Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?
As for me, I have picked a really nice spot on a ridge within walking distance from the house, where me and the missus can enjoy a nice, selected bottle of wine or three on a nice soft blanket and enjoy the show while it lasts, maybe even get time for a little 1on1 before the fat lady sings...
Of course I`m bringing some boomstick to keep peeping toms at a comfortable distance, but what else is there to do?
Seriously, where would you "bug out" to? Who could you trust beside you absolutely closest family? How would you go about keeping your supplies, not to speak of starting over again, growing food etc, without outlaws trying to and sooner or later succeeding in getting it?
The only chance would be a society of likeminded people strong enough to keep others out while surviving themselves, a scheme that it is not even possible to discuss in todays society...imagine leaving anyone out...?
Keep in mind that we have chosen our current way of life ourselves.
A good while ago man had enough supplying himself and his family with food and shelter while woman tending to the mentioned shelter and the kids, thus forming the traditional occupations.
Primary industry at a personal level was the key to survival.
When mankind started trading services and objects for food and other items to cover other primary needs, thus disbanding the tools and knowledge to feed ourselves form a-z, we threw ourself at the mercy of faith on a massive scale.
There is no way to reverse this, no matter how much we would want to, the population is way too high in any part of the world, there is not enough land left to let everybody grow and catch their own food.
A farmer today supply so many people with food, the only reason he can do that is because he has diesel and electric power.
No electricity, no diesel,no mass production. Even getting hold of a horse to plow a field large enough to grow things for himself,family and nearest neighbors could be next to impossible, and todays grains and many vegetables have been rendered useless for sowing after 1st generation due to certain companies headless hunt for profit and their work in genetics.
Furthermore, internet and TV are turning people into passive zombies that either freeze up or freak out when anything remotely unexpected happens.
Add to that a bunch of minor criminals running around just waiting for an opportunity to gather something for themselves;try shutting down streetlights in a major city and see what happens...
In the past, crimes were punnished swift and hard, today this is no longer politically correct and this will be what kicks off the diseaster in the first place.
Where I live, if you had cut the power 50-70 years ago nothing much would have happened. People would have lit candles and a fire in the fireplace and waited it out, going about their business more or less as usual.
Try now, just for a few days. I am sure many of the LEOs on this site can testify to the fact that it does not take much to bring out the worst in people, and this would make it happen on a mass scale.
Last week British governemnt reps attended a convention in UK, among other things warning against an expected solar storm, and the possible outcome. Mass media turns it inot a worst case scenario, but the point is that the government know they are not equipped to handle an event like a total power outage, especially not one with long lead time on spare parts.
I have a bit of knowledge of things like that, and certain bits and pieces are not standard off the shelf items so to speak.
Keep in mind that all the great empires which remains our archeologists are looking into today, once considered themselves to be the greatest civilizations ever.
They certainly were all on top of the food chain of their eras, all had technology the world had never seen, and they all crumbled and fell due to the actions of their people.
Mass migration and immigration and too much time on their hands probably played a big part, taxing of farmers to supply armies and slaves with food, anything that let people do other things than feed and shelter themselves from mother nature lead up to disaster.
It has happened before and it is extremely arrogant, ignorant and downright stupid if the governments are not aware it can and likely will happen again, it is just a matter of time.
I fully believe that the universe keeps adjusting itself, tsunamis,quakes,landslides,floods, the higher number of casualties the more it becomes obvious that the planet is overpopulated, that many people should not live in such a small area anyway, otherwise the number would be way lower.
A solar flare may be the universes way of telling us it is time to return to the trees for a while...
The thing is, you never know in which form or shape it will come, thats why I dont worry too much about it, I am more likely to adapt and improvize, and I would think lack of gear will not be the main issue...
Meanwhile, I still enjoy the sunset, missus and a few bottles of often as possible
John - out