4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man after video shows officer pinning knee against his neck

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I hate theft.....but the chaos is what sinks it in to those holding the reigns! Nobody wants a shit storm in their backyard! It takes a community to create the community....

Whats the alternative? Hold a VA rally that accomplishes fucking nothing? The narrative is "police kill blacks".....they will keep burning, looting, and rioting until that changes. They got cameras on cops now, more than a dip shit rally accomplishes. I dont want the shit in my backyard and neither does any mayor. They will create change with the choas! I dont condone the looting, fires, etc, but I get it.

If it was my son, every asshole would pay, innocent or not.

I watched that video of the killing, and it pissed me off! My initial thoughts were evil. I get their anger....I felt it....and im a white midwest hick!

Its also easy to say the narrative is FUBAR, but im not black and my dealings with cops have never been those of a black person.

There is a problem with black/leo interactions and it needs fixed. 1/2 the problem lays in the lap of the culture/race, but the other half is supposed to be the adults! The adult side can easily be fixed...we are not going to change a culture.
I don't disagree. Sadly the rally in VA did nothing. We can argue why that is. However, I could also argue that none of these violent protests in the past few years has helped that much either or we wouldn't be right back where we were in Baltimore, Ferguson, etc.

Trust me, I too get it. Hell, a friend of mine is Indian and in Georgia he got pulled over once or twice and the cop actually almost apologized and said he though he was somebody else. THAT is profiling without cause and I think that is a big issue that ends up leading to a lot of bad things. It's kind of like how hunters get killed by the overeager deer hunter who sees the bush move and shoots and then realizes the calamity that happened.

And, again, I couldn't watch the whole video. I just got more and more pissed off. At since I was already having trouble sleeping, that wasn't going to help and didn't. In reality the Mayor should also resign. It's his force and he can help set the tone; but obviously is either tone deaf or doesn't care.

The bigger tragedy is that compare the VA protest with these looting and rioting protests and it shows just how screwed up our political leadership is. That they won't listen to peaceful and barely listen to the looting and stuff (or maybe they don't at all, because we're here again). Ultimately our political leadership has completely failed on all accounts.
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The investigation is still going. Getting fired it step 1. Once the investigation is completed it will be turned over to the district attorney for prosecution. Even if charges aren't filed or the officers found not guilty, all the officers involved will have had their lives ruined.

Remember when the DA that was rather zealous against the cops in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore? There was a rush to prosecution and the investigation ended up being a shit show due to political pressure and all officers got off the hook. We don't want that. We want a proper investigation which will lead to jail, not potentially guilty folks getting off on technicalities due to rushing, etc.

I agree a proper investigation without being rushed or pressured would be best. It's good to know getting fired is only the beginning for the cops and more is coming their way. I'm sure it's possible SOME evidence could potentially be found against the deceased man, whether that be he was illegaly entering private property, stealing, using drugs etc. But based on the video, it seems as if the cops did more wrong than they did right. Hopefully any and all evidence is brought to light via the investigation and justice is served properly.
I'm concerned that most if not all of our law enforcement academies have been overrun with post military zealot instructors that brainwash the cadets into the 'us vs. them' mentality. They then demonstrate MMA style potentially lethal holds not to be used. I know this to be true because one of my friends had to go through our state's academy for an LE related elected position. I'm not bashing our military veterans, I'm a 20+ year veteran myself but many of them don't have the proper mindset to 'Serve and Protect' at the forefront of their civil LE brain.
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You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the current academy status. I use to get into arguments with the current instructors. Most should be in jail.....not teaching the cadets. Wait until you wash out one of their prodigies (FTO)......they get all bent out of shape and he or she gets reassigned to someone better indoctrinated. You can not beat them at the game....they control the academy and the politicians along with the Police union.

It's to bad....there were a lot of good cops that left and any good cops are now being boxed in.
I have been watching the looting videos and it brought to my mind a time where a theft had happened in our barracks but we didn't know whodunnit but the senior Drill Sgt did. He was just letting it sink in where we could figure it out for ourselves before he pushed the buttons and push them he did. More PT Drill Sgt.

The Biggest Blackest MoFo in the world stood in front of us all on a PT stand and taught me these wise words.

"You don't have to be black to be a Nigger. " Wiser words were never spoken to me.
Investigation or not, rough-handling and unharmed man till his death isn't a good look. How is the attorney of the cop gonna argues this ?
An obvious verdict this is gonna be, I hope cops all around the country do better.
Arfcommer just cunt punched a Karen reporter from MPR News on Twitter...


It would be a nice thought BUT...... I could point to several recent high profile cases where the officers involved were fired.....

Only to be quietly hired back once the public forgot about the case, given all their back pay (for the time they were supposedly fired, paid for by the taxpayers of course) and then allowed to file for taxpayer funded full retirement......

Plenty of others where the perps went back to working for another agency shortly afterwards.

Just like with regular criminals, usually there is a long history of wrongdoing before they get to the attention grabbing actions.

It's why nobody trusts "the law" or "the system" anymore.
If a business unjustly fires an employee, then that employee goes through the legal process to fight the unjust termination, gets rehired and is awarded backpay, is that bad?
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If a business unjustly fires an employee, then that employee goes through the legal process to fight the unjust termination, gets rehired and is awarded backpay, is that bad?

YES! In the cases of "Public Servants" who are an affront to the "public" that hires them.
Should anyone be happy that the coward who sat hiding while a bunch of school kids that he was supposed to be the police officer protecting got killed, got to get his job back and get paid to be a coward and bully by the taxpayers for a few more days till he can get a generous retirement package?

Would anyone think it's right that the police officer who MURDERED the poor COMPLETELY INNOCENT man crawling on the ground as they ordered him to do, weeping and begging for his life because one officer thought he wasn't playing Simon says correctly, and got his job back so he could work for a couple days and then retire nicely on the public purse was also a good thing right?

In most cases by any definition the firing was "Just", it's just that the evil public service workers unions have all kinds of hidden clauses in their union contracts (which the actual paying taxpayers never get to have a say in) to keep the rotten apples from getting kicked out.

This is EXACTLY why the police departments are rotting from the core, it's near impossible to fire a bad officer, but super easy to get rid of those that actually do what is right.

That premise is basically what makes these "public servants" almost impossible to fire thanks to "negotiated" contracts with their unions which should never be allowed in the first place because you can't have both parties to a negotiation being on the same side of the table working out how much they will bilk the taxpayers for.

If you are a "public servant" and it's decided that having you on the "public coffers" is not actually good for the "public" then it should be the same as it is for the rest of everyone in any at will employment state. Pack your bags and get out.

**edited to make response not pointed at someone
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And we are still waiting for the George Floyd criminal record to get in the news. I'm betting somebody wasn't a clergyman either.
Have no doubt about that either, but if a LEO had of been there this would have never happened. Matters little who or what he did, he was cuffed, down, an out of the fight. Tell me where he deserved, lethal force being applied? Was he an asshole, most likely,... but once you allow shit like this to happen, there is no law. With no perception of law, it will get real ugly, real quick. What those pissed off people are doing up there will look like a 1st grade picnic, compared.

St. Paul getting hit with arsons and break ins. A lot of shots fired. Crowd is growing and moving away from ground zero.

Residential areas gotta keep constant vigilance tonight. This shit is turning into a clown show from hell... All of our members in the area, stay safe and check on your loved ones...
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I agree with your statement. But I believe that you have taken the statement of clcustom out of context.
YES! In the cases of "Public Servants" who are an affront to the "public" that hires them.
I'm guessing you are happy that the coward who sat hiding while a bunch of school kids that he was supposed to be the police officer protecting got killed, got to get his job back and get paid to be a coward and bully by the taxpayers for a few more days till he can get a generous retirement package?

I'm guessing you are also pretty happy the police officer who MURDERED the poor COMPLETELY INNOCENT man crawling on the ground as they ordered him to do, weeping and begging for his life because one officer thought he wasn't playing simon says correctly, and got his job back so he could work for a couple days and then retire nicely on the public purse was also a good thing right?

In most cases by any definition the firing was "Just", it's just that the evil public service workers unions have all kinds of hidden clauses in their union contracts (which the actual paying taxpayers never get to have a say in) to keep the rotten apples from getting kicked out.

This is EXACTLY why the police departments are rotting from the core, it's near impossible to fire a bad officer, but super easy to get rid of those that actually do what is right.

That premise is basically what makes these "public servants" almost impossible to fire thanks to "negotiated" contracts with their unions which should never be allowed in the first place because you can't have both parties to a negotiation being on the same side of the table working out how much they will bilk the taxpayers for.

If you are a "public servant" and it's decided that having you on the "public coffers" is not actually good for the "public" then it should be the same as it is for the rest of everyone in any at will employment state. Pack your bags and get out.
He quit his leo job because of the shit you posted.
I believe he's a stand-up guy.
YES! In the cases of "Public Servants" who are an affront to the "public" that hires them.
I'm guessing you are happy that the coward who sat hiding while a bunch of school kids that he was supposed to be the police officer protecting got killed, got to get his job back and get paid to be a coward and bully by the taxpayers for a few more days till he can get a generous retirement package?

I'm guessing you are also pretty happy the police officer who MURDERED the poor COMPLETELY INNOCENT man crawling on the ground as they ordered him to do, weeping and begging for his life because one officer thought he wasn't playing simon says correctly, and got his job back so he could work for a couple days and then retire nicely on the public purse was also a good thing right?

In most cases by any definition the firing was "Just", it's just that the evil public service workers unions have all kinds of hidden clauses in their union contracts (which the actual paying taxpayers never get to have a say in) to keep the rotten apples from getting kicked out.

This is EXACTLY why the police departments are rotting from the core, it's near impossible to fire a bad officer, but super easy to get rid of those that actually do what is right.

That premise is basically what makes these "public servants" almost impossible to fire thanks to "negotiated" contracts with their unions which should never be allowed in the first place because you can't have both parties to a negotiation being on the same side of the table working out how much they will bilk the taxpayers for.

If you are a "public servant" and it's decided that having you on the "public coffers" is not actually good for the "public" then it should be the same as it is for the rest of everyone in any at will employment state. Pack your bags and get out.
I knew you would answer like that, which is well articulated. Your answer is part of why I got out of law enforcement last year after 10 years of playingthe game. The two specific instances of LE behavior and getting jobs back mentioned are disgusting to me and I hate it.

St. Paul getting hit with arsons and break ins. A lot of shots fired. Crowd is growing and moving away from ground zero.

Residential areas gotta keep constant vigilance tonight. This shit is turning into a clown show from hell... All of our members in the area, stay safe and check on your loved ones...
I have family up in that area. Advised them to stay away from the city if at all possible.
All the property destroyers out there being courteous to each other wearing their masks.

Just brought to my mind another thing...

How many of the rioters are carrying COVID-19 asymptomatically? Things might get pretty spicy within the next two weeks. How are you going to enjoy your newly and illictly acquired 70" LED HDTV when you are suffocating and cannot breathe?

Is that how they are planning to honor George Floyd???
Hey we are tired of being treated like wild animals......How dare you treats us like we aren't human beings. To show you that we deserve to be treated like people we are going to go out and act like WILD ANIMALS and burn our own neighborhoods down.......That will show you!!
To me once the looting and burning starts. It totally loose any sense of decency the protesters have. it proves what? That you are just as ignorant as the people you are protesting. Plus now you have put people in your own community out of work. So do you really care? Who really wins?
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Random people getting robbed on the street at gunpoint...

This has OFFICIALLY turned into a fucking circus side show. Heads up and BOLO...

What is more unfathomable is that people all over, from near and far, are working so fucking hard to try to bring REAL justice to this case and put the murdering perps in prison where they belong, and then you got these fucking assclowns burning neighborhoods down and being an extreme nuisance to everybody's lives and safety. How the fuck is this supposed to work?
Some people don't mind living in squalor.
Hey we are tired of being treated like wild animals......How dare you treats us like we aren't human beings. To show you that we deserve to be treated like people we are going to go out and act like WILD ANIMALS and burn our own neighborhoods down.......That will show you!!

These people called me because the HVAC was not working.
Trey Gowdy made an interesting comment tonite on FOX he said the Officer had his hands in his pockets so he wasn't threaten at the time when he was kneeling on the guys neck.
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Armed (with guns) white people protest peacefully, police do nothing.

Armed (with rocks and whatever else was stolen) black people riot and ruin their own city, police use tear gas.

Yep, cops are obviously racist for tear gassing them
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I agree with your statement. But I believe that you have taken the statement of clcustom out of context.
He quit his leo job because of the shit you posted.
I believe he's a stand-up guy.

Yes I did take it out of context so I edited my post to remove directly pointing at anyone.
My bad.
Seems Chauvin and Floyd may have worked together. Interesting.

George Floyd and now-former Officer Derek Chauvin both worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo club on Lake Street, according to Maya Santamaria. Santamaria owned the building for nearly two decades, but sold the venue within the last few months.
Anyway one wants to spin it, there is no excuse for what that officer did! He was detained! All he had to do was put him in the car! I think that officer should hang in front of the city hall in Minneapolis along with the others that stood there watching! Not months from now! Tommorrow!
Although I was never LE I have many friends and family who are. And I understand the brotherhood and protecting your own.

this event appears to be so needless and so over the line. I understand they terminated officers about as fast as i can ever remember. But what the law enforcement community as a whole should stand up and Vocally and visibly denounce this event Stand up and demand better of their people and promise and work towards better.

there is no simple solution to these events. And trust is not earned overnight and for some minority communities they have a couple hundred years of distrust of authority.

real community policing works. But it takes man power. What we have exchanged for cops walking the street and man hours is weaponizatikn and militarization. They tried to fill the gap with force and that’snot the solution
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Answer me this, if you came across two civilians and this was playing out would you help?
I've already given this some thought, and I believe I would help, but it would probably be too late by the time I did. Those people video taping were right not to jump in right away even though the officer was using excessive force. That could have ended up with the police arresting me as well, and being charged with obstruction of justice. That man wouldn't have died, but no one would have cared at that point. Should they have jumped in when he started bleeding? Debatable. Should they have jumped in once he went limp and the officer didn't move? Definitely. But would that have saved him? Probably not. They wouldn't have given him CPR any faster with a fight going on.

After this happened, you might see people who jump in to stop the police before it gets too bad, but before this happened, I don't know if anyone would. Even now, running around and being a hero isn't always your best course of action. Then again, 10 minutes is a long time to watch and do nothing. Easier to say what you would do when you aren't there experiencing it for yourself. Not an easy decision in the least, and I'm happy I wasn't there to have to make that decision and live with the outcome, however it turned out.
I think this will open the door for a lot of civilians trying to help other civilians from the King's men when they go to far, ask for a jury trial just show them this video and tell them your ok being judged by 12 so the person you were trying to help didn't have to be carried by 6. I don't think their is 12 people in America that would find anyone guilty for trying to save the life of a fellow human from the King's men especially after this video.
Why don't the looters join the force and change it? Because that would require actual thought. Looting is easier.

The current evidence says this was flat out murder, burning stores only weakens their point. From their point of view anyone who is against looting is for murder. Will the jury remember the murder or the looting more?

If this dead guy were white, we likely would never know about it.

There is something really strange about this whole affair. That cop knew he was being filmed and did not seem concerned.
He actually looked like he was fucking enjoying the situation !
Now the powers that be are busy blathering on about they are not sure if they can bring criminal charges or not.

I would suggest that folks be prepared that if the police get away with this one, there may be some significant unrest in various hotspots and it may be good to keep an eye on the news and be ready to stay home if things go froggy.
Now the powers that be are busy blathering on about they are not sure if they can bring criminal charges or not.

I would suggest that folks be prepared that if the police get away with this one, there may be some significant unrest in various hotspots and it may be good to keep an eye on the news and be ready to stay home if things go froggy.
Shit is happening in NYC already with people attacking the Cops over this.
From what I remember, at least on the Fed level they definitely don’t teach Knee on neck for apprehension/restraining. Coming from a Jiu jitsu background I had to gear towards joint manipulation because choke holds or anything restricting oxygen was a big no no. Highly doubt that Officer was instructed or trained to do that and should be held accountable.
The knee to the side of the neck is essentially a blood choke. You can still speak due to no restriction on your airways. Depending on the pressure on the blood vessels will determine how long you stay conscious and depending on your blood oxygen level it could be as quick as 6-10 seconds. I grappled for years when i had time. Have given and received blood chokes. Blood chokes are deadly! That knee completely starved the mans brain of oxygen enriched blood killing him.
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