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Fieldcraft Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Yo dude (Merry Xmas and a freakin happy new year btw,bro!)

Reverting to the good ol`Viking ways seems like a pretty darn good idea, I have been toying with the same thought for a while...
Before the popes Imperial Stormtroopers came rushing, making us turn our swords into plows etc, we had a pretty good time plundring and pilaging.
Nowadays it seems like only one wannabe "religion" has the monopoly at that kind of leisure activities, got to do something about that...

Anyway, anytime you feel like reverting, you are most welcome to!

John - out
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I love these myths and theories because they allow alot of stupid threads to read through and its a great way to get your giggles for the day. I remember one a while ago that probably got deleted but it was hard to not fall out of the chair while reading it. Yes, it was that that funny.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Everytime one of these threads pops up on a board I get a kick out of all the weapon choices people suggest. Mostly long guns. I'm firmly of the belief that ammo would be too limited to have much use as a hunting tool over an extended period of time. A long gun would simply make you a target from a distance. Give me a handgun any day of the week. I'd prefer that every person I come across think I was not worth their time.

I just started reading "Lucifer's Hammer" for the first time. It's not a new book (and it's a comet, not a Mayan calendar, that ends civilization). Some of the common sense ideas displayed by a few of the characters are really not half bad ideas from a survival standpoint. Being prepared is not a bad thing, particularly of likely scenarios. But I think natural disasters and power outages are the more likely suspects, not zombies and Mayans.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Niven and Pournelle, together and individually, have written some of my very favorite SciFi.

Apocalyptic disaster is not coming for its first time, and it's definitely coming. Preparedness only helps those who make it through the initial event. For some ideas regarding the futility of preparedness and the fickleness of fate, i suggest reading up on the local conditions prevailing when Mt. St. Helens blew, or Krakatoa, Santorini, Vesuvius, etc.

For a great many of us, the apocalypse is already here. Current thinking is that for the most part, pretty much the entire boomer generation is going to attempt to retire, and fail.

When faced with impending disaster, most run in circles, scream and shout, and when the disaster can still be seen coming, but rather further down the road, most will simply kick that can ahead a bit and get on with their grasshopper existence.

This concept is right up there on the scale of ludicrous along with Y2K, and all the other lemming mindset pseudo-threats we've all seen come and go.

Folks who see the 2012 threat as being primarily political are right. They are always right, every election. Whomever we elect, it will always be the wrong one. The problem isn't which party, it's that they are <span style="font-style: italic">politicians</span>...

When the fan goes brown, I'll be a a sacker. I really have very little chance to begin with.

...and if you believe all that; I've got this bridge down in the NY Metro real estate market...

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For a great many of us, the apocalypse is already here. </div></div>

I'm in the home construction industry and we've been living the "apocalypse" for a while now. The principles remain constant:

-Conserve your resources
-Reduce your footprint
-Adapt and overcome
-Define your needs
-Deny your wants
-Avoid isolation
-Network with others (who are trustworthy)
-Gather and act on REAL intel
-Avoid over reaction
-Operate slowly and carefully within a well planned strategy
-Consider every expenditure of resources (time, money, provisions, etc) as permanent and irreplaceable
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I hear buckshot works well on the zombie horde. My daughter chimed in "head shots only".

But seriously, what level body armor do I need to withstand a meteor?

Will my electric blanked get me through a nuclear winter?
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

So far ahead of you guys,...

Jap 7.7 w/wooden bullets,... minute of zombie no problem to 1K
Old style .308 Silver Tips loaded up for everything 30 cal.
12 gauge #4 buck, Silver, Gold an wood pellets.
Silver and Wooden crosses below the muzzles of everything.

Shaft to ctr of earth, with secondary to China's main USA storage area in Bentonville Ar.. I need 4 hrs notice if this one is needed, as the ride down is just above mach 1,... cheap ass elevator, but hell of a set of blast doors. Thank you Halliburton, tell Dick I said thanks for the input an free money.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gunfighter14e2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So far ahead of you guys,...

Jap 7.7 w/wooden bullets,... minute of zombie no problem to 1K
Old style .308 Silver Tips loaded up for everything 30 cal.
12 gauge #4 buck, Silver, Gold an wood pellets.
Silver and Wooden crosses below the muzzles of everything.


And this is why you should never believe what you read on the internet. Gunfighter14e2 just described the perfect load-out for werewolves and vampires. What on earth makes you think silver and wood are more effective on zombies than traditional rounds??? Zombies are all about headshots and laying down mass amounts of lead (preferably wasted full-auto on center mass hits if the movies are to be used as a guide). Dual-wielding swords is actually much more effective against zombies over the long haul.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Where can I get some of those wooden bullets I need 11 of those.
I think that they are Banned in illinoize?
Ill pay cash but you will have to come to me im busy hoarding aluminum foil and chewing gum .
Anybody wanna sell me some fishing hooks?
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jedi5150</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gunfighter14e2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So far ahead of you guys,...

Jap 7.7 w/wooden bullets,... minute of zombie no problem to 1K
Old style .308 Silver Tips loaded up for everything 30 cal.
12 gauge #4 buck, Silver, Gold an wood pellets.
Silver and Wooden crosses below the muzzles of everything.


And this is why you should never believe what you read on the internet. Gunfighter14e2 just described the perfect load-out for werewolves and vampires. What on earth makes you think silver and wood are more effective on zombies than traditional rounds??? Zombies are all about headshots and laying down mass amounts of lead (preferably wasted full-auto on center mass hits if the movies are to be used as a guide). Dual-wielding swords is actually much more effective against zombies over the long haul. </div></div>

But in the fieldcraft class's I took in 1964-5 Uncle said there was no such thing as Zombie's. The heard was only made up of werewolves and vampires in drag,..Uncle lied to me?
Damn all these years, and I just now find out my Government has lied to me?

A few committed Ammo Collectors will have the 7.7 wooded bullets, as these were from Jap WWII training rifles, do to our Navy's ability's to stop shipments of copper an lead to them. This part is fact and you can search that. Some of the wooded ones made field use and were left dipped it shit overnight before being used on the battlefield,... again this part is fact.
Even the VC learned from old Jap teachings about how to use infection as a weapon. Lucky for us, we had and E-8 that knew what to look for and did a block of instruction for us.

Lets see, the US Navy stopped brass an lead so they used shit dipped wood instead, does that mean in todays world, we should/could sue the US Navy for the lost of a loved one from infection back then?

Sounds about right for 2011 litigation suit's to me. You?

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zombyhero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and yes there is such thig as zombies your so scared of them you pretend they dont exist </div></div>

yes they do......they wear blue helmets.....and speak french.......!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Blue is my target of choice. LOL
They run and grab their flag first sign of trouble, never have enough fuel to go forward, but seem to always have enough to run away from a good fight.

Being way past over the hill, I have to laugh at all the "End of world stuff". I first heard about garbage like this when I was 5 years old, and every now an then the same tired old line makes the rounds again. Once in Florida this same kind of B/S helped prop up hip National. According to those in the know a big wave was going to wash over Florida within 6 months. Many believed this shit and sold their homes, and many other things for pennies on the dollar, an booked north***. Being a none believer myself, I picked up a few homes and property and waited for the wave, as I had bought a very nice 32' boat also, just in case. Never needed that boat as I got tired of waiting for the wash over and sold it.

Wish this kind of thinking would happen again today as even with the home market in the shitter, I'd clean up again. Anybody wanting a buy out before 2012 at my prices drop me a line.

*** Maybe these were the folks that thought they could own a 300K home, 50K SUV, Bike, Boat, and eat out every night, while only making 50K a year,....could be?
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pat M</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm heading for the mountains, cause i've got a cooler full of steaks and beer </div></div>

Lets hook up. I've got a truck load of guns, ammo, beer, and several cases of Tactical Bacon! http://cmmginc.secure-mall.com/item/CMMG-Tactical-Bacon-1325

Bring on the Apocalypse!!!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lindy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Spiritual preparation is easy. Fear is simply a lack of faith.

religion is just a man made way to cope with fear...seems to be working great for some.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Let's back off religion and keep the topic on the 2012 Zombie problem

Won't get locked that way
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I'm not doing any extra preparation other than what I usually do everyday, keep gas in the truck, ammo in the loading room, guns in the appropriate places, etc.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

The one thing to know for sure is that,

May 21, 2011 IS NOT THE DATE!

But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. KJV
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I wonder if teenage birth rate goes up when these "disaster" type scenarios present themselves? I know if i thought for sure the world was going to end in 2012 i'd probably be flying condomless and i doubt i'd be the only one. But i don't believe in apocalypses per say. Definatly not 2012. But people that do believe, i wonder what the statistics are/will be...
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Are you guys wearing saran-wrap pants? Because I can clearly see you're nuts.

What part of the "end of the world" is unclear? Its the END OF THE WORLD. Live life, enjoy it and don't sweat the dumb shit. Our 'oh shit the world is ending' plan is beer, sex, and watching it roll in together. We've all seen post-apocalyptic movies. You really wanna live through that crap?

My husband's Native American view is when its time to walk on, the only thing to do is get to walking. If you're the type of sick-o that hopes the shit will hit the fan so you can shoot people in the head and steal their food then I hope you enjoy it when your time comes.

Fucking mall ninjas... "I'm gonna armor up, grab my AK and hole up in the Circle K and ride it out." Unique plan. Good luck!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kenda</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Are you guys wearing saran-wrap pants? Because I can clearly see you're nuts.

What part of the "end of the world" is unclear? Its the END OF THE WORLD. Live life, enjoy it and don't sweat the dumb shit. Our 'oh shit the world is ending' plan is beer, sex, and watching it roll in together. We've all seen post-apocalyptic movies. You really wanna live through that crap?

My husband's Native American view is when its time to walk on, the only thing to do is get to walking. If you're the type of sick-o that hopes the shit will hit the fan so you can shoot people in the head and steal their food then I hope you enjoy it when your time comes.

Fucking mall ninjas... "I'm gonna armor up, grab my AK and hole up in the Circle K and ride it out." Unique plan. Good luck!</div></div>

Yeah, but Mad Max made it all look so awesome... </div></div>

It's all about perspectives you've just got to make the most out of whatever situation you end up in

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Im with Kenda 100%

If the world ends (im assuming non existant somehow, maybe Chuck Norris decides to fart and the world gets pushed into another planet in some far off solar system. I don't even like Chuck Norris...) then make the most of it. I know im going to enjoy it.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

The only downfall that man will experience is what man causes himself. There is no book, calender, paper, ancient sun dial, prophet or emmisary that is going to give you the date or time the world will end. The human ego has no bounds and feels the need to make itself a signifigant factor in why the world spins the way it does.

Prepare? No I have not made preparations. Will shit happen? Sure, it always does, its human nature to make a bad situation worse. The only thing I am prepared to do is whatever it takes. I dont know what I will need, nor do I know what measures are needed. Things MAY get bad, then again, they probably will not.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

In 1 word........YES
have cashed in all out 401K's and purchased a mini farm in the country.Lots of garden space, game, fresh water and best of all good neighbors .
Built a range next to the house.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kenda</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Are you guys wearing saran-wrap pants? Because I can clearly see you're nuts.

What part of the "end of the world" is unclear? Its the END OF THE WORLD. Live life, enjoy it and don't sweat the dumb shit. Our 'oh shit the world is ending' plan is beer, sex, and watching it roll in together. We've all seen post-apocalyptic movies. You really wanna live through that crap?

My husband's Native American view is when its time to walk on, the only thing to do is get to walking. If you're the type of sick-o that hopes the shit will hit the fan so you can shoot people in the head and steal their food then I hope you enjoy it when your time comes.

Fucking mall ninjas... "I'm gonna armor up, grab my AK and hole up in the Circle K and ride it out." Unique plan. Good luck!</div></div>

Yeah, but Mad Max made it all look so awesome... </div></div>

"Water World" looks fun too.....the guy on the "Exxon Valdez" reminded me of Al Gore.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<span style="font-weight: bold">2012 is the end of the Mayan Calender. Alot of people think the mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012.

I think they are wrong in some area's and right in some others. As we all know the mayans were a very large civilization. They were wise to the orbit of celesital objects and were able to calculate events in space and time.

What confuses me is the Mayans had alot of knowledge about calenders and the heaven's, but they could not see there own problems. With any large civlization comes resources to keep them thriving. The Mayans were no different, they had to rely on fresh rain water and local foods and animals nearby. The Mayans could not properly feed and shelter the larger populations later on.

I think the world will have this problem very soon. I dont think 2012 will have much to do with Galactic alignments throwing off orbits or Planet Nibiru coming into our solar system. I think if anything the Mayans were warning us about the dangers of over population. We have 6.5 billion stomachs to feed on planet earth and resources are not easily replaceable. Anyone who has grown a garden knows how much work is put into it, the payoff is barely enough for the time spent and resources. This planet is a planet of dwindling resources, and humans must find a way to either decrease our need on our current resources or be able to replace them at a faster rate.

2012 is a Year of Haves and Havenots. </span>
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I live in Southern California. We are always preparing for disaster, usually right after we just had one. Flooding, fires, earthquakes and riots happen here in cycles. During the summer it gets dry and all the grass catches fire in the mountains, then after all the grass is gone the rain in the winter has nothing to hold the dirt back. So people's houses in Malibu slide down the mountain on to the Pacific Coast Hwy. Then there will be a random earthquake. So I try to keep stocked up just in case. If 2012 does bring some kind of event I've got plenty of water, beans, bullets and bandaids to get me through for a while.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I think the key point here is that when 2012-type events, etc., roll around, the In Crowd will be prepared and protected at our expense, and we'll get the wrong end. Simply put, it's good to be the king...

Far as I can tell, nobody's investing the Common Weal toward any realistic effort to sustain humanity when the big one goes down. That's understandable when one's grasp on the ability to wield the public treasury is dependent on providing a regular diet of bread and circuses. Bread and circuses are expensive, and tend not leave a lot of wiggle room for investing in realistic solutions to your average realistically potential apocalypse.

How to survive the planet killer? Hmmm... How 'bout, "...and now for something completely different...?"

By definition, planet killers leave dead planets.

...At least for as long as it takes for them pesky microbes to get their acts together all over again...

So, essentially, we gots to get us a breeding population up and off this third rock, and into a position to carry on regardless.

So, where to?

Actually, probably <span style="font-style: italic">not</span> so far after all. How about synchronous orbit? 23K miles, or thereabouts.

So what to put there?

I wonder if anyone's read up on Dyson. He proposes things like Ringworlds, and Dyson Spheres. A bit ambitious for my taste, but maybe a concept that lends itself to steps and stages.

Then there's the space elevator, as dream reality that's just about reached the point where current technology sees potential answers. By chance, there could be some really dilly concurrent benefits.

First, lets explain how a space elevator works.

You, me, somebody establishes a permanent station in geosynchronous orbit. Yes, Virgina, it does have to be directly over the equator. So establishing an equatorial touchdown ground zero is in order,

Then, one extends an immensely strong, tough filament down toward sea level or thereabouts. For reasons that involve symmetry and orbital mechanics, it becomes desirable to extend another outward, toward cislunar orbit, more about this later. If this downward filament stands the immense strain its own weight will begin to impose as it gets nearer to sea level, it will eventually extend to earth, and can be secured. Very simply put, a strand that can stand such stresses is going to literally shrug off the additional stresses that elevator cars and their loads will impose.

Not putting one's eggs in one basket is the reason we're doing this all in the first places; so once you have one, you keep on building more. If you stop, you're not smart.

So what does this buy us all? Many things, pretty much all of them desirable.

First, we have an independent habitat, and communications and commerce with that habitat does not require chemical rockets or any other kind of reaction mass expenditure.

Second, we have free electric power in vast quantities. How, you ask? Well, if one moves a conductor within an electromagnetic field, one generates current. The space elevator filament is moving within the earth's magnetic field. Experiments with the space shuttle and conductors have generated enough current to completely burn through the filament, and that was when extended earthward only a short distance. The limits of power generation are bound only by one's ability to carry the vast quantities of current involved.

Third, we have interplanetary boost capability, with no energy expenditure. How? well, There's that other filament extending toward cislunar orbit. If it's the same length, its end is moving a 4 times orbital velocity, or roughly 72 KMPH. Once past the orbital base, reaching the far end requires only brakes, centrifugal force does all the work. Once at the end, let go, and ride the whiplash into interplanetary space.

Anybody see any of their governments contemplating such projects?

More's the pity; because it reveals the utter lack of vision extant among the intellectual lightweights we've been electing to employ our common wealth. So for the forseeable present, we are engaging our common wealth in a wealth transfer shellgame. That Ponzi scheme won't hold together forever; and we really do have some more genuine issues to address before the cards all fall flat, and all our collective pockets get turned inside out, folks. Even without any planet killers, those dark ages are approaching. Our fiscal policy demands such.

Now, then; none of this is for me. I won't live long enough to even see this get well started. But for you younger folks; this thing has legs. Get crackin'...

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Yeah, that's where I want to be at the stroke of midnight 2012...
in a friggin elevator box in the upper atmosphere, hanging on a cable that's connected to a dying planet. Didn't Tim Geithner already come up with this plan for our economy?
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Yes, I said Ronald Reagan, You all don't remember the libs denegrating RWR????? How he was going to get us into WW III? I do, I even have a cartoon of RR holding a 44 saying "Go ahead ayatolla, make my day". I loved Reagan, I was quoting the left, as they are always the ones trying to panick the citizens of this country, back then, and now. If you don't know SARCASM when it is applied in the context it was, try reading and get off my Back!!!! This was 5th grade english.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

just read thru this thread, defiantly a keeper. I'll be deployed when this happens, so I'm not too worried about it. If it happens, it happens. If not, it doesnt