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  1. quietmike


    A response with nothing substantive. Why did your parent(s) raise you so poorly?
  2. quietmike


    @rtB Almost a month with no response?
  3. quietmike


    So the Chinese got their money's worth for bribing pedopotato?
  4. quietmike

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Because they lie or the people lie? A young black man is 18 times more likely to shoot a cop than he is to be shot by one.
  5. quietmike

    The Ballad of George Floyd

    If he hadn't been given Narcan, 17 people would still be alive and there wouldn't have been $2B in damages.
  6. quietmike


    The certainly got their money's worth with pedopotato.
  7. quietmike


    Angry constipated face.
  8. quietmike


    If a certain unnamed thug wouldn't have been given Narcan, 17 more people would still be alive and there wouldn't have been ~2 billion in property damages.
  9. quietmike

    One mistake made by the Founding Fathers

    General welfare was meant as exactly that, good for the country generally. Paying people for laziness and poor life choices isn't that. In fact the founders specifically rejected the idea of federal level charity when the were running the government...
  10. quietmike


    So everyone who isn't Biden realizes he's a pedophile with dementia who sold his soul for Chinese and Ukrainian bribes.
  11. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Nearly 2 hours later you post this. So I know you got the notification of my quote. Why can't you post an intelligent response?
  12. quietmike

    Ok bitches, was this a trial run on the unarmed

    I literally link the dictionary definitions and you completely ignore them if favor of continuing your ignorance. Give em books and they eat the covers.
  13. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Yet you reply, just not with a cogent answer.
  14. quietmike

    Ok bitches, was this a trial run on the unarmed

    Mark Twain said those who don't read the newspapers are uninformed. Those who do are misinformed. The same applies to TV news.
  15. quietmike

    Ok bitches, was this a trial run on the unarmed

    A concentration camp is where people of a certain group are held concentrated. A place where those people are killed is a death or extermination camp. Then you have the audacity to tell...
  16. quietmike

    Ok bitches, was this a trial run on the unarmed

    In the 1940s. Read a history book.
  17. quietmike

    Ok bitches, was this a trial run on the unarmed

    How many countries in the universe haven't killed their own countymen? The Civil war, tusgskiee experiments, putting Japanase in concentration camps. Can you name an unarmed African-American killed by police in an area run by Republicans? Can't be a lefty w/o being a hypocrite.
  18. quietmike

    If you could learn the truth about any single event in history

    Who is giving Soros and Schwab their marching orders?
  19. quietmike

    Anyone can enter any home they want by kicking open the door .

    Under Tennessee law anyone who illegally enters an occupied dwelling, their intent to do harm is implied by law. Tennessee is a castle doctrine and stand your ground state. You are encouraged to shoot criminals. Tennessee law bars civil suits in legally justified homicides.