedure done (250,000 killed annually by malpractice) .

Building right next to a river is nothing like building somplace there are tornadoes. Rivers will flood. Those hollers don't magically appear in the hills.

You can go on ranting about bullshit I didn't post. If you wanted me to baby talk you through what i meant in a post that you have clearly wildley misunderstood. And rather asking actual questions like a normal human go on some a series of stupid inane question, then rantabout what I posted as if it was an attack freedom. Same dude i saw ranting about messicans not following building codes. 🙄 Same dude who just said it must be a good idea to build houses by rivers because the government built roads there.
And just like that Tampa is back on the radar for a yet to be named system slamming them this coming Wednesday. Get ready now west and central Florida folks.

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just looked at nation weath serv. see nothing but a low prob west of yucatan,hurricane in mid atlantic,hurricane 1/2 way between africa and so.am.
you have a point in that helene worked up to major very quickly and moved fast when it did. that is a good web site,worth following.
just looked at nation weath serv. see nothing but a low prob west of yucatan,hurricane in mid atlantic,hurricane 1/2 way between africa and so.am.
you have a point in that helene worked up to major very quickly and moved fast when it did. that is a good web site,worth following.
Yes the image posted is from the GFS forecast model the same that the NWS uses. That system forming in the Yucatan you mention is the same and is currently modeled to make a bee line real fast towards Florida. Of course the predicted path and intensity will change with every new model run as we get closer to Wednesday. But this one is going to potentially pop up real quick.
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I don’t give a fuck about a single person in Lebanon. Maybe they should have run the terrorists out of town instead of harboring them. There are people starving and suffering in our own country.
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yeah, but to be fair, we did pay for the bombs that fucked their shit up in the first place.
Building right next to a river is nothing like building somplace there are tornadoes. Rivers will flood. Those hollers don't magically appear in the hills.

You can go on ranting about bullshit I didn't post. If you wanted me to baby talk you through what i meant in a post that you have clearly wildley misunderstood. And rather asking actual questions like a normal human go on some a series of stupid inane question, then rantabout what I posted as if it was an attack freedom. Same dude i saw ranting about messicans not following building codes. 🙄 Same dude who just said it must be a good idea to build houses by rivers because the government built roads there.
I quoted your actual statement. It's exactly what you wrote. I found it fucking hilarious.
Nothing out of context, no anger or ranting on my part. Just pushing your buttons.
In 57 I went with my dad and 4 other family members to texas to help family dig out of the aftermath of Audrey. Since then I’ve helped out family, friends and sometimes myself do the same after just about every major storm that’s hit texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. In the 80s I went to work for a major electric utility and have been involved in countless restorations after storms like Andrew and Katrina.

In the 60-70s hardly no one was expecting the government to come and hold their hand , they just gritted their teeth grabbed a saw or shovel and started working. After the 70s I noticed the government was getting more involved and the message was we’re here to help and people started to rely on them more and more. It’s been a slow evolution to today where the government is there for everything and the people are expecting it more and more, it’s in perpetual motion now, I promise more and you expect more. If anyone is expecting to be helped by a very slow, inefficient, cumbersome, highly ridged machine like the government, they are planning for failure.

There is only one person that’s going to save you and that’s you. Why do we seem surprised at the failures all around us when it’s the same failures every time. We see the problem we created last time, need more money so we can do more things for you the next time, rinse and repeat.
I live a few hrs from the mountains, and just got back from helping at a small end-of-the-road community on the NC/VA border.

A few observations about the location I was at:

Most people there had enough supplies to make it, but most are unable to get anywhere. Driveways and roads washed out, vehicles damaged, no power etc.

Going in, it was a solid line of American men and women in pickup and trailers pulling ATVs, Bobcats, mini excavators, and semis and box vans were packed with supplies. We are a great nation, and have immense numbers of good, solid citizens that are there to help their fellow man in time of need.

The community hubs in every area we drove thru, and worked out of, are churches and volunteer fire depts. They were well stocked with the necessities, and all of it was from everyday people donating what they had.

The side by side UTV is the star of the show. Fleets of them are delivering everything to everyone, they are life savers. Today we did nothing but deliver food, water, gas, and kerosene to folks that were locked in.

The mountain folk have never really needed outsiders to flourish, and they help each other like no other community I've seen. They are a great example to follow for how to live.

I saw hundreds of electric trucks everywhere, everyone working feverishly to restore power. The only law enforcement presence I saw was 2 sheriff's cruisers. I saw no govt vehicles of any sort, or any govt aircraft. I saw a few civilian choppers at work in the area.



I live a few hrs from the mountains, and just got back from helping at a small end-of-the-road community on the NC/VA border.

A few observations about the location I was at:

Most people there had enough supplies to make it, but most are unable to get anywhere. Driveways and roads washed out, vehicles damaged, no power etc.

Going in, it was a solid line of American men and women in pickup and trailers pulling ATVs, Bobcats, mini excavators, and semis and box vans were packed with supplies. We are a great nation, and have immense numbers of good, solid citizens that are there to help their fellow man in time of need.

The community hubs in every area we drove thru, and worked out of, are churches and volunteer fire depts. They were well stocked with the necessities, and all of it was from everyday people donating what they had.

The side by side UTV is the star of the show. Fleets of them are delivering everything to everyone, they are life savers. Today we did nothing but deliver food, water, gas, and kerosene to folks that were locked in.

The mountain folk have never really needed outsiders to flourish, and they help each other like no other community I've seen. They are a great example to follow for how to live.

I saw hundreds of electric trucks everywhere, everyone working feverishly to restore power. The only law enforcement presence I saw was 2 sheriff's cruisers. I saw no govt vehicles of any sort, or any govt aircraft. I saw a few civilian choppers at work in the area.

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News like this somewhat restores my faith in humanity.
What devastation? You know what is happening in Israel

Folks keep voting in fagots like these ,that would at the time of the founding fathers just be hung from the first tall tree.

Go help some NAFO scam artists collect money for Ukraine instead. #FEMA

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First as a South Carolinian I want to apologize I don't know how that faggot keeps getting in everyone I know can't stand that war mongering cocksucker.
I didn't catch it being mentioned but in the NE of our country, I remember New Jersey getting slammed by a hurricane. If I remember correctly, it was Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Living in an adjoining state while that happened, I remember PA sending a bunch of folks to help with the recovery efforts and then being turned away once they got there because the recovery efforts were union jobs (at least at the time and as I remember it, not sure if anyone else can recall that/can correct me on my recollection).

But that said- I know we've talked about Katrina in this thread, what I don't understand is how with numerous examples of similar disasters & what I'd have to believe exhaustive "lessons learned" documents generated (both internally and externally) we continue to be so terrible at responding swiftly and efficiently....

Another thing I remember from the NJ incident was I learned an acronym, still remember it, "COW" cellular on wheels.... I know there's been a lot of talk with Elon Musk getting StarLink devices in the impacted areas and the interference that they've run into but I don't recall seeing COW's mentioned. Maybe the tech has changed where they're no longer necessary in 2024 but I find that hard to believe myself.

I didn't catch it being mentioned but in the NE of our country, I remember New Jersey getting slammed by a hurricane. If I remember correctly, it was Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Living in an adjoining state while that happened, I remember PA sending a bunch of folks to help with the recovery efforts and then being turned away once they got there because the recovery efforts were union jobs (at least at the time and as I remember it, not sure if anyone else can recall that/can correct me on my recollection).

But that said- I know we've talked about Katrina in this thread, what I don't understand is how with numerous examples of similar disasters & what I'd have to believe exhaustive "lessons learned" documents generated (both internally and externally) we continue to be so terrible at responding swiftly and efficiently....

Another thing I remember from the NJ incident was I learned an acronym, still remember it, "COW" cellular on wheels.... I know there's been a lot of talk with Elon Musk getting StarLink devices in the impacted areas and the interference that they've run into but I don't recall seeing COW's mentioned. Maybe the tech has changed where they're no longer necessary in 2024 but I find that hard to believe myself.

I didn't realize that iPhones from 14 on have satellite capabilities built in. I believe it's just texting, but in an emergency situation like this that would be very beneficial. I have a iPhone 13+max never felt the need to upgrade, but I think the 16+max will be in my hand soon. I haven't heard much about it, and I wonder if some people with iPhones 14 and newer realize their phone even have it.

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I didn't catch it being mentioned but in the NE of our country, I remember New Jersey getting slammed by a hurricane. If I remember correctly, it was Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Living in an adjoining state while that happened, I remember PA sending a bunch of folks to help with the recovery efforts and then being turned away once they got there because the recovery efforts were union jobs (at least at the time and as I remember it, not sure if anyone else can recall that/can correct me on my recollection).

But that said- I know we've talked about Katrina in this thread, what I don't understand is how with numerous examples of similar disasters & what I'd have to believe exhaustive "lessons learned" documents generated (both internally and externally) we continue to be so terrible at responding swiftly and efficiently....

Another thing I remember from the NJ incident was I learned an acronym, still remember it, "COW" cellular on wheels.... I know there's been a lot of talk with Elon Musk getting StarLink devices in the impacted areas and the interference that they've run into but I don't recall seeing COW's mentioned. Maybe the tech has changed where they're no longer necessary in 2024 but I find that hard to believe myself.

I have seen pictures of some COW trucks set up in WNC. Compared to NJ (I lived most of my life there), the problem out there is the terrain, you would need to get the trucks to higher ground to get decent coverage, and that's not happening in the current situation. There's where the starlink has the advantage, much smaller footprint. You just need power, and there are portable options for that. Most likely, they are using a combination of the two.
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I live in Erwin. Couple of comments:

When you talk about 100-500-1000year events, keep in mind that 100 years ago, TVA hadn’t yet come in and built all the dams in the area. Pretty significant hydro behavior change. And every dam in the area was breached. Fortunately they didn’t fail as was reported previously, but a lot of water was just rolling over the tops.

In the two days before the hurricane, I measured 5” rain. Ground was soaked. Creeks were full. When hurricane came through it started with high winds which uprooted all the trees which blocked the roads. Then the serious rain fell.

So while there were mixed forecasts about the storm hitting far west of us and then actually hitting east of us, while some were warning just before that it was going to be devastating, reality is, by the time anyone realized they needed to leave, the roads were ALL blocked.

The community response has been phenomenal. Every church and school is a donation center. They’re all saying to stop sending donations because they have more than they can handle.

Finding bodies 30’ up in trees is a thing now.
I have seen pictures of some COW trucks set up in WNC. Compared to NJ (I lived most of my life there), the problem out there is the terrain, you would need to get the trucks to higher ground to get decent coverage, and that's not happening in the current situation. There's where the starlink has the advantage, much smaller footprint. You just need power, and there are portable options for that. Most likely, they are using a combination of the two.
Maybe the FBI can make honest use of all their stingray rigs.

Add to that this whole anti 1st amendment push and while we may not know the specifics it is easy to see the direction of intent.

Don't forget many states trying to crush the 2nd in direct defiance of the SC.
Word from folks I know on the ground who live in the worst affected areas and/or are ferrying supplies daily. Folks I know in Ashe, Watauga and Buncombe. Folks from a NC based offroad board too who are on the ground and working daily.

FEMA is NOT keeping people from helping. Local officials ARE limiting folks from just putzing around gawking. Disaster tourists are out and clogging up roads and hindering efforts.

Supplies are in need of sorting and distribution. Plenty is there, what is needed is bodies to get it ready to go and bodies to get it there.

Military IS there doing deliveries and from several states.

It will be years this is measured in. Some places won’t be the same and some places will not be rebuilt.

Most have no insurance to cover their losses.

The roads and power are fragile in normal times, much less in the face of feet of rain.

Samaritan’s Purse is doing work, Red Cross is a joke. Local churches are in it to win it and who you should seek out to help.