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6mm grendel?

Yeah, my reading tells me with the standard 243LBC chamber you can actually hit lands with mag length loads. I'm used to the mag being the limiting factor, not the freebore. So then my brain told me to cut mags and get the freebore reamed a little deeper and run 112's way out there! I'll resist the urge to go down that rabbit hole though.
The 112s will be way out there if you load them near the lands with the freebore that is in the 243LBC.
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I'm happy Tony is one step ahead of me. I'm looking forward to learning from your experience. Better your money than mine ;) I'll keep you posted on barrel progress
I always get carried away with gun projects. I have intentions of taking my time, being patient, waiting for sales. Then I buy one part and a day later I'm balls deep in tracking numbers...

6 PPC dies and a +2 gas tube ordered now too.
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I always get carried away with gun projects. I have intentions of taking my time, being patient, waiting for sales. Then I buy one part and a day later I'm balls deep in tracking numbers...

6 PPC dies and a +2 gas tube ordered now too.
I'm interested in how the 6ppc dies work out. I've been reading about how close they are. What do you think about using 6ppc brass and fire forming buy loading the bullets into the lands? Is that a bad idea with a gas gun?
No I'll be using Grendel brass, I never considered blowing out PPC brass to Grendel size, are they that close? I just want to see if using the PPC dies makes for a little nicer looking neck down than the Redding 6.5G bushing die I have.
I just did a 221 Fireball necked up to 6mm. Got the reamer in today and chambered the barrel a few hours ago.

For dies I use standard 221 Fireball dies then used a correctly sized reamer to open the neck. I got the 6mm expander from RCBS. It is about as easy as a wildcat can get.
I'm interested in how the 6ppc dies work out. I've been reading about how close they are. What do you think about using 6ppc brass and fire forming buy loading the bullets into the lands? Is that a bad idea with a gas gun?

There's no reason to use 6 PPC brass for this and waste components fireforming. Necking down Grendel brass is a single step through a 6 PPC die and works great.
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So I'll run out of mag length before freebore? If thats the case I'll window a magazine again and see where that gets me.

My 243 LBC doesn't need to be seated anywhere close to the lands for best accuracy. With that 95gr VLD-H for example, I've tried everything from in the lands down to 2.200"; best accuracy is at 2.235" which has plenty of room in any Grendel magazine.

I wouldn't worry too much about chasing the lands with this cartridge unless that particular bullet demands it.
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My 243 LBC doesn't need to be seated anywhere close to the lands for best accuracy. With that 95gr VLD-H for example, I've tried everything from in the lands down to 2.200"; best accuracy is at 2.235" which has plenty of room in any Grendel magazine.

I wouldn't worry too much about chasing the lands with this cartridge unless that particular bullet demands it.
I'm not so much interested in chasing lands as I am trying to run that 112 without eating up all my powder capacity. If the freebore says I'll have the bullet shoved way in there I'll ditch the idea right now. But if its only the mag length stopping me I'll work around that.
You guys are killing me working on these projects. My lower is ready, and all my upper parts are in except for the stupid barrel. “Here we sit like birds in the wilderness....”. You might not get that reference if you weren’t in the Scouts.
For reference for you guys...
My 22" 6mm predator accuracy loads are doing 2830 with 90 sierra gamechangers and 3310 with 58 v-maxs. As I recall those are both fairly close to maxing out.

how the accuracy with the 90gr bullets In ur 6mm predator? Is this an ar performance barrel?
For reference for you guys...
My 22" 6mm predator accuracy loads are doing 2830 with 90 sierra gamechangers and 3310 with 58 v-maxs. As I recall those are both fairly close to maxing out.

I've noticed data from a number of other people as well indicating the 243 LBC barrels from BHW are capable of 100-150 fps more than the 6mm Predator with similar bullets and barrel length.
I use the Redding Full Size Grendel Die with bushings to neck it down to 6mm, seating I bought a Hornady 6mm Creedmoor seating die that adjust to the 6mm Grendel case no problem there. Waiting for my Xcaliber barrel
You and I are in the same boat. I ordered the Hornady seater labeled for 6 PPC, reading the instructions it says its just a generic 6mm die with enough adjustment range that its not specific to any single cartridge.
You order your barrel on BF week?
You and I are in the same boat. I ordered the Hornady seater labeled for 6 PPC, reading the instructions it says its just a generic 6mm die with enough adjustment range that its not specific to any single cartridge.
You order your barrel on BF week?

No I Ordered it the first week of November hoping to get it after the first of the year. Yet tonight I ordered true sport barrels for $35 20" 243 LBC
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You and I are in the same boat. I ordered the Hornady seater labeled for 6 PPC, reading the instructions it says its just a generic 6mm die with enough adjustment range that its not specific to any single cartridge.
You order your barrel on BF week?

You'd do yourself a big favor using a standard FL sizing die for the initial necking down, even if you use bushing dies for subsequent reloading. Something like a Lee 6mm PPC die is cheap enough that it's worth the time/effort savings for sure. That makes case forming just a single pass through the die, and it's ready to load.
You'd do yourself a big favor using a standard FL sizing die for the initial necking down, even if you use bushing dies for subsequent reloading. Something like a Lee 6mm PPC die is cheap enough that it's worth the time/effort savings for sure. That makes case forming just a single pass through the die, and it's ready to load.
I had a pile of dies in my cart the last order I made, and an FL 6PPC die was one of them but it apparently didn't make the cut. My set up so far is a Redding 6.5G FL with the expander out, then a Redding 6.5G bushing die right after it on a 550 toolhead, so I'm not handling the brass more than once to size it and I'm not getting any donuts. I'm sure I'll eventually end up with the 6PPC die, how much nicer is it to use?
The FedEx truck dropped my barrel this afternoon. Checked the chamber with my gages all good there. Slapped it into my side charging upper and had to make a comparator case. I have purchased to bullets so far 6mm Hornady 87 Vmax and 107 Nosler RDF. The Noslers hit the lands at 2.310 and the Vmax hits at 2.087. that's a little short. I guess I'm off to find some more bullets to try next. My barrel is a Xcaliber 24" Bull, Stainless, with an 11 degree crown. Been shooing Grendel's for years now so I have lots of powder choices. Using Hornady brass and Fed AR match primers
The FedEx truck dropped my barrel this afternoon. Checked the chamber with my gages all good there. Slapped it into my side charging upper and had to make a comparator case. I have purchased to bullets so far 6mm Hornady 87 Vmax and 107 Nosler RDF. The Noslers hit the lands at 2.310 and the Vmax hits at 2.087. that's a little short. I guess I'm off to find some more bullets to try next. My barrel is a Xcaliber 24" Bull, Stainless, with an 11 degree crown. Been shooing Grendel's for years now so I have lots of powder choices. Using Hornady brass and Fed AR match primers
You ordered in early November and recieved in early December?!?! What was their lead time when you ordered? It was 8-10 weeks when I did.
The possibilities are endless!

I saw that add here and jumped for one of those barrels. Of all things it came Sunday morning via Fed Ex. Wow what service. Took it into the garage to check it out. Nice looking chamber the 6mm Grendel shell fit just fine only one problem there is no rifling in the barrel it is essentially a smooth bore. I did email True Sport. If I have to eat it I will have a life time supply of 6mm Fender washers
I saw that add here and jumped for one of those barrels. Of all things it came Sunday morning via Fed Ex. Wow what service. Took it into the garage to check it out. Nice looking chamber the 6mm Grendel shell fit just fine only one problem there is no rifling in the barrel it is essentially a smooth bore. I did email True Sport. If I have to eat it I will have a life time supply of 6mm Fender washers

LOL, that is the P3 Caudle rifling. There's not much to see except three faint spirals in the bore. It is rifled, not a smooth bore, just not traditional lands and grooves. It works very well. They describe it well with drawings on their website.
I saw that add here and jumped for one of those barrels. Of all things it came Sunday morning via Fed Ex. Wow what service. Took it into the garage to check it out. Nice looking chamber the 6mm Grendel shell fit just fine only one problem there is no rifling in the barrel it is essentially a smooth bore. I did email True Sport. If I have to eat it I will have a life time supply of 6mm Fender washers
You can listen here for more info on the rifling they use but you will probably get a answered fro. Them soon anyway. When did you order your barrel? I ordered mine on black friday and I haven't gotten it yet.
Yes I do have a lathe and i'm going to clean it up to the forearm and a little more that's it. And an 11 degree crown

You'll need to do more than that. The whole thing needs to be trued up at least, all the way back to the chamber, and you need to cut off the first 1/2"-1" of the muzzle. Most barrel makers recommend removing the first 1".

These are a good buy for what they are, but they really are nothing more than a chambered blank; all of the other work still has to be done. The muzzle end on these is definitely not pre-trimmed and is not ready to use at the existing length.
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You'll need to do more than that. The whole thing needs to be trued up at least, all the way back to the chamber, and you need to cut off the first 1/2"-1" of the muzzle. Most barrel makers recommend removing the first 1".

These are a good buy for what they are, but they really are nothing more than a chambered blank; all of the other work still has to be done. The muzzle end on these is definitely not pre-trimmed and is not ready to use at the existing length.
I think the end is ready to crown but I could be wrong, I'm not a gun Smith and it would have to be checked. Are you someone who has done this before?
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