Yep, It's a Boomer Fudd mentality. They are one huge reason our country is as fucked as it is today... "Piss away the future for a better today, we won't be around to see it..." And the whole, "I just don't understand why you can't live off of $50,000 a year and buy your own house, back in my day, I had a house, 3 kids, a wife who stayed at home with them, and did it all on $25,000 a year..."

In 1970 a house was like $35,000, a good new car was $5,000, and gas like $0.35 a gallon...And everything you own is paid for. But yeah, tell me again Pops how the average house in 2024 at $400,000 w/ interest rates in the double-digits, gas at $4.00 a gallon, and cars costing $75,000 average for a decent one maths out to $50,000 a year being "enough"...