That's funny, I am out of blood pressure meds. Good lick.
No case length (1.75) is generally not a huge determining factor as long as it doesn't effect my slight crimp. I was talking about shoulder dimension (1.4635 + /- 0.0005) in my guns.
I typically run 1.460 -1.461 shoulders for all. that's not super tight an allows for plenty of dirty chambers. I have ran 1.462 but have to keep the chambers clean in cold weather especially if running a can.
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So the first factory load I could find is 1.4570.
That's an extra 0.003 thousands slop I dont need at the shoulder and I didn't measure the diameter slop iether.
This is typical of factory brass loaded or not.
The results of the pride and care you put into your reloading will show up better if you use fire formed brass. I think you could see a lot more sub moa days that way.
Got's to go score some steroids, later.