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      "emoji.100" => "Hundred points"
      "emoji.1234" => "Input numbers"
      "emoji.8ball" => "Pool 8 ball"
      "emoji.a" => "A button (blood type)"
      "emoji.ab" => "AB button (blood type)"
      "emoji.abacus" => "Abacus"
      "" => "Input latin letters"
      "emoji.abcd" => "Input latin lowercase"
      "emoji.accept" => "Japanese “acceptable” button"
      "emoji.accordion" => "Accordion"
      "emoji.adhesive_bandage" => "Adhesive bandage"
      "" => "Person"
      "emoji.adult_tone1" => "Person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone2" => "Person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone3" => "Person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone4" => "Person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone5" => "Person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.aerial_tramway" => "Aerial tramway"
      "emoji.airplane" => "Airplane"
      "emoji.airplane_arriving" => "Airplane arrival"
      "emoji.airplane_departure" => "Airplane departure"
      "emoji.airplane_small" => "Small airplane"
      "emoji.alarm_clock" => "Alarm clock"
      "emoji.alembic" => "Alembic"
      "emoji.alien" => "Alien"
      "emoji.ambulance" => "Ambulance"
      "emoji.amphora" => "Amphora"
      "emoji.anatomical_heart" => "Anatomical heart"
      "emoji.anchor" => "Anchor"
      "emoji.angel" => "Baby angel"
      "emoji.angel_tone1" => "Baby angel: light skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone2" => "Baby angel: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone3" => "Baby angel: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone4" => "Baby angel: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone5" => "Baby angel: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.anger" => "Anger symbol"
      "emoji.anger_right" => "Right anger bubble"
      "emoji.angry" => "Angry face"
      "emoji.anguished" => "Anguished face"
      "emoji.ant" => "Ant"
      "" => "Red apple"
      "emoji.aquarius" => "Aquarius"
      "emoji.aries" => "Aries"
      "emoji.arrow_backward" => "Reverse button"
      "emoji.arrow_double_down" => "Fast down button"
      "emoji.arrow_double_up" => "Fast up button"
      "emoji.arrow_down" => "Down arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_down_small" => "Downwards button"
      "emoji.arrow_forward" => "Play button"
      "emoji.arrow_heading_down" => "Right arrow curving down"
      "emoji.arrow_heading_up" => "Right arrow curving up"
      "emoji.arrow_left" => "Left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_lower_left" => "Down-left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_lower_right" => "Down-right arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_right" => "Right arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_right_hook" => "Left arrow curving right"
      "emoji.arrow_up" => "Up arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_up_down" => "Up-down arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_up_small" => "Upwards button"
      "emoji.arrow_upper_left" => "Up-left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_upper_right" => "Up-right arrow"
      "emoji.arrows_clockwise" => "Clockwise vertical arrows"
      "emoji.arrows_counterclockwise" => "Counterclockwise arrows button"
      "" => "Artist palette"
      "emoji.articulated_lorry" => "Articulated lorry"
      "emoji.artist" => "Artist"
      "emoji.artist_tone1" => "Artist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone2" => "Artist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone3" => "Artist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone4" => "Artist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone5" => "Artist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.asterisk" => "Keycap: *"
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      "emoji.astronaut" => "Astronaut"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone1" => "Astronaut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone2" => "Astronaut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone3" => "Astronaut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone4" => "Astronaut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone5" => "Astronaut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.athletic_shoe" => "Running shoe"
      "emoji.atm" => "ATM sign"
      "emoji.atom" => "Atom symbol"
      "emoji.auto_rickshaw" => "Auto rickshaw"
      "emoji.avocado" => "Avocado"
      "emoji.axe" => "Axe"
      "emoji.b" => "B button (blood type)"
      "" => "Baby"
      "emoji.baby_bottle" => "Baby bottle"
      "emoji.baby_chick" => "Baby chick"
      "emoji.baby_symbol" => "Baby symbol"
      "emoji.baby_tone1" => "Baby: light skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone2" => "Baby: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone3" => "Baby: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone4" => "Baby: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone5" => "Baby: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.back" => "BACK arrow"
      "emoji.bacon" => "Bacon"
      "emoji.badger" => "Badger"
      "emoji.badminton" => "Badminton"
      "emoji.bagel" => "Bagel"
      "emoji.baggage_claim" => "Baggage claim"
      "emoji.bald" => "Bald"
      "emoji.ballet_shoes" => "Ballet shoes"
      "emoji.balloon" => "Balloon"
      "emoji.ballot_box" => "Ballot box with ballot"
      "emoji.ballot_box_with_check" => "Check box with check"
      "emoji.bamboo" => "Pine decoration"
      "emoji.banana" => "Banana"
      "emoji.bangbang" => "Double exclamation mark"
      "emoji.banjo" => "Banjo"
      "" => "Bank"
      "emoji.bar_chart" => "Bar chart"
      "emoji.barber" => "Barber pole"
      "" => "Baseball"
      "emoji.basket" => "Basket"
      "" => "Basketball"
      "emoji.bat" => "Bat"
      "emoji.bath" => "Person taking bath"
      "emoji.bath_tone1" => "Person taking bath: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone2" => "Person taking bath: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone3" => "Person taking bath: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone4" => "Person taking bath: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone5" => "Person taking bath: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bathtub" => "Bathtub"
      "emoji.battery" => "Battery"
      "emoji.beach" => "Beach with umbrella"
      "emoji.beach_umbrella" => "Umbrella on ground"
      "emoji.beans" => "Beans"
      "emoji.bear" => "Bear"
      "emoji.bearded_person" => "Person: beard"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone1" => "Bearded person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone2" => "Bearded person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone3" => "Bearded person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone4" => "Bearded person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone5" => "Bearded person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.beaver" => "Beaver"
      "emoji.bed" => "Bed"
      "emoji.bee" => "Honeybee"
      "" => "Beer mug"
      "emoji.beers" => "Clinking beer mugs"
      "emoji.beetle" => "Beetle"
      "emoji.beginner" => "Japanese symbol for beginner"
      "emoji.bell" => "Bell"
      "emoji.bell_pepper" => "Bell pepper"
      "emoji.bellhop" => "Bellhop bell"
      "emoji.bento" => "Bento box"
      "emoji.beverage_box" => "Beverage box"
      "" => "Bicycle"
      "emoji.bikini" => "Bikini"
      "emoji.billed_cap" => "Billed cap"
      "emoji.biohazard" => "Biohazard"
      "emoji.bird" => "Bird"
      "emoji.birthday" => "Birthday cake"
      "emoji.bison" => "Bison"
      "emoji.biting_lip" => "Biting lip"
      "emoji.black_bird" => "Black bird"
      "emoji.black_cat" => "Black cat"
      "emoji.black_circle" => "Black circle"
      "emoji.black_heart" => "Black heart"
      "emoji.black_joker" => "Joker"
      "emoji.black_large_square" => "Black large square"
      "emoji.black_medium_small_square" => "Black medium-small square"
      "emoji.black_medium_square" => "Black medium square"
      "emoji.black_nib" => "Black nib"
      "emoji.black_small_square" => "Black small square"
      "emoji.black_square_button" => "Black square button"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man" => "Man: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone1" => "Blond-haired man: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone2" => "Blond-haired man: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone3" => "Blond-haired man: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone4" => "Blond-haired man: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone5" => "Blond-haired man: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person" => "Person: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone1" => "Blond-haired person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone2" => "Blond-haired person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone3" => "Blond-haired person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone4" => "Blond-haired person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone5" => "Blond-haired person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman" => "Woman: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone1" => "Blond-haired woman: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone2" => "Blond-haired woman: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone3" => "Blond-haired woman: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone4" => "Blond-haired woman: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone5" => "Blond-haired woman: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blossom" => "Blossom"
      "emoji.blowfish" => "Blowfish"
      "emoji.blue_book" => "Blue book"
      "emoji.blue_car" => "Sport utility vehicle"
      "emoji.blue_circle" => "Blue circle"
      "emoji.blue_heart" => "Blue heart"
      "emoji.blue_square" => "Blue square"
      "emoji.blueberries" => "Blueberries"
      "emoji.blush" => "Smiling face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.boar" => "Boar"
      "emoji.bomb" => "Bomb"
      "emoji.bone" => "Bone"
      "" => "Open book"
      "emoji.bookmark" => "Bookmark"
      "emoji.bookmark_tabs" => "Bookmark tabs"
      "emoji.books" => "Books"
      "emoji.boom" => "Collision"
      "emoji.boomerang" => "Boomerang"
      "emoji.boot" => "Woman’s boot"
      "emoji.bouquet" => "Bouquet"
      "emoji.bow_and_arrow" => "Bow and arrow"
      "emoji.bowl_with_spoon" => "Bowl with spoon"
      "emoji.bowling" => "Bowling"
      "emoji.boxing_glove" => "Boxing glove"
      "emoji.boy" => "Boy"
      "emoji.boy_tone1" => "Boy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone2" => "Boy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone3" => "Boy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone4" => "Boy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone5" => "Boy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.brain" => "Brain"
      "emoji.bread" => "Bread"
      "emoji.breast_feeding" => "Breast-feeding"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone1" => "Breast-feeding: light skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone2" => "Breast-feeding: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone3" => "Breast-feeding: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone4" => "Breast-feeding: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone5" => "Breast-feeding: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bricks" => "Brick"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil" => "Bride with veil"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone1" => "Bride with veil: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone2" => "Bride with veil: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone3" => "Bride with veil: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone4" => "Bride with veil: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone5" => "Bride with veil: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bridge_at_night" => "Bridge at night"
      "emoji.briefcase" => "Briefcase"
      "emoji.briefs" => "Briefs"
      "emoji.broccoli" => "Broccoli"
      "emoji.broken_heart" => "Broken heart"
      "emoji.broom" => "Broom"
      "emoji.brown_circle" => "Brown circle"
      "emoji.brown_heart" => "Brown heart"
      "emoji.brown_square" => "Brown square"
      "emoji.bubble_tea" => "Bubble tea"
      "emoji.bubbles" => "Bubbles"
      "emoji.bucket" => "Bucket"
      "emoji.bug" => "Bug"
      "emoji.bulb" => "Light bulb"
      "emoji.bullettrain_front" => "Bullet train"
      "emoji.bullettrain_side" => "High-speed train"
      "emoji.burrito" => "Burrito"
      "emoji.bus" => "Bus"
      "emoji.busstop" => "Bus stop"
      "emoji.bust_in_silhouette" => "Bust in silhouette"
      "emoji.busts_in_silhouette" => "Busts in silhouette"
      "emoji.butter" => "Butter"
      "emoji.butterfly" => "Butterfly"
      "emoji.cactus" => "Cactus"
      "emoji.cake" => "Shortcake"
      "emoji.calendar" => "Tear-off calendar"
      "emoji.calendar_spiral" => "Spiral calendar"
      "emoji.call_me" => "Call me hand"
      "emoji.call_me_tone1" => "Call me hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone2" => "Call me hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone3" => "Call me hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone4" => "Call me hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone5" => "Call me hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.calling" => "Mobile phone with arrow"
      "emoji.camel" => "Two-hump camel"
      "" => "Camera"
      "emoji.camera_with_flash" => "Camera with flash"
      "emoji.camping" => "Camping"
      "emoji.cancer" => "Cancer"
      "emoji.candle" => "Candle"
      "emoji.candy" => "Candy"
      "emoji.canned_food" => "Canned food"
      "emoji.canoe" => "Canoe"
      "emoji.capital_abcd" => "Input latin uppercase"
      "emoji.capricorn" => "Capricorn"
      "emoji.card_box" => "Card file box"
      "emoji.card_index" => "Card index"
      "emoji.carousel_horse" => "Carousel horse"
      "emoji.carpentry_saw" => "Carpentry saw"
      "emoji.carrot" => "Carrot"
      "" => "Cat face"
      "emoji.cat2" => "Cat"
      "" => "Optical disk"
      "emoji.chains" => "Chains"
      "emoji.chair" => "Chair"
      "emoji.champagne" => "Bottle with popping cork"
      "emoji.champagne_glass" => "Clinking glasses"
      "emoji.chart" => "Chart increasing with yen"
      "emoji.chart_with_downwards_trend" => "Chart decreasing"
      "emoji.chart_with_upwards_trend" => "Chart increasing"
      "emoji.checkered_flag" => "Chequered flag"
      "emoji.cheese" => "Cheese wedge"
      "emoji.cherries" => "Cherries"
      "emoji.cherry_blossom" => "Cherry blossom"
      "emoji.chess_pawn" => "Chess pawn"
      "emoji.chestnut" => "Chestnut"
      "emoji.chicken" => "Chicken"
      "emoji.child" => "Child"
      "emoji.child_tone1" => "Child: light skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone2" => "Child: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone3" => "Child: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone4" => "Child: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone5" => "Child: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.children_crossing" => "Children crossing"
      "emoji.chipmunk" => "Chipmunk"
      "emoji.chocolate_bar" => "Chocolate bar"
      "emoji.chopsticks" => "Chopsticks"
      "emoji.christmas_tree" => "Christmas tree"
      "" => "Church"
      "emoji.cinema" => "Cinema"
      "emoji.circus_tent" => "Circus tent"
      "emoji.city_dusk" => "Cityscape at dusk"
      "emoji.city_sunset" => "Sunset"
      "emoji.cityscape" => "Cityscape"
      "" => "CL button"
      "emoji.clap" => "Clapping hands"
      "emoji.clap_tone1" => "Clapping hands: light skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone2" => "Clapping hands: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone3" => "Clapping hands: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone4" => "Clapping hands: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone5" => "Clapping hands: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.clapper" => "Clapper board"
      "emoji.classical_building" => "Classical building"
      "emoji.clipboard" => "Clipboard"
      "emoji.clock" => "Mantelpiece clock"
      "emoji.clock1" => "One o’clock"
      "emoji.clock10" => "Ten o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1030" => "Ten-thirty"
      "emoji.clock11" => "Eleven o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1130" => "Eleven-thirty"
      "emoji.clock12" => "Twelve o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1230" => "Twelve-thirty"
      "emoji.clock130" => "One-thirty"
      "emoji.clock2" => "Two o’clock"
      "emoji.clock230" => "Two-thirty"
      "emoji.clock3" => "Three o’clock"
      "emoji.clock330" => "Three-thirty"
      "emoji.clock4" => "Four o’clock"
      "emoji.clock430" => "Four-thirty"
      "emoji.clock5" => "Five o’clock"
      "emoji.clock530" => "Five-thirty"
      "emoji.clock6" => "Six o’clock"
      "emoji.clock630" => "Six-thirty"
      "emoji.clock7" => "Seven o’clock"
      "emoji.clock730" => "Seven-thirty"
      "emoji.clock8" => "Eight o’clock"
      "emoji.clock830" => "Eight-thirty"
      "emoji.clock9" => "Nine o’clock"
      "emoji.clock930" => "Nine-thirty"
      "emoji.closed_book" => "Closed book"
      "emoji.closed_lock_with_key" => "Locked with key"
      "emoji.closed_umbrella" => "Closed umbrella"
      "" => "Cloud"
      "emoji.cloud_lightning" => "Cloud with lightning"
      "emoji.cloud_rain" => "Cloud with rain"
      "emoji.cloud_snow" => "Cloud with snow"
      "emoji.cloud_tornado" => "Tornado"
      "emoji.clown" => "Clown face"
      "emoji.clubs" => "Club suit"
      "emoji.coat" => "Coat"
      "emoji.cockroach" => "Cockroach"
      "emoji.cocktail" => "Cocktail glass"
      "emoji.coconut" => "Coconut"
      "" => "Hot beverage"
      "emoji.coffin" => "Coffin"
      "emoji.coin" => "Coin"
      "emoji.cold_face" => "Cold face"
      "emoji.cold_sweat" => "Anxious face with sweat"
      "emoji.comet" => "Comet"
      "emoji.compass" => "Compass"
      "emoji.compression" => "Clamp"
      "" => "Laptop computer"
      "emoji.confetti_ball" => "Confetti ball"
      "emoji.confounded" => "Confounded face"
      "emoji.confused" => "Confused face"
      "emoji.congratulations" => "Japanese “congratulations” button"
      "" => "Construction"
      "emoji.construction_site" => "Building construction"
      "emoji.construction_worker" => "Construction worker"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone1" => "Construction worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone2" => "Construction worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone3" => "Construction worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone4" => "Construction worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone5" => "Construction worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.control_knobs" => "Control knobs"
      "emoji.convenience_store" => "Convenience store"
      "emoji.cook" => "Cook"
      "emoji.cook_tone1" => "Cook: light skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone2" => "Cook: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone3" => "Cook: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone4" => "Cook: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone5" => "Cook: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.cookie" => "Cookie"
      "" => "Cooking"
      "" => "COOL button"
      "emoji.copyright" => "Copyright"
      "emoji.coral" => "Coral"
      "emoji.corn" => "Ear of corn"
      "emoji.couch" => "Couch and lamp"
      "emoji.couple" => "Woman and man holding hands"
      "emoji.couple_mm" => "Couple with heart: man, man"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart" => "Couple with heart"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone1" => "Couple with heart: light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone2" => "Couple with heart: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone3" => "Couple with heart: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone4" => "Couple with heart: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone5" => "Couple with heart: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man" => "Couple with heart: woman, man"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_ww" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman"
      "emoji.couplekiss" => "Kiss"
      "emoji.cow" => "Cow face"
      "emoji.cow2" => "Cow"
      "emoji.cowboy" => "Cowboy hat face"
      "emoji.crab" => "Crab"
      "emoji.crayon" => "Crayon"
      "emoji.credit_card" => "Credit card"
      "emoji.crescent_moon" => "Crescent moon"
      "" => "Cricket"
      "emoji.cricket_game" => "Cricket game"
      "emoji.crocodile" => "Crocodile"
      "emoji.croissant" => "Croissant"
      "emoji.cross" => "Latin cross"
      "emoji.crossed_flags" => "Crossed flags"
      "emoji.crossed_swords" => "Crossed swords"
      "" => "Crown"
      "emoji.cruise_ship" => "Passenger ship"
      "emoji.crutch" => "Crutch"
      "emoji.cry" => "Crying face"
      "emoji.crying_cat_face" => "Crying cat"
      "emoji.crystal_ball" => "Crystal ball"
      "emoji.cucumber" => "Cucumber"
      "emoji.cup_with_straw" => "Cup with straw"
      "emoji.cupcake" => "Cupcake"
      "emoji.cupid" => "Heart with arrow"
      "emoji.curling_stone" => "Curling stone"
      "emoji.curly_haired" => "Curly hair"
      "emoji.curly_loop" => "Curly loop"
      "emoji.currency_exchange" => "Currency exchange"
      "emoji.curry" => "Curry rice"
      "emoji.custard" => "Custard"
      "emoji.customs" => "Customs"
      "emoji.cut_of_meat" => "Cut of meat"
      "emoji.cyclone" => "Cyclone"
      "emoji.dagger" => "Dagger"
      "emoji.dancer" => "Woman dancing"
      "emoji.dancer_tone1" => "Woman dancing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone2" => "Woman dancing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone3" => "Woman dancing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone4" => "Woman dancing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone5" => "Woman dancing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.dango" => "Dango"
      "emoji.dark_sunglasses" => "Sunglasses"
      "emoji.dart" => "Direct hit"
      "emoji.dash" => "Dashing away"
      "" => "Calendar"
      "emoji.deaf_man" => "Deaf man"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone1" => "Deaf man: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone2" => "Deaf man: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone3" => "Deaf man: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone4" => "Deaf man: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone5" => "Deaf man: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person" => "Deaf person"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone1" => "Deaf person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone2" => "Deaf person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone3" => "Deaf person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone4" => "Deaf person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone5" => "Deaf person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman" => "Deaf woman"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone1" => "Deaf woman: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone2" => "Deaf woman: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone3" => "Deaf woman: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone4" => "Deaf woman: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone5" => "Deaf woman: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deciduous_tree" => "Deciduous tree"
      "emoji.deer" => "Deer"
      "emoji.department_store" => "Department store"
      "emoji.desert" => "Desert"
      "emoji.desktop" => "Desktop computer"
      "emoji.detective" => "Detective"
      "emoji.detective_tone1" => "Detective: light skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone2" => "Detective: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone3" => "Detective: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone4" => "Detective: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone5" => "Detective: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside" => "Diamond with a dot"
      "" => "Diamond suit"
      "emoji.disappointed" => "Disappointed face"
      "emoji.disappointed_relieved" => "Sad but relieved face"
      "emoji.disguised_face" => "Disguised face"
      "emoji.dividers" => "Card index dividers"
      "emoji.diving_mask" => "Diving mask"
      "emoji.diya_lamp" => "Diya lamp"
      "emoji.dizzy" => "Dizzy"
      "emoji.dizzy_face" => "Dizzy face"
      "emoji.dna" => "Dna"
      "emoji.do_not_litter" => "No littering"
      "emoji.dodo" => "Dodo"
      "" => "Dog face"
      "emoji.dog2" => "Dog"
      "emoji.dollar" => "Dollar banknote"
      "emoji.dolls" => "Japanese dolls"
      "emoji.dolphin" => "Dolphin"
      "emoji.donkey" => "Donkey"
      "emoji.door" => "Door"
      "emoji.dotted_line_face" => "Dotted line face"
      "emoji.doughnut" => "Doughnut"
      "emoji.dove" => "Dove"
      "emoji.dragon" => "Dragon"
      "emoji.dragon_face" => "Dragon face"
      "emoji.dress" => "Dress"
      "emoji.dromedary_camel" => "Camel"
      "emoji.drooling_face" => "Drooling face"
      "emoji.drop_of_blood" => "Drop of blood"
      "emoji.droplet" => "Droplet"
      "emoji.drum" => "Drum"
      "" => "Duck"
      "emoji.dumpling" => "Dumpling"
      "emoji.dvd" => "Dvd"
      "emoji.e_mail" => "E-mail"
      "emoji.eagle" => "Eagle"
      "emoji.ear" => "Ear"
      "emoji.ear_of_rice" => "Sheaf of rice"
      "emoji.ear_tone1" => "Ear: light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone2" => "Ear: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone3" => "Ear: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone4" => "Ear: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone5" => "Ear: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid" => "Ear with hearing aid"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone1" => "Ear with hearing aid: light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone2" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone3" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone4" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone5" => "Ear with hearing aid: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.earth_africa" => "Globe showing Europe-Africa"
      "emoji.earth_americas" => "Globe showing Americas"
      "emoji.earth_asia" => "Globe showing Asia-Australia"
      "emoji.egg" => "Egg"
      "emoji.eggplant" => "Eggplant"
      "emoji.eight" => "Keycap: 8"
      "emoji.eight_pointed_black_star" => "Eight-pointed star"
      "emoji.eight_spoked_asterisk" => "Eight-spoked asterisk"
      "emoji.eject" => "Eject button"
      "emoji.electric_plug" => "Electric plug"
      "emoji.elephant" => "Elephant"
      "emoji.elevator" => "Elevator"
      "emoji.elf" => "Elf"
      "emoji.elf_tone1" => "Elf: light skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone2" => "Elf: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone3" => "Elf: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone4" => "Elf: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone5" => "Elf: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.empty_nest" => "Empty nest"
      "emoji.end" => "END arrow"
      "emoji.england" => "Flag: England"
      "emoji.envelope" => "Envelope"
      "emoji.envelope_with_arrow" => "Envelope with arrow"
      "emoji.euro" => "Euro banknote"
      "emoji.european_castle" => "Castle"
      "emoji.european_post_office" => "Post office"
      "emoji.evergreen_tree" => "Evergreen tree"
      "emoji.exclamation" => "Exclamation mark"
      "emoji.exploding_head" => "Exploding head"
      "emoji.expressionless" => "Expressionless face"
      "emoji.eye" => "Eye"
      "emoji.eye_in_speech_bubble" => "Eye in speech bubble"
      "emoji.eyeglasses" => "Glasses"
      "emoji.eyes" => "Eyes"
      "emoji.face_exhaling" => "Face exhaling"
      "emoji.face_holding_back_tears" => "Face holding back tears"
      "emoji.face_in_clouds" => "Face in clouds"
      "emoji.face_vomiting" => "Face vomiting"
      "emoji.face_with_diagonal_mouth" => "Face with diagonal mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_hand_over_mouth" => "Face with hand over mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_monocle" => "Face with monocle"
      "emoji.face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth" => "Face with open eyes and hand over mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_peeking_eye" => "Face with peeking eye"
      "emoji.face_with_raised_eyebrow" => "Face with raised eyebrow"
      "emoji.face_with_spiral_eyes" => "Face with spiral eyes"
      "emoji.face_with_symbols_over_mouth" => "Face with symbols on mouth"
      "emoji.factory" => "Factory"
      "emoji.factory_worker" => "Factory worker"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone1" => "Factory worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone2" => "Factory worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone3" => "Factory worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone4" => "Factory worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone5" => "Factory worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy" => "Fairy"
      "emoji.fairy_tone1" => "Fairy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone2" => "Fairy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone3" => "Fairy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone4" => "Fairy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone5" => "Fairy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.falafel" => "Falafel"
      "emoji.fallen_leaf" => "Fallen leaf"
      "" => "Family"
      "emoji.family_man_boy" => "Family: man, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_boy_boy" => "Family: man, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_girl" => "Family: man, girl"
      "emoji.family_man_girl_boy" => "Family: man, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_girl_girl" => "Family: man, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_man_woman_boy" => "Family: man, woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmb" => "Family: man, man, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmbb" => "Family: man, man, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmg" => "Family: man, man, girl"
      "emoji.family_mmgb" => "Family: man, man, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmgg" => "Family: man, man, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_mwbb" => "Family: man, woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_mwg" => "Family: man, woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_mwgb" => "Family: man, woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_mwgg" => "Family: man, woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_woman_boy" => "Family: woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_boy_boy" => "Family: woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl" => "Family: woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl_boy" => "Family: woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl_girl" => "Family: woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_wwb" => "Family: woman, woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwbb" => "Family: woman, woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwg" => "Family: woman, woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_wwgb" => "Family: woman, woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwgg" => "Family: woman, woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.farmer" => "Farmer"
      "emoji.farmer_tone1" => "Farmer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone2" => "Farmer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone3" => "Farmer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone4" => "Farmer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone5" => "Farmer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fast_forward" => "Fast-forward button"
      "emoji.fax" => "Fax machine"
      "emoji.fearful" => "Fearful face"
      "emoji.feather" => "Feather"
      "emoji.feet" => "Paw prints"
      "emoji.female_sign" => "Female sign"
      "emoji.ferris_wheel" => "Ferris wheel"
      "emoji.ferry" => "Ferry"
      "emoji.field_hockey" => "Field hockey"
      "emoji.file_cabinet" => "File cabinet"
      "emoji.file_folder" => "File folder"
      "emoji.film_frames" => "Film frames"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed" => "Crossed fingers"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone1" => "Crossed fingers: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone2" => "Crossed fingers: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone3" => "Crossed fingers: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone4" => "Crossed fingers: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone5" => "Crossed fingers: dark skin tone"
      "" => "Fire"
      "emoji.fire_engine" => "Fire engine"
      "emoji.fire_extinguisher" => "Fire extinguisher"
      "emoji.firecracker" => "Firecracker"
      "emoji.firefighter" => "Firefighter"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone1" => "Firefighter: light skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone2" => "Firefighter: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone3" => "Firefighter: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone4" => "Firefighter: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone5" => "Firefighter: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fireworks" => "Fireworks"
      "emoji.first_place" => "1st place medal"
      "emoji.first_quarter_moon" => "First quarter moon"
      "emoji.first_quarter_moon_with_face" => "First quarter moon face"
      "" => "Fish"
      "emoji.fish_cake" => "Fish cake with swirl"
      "emoji.fishing_pole_and_fish" => "Fishing pole"
      "emoji.fist" => "Raised fist"
      "emoji.fist_tone1" => "Raised fist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone2" => "Raised fist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone3" => "Raised fist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone4" => "Raised fist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone5" => "Raised fist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.five" => "Keycap: 5"
      "emoji.flag_ac" => "Flag: Ascension Island"
      "emoji.flag_ad" => "Flag: Andorra"
      "emoji.flag_ae" => "Flag: United Arab Emirates"
      "emoji.flag_af" => "Flag: Afghanistan"
      "emoji.flag_ag" => "Flag: Antigua & Barbuda"
      "emoji.flag_ai" => "Flag: Anguilla"
      "emoji.flag_al" => "Flag: Albania"
      "emoji.flag_am" => "Flag: Armenia"
      "emoji.flag_ao" => "Flag: Angola"
      "emoji.flag_aq" => "Flag: Antarctica"
      "emoji.flag_ar" => "Flag: Argentina"
      "emoji.flag_as" => "Flag: American Samoa"
      "emoji.flag_at" => "Flag: Austria"
      "emoji.flag_au" => "Flag: Australia"
      "emoji.flag_aw" => "Flag: Aruba"
      "emoji.flag_ax" => "Flag: Åland Islands"
      "emoji.flag_az" => "Flag: Azerbaijan"
      "emoji.flag_ba" => "Flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina"
      "emoji.flag_bb" => "Flag: Barbados"
      "emoji.flag_bd" => "Flag: Bangladesh"
      "emoji.flag_be" => "Flag: Belgium"
      "emoji.flag_bf" => "Flag: Burkina Faso"
      "emoji.flag_bg" => "Flag: Bulgaria"
      "emoji.flag_bh" => "Flag: Bahrain"
      "emoji.flag_bi" => "Flag: Burundi"
      "emoji.flag_bj" => "Flag: Benin"
      "emoji.flag_bl" => "Flag: St. Barthélemy"
      "emoji.flag_black" => "Black flag"
      "emoji.flag_bm" => "Flag: Bermuda"
      "emoji.flag_bn" => "Flag: Brunei"
      "emoji.flag_bo" => "Flag: Bolivia"
      "emoji.flag_bq" => "Flag: Caribbean Netherlands"
      "emoji.flag_br" => "Flag: Brazil"
      "emoji.flag_bs" => "Flag: Bahamas"
      "emoji.flag_bt" => "Flag: Bhutan"
      "emoji.flag_bv" => "Flag: Bouvet Island"
      "emoji.flag_bw" => "Flag: Botswana"
      "emoji.flag_by" => "Flag: Belarus"
      "emoji.flag_bz" => "Flag: Belize"
      "emoji.flag_ca" => "Flag: Canada"
      "emoji.flag_cc" => "Flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
      "emoji.flag_cd" => "Flag: Congo - Kinshasa"
      "emoji.flag_cf" => "Flag: Central African Republic"
      "emoji.flag_cg" => "Flag: Congo - Brazzaville"
      "emoji.flag_ch" => "Flag: Switzerland"
      "emoji.flag_ci" => "Flag: Côte d’Ivoire"
      "emoji.flag_ck" => "Flag: Cook Islands"
      "emoji.flag_cl" => "Flag: Chile"
      "emoji.flag_cm" => "Flag: Cameroon"
      "emoji.flag_cn" => "Flag: China"
      "emoji.flag_co" => "Flag: Colombia"
      "emoji.flag_cp" => "Flag: Clipperton Island"
      "emoji.flag_cr" => "Flag: Costa Rica"
      "emoji.flag_cu" => "Flag: Cuba"
      "emoji.flag_cv" => "Flag: Cape Verde"
      "emoji.flag_cw" => "Flag: Curaçao"
      "emoji.flag_cx" => "Flag: Christmas Island"
      "emoji.flag_cy" => "Flag: Cyprus"
      "emoji.flag_cz" => "Flag: Czechia"
      "emoji.flag_de" => "Flag: Germany"
      "emoji.flag_dg" => "Flag: Diego Garcia"
      "emoji.flag_dj" => "Flag: Djibouti"
      "emoji.flag_dk" => "Flag: Denmark"
      "emoji.flag_dm" => "Flag: Dominica"
      "emoji.flag_do" => "Flag: Dominican Republic"
      "emoji.flag_dz" => "Flag: Algeria"
      "emoji.flag_ea" => "Flag: Ceuta & Melilla"
      "emoji.flag_ec" => "Flag: Ecuador"
      "emoji.flag_ee" => "Flag: Estonia"
      "emoji.flag_eg" => "Flag: Egypt"
      "emoji.flag_eh" => "Flag: Western Sahara"
      "emoji.flag_er" => "Flag: Eritrea"
      "emoji.flag_es" => "Flag: Spain"
      "emoji.flag_et" => "Flag: Ethiopia"
      "emoji.flag_eu" => "Flag: European Union"
      "emoji.flag_fi" => "Flag: Finland"
      "emoji.flag_fj" => "Flag: Fiji"
      "emoji.flag_fk" => "Flag: Falkland Islands"
      "emoji.flag_fm" => "Flag: Micronesia"
      "emoji.flag_fo" => "Flag: Faroe Islands"
      "emoji.flag_fr" => "Flag: France"
      "emoji.flag_ga" => "Flag: Gabon"
      "emoji.flag_gb" => "Flag: United Kingdom"
      "emoji.flag_gd" => "Flag: Grenada"
      "emoji.flag_ge" => "Flag: Georgia"
      "emoji.flag_gf" => "Flag: French Guiana"
      "emoji.flag_gg" => "Flag: Guernsey"
      "emoji.flag_gh" => "Flag: Ghana"
      "emoji.flag_gi" => "Flag: Gibraltar"
      "emoji.flag_gl" => "Flag: Greenland"
      "emoji.flag_gm" => "Flag: Gambia"
      "emoji.flag_gn" => "Flag: Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_gp" => "Flag: Guadeloupe"
      "emoji.flag_gq" => "Flag: Equatorial Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_gr" => "Flag: Greece"
      "emoji.flag_gs" => "Flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands"
      "emoji.flag_gt" => "Flag: Guatemala"
      "emoji.flag_gu" => "Flag: Guam"
      "emoji.flag_gw" => "Flag: Guinea-Bissau"
      "emoji.flag_gy" => "Flag: Guyana"
      "emoji.flag_hk" => "Flag: Hong Kong SAR China"
      "emoji.flag_hm" => "Flag: Heard & McDonald Islands"
      "emoji.flag_hn" => "Flag: Honduras"
      "emoji.flag_hr" => "Flag: Croatia"
      "emoji.flag_ht" => "Flag: Haiti"
      "emoji.flag_hu" => "Flag: Hungary"
      "emoji.flag_ic" => "Flag: Canary Islands"
      "emoji.flag_id" => "Flag: Indonesia"
      "emoji.flag_ie" => "Flag: Ireland"
      "emoji.flag_il" => "Flag: Israel"
      "emoji.flag_im" => "Flag: Isle of Man"
      "emoji.flag_in" => "Flag: India"
      "emoji.flag_io" => "Flag: British Indian Ocean Territory"
      "emoji.flag_iq" => "Flag: Iraq"
      "emoji.flag_ir" => "Flag: Iran"
      "emoji.flag_is" => "Flag: Iceland"
      "emoji.flag_it" => "Flag: Italy"
      "emoji.flag_je" => "Flag: Jersey"
      "emoji.flag_jm" => "Flag: Jamaica"
      "emoji.flag_jo" => "Flag: Jordan"
      "emoji.flag_jp" => "Flag: Japan"
      "emoji.flag_ke" => "Flag: Kenya"
      "emoji.flag_kg" => "Flag: Kyrgyzstan"
      "emoji.flag_kh" => "Flag: Cambodia"
      "emoji.flag_ki" => "Flag: Kiribati"
      "emoji.flag_km" => "Flag: Comoros"
      "emoji.flag_kn" => "Flag: St. Kitts & Nevis"
      "emoji.flag_kp" => "Flag: North Korea"
      "emoji.flag_kr" => "Flag: South Korea"
      "emoji.flag_kw" => "Flag: Kuwait"
      "emoji.flag_ky" => "Flag: Cayman Islands"
      "emoji.flag_kz" => "Flag: Kazakhstan"
      "emoji.flag_la" => "Flag: Laos"
      "emoji.flag_lb" => "Flag: Lebanon"
      "emoji.flag_lc" => "Flag: St. Lucia"
      "emoji.flag_li" => "Flag: Liechtenstein"
      "emoji.flag_lk" => "Flag: Sri Lanka"
      "emoji.flag_lr" => "Flag: Liberia"
      "emoji.flag_ls" => "Flag: Lesotho"
      "emoji.flag_lt" => "Flag: Lithuania"
      "emoji.flag_lu" => "Flag: Luxembourg"
      "emoji.flag_lv" => "Flag: Latvia"
      "emoji.flag_ly" => "Flag: Libya"
      "emoji.flag_ma" => "Flag: Morocco"
      "emoji.flag_mc" => "Flag: Monaco"
      "emoji.flag_md" => "Flag: Moldova"
      "emoji.flag_me" => "Flag: Montenegro"
      "emoji.flag_mf" => "Flag: St. Martin"
      "emoji.flag_mg" => "Flag: Madagascar"
      "emoji.flag_mh" => "Flag: Marshall Islands"
      "emoji.flag_mk" => "Flag: Macedonia"
      "emoji.flag_ml" => "Flag: Mali"
      "emoji.flag_mm" => "Flag: Myanmar (Burma)"
      "emoji.flag_mn" => "Flag: Mongolia"
      "emoji.flag_mo" => "Flag: Macao SAR China"
      "emoji.flag_mp" => "Flag: Northern Mariana Islands"
      "emoji.flag_mq" => "Flag: Martinique"
      "emoji.flag_mr" => "Flag: Mauritania"
      "emoji.flag_ms" => "Flag: Montserrat"
      "emoji.flag_mt" => "Flag: Malta"
      "emoji.flag_mu" => "Flag: Mauritius"
      "emoji.flag_mv" => "Flag: Maldives"
      "emoji.flag_mw" => "Flag: Malawi"
      "emoji.flag_mx" => "Flag: Mexico"
      "emoji.flag_my" => "Flag: Malaysia"
      "emoji.flag_mz" => "Flag: Mozambique"
      "emoji.flag_na" => "Flag: Namibia"
      "emoji.flag_nc" => "Flag: New Caledonia"
      "emoji.flag_ne" => "Flag: Niger"
      "emoji.flag_nf" => "Flag: Norfolk Island"
      "emoji.flag_ng" => "Flag: Nigeria"
      "emoji.flag_ni" => "Flag: Nicaragua"
      "emoji.flag_nl" => "Flag: Netherlands"
      "emoji.flag_no" => "Flag: Norway"
      "emoji.flag_np" => "Flag: Nepal"
      "emoji.flag_nr" => "Flag: Nauru"
      "emoji.flag_nu" => "Flag: Niue"
      "emoji.flag_nz" => "Flag: New Zealand"
      "emoji.flag_om" => "Flag: Oman"
      "emoji.flag_pa" => "Flag: Panama"
      "emoji.flag_pe" => "Flag: Peru"
      "emoji.flag_pf" => "Flag: French Polynesia"
      "emoji.flag_pg" => "Flag: Papua New Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_ph" => "Flag: Philippines"
      "emoji.flag_pk" => "Flag: Pakistan"
      "emoji.flag_pl" => "Flag: Poland"
      "emoji.flag_pm" => "Flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon"
      "emoji.flag_pn" => "Flag: Pitcairn Islands"
      "emoji.flag_pr" => "Flag: Puerto Rico"
      "emoji.flag_ps" => "Flag: Palestinian Territories"
      "emoji.flag_pt" => "Flag: Portugal"
      "emoji.flag_pw" => "Flag: Palau"
      "emoji.flag_py" => "Flag: Paraguay"
      "emoji.flag_qa" => "Flag: Qatar"
      "emoji.flag_re" => "Flag: Réunion"
      "emoji.flag_ro" => "Flag: Romania"
      "emoji.flag_rs" => "Flag: Serbia"
      "emoji.flag_ru" => "Flag: Russia"
      "emoji.flag_rw" => "Flag: Rwanda"
      "emoji.flag_sa" => "Flag: Saudi Arabia"
      "emoji.flag_sb" => "Flag: Solomon Islands"
      "emoji.flag_sc" => "Flag: Seychelles"
      "emoji.flag_sd" => "Flag: Sudan"
      "emoji.flag_se" => "Flag: Sweden"
      "emoji.flag_sg" => "Flag: Singapore"
      "emoji.flag_sh" => "Flag: St. Helena"
      "emoji.flag_si" => "Flag: Slovenia"
      "emoji.flag_sj" => "Flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen"
      "emoji.flag_sk" => "Flag: Slovakia"
      "emoji.flag_sl" => "Flag: Sierra Leone"
      "emoji.flag_sm" => "Flag: San Marino"
      "emoji.flag_sn" => "Flag: Senegal"
      "emoji.flag_so" => "Flag: Somalia"
      "emoji.flag_sr" => "Flag: Suriname"
      "emoji.flag_ss" => "Flag: South Sudan"
      "emoji.flag_st" => "Flag: São Tomé & Príncipe"
      "emoji.flag_sv" => "Flag: El Salvador"
      "emoji.flag_sx" => "Flag: Sint Maarten"
      "emoji.flag_sy" => "Flag: Syria"
      "emoji.flag_sz" => "Flag: Eswatini"
      "emoji.flag_ta" => "Flag: Tristan da Cunha"
      "emoji.flag_tc" => "Flag: Turks & Caicos Islands"
      "emoji.flag_td" => "Flag: Chad"
      "emoji.flag_tf" => "Flag: French Southern Territories"
      "emoji.flag_tg" => "Flag: Togo"
      "emoji.flag_th" => "Flag: Thailand"
      "emoji.flag_tj" => "Flag: Tajikistan"
      "emoji.flag_tk" => "Flag: Tokelau"
      "emoji.flag_tl" => "Flag: Timor-Leste"
      "emoji.flag_tm" => "Flag: Turkmenistan"
      "emoji.flag_tn" => "Flag: Tunisia"
      "emoji.flag_to" => "Flag: Tonga"
      "emoji.flag_tr" => "Flag: Turkey"
      "emoji.flag_tt" => "Flag: Trinidad & Tobago"
      "emoji.flag_tv" => "Flag: Tuvalu"
      "emoji.flag_tw" => "Flag: Taiwan"
      "emoji.flag_tz" => "Flag: Tanzania"
      "emoji.flag_ua" => "Flag: Ukraine"
      "emoji.flag_ug" => "Flag: Uganda"
      "emoji.flag_um" => "Flag: U.S. Outlying Islands"
      "emoji.flag_us" => "Flag: United States"
      "emoji.flag_uy" => "Flag: Uruguay"
      "emoji.flag_uz" => "Flag: Uzbekistan"
      "emoji.flag_va" => "Flag: Vatican City"
      "emoji.flag_vc" => "Flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines"
      "emoji.flag_ve" => "Flag: Venezuela"
      "emoji.flag_vg" => "Flag: British Virgin Islands"
      "emoji.flag_vi" => "Flag: U.S. Virgin Islands"
      "emoji.flag_vn" => "Flag: Vietnam"
      "emoji.flag_vu" => "Flag: Vanuatu"
      "emoji.flag_wf" => "Flag: Wallis & Futuna"
      "emoji.flag_white" => "White flag"
      "emoji.flag_ws" => "Flag: Samoa"
      "emoji.flag_xk" => "Flag: Kosovo"
      "emoji.flag_ye" => "Flag: Yemen"
      "emoji.flag_yt" => "Flag: Mayotte"
      "emoji.flag_za" => "Flag: South Africa"
      "emoji.flag_zm" => "Flag: Zambia"
      "emoji.flag_zw" => "Flag: Zimbabwe"
      "emoji.flags" => "Carp streamer"
      "emoji.flamingo" => "Flamingo"
      "emoji.flashlight" => "Flashlight"
      "emoji.flatbread" => "Flatbread"
      "emoji.fleur_de_lis" => "Fleur-de-lis"
      "emoji.floppy_disk" => "Floppy disk"
      "emoji.flower_playing_cards" => "Flower playing cards"
      "emoji.flushed" => "Flushed face"
      "emoji.flute" => "Flute"
      "" => "Fly"
      "emoji.flying_disc" => "Flying disc"
      "emoji.flying_saucer" => "Flying saucer"
      "emoji.fog" => "Fog"
      "emoji.foggy" => "Foggy"
      "emoji.folding_hand_fan" => "Folding hand fan"
      "emoji.fondue" => "Fondue"
      "emoji.foot" => "Foot"
      "emoji.foot_tone1" => "Foot: light skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone2" => "Foot: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone3" => "Foot: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone4" => "Foot: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone5" => "Foot: dark skin tone"
      "" => "American football"
      "emoji.footprints" => "Footprints"
      "emoji.fork_and_knife" => "Fork and knife"
      "emoji.fork_knife_plate" => "Fork and knife with plate"
      "emoji.fortune_cookie" => "Fortune cookie"
      "emoji.fountain" => "Fountain"
      "emoji.four" => "Keycap: 4"
      "emoji.four_leaf_clover" => "Four leaf clover"
      "" => "Fox"
      "emoji.frame_photo" => "Framed picture"
      "" => "FREE button"
      "emoji.french_bread" => "Baguette bread"
      "emoji.fried_shrimp" => "Fried shrimp"
      "emoji.fries" => "French fries"
      "emoji.frog" => "Frog"
      "emoji.frowning" => "Frowning face with open mouth"
      "emoji.frowning2" => "Frowning face"
      "emoji.fuelpump" => "Fuel pump"
      "emoji.full_moon" => "Full moon"
      "emoji.full_moon_with_face" => "Full moon face"
      "emoji.game_die" => "Game die"
      "emoji.garlic" => "Garlic"
      "emoji.gear" => "Gear"
      "emoji.gem" => "Gem stone"
      "emoji.gemini" => "Gemini"
      "emoji.genie" => "Genie"
      "emoji.ghost" => "Ghost"
      "" => "Wrapped gift"
      "emoji.gift_heart" => "Heart with ribbon"
      "emoji.ginger_root" => "Ginger root"
      "emoji.giraffe" => "Giraffe"
      "emoji.girl" => "Girl"
      "emoji.girl_tone1" => "Girl: light skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone2" => "Girl: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone3" => "Girl: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone4" => "Girl: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone5" => "Girl: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.globe_with_meridians" => "Globe with meridians"
      "emoji.gloves" => "Gloves"
      "emoji.goal" => "Goal net"
      "emoji.goat" => "Goat"
      "emoji.goggles" => "Goggles"
      "" => "Flag in hole"
      "emoji.goose" => "Goose"
      "emoji.gorilla" => "Gorilla"
      "emoji.grapes" => "Grapes"
      "emoji.green_apple" => "Green apple"
      "emoji.green_book" => "Green book"
      "emoji.green_circle" => "Green circle"
      "emoji.green_heart" => "Green heart"
      "emoji.green_square" => "Green square"
      "emoji.grey_exclamation" => "White exclamation mark"
      "emoji.grey_heart" => "Grey heart"
      "emoji.grey_question" => "White question mark"
      "emoji.grimacing" => "Grimacing face"
      "emoji.grin" => "Beaming face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.grinning" => "Grinning face"
      "emoji.guard" => "Guard"
      "emoji.guard_tone1" => "Guard: light skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone2" => "Guard: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone3" => "Guard: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone4" => "Guard: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone5" => "Guard: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.guide_dog" => "Guide dog"
      "emoji.guitar" => "Guitar"
      "emoji.gun" => "Pistol"
      "emoji.hair_pick" => "Hair pick"
      "emoji.hamburger" => "Hamburger"
      "emoji.hammer" => "Hammer"
      "emoji.hammer_pick" => "Hammer and pick"
      "emoji.hamsa" => "Hamsa"
      "emoji.hamster" => "Hamster"
      "emoji.hand_splayed" => "Hand with fingers splayed"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone1" => "Hand with fingers splayed: light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone2" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone3" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone4" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone5" => "Hand with fingers splayed: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone1" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone2" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone3" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone4" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone5" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handbag" => "Handbag"
      "emoji.handshake" => "Handshake"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1" => "Handshake: light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone2" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone3" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone4" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone5" => "Handshake: light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone1" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone3" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone4" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone5" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3" => "Handshake: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone1" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone2" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone4" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone5" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone1" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone2" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone3" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone5" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5" => "Handshake: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone1" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone2" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone3" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone4" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hash" => "Keycap: #"
      "emoji.hatched_chick" => "Front-facing baby chick"
      "emoji.hatching_chick" => "Hatching chick"
      "emoji.head_bandage" => "Face with head-bandage"
      "emoji.headphones" => "Headphone"
      "emoji.headstone" => "Headstone"
      "emoji.health_worker" => "Health worker"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone1" => "Health worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone2" => "Health worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone3" => "Health worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone4" => "Health worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone5" => "Health worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hear_no_evil" => "Hear-no-evil monkey"
      "emoji.heart" => "Red heart"
      "emoji.heart_decoration" => "Heart decoration"
      "emoji.heart_exclamation" => "Heart exclamation"
      "emoji.heart_eyes" => "Smiling face with heart-eyes"
      "emoji.heart_eyes_cat" => "Smiling cat with heart-eyes"
      "emoji.heart_hands" => "Heart hands"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone1" => "Heart hands: light skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone2" => "Heart hands: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone3" => "Heart hands: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone4" => "Heart hands: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone5" => "Heart hands: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_on_fire" => "Heart on fire"
      "emoji.heartbeat" => "Beating heart"
      "emoji.heartpulse" => "Growing heart"
      "emoji.hearts" => "Heart suit"
      "emoji.heavy_check_mark" => "Check mark"
      "emoji.heavy_division_sign" => "Division sign"
      "emoji.heavy_dollar_sign" => "Heavy dollar sign"
      "emoji.heavy_equals_sign" => "Heavy equals sign"
      "emoji.heavy_minus_sign" => "Minus sign"
      "emoji.heavy_multiplication_x" => "Multiplication sign"
      "emoji.heavy_plus_sign" => "Plus sign"
      "emoji.hedgehog" => "Hedgehog"
      "emoji.helicopter" => "Helicopter"
      "emoji.helmet_with_cross" => "Rescue worker’s helmet"
      "emoji.herb" => "Herb"
      "emoji.hibiscus" => "Hibiscus"
      "emoji.high_brightness" => "Bright button"
      "emoji.high_heel" => "High-heeled shoe"
      "emoji.hiking_boot" => "Hiking boot"
      "emoji.hindu_temple" => "Hindu temple"
      "emoji.hippopotamus" => "Hippopotamus"
      "" => "Ice hockey"
      "emoji.hole" => "Hole"
      "" => "Houses"
      "emoji.honey_pot" => "Honey pot"
      "emoji.hook" => "Hook"
      "" => "Horse face"
      "emoji.horse_racing" => "Horse racing"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone1" => "Horse racing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone2" => "Horse racing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone3" => "Horse racing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone4" => "Horse racing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone5" => "Horse racing: dark skin tone"
      "" => "Hospital"
      "emoji.hot_face" => "Hot face"
      "emoji.hot_pepper" => "Hot pepper"
      "emoji.hotdog" => "Hot dog"
      "emoji.hotel" => "Hotel"
      "emoji.hotsprings" => "Hot springs"
      "emoji.hourglass" => "Hourglass done"
      "emoji.hourglass_flowing_sand" => "Hourglass not done"
      "" => "House"
      "emoji.house_abandoned" => "Derelict house"
      "emoji.house_with_garden" => "House with garden"
      "emoji.hugging" => "Hugging face"
      "emoji.hushed" => "Hushed face"
      "emoji.hut" => "Hut"
      "emoji.hyacinth" => "Hyacinth"
      "emoji.ice_cream" => "Ice cream"
      "emoji.ice_cube" => "Ice cube"
      "emoji.ice_skate" => "Ice skate"
      "emoji.icecream" => "Soft ice cream"
      "" => "ID button"
      "emoji.identification_card" => "Identification card"
      "emoji.ideograph_advantage" => "Japanese “bargain” button"
      "emoji.imp" => "Angry face with horns"
      "emoji.inbox_tray" => "Inbox tray"
      "emoji.incoming_envelope" => "Incoming envelope"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer" => "Index pointing at the viewer"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone1" => "Index pointing at the viewer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone2" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone3" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone4" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone5" => "Index pointing at the viewer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.infinity" => "Infinity"
      "emoji.information_source" => "Information"
      "emoji.innocent" => "Smiling face with halo"
      "emoji.interrobang" => "Exclamation question mark"
      "emoji.island" => "Desert island"
      "emoji.izakaya_lantern" => "Red paper lantern"
      "emoji.jack_o_lantern" => "Jack-o-lantern"
      "emoji.japan" => "Map of Japan"
      "emoji.japanese_castle" => "Japanese castle"
      "emoji.japanese_goblin" => "Goblin"
      "emoji.japanese_ogre" => "Ogre"
      "emoji.jar" => "Jar"
      "emoji.jeans" => "Jeans"
      "emoji.jellyfish" => "Jellyfish"
      "emoji.jigsaw" => "Puzzle piece"
      "" => "Face with tears of joy"
      "emoji.joy_cat" => "Cat with tears of joy"
      "emoji.joystick" => "Joystick"
      "emoji.judge" => "Judge"
      "emoji.judge_tone1" => "Judge: light skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone2" => "Judge: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone3" => "Judge: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone4" => "Judge: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone5" => "Judge: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kaaba" => "Kaaba"
      "emoji.kangaroo" => "Kangaroo"
      "emoji.key" => "Key"
      "emoji.key2" => "Old key"
      "emoji.keyboard" => "Keyboard"
      "emoji.keycap_ten" => "Keycap: 10"
      "emoji.khanda" => "Khanda"
      "emoji.kimono" => "Kimono"
      "emoji.kiss" => "Kiss mark"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_mm" => "Kiss: man, man"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone1" => "Kiss: light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone2" => "Kiss: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone3" => "Kiss: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone4" => "Kiss: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone5" => "Kiss: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man" => "Kiss: woman, man"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_ww" => "Kiss: woman, woman"
      "emoji.kissing" => "Kissing face"
      "emoji.kissing_cat" => "Kissing cat"
      "emoji.kissing_closed_eyes" => "Kissing face with closed eyes"
      "emoji.kissing_heart" => "Face blowing a kiss"
      "emoji.kissing_smiling_eyes" => "Kissing face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.kite" => "Kite"
      "" => "Kiwi fruit"
      "emoji.knife" => "Kitchen knife"
      "emoji.knot" => "Knot"
      "emoji.koala" => "Koala"
      "emoji.koko" => "Japanese “here” button"
      "emoji.lab_coat" => "Lab coat"
      "emoji.label" => "Label"
      "emoji.lacrosse" => "Lacrosse"
      "emoji.ladder" => "Ladder"
      "emoji.lady_beetle" => "Lady beetle"
      "emoji.large_blue_diamond" => "Large blue diamond"
      "emoji.large_orange_diamond" => "Large orange diamond"
      "emoji.last_quarter_moon" => "Last quarter moon"
      "emoji.last_quarter_moon_with_face" => "Last quarter moon face"
      "emoji.laughing" => "Grinning squinting face"
      "emoji.leafy_green" => "Leafy green"
      "emoji.leaves" => "Leaf fluttering in wind"
      "emoji.ledger" => "Ledger"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist" => "Left-facing fist"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone1" => "Left-facing fist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone2" => "Left-facing fist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone3" => "Left-facing fist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone4" => "Left-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone5" => "Left-facing fist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.left_luggage" => "Left luggage"
      "emoji.left_right_arrow" => "Left-right arrow"
      "emoji.leftwards_arrow_with_hook" => "Right arrow curving left"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand" => "Leftwards hand"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone1" => "Leftwards hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone2" => "Leftwards hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone3" => "Leftwards hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone4" => "Leftwards hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone5" => "Leftwards hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand" => "Leftwards pushing hand"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone1" => "Leftwards pushing hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone2" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone3" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone4" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone5" => "Leftwards pushing hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leg" => "Leg"
      "emoji.leg_tone1" => "Leg: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone2" => "Leg: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone3" => "Leg: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone4" => "Leg: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone5" => "Leg: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.lemon" => "Lemon"
      "emoji.leo" => "Leo"
      "emoji.leopard" => "Leopard"
      "emoji.level_slider" => "Level slider"
      "emoji.levitate" => "Man in suit levitating"
      "emoji.levitate_tone1" => "Man in suit levitating: light skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone2" => "Man in suit levitating: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone3" => "Man in suit levitating: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone4" => "Man in suit levitating: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone5" => "Man in suit levitating: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.libra" => "Libra"
      "emoji.light_blue_heart" => "Light blue heart"
      "emoji.light_rail" => "Light rail"
      "" => "Link"
      "emoji.lion_face" => "Lion"
      "emoji.lips" => "Mouth"
      "emoji.lipstick" => "Lipstick"
      "emoji.lizard" => "Lizard"
      "emoji.llama" => "Llama"
      "emoji.lobster" => "Lobster"
      "emoji.lock" => "Locked"
      "emoji.lock_with_ink_pen" => "Locked with pen"
      "emoji.lollipop" => "Lollipop"
      "emoji.long_drum" => "Long drum"
      "emoji.loop" => "Double curly loop"
      "emoji.lotus" => "Lotus"
      "emoji.loud_sound" => "Speaker high volume"
      "emoji.loudspeaker" => "Loudspeaker"
      "emoji.love_hotel" => "Love hotel"
      "emoji.love_letter" => "Love letter"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture" => "Love-you gesture"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone1" => "Love-you gesture: light skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone2" => "Love-you gesture: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone3" => "Love-you gesture: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone4" => "Love-you gesture: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone5" => "Love-you gesture: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.low_battery" => "Low battery"
      "emoji.low_brightness" => "Dim button"
      "emoji.luggage" => "Luggage"
      "emoji.lungs" => "Lungs"
      "emoji.lying_face" => "Lying face"
      "emoji.m" => "Circled M"
      "emoji.mag" => "Magnifying glass tilted left"
      "emoji.mag_right" => "Magnifying glass tilted right"
      "emoji.mage" => "Mage"
      "emoji.mage_tone1" => "Mage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone2" => "Mage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone3" => "Mage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone4" => "Mage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone5" => "Mage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.magic_wand" => "Magic wand"
      "emoji.magnet" => "Magnet"
      "emoji.mahjong" => "Mahjong red dragon"
      "emoji.mailbox" => "Closed mailbox with raised flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_closed" => "Closed mailbox with lowered flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_with_mail" => "Open mailbox with raised flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_with_no_mail" => "Open mailbox with lowered flag"
      "emoji.male_sign" => "Male sign"
      "emoji.mammoth" => "Mammoth"
      "" => "Man"
      "emoji.man_artist" => "Man artist"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone1" => "Man artist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone2" => "Man artist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone3" => "Man artist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone4" => "Man artist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone5" => "Man artist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut" => "Man astronaut"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone1" => "Man astronaut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone2" => "Man astronaut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone3" => "Man astronaut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone4" => "Man astronaut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone5" => "Man astronaut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald" => "Man: bald"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone1" => "Man, bald: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone2" => "Man, bald: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone3" => "Man, bald: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone4" => "Man, bald: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone5" => "Man, bald: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_beard" => "Man: beard"
      "emoji.man_biking" => "Man biking"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone1" => "Man biking: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone2" => "Man biking: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone3" => "Man biking: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone4" => "Man biking: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone5" => "Man biking: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball" => "Man bouncing ball"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone1" => "Man bouncing ball: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone2" => "Man bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone3" => "Man bouncing ball: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone4" => "Man bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone5" => "Man bouncing ball: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing" => "Man bowing"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone1" => "Man bowing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone2" => "Man bowing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone3" => "Man bowing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone4" => "Man bowing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone5" => "Man bowing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling" => "Man cartwheeling"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone1" => "Man cartwheeling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone2" => "Man cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone3" => "Man cartwheeling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone4" => "Man cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone5" => "Man cartwheeling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing" => "Man climbing"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone1" => "Man climbing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone2" => "Man climbing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone3" => "Man climbing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone4" => "Man climbing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone5" => "Man climbing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker" => "Man construction worker"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone1" => "Man construction worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone2" => "Man construction worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone3" => "Man construction worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone4" => "Man construction worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone5" => "Man construction worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook" => "Man cook"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone1" => "Man cook: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone2" => "Man cook: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone3" => "Man cook: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone4" => "Man cook: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone5" => "Man cook: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired" => "Man: curly hair"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone1" => "Man, curly haired: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone2" => "Man, curly haired: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone3" => "Man, curly haired: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone4" => "Man, curly haired: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone5" => "Man, curly haired: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing" => "Man dancing"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone1" => "Man dancing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone2" => "Man dancing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone3" => "Man dancing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone4" => "Man dancing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone5" => "Man dancing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective" => "Man detective"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone1" => "Man detective: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone2" => "Man detective: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone3" => "Man detective: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone4" => "Man detective: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone5" => "Man detective: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf" => "Man elf"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone1" => "Man elf: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone2" => "Man elf: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone3" => "Man elf: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone4" => "Man elf: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone5" => "Man elf: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming" => "Man facepalming"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone1" => "Man facepalming: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone2" => "Man facepalming: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone3" => "Man facepalming: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone4" => "Man facepalming: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone5" => "Man facepalming: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker" => "Man factory worker"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone1" => "Man factory worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone2" => "Man factory worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone3" => "Man factory worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone4" => "Man factory worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone5" => "Man factory worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy" => "Man fairy"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone1" => "Man fairy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone2" => "Man fairy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone3" => "Man fairy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone4" => "Man fairy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone5" => "Man fairy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer" => "Man farmer"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone1" => "Man farmer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone2" => "Man farmer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone3" => "Man farmer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone4" => "Man farmer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone5" => "Man farmer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby" => "Man feeding baby"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone1" => "Man feeding baby: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone2" => "Man feeding baby: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone3" => "Man feeding baby: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone4" => "Man feeding baby: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone5" => "Man feeding baby: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter" => "Man firefighter"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone1" => "Man firefighter: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone2" => "Man firefighter: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone3" => "Man firefighter: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone4" => "Man firefighter: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone5" => "Man firefighter: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning" => "Man frowning"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone1" => "Man frowning: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone2" => "Man frowning: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone3" => "Man frowning: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone4" => "Man frowning: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone5" => "Man frowning: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_genie" => "Man genie"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no" => "Man gesturing NO"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone1" => "Man gesturing NO: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone2" => "Man gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone3" => "Man gesturing NO: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone4" => "Man gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone5" => "Man gesturing NO: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok" => "Man gesturing OK"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone1" => "Man gesturing OK: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone2" => "Man gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone3" => "Man gesturing OK: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone4" => "Man gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone5" => "Man gesturing OK: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage" => "Man getting massage"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone1" => "Man getting massage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone2" => "Man getting massage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone3" => "Man getting massage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone4" => "Man getting massage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone5" => "Man getting massage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut" => "Man getting haircut"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone1" => "Man getting haircut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone2" => "Man getting haircut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone3" => "Man getting haircut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone4" => "Man getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone5" => "Man getting haircut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing" => "Man golfing"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone1" => "Man golfing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone2" => "Man golfing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone3" => "Man golfing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone4" => "Man golfing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone5" => "Man golfing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard" => "Man guard"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone1" => "Man guard: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone2" => "Man guard: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone3" => "Man guard: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone4" => "Man guard: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone5" => "Man guard: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker" => "Man health worker"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone1" => "Man health worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone2" => "Man health worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone3" => "Man health worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone4" => "Man health worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone5" => "Man health worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position" => "Man in lotus position"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone1" => "Man in lotus position: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone2" => "Man in lotus position: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone3" => "Man in lotus position: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone4" => "Man in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone5" => "Man in lotus position: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair" => "Man in manual wheelchair"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone1" => "Man in manual wheelchair: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone2" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone3" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone4" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone5" => "Man in manual wheelchair: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair" => "Man in motorized wheelchair"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone1" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone2" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone3" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone4" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone5" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room" => "Man in steamy room"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone1" => "Man in steamy room: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone2" => "Man in steamy room: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone3" => "Man in steamy room: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone4" => "Man in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone5" => "Man in steamy room: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo" => "Man in tuxedo"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone1" => "Man in tuxedo: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone2" => "Man in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone3" => "Man in tuxedo: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone4" => "Man in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone5" => "Man in tuxedo: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge" => "Man judge"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone1" => "Man judge: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone2" => "Man judge: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone3" => "Man judge: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone4" => "Man judge: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone5" => "Man judge: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling" => "Man juggling"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone1" => "Man juggling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone2" => "Man juggling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone3" => "Man juggling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone4" => "Man juggling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone5" => "Man juggling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling" => "Man kneeling"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone1" => "Man kneeling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone2" => "Man kneeling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone3" => "Man kneeling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone4" => "Man kneeling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone5" => "Man kneeling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights" => "Man lifting weights"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone1" => "Man lifting weights: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone2" => "Man lifting weights: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone3" => "Man lifting weights: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone4" => "Man lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone5" => "Man lifting weights: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage" => "Man mage"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone1" => "Man mage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone2" => "Man mage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone3" => "Man mage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone4" => "Man mage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone5" => "Man mage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic" => "Man mechanic"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone1" => "Man mechanic: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone2" => "Man mechanic: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone3" => "Man mechanic: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone4" => "Man mechanic: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone5" => "Man mechanic: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking" => "Man mountain biking"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone1" => "Man mountain biking: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone2" => "Man mountain biking: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone3" => "Man mountain biking: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone4" => "Man mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone5" => "Man mountain biking: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker" => "Man office worker"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone1" => "Man office worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone2" => "Man office worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone3" => "Man office worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone4" => "Man office worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone5" => "Man office worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot" => "Man pilot"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone1" => "Man pilot: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone2" => "Man pilot: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone3" => "Man pilot: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone4" => "Man pilot: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone5" => "Man pilot: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball" => "Man playing handball"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone1" => "Man playing handball: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone2" => "Man playing handball: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone3" => "Man playing handball: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone4" => "Man playing handball: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone5" => "Man playing handball: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_water_polo" => "Man playing water polo"
      "emoji.man_playing_water_polo_tone1" => "Man playing water polo: light skin tone"
    #phrasesToLoad: array:1 [ …1]
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    #dayStartTimestamps: array:6 [ …6]
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6.5 Creedmoor

I use this die

with this mandrel ( or turning arbor as called). (NT26)

You want the neck turning arbor, as this will give you 2 thou neck tension. Get the expander if you only want 1 thou tension.
I always use the Nitride expander for .002" neck tension verified with pin gauges, as there is always spring back.
It measures the same as the carbide expander button in my Redding die.
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Jumped on the Lapua brass train. How many reloads per brass should I realistically expect?
I saw a guy on youtube literally shoot the same Lapua brass and reloaded it 20 times back to back with no annealing and just cleaned it by hand each time. No issues of accuracy deviation either. He could have gone more times but felt he had proven his point on how good Lapua was.
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What would you recommend?

Head over to the reloading forum and search for load development methods. It all depends on if you're using a chronograph or just paper, and if you prefer one of the 'node' methods or something else. Sometimes I prefer using less components over more granularity, but I'm using a chronograph and a lab balance...
Yep getting consistent neck tension is important, especially if your brass is less than ideal, and near constant neck tension will reduce your ES and reduce vertical stringing at longer distances. Some batches of cheaper brass will measure between 13.0 thou and 15.3 thou from one case to the next. That is a lot. And if you measure neck thickness around the circumference of one particular case, you can easily see 1.5 thou differences, so sizing the outside of the neck will push all that inconsistency to the inside. That is not good for neck tension.

Btw: If you buy premium brass like Alpha, Lapua or Peterson, this becomes less of a problem.

Neck tension (and concentricity) generally improves by running a round object like a sizing button or a mandrel through the inside of the neck to get it as round as possible, and to achieve consistent ID by pushing the imperfections to the outside. I have several mandrel dies, but rarely use them now. I now use a Whidden non-bushing die with a full set of sizing buttons ground to specific sizes 1.0 thou apart. Superb piece of kit.

BTW: Concentricity has very little effect in a rifle that shoots 0.5” groups until TIR goes beyond 5-8 thou. So slightly degrading concentricity by 1-2 thou by pushing the variance to the outside is better than 100% variation in neck tension.

Most reloaders will use dry lube (graphite). Imperial makes a good one. Have not tried the liquid or wax varieties inside a case.
Just to add:

Neck turning can usually be avoided. It helps concentricity and neck tension, but only by a tiny bit. It may turn your 0.55” groups into 0.51” groups, and is not needed in a PRS or a hunting rifle. [In a BR rig it may well get you from 0.23” to 0.18” and can make the difference between being competitive or not.]

For most applications, it is easier to just buy premium brass and use as is.
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Alpha brass
140g ELD
.060” jump
2.248” BTO
Initial work up with Alpha brass, cold shooter and cold bore 1st group. Nothing shot over .5”
I know only 3 rd groups but this many 3 rd groups without a significant flyer is good enough indication for me. Velocity at 40.2g was right at 2730


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I am relatively new to hand loading and seeking some advice on choosing a load from my test data. The application is PRS-style shooting, 400-1,000 yards. I did a 70 round test (14 5-shot groups, 0.3 grain increments from 38.8 to 42.7).

Here is my rifle/environmental/load data:
RifleSavage 110
Barrel24” 1:8”
Catridge6.5 Creedmoor
BulletHornady ELD Match
Charge38.8 to 42.7
PrimerFederal 210
CaseSellier & Bellot (Once Fired)

Here is the shot data:
Workbook_6.5 Creedmoor, 140 Grain ELD Match, H4350 Ladder Test_Page_1.jpg

Target_6.5 Creedmoor, 140 Grain ELD Match, H4350 Ladder Test.jpg

I was thinking either 41.2 grains based on what I have read, but any advice would be appreciated.
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Your 39.7 groups is the best! I'd load up several more groups of it and the 41.2 to see if they repeat the same results. Others may suggest increasing and decrease your charge by 1g on either side of those weights to see if you can further refine your groups.
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Those of you running Type s bushing FL dies and lapua brass, what neck bushing are y’all using? I’ll be using lapua SRP brass with berger 140 hybrids
I am relatively new to hand loading and seeking some advice on choosing a load from my test data. The application is PRS-style shooting, 400-1,000 yards. I did a 70 round test (14 5-shot groups, 0.3 grain increments from 38.8 to 42.7).

Here is my rifle/environmental/load data:
RifleSavage 110
Barrel24” 1:8”
Catridge6.5 Creedmoor
BulletHornady ELD Match
Charge38.8 to 42.7
PrimerFederal 210
CaseSellier & Bellot (Once Fired)

Here is the shot data:
View attachment 7473944
View attachment 7473946

I was thinking either 41.2 grains based on what I have read, but any advice would be appreciated.
Reading the graph 41.0g -41.3 looks good. Relatively flat. Velocity is right in a good zone at 2750-2765. With the groups it's important to focus on the amount of vertical you have and relative poi between them. The groups carry a similar poi @10-11 o'clock position. There certainly could be some you in there as well with the lateral spread. I'd load up 41.0-41.4 each tenth for five rds and see what that tells you, then refine the group on seating depth.
The low node looks good from 39.1-39.7 but it's a touch slow. Just my opinion. Hope it helps
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Reading the graph 41.0g -41.3 looks good. Relatively flat. Velocity is right in a good zone at 2750-2765. With the groups it's important to focus on the amount of vertical you have and relative poi between them. The groups carry a similar poi @10-11 o'clock position. There certainly could be some you in there as well with the lateral spread. I'd load up 41.0-41.4 each tenth for five rds and see what that tells you, then refine the group on seating depth.
The low node looks good from 39.1-39.7 but it's a touch slow. Just my opinion. Hope it helps
Thank you. Yes that does help.
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Those of you running Type s bushing FL dies and lapua brass, what neck bushing are y’all using? I’ll be using lapua SRP brass with berger 140 hybrids

Lapua neck thickness is usually around 14.5 thou (average value) in my experience.

Fair warning: Redding bushings are not machined accurately and can be different by up to 2 or 3 thou from what is stamped on it. Just order a 287, 288 and a 289. One of them will be ‘right’. No point complaining about it, just the way it is. [Btw Wilson Machine & Gauge makes bushings that are labelled far closer to actual measurement, but they have some small error too, so just buy two to be safe.]

Brass Springback will change as the brass ages. Springback will tend to increase over time, forcing you to use a different bushing. This depends on how much your FL die works the brass, if you anneal every time, tight neck vs fat neck chamber etc.

Lapua makes premium brass and their pricing reflects that. Even though amongst the best available, it is not exactly prefect. There is about a 1 thou variation if measured at 6 positions around the circumference. That induces a small anount of runout, usually not enough to affect accuracy in a tactical rifle. There is about 0.5 thou variation in neck thickness from one case tot the next (average vs average), and that has a bigger effect on neck tension, which does matter if you want a low ES. Cull the worst ones. You will need a ball micrometer, or just pay close attention to seating force, use dry lube, then mark the very high and very low examples, if the problem repeats twice, chuck it.

Weight variation is usually good enough and you do not need to weight sort them. Weight delta can be 3.5 grains, but is often 1.5-2 gn. That increases ES only a little. If you want to be meticulous, then just cull the worst 2-5 cases - if you have exceptional accuracy expectation (groups below 0.3”). It is also worth running a Sinclair or similar mandrel through them, which then controls your neck tension more accurately.

IMHO opinion, neck turning does not gain you enough benefit if you use premium brass. I have tried both approaches, and all i gained from neck turning was the ability to skip the mandrel die resize. Accuracy was the same after I culled the repeat offenders that gave fliers or bad ES twice in a row.
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If you’re checking the ID of your bushings with a pair of harbour freight calipers, ID trust the bushing more. If you’re using a 3 anvil bore mic, or gauge pins, you may have something valid to go on.
If you’re checking the ID of your bushings with a pair of harbour freight calipers, ID trust the bushing more. If you’re using a 3 anvil bore mic, or gauge pins, you may have something valid to go on.

Gauge pins.

Main complaint is that the OD of the sized cases do not corresponds well with the bushing stamp. Tested on the same batch of AMP annealed Lapua brass, and the 288 bushing sizes less than the 289 bushing. Yellow TiN bushings....

Maybe i was just unlucky with Redding. Wilson did ok.
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I don’t neck turn or weight sort bullets or brass. All rounds are seating within .001-.002” of each other and I consistently get .3-.4” groups. Chargemaster lite to powder and Redding non bushing fl sizer and micrometer seater.🤷🏼‍♂️
Here’s a five rd group for example. .364”
I get better sd’s and es with my alpha brass but this group and many others are with my hornady brass. It shoots well and is repeatable.


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Anybody use large primer Lapua with H4350 and 140 hybrids? What type of grains you're getting for your load?

I was told the difference between Hornady and Lapua is probably going to be 1 grain less when matching velocities, but its not matching up or even close. I know the term 'compressed' gets thrown around, but not sure how that applies in this case.
Anybody use large primer Lapua with H4350 and 140 hybrids? What type of grains you're getting for your load?

I was told the difference between Hornady and Lapua is probably going to be 1 grain less when matching velocities, but its not matching up or even close. I know the term 'compressed' gets thrown around, but not sure how that applies in this case.
Well once I get some brass, bullets and my dies, I’ll be sure to let you know as I plan on using the 140 hybrids and lapua brass.
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Those of you running Type s bushing FL dies and lapua brass, what neck bushing are y’all using? I’ll be using lapua SRP brass with berger 140 hybrids
redding type S full length with .290 bushing..... which seems to work the best for me. I have .288, .289, .290, and .291... trial/error got me to the .290 bushing. Attached group was done with 2x fired Hornady brass. I have Lapua SRP brass as well and use the same .290 bushing. It has been my experience that the hornady primer pockets fail/get loose much sooner than the Lapua brass. I've had do throw out a few Hornady brass after only two firings.


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Jumped on the Lapua brass train. How many reloads per brass should I realistically expect?

I got between 25 and 30 reloads on Lapua SRP brass, shooting 140’s at 2730 fps, so mild pressure, dumped it due to nervousness about necks possibly separating. Mostly FL sized with a 2 thou shoulder bump. Sometimes neck sized them, which might perhaps have added some life.

Sectioned two cases: During neck turning i inadvertently cut a little too deep into the shoulder so it got thin at that spot. Operator error. Easy to avoid: Skip neck turning altogether, it makes very little difference if your final resizing step is to push a perfectly round object through the inside of the neck (mandrel or button).

Never actually got a neck to separate. I think 35 reloads was/is achievable in my setup. Primer pockets never opened up, but pretty sure that will be the eventual ‘failure mode’. If you run nuclear loads, you can destroy any SRP brass in 1 to 3 reloads.

All LRP brass will have lower life, but no actual experience with Lapua LRP brass. Nosler did 12 reloads, and i would guess Lapua LRP brass will have a similar life span.

I would recommend premium SRP brass for a 6.5 CM but there is a caveat: Some rifles tend to pierce primers if you run SRP brass, and then you have to get your bolt bushed. So maybe experiment with factory SRP ammo first.
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I got between 25 and 30 reloads on Lapua SRP brass, shooting 140’s at 2730 fps, so mild pressure, dumped it due to nervousness about necks possibly separating. Mostly FL sized with a 2 thou shoulder bump. Sometimes neck sized them, which might perhaps have added some life.

Sectioned two cases: During neck turning i inadvertently cut a little too deep into the shoulder so it got thin at that spot. Operator error. Easy to avoid: Skip neck turning altogether, it makes very little difference if your final resizing step is to push a perfectly round object through the inside of the neck (mandrel or button).

Never actually got a neck to separate. I think 35 reloads was/is achievable in my setup. Primer pockets never opened up, but pretty sure that will be the eventual ‘failure mode’. If you run nuclear loads, you can destroy any SRP brass in 1 to 3 reloads.

All LRP brass will have lower life, but no actual experience with Lapua LRP brass. Nosler did 12 reloads, and i would guess Lapua LRP brass will have a similar life span.

I would recommend premium SRP brass for a 6.5 CM but there is a caveat: Some rifles tend to pierce primers if you run SRP brass, and then you have to get your bolt bushed. So maybe experiment with factory SRP ammo first.

I am sitting on about 15k worth of Federal 210M primers. So, any change to SRP brass won't be for quite a long time.

What was the powder weight for getting the 140 at that speed?
Got some 140 accubond and have some rl16 on the way going to do a 10 shot ladder what charge should I start at? I've only got 50 of them or I'd do an ocw these things are like hens teeth right now
Got some 140 accubond and have some rl16 on the way going to do a 10 shot ladder what charge should I start at? I've only got 50 of them or I'd do an ocw these things are like hens teeth right now
My best velocity/sd is at 42gn h4350, the burn rate is almost identical to rl16, I would think somewhere a little safe below max and work up in .5gn. Gonna be hard to find a node with 50 rounds and have leftovers. I started @39.5gn of the stated "41.5" max.
Anybody use large primer Lapua with H4350 and 140 hybrids? What type of grains you're getting for your load?

I was told the difference between Hornady and Lapua is probably going to be 1 grain less when matching velocities, but its not matching up or even close. I know the term 'compressed' gets thrown around, but not sure how that applies in this case.
To follow up. I’m running SRP brass since I couldn’t get ahold of the LRP stuff. Probably gonna run somewhere between 42.8 and 43.2hr h4350 as it seems there’s a large node in there at 2800 FPS.

24” win tac bartlein barrel on an AIAXSA
My best velocity/sd is at 42gn h4350, the burn rate is almost identical to rl16, I would think somewhere a little safe below max and work up in .5gn. Gonna be hard to find a node with 50 rounds and have leftovers. I started @39.5gn of the stated "41.5" max.
Planning on doing a .5 ladder velocity test and find a flat spot then go .2 on either side. Then try to find about another 300 and load them up. That should keep me hunting for a while
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This was my group with the 42.8gr charge. 140gr hybrids 10 thou off lol so stupid how easy it is to load for. ES of 18 and an SD of 7.4 across 5 shots with virgin brass. I expect the numbers to tighten up a little bit once it’s been resized with consistent neck tension.
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