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Fieldcraft Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

The Mayans were quite advanced for their time. They probably got to a point where we are today and took the money they had stashed for senior health-care & decided to spend it on those who hadn't contributed to the system.... Mayan-Care... It soon overburdened the system, so they had to make cuts. The calender maker was so good at his job that he had it made all the way to 2012, so they figured they wouldn't need his services for awhile and they cut his job.... History repeats itself....
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I have been working on a book that is to set my course for the end of time. I don't see how water, food, and ammo is going to outshine words in Red in the "End of Time" scenario.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jon Lester</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have been working on a book that is to set my course for the end of time. I don't see how water, food, and ammo is going to outshine words in Red in the "End of Time" scenario.</div></div>

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

You can learn a lot by studying how the Amish prepared for Y2K. They made sure all their animals and hand tools had upgraded software, so they made the transition without a hick-up.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Wild Bill C</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Mayans were quite advanced for their time. They probably got to a point where we are today and took the money they had stashed for senior health-care & decided to spend it on those who hadn't contributed to the system.... Mayan-Care... It soon overburdened the system, so they had to make cuts. The calender maker was so good at his job that he had it made all the way to 2012, so they figured they wouldn't need his services for awhile and they cut his job.... History repeats itself....

Wild Bill nailed it!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Twenty twelve, schmenty schmelve...

You guys don't get it. When disaster comes, it's not going to give anyone a couple of thousand years warning.

Consider the concept of the 'keystone technology'; the one that fails and everything else comes down around it within days.

The entire worldwide electric power grid is totally vulnerable to a geomagnetic storm/coronal mass ejection.

Back in 1859, the largest one on record caused telegraph lines to arc and fuse. These days, we have a lot more wire doing a lot more things. This time, such a discharge would burn down the transformers. It takes six months to make a new transformer. That's with an electric grid in its currently functional state. Estimates for restoration of the grid run as high as ten years, just to regain parity.

Food, refrigeration, transportation, fuel, it would all stop running in a few minutes. Estimates of USA casualties run between 100,000,000 and 150,000,000 in the first week alone.

Now ask yourselves, how does a Mayan prediction of doom compare with that? A CME is essentially guaranteed, one precisely like the 1859 one approximately every 500 years, ones 1/5 that (like 1921 and 1960) several times per century. The only truly pertinent questions are how soon (maybe a day's warning, probably less), and how bad.

You want to worry about something, that's as real as it gets.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?


Many get it, but can't believe it will happen to them. This is no different than anything else. Those that spend what they don't have or have not made yet are leaders of the American way. Put it on my Plastic I'll pay you back later. You hear them all the time, don't worry it well all work out and we'll be fine.

Those that can think and work with their hands, will make it. Those that think cardboard and a sharpie will do, might have an issue.

There are many things most never even think about, then there are those that don't have to worry at all, because they don't rely on anyone other than theirself to provide.

City's are three meals away from dog eat dog, 24 hours w/o power in heat or cold and the bitch fest is on. Could they have provided for those problems yes they could, do they no.
Why cost, you say, but they have money for the "Address", SUV, Boat, PWC, Motor Cycle, 5K Sniper rifle's w/ ?K rds of ammo for every weapon they own, an on an on.
However they won't spend a dime on protecting their selfs from what is really important,... guess they're waiting on someone else to do for them as well!

Times coming when money will not buy anything, no matter how much they have.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Mankind's most reliable trait is his own ability to fool himself. Wishful thinking is <span style="font-style: italic">not</span> the order of this day, it's been the order of every day since some ape stood upright and walked several steps for the first time in prehistory.

While I'm fairly certain such events can be planned for and possibly even survived by some fortunate few with a minimal blip, I have to ask myself a few practical questions about just how fortunate they will truly turn out to be after all.

With luck, maybe only half the population will perish. With my luck, it will most certainly be the wrong half. Even assuming I managed to survive, would I really want to live in a word with that portion of the population still remaining?

When you've lived as long as I have, and weathered some of the bigger blips like I have, such questions begin to assume some genuine importance.

Screw red herrings like The Great 2012 End of The World As We Know It Panic.

They may sell tabloids, but they don't address anything of genuine practical value.

Like they said in <span style="font-style: italic">War Games</span>, maybe the winning move is not to play in the first place. I've had a long, interesting, and rewarding life. I do not love life itself so much that I would choose to forge through all imaginable disasters to continue it at any cost. There has to be more to life than just continued existence. There has to be purpose and reward as well. Without them, existence is simply prolonged agony.

If you want to get some feeling for what the aftermath of a CME might entail, look at the background conditions against which dramatic series like <span style="font-style: italic">Dark Angel</span>, <span style="font-style: italic">Jeremiah</span>, and <span style="font-style: italic">Jericho</span> are played out. While I think the issues and solutions portrayed in those series border one the unlikely and perhaps even ludicrous, I think they do a rather better job of forecasting relatively realistic conditions and quandaries.

With my own frailties, and those of ones I love, I'd be not so quick to make plans for weathering storms of such magnitude. When one examines the logics behind <span style="font-style: italic">On The Beach</span>, the unorthodox begins to have at least some relevance to reality.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: keithtb1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone have a suggestion on a good boot for 2012? Was thinking mid calf but wasn't sure Lace or zipper. Hate to be unprepared when the end comes a knockin!</div></div>

Got to be mid-thigh, lace up. And don't forget your ankle length duster and bandoleers. A good sword or two couldn't hurt. Haven't you watched any post-apocolypse movies?

I agree with the poster that said "Cardio" is the answer.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Consider the concept of the 'keystone technology'; the one that fails and everything else comes down around it within days.</div></div>

How did Keith Stone get into this discussion?
I have to admit, keeping it "always smooth" may be the best advise for unrest.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TheSmokeRolls</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: keithtb1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone have a suggestion on a good boot for 2012? Was thinking mid calf but wasn't sure Lace or zipper. Hate to be unprepared when the end comes a knockin!</div></div>
River waders ought to suffice.
Whats up man? How you been?
......SmokeRolls </div></div> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: keithtb1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doing good. Like the wader idea except no water on the property....
yet. </div></div>
It was more of a joke than being legit.
I've got a pair of Blackhawk boots that have got to be the most comfortable boots I have ever put on my feet. I wanted to see how tough they were and so I turned them into a work boot, they did great for a very long time until the toe rubber attached to the sole started to seperate from the boot, I took them off until I can get them repaired. They are a great boot, I just put them though hell and back. I want to try some newer Daniers as well.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Let's review the past impending disasters, 1970's- Legionaires disease, global cooling 1980's-AIDS,Herpes, Hanta virus, Ronald Reagan 1990's-Global warming, Planet alignment, Y2K, 2 more viral outbreaks, 2000's-SARS, bird flu, swine flu, global warming, Yellowstone, Asteroid impacts, resugence of smallpox, and now we have the "impending" 2012 end of the world. May I quote scripture here? NO ONE KNOWS THE TIME THE WORLD WILL END, EXCEPT FOR THE FATHER. I will not pay attention to these stories of impending doom. the real danger is a lot closer to home.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Goatman007</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Let's review the past impending disasters...Ronald Reagan</div></div>

WTF...them's fightin' words
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Anyone who wants a fairly realistic look at a post-CME or EMP scenario, read <span style="text-decoration: underline">One Second After</span>, by William Forschten(sp?).
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Goatman007</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> NO ONE KNOWS THE TIME THE WORLD WILL END, EXCEPT FOR THE FATHER. </div></div>

I just called my dad, he said we was kinda fuzzy on the exact time......
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I'm writing this in my bunker right now. It is small, and damp but the hum of the generator is melodic........shit did I get fuel for the genera
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I was active duty during Y2K. The Provost Marshall was getting his ass handed to him by higher about what he was going to do if the world fell apart. In response he drew from the four MP companies on Ft Stewart and had in excess of 100 MPs pulling mids. One team per intersection that had a traffic light. Roving and overlapping patrols. Since I was a traffic NCO, I was assigned to roving the highways for rogue vehicles affected by the "zero zero" of 1900/2000.

At 2130hrs the only people outside were the MPs. At 2330 hrs I had passed a total of 5 cars on my 60 miles of highway in 3 hours. Midnight came and went and not a damned thing happened.

2012 will be a repeat of the same.

Which kinda sucks cause I'm bored and would love go all "Kurt Russell Escape From New York" That shit would rock! Just riding around with my MK-19 mounted on my pickup. Pimpin ho's and blowing off barn do's.....

I digress.

It's all bullshit.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I've seen pictures of the Mayan calender. I think it ends in 2012 because they ran out room on the rock to write anymore on!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Hey, have mercy on the poor stone carver. They gave him a wall to decorate and he did the best he could; but I must say he complained about having all that space to fill, so he ad-lib'ed it for that last 20 feet. Apparently it was actually supposed to run out about 500 years ago, but but he had underestimated the area he had to decorate, and...
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

As for me, I have picked a really nice spot on a ridge within walking distance from the house, where me and the missus can enjoy a nice, selected bottle of wine or three on a nice soft blanket and enjoy the show while it lasts, maybe even get time for a little 1on1 before the fat lady sings...
Of course I`m bringing some boomstick to keep peeping toms at a comfortable distance, but what else is there to do?

Seriously, where would you "bug out" to? Who could you trust beside you absolutely closest family? How would you go about keeping your supplies, not to speak of starting over again, growing food etc, without outlaws trying to and sooner or later succeeding in getting it?
The only chance would be a society of likeminded people strong enough to keep others out while surviving themselves, a scheme that it is not even possible to discuss in todays society...imagine leaving anyone out...?

Keep in mind that we have chosen our current way of life ourselves.
A good while ago man had enough supplying himself and his family with food and shelter while woman tending to the mentioned shelter and the kids, thus forming the traditional occupations.
Primary industry at a personal level was the key to survival.
When mankind started trading services and objects for food and other items to cover other primary needs, thus disbanding the tools and knowledge to feed ourselves form a-z, we threw ourself at the mercy of faith on a massive scale.
There is no way to reverse this, no matter how much we would want to, the population is way too high in any part of the world, there is not enough land left to let everybody grow and catch their own food.

A farmer today supply so many people with food, the only reason he can do that is because he has diesel and electric power.
No electricity, no diesel,no mass production. Even getting hold of a horse to plow a field large enough to grow things for himself,family and nearest neighbors could be next to impossible, and todays grains and many vegetables have been rendered useless for sowing after 1st generation due to certain companies headless hunt for profit and their work in genetics.

Furthermore, internet and TV are turning people into passive zombies that either freeze up or freak out when anything remotely unexpected happens.
Add to that a bunch of minor criminals running around just waiting for an opportunity to gather something for themselves;try shutting down streetlights in a major city and see what happens...
In the past, crimes were punnished swift and hard, today this is no longer politically correct and this will be what kicks off the diseaster in the first place.
Where I live, if you had cut the power 50-70 years ago nothing much would have happened. People would have lit candles and a fire in the fireplace and waited it out, going about their business more or less as usual.
Try now, just for a few days. I am sure many of the LEOs on this site can testify to the fact that it does not take much to bring out the worst in people, and this would make it happen on a mass scale.
Last week British governemnt reps attended a convention in UK, among other things warning against an expected solar storm, and the possible outcome. Mass media turns it inot a worst case scenario, but the point is that the government know they are not equipped to handle an event like a total power outage, especially not one with long lead time on spare parts.
I have a bit of knowledge of things like that, and certain bits and pieces are not standard off the shelf items so to speak.

Keep in mind that all the great empires which remains our archeologists are looking into today, once considered themselves to be the greatest civilizations ever.
They certainly were all on top of the food chain of their eras, all had technology the world had never seen, and they all crumbled and fell due to the actions of their people.
Mass migration and immigration and too much time on their hands probably played a big part, taxing of farmers to supply armies and slaves with food, anything that let people do other things than feed and shelter themselves from mother nature lead up to disaster.
It has happened before and it is extremely arrogant, ignorant and downright stupid if the governments are not aware it can and likely will happen again, it is just a matter of time.
I fully believe that the universe keeps adjusting itself, tsunamis,quakes,landslides,floods, the higher number of casualties the more it becomes obvious that the planet is overpopulated, that many people should not live in such a small area anyway, otherwise the number would be way lower.
A solar flare may be the universes way of telling us it is time to return to the trees for a while...
The thing is, you never know in which form or shape it will come, thats why I dont worry too much about it, I am more likely to adapt and improvize, and I would think lack of gear will not be the main issue...

Meanwhile, I still enjoy the sunset, missus and a few bottles of wine...as often as possible

John - out
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I live 6 miles from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to the so uth of me.

6 miles to the NORTH of me is Bangor - a Trident Submarine base

Ft Lewis is 35 miles south, McChord AFB right next door.

So I'd be bugging out if I felt the balloon was going up - the rainforest is supposed to be one of the safest spots on earth in that event. I don't want to get hit by a nuke at ground zero LOL

I'd bug out to Oklahoma, Colorado - any place where there were forest, water, and food.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jolly roger</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone who wants a fairly realistic look at a post-CME or EMP scenario, read <span style="text-decoration: underline">One Second After</span>, by William Forschten(sp?).</div></div>

Read this book. It was entertaining, but I don't think anyone knows what would happen if there was an event like that.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: osuamigo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I got a brick of .22 shells, I figure with that, and a little "applied" marksmanship, my family and I can survive. What I can't scrounge for, I can take, by force if necessary!</div></div>

I really enjoy these types of statements.....kinda like a flea crawling up an elephant's leg with rape on its mind and coming down with crap in his face.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Graham</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Stephen Hawking says the universe is still expanding - with or without God. Yet house prices are down at 2003 levels. In anticipation of 2012 I'd buy land. The good news is that it comes in camo. </div></div>

Land, now available in camo!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: osuamigo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I got a brick of .22 shells, I figure with that, and a little "applied" marksmanship, my family and I can survive. What I can't scrounge for, I can take, by force if necessary! </div></div>

Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword... Some a lot quicker than others. Karma's a bitch, and she'll be right on you with an attitude like that.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Quite a bold first post...
Any shit hitting the fan tends to break out the absolutely worst in some people, an excellent example above where that seems to be the predefined mindset.

On another note, according to Darwin and other on the same level, individuals within spieces best equipped for the current circumstances are the ones to survive.
Primitive times will call for primitive measures, a statement not easily devoured in these times of extreme political correctness.
It is that same political correctness and the total lack of understanding and political courage in how to properly do a job and follow through that will be the end of the Western world, along with the total blindness to the fact that you cannot save them all.

However, it seems that there still are enough people around with down-to-earth mindsets and the willingness and ability to form groups able to sustain a society with normal values and morale should the worst happen.
Lets just hope the vast majority of the surviviors have other backgrounds/professions than politics...

Next weekend is almost here, time to check the wine cellar

john - out
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Apparently, I misread the OP's topic. I thought that the whole point of the topic was to survive in case of a cataclysmic disaster. I am not talking a manmade disaster, nor a "Katrina" type of disaster. I am talking about the ultimate scenario.

Now, if the OP was talking about a manmade type of disaster, then I am sure with a little forward thought, and planning, nothing of this level would even be remotely necessary. If the OP was speaking of a Katrina type of situation, well, there are many different ways a person can plan for and even evacuate.

So, going back to my original statement, something cataclysmic, are you going to do what it takes to survive, or are you going to be prey? If faced with life or death survival, I WILL survive. My family WILL survive. Just cause I might be new around here as a poster doesn't mean I lack survival skills. My father and grandfathers thought me more than I ever could learn on any internet forum.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Kick-Ass</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Which kinda sucks cause I'm bored and would love go all "Kurt Russell Escape From New York" That shit would rock! Just riding around with my MK-19 mounted on my pickup. Pimpin ho's and blowing off barn do's.....

CKA IS Snake Plissken!
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

To me, the issue is unrealistic and therefore only interesting as a theory.
I think most men and many women in a given situation will do whatever it takes, including anything in their power to totally completely annihilate any threat, to ensure the survival of their loved ones. If that is what you are asking;I have the ability to do so and in a given situation I would. That is not what is being discussed, however.

The OPs post was regarding 2012, and those who have seen the movie (if you haven`t you did not miss anything, trust me!!!) should know that in that exact scenario, most of us would be the guy on the beach looking at the approaching waves...end of story!
There are so many doomsday scenarioes that all you need to do is pick your favorite and prepare for that.
In the event of a meteor strike or a polar shift that in theory could tear up the crust of the earth or anything else on the same scale, I do not see that the leftovers, if any, would be a very pleasant place to live, hence my 1st post in this thread.
Hiding in a missile silo or other underground bunker from a nuke or a geographically limited "happening" makes sense, because there will be inhabitable areas outside the blast/radiation/flooded/whatever zones.

I find hiding in the same silo from a cataclysmic event hitting the entire earth at once hilarious, because what would be left?
If you cannot grow anything and most animals, fish etc are dead, all you can do is live on canned goods until you either starve to death or die from foodpoisoning. Unfortunately Hollywood have made some fairly romantic stories from this...
That said, "the road" is not one of them, didn`t see the movie but read the book...still pretty close to the worst piece of shit I have wasted time on...

Any disaster like Katarina a power outage caused by a solar flare or similar would have casualties, but the majority of those would be from the aftermath when some people with a mind set on saving themselves at any cost kills or are killed by the people they are trying to steal from.
This is what I object to, because it is against my sense of right and wrong. No matter how shitty the situation is, there is no reason to make it worse!

John - out
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I thought 2012 was the end of mankind according to the Myan Calender, if that's the case I doubt ammo, rifles or extra food with make much differance. Use it while you can.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

My assumption would be that the more advanced the civilization is, the greater should be the fall.

The only category the Third World has more of to lose is population, and personally I think the world has plenty of that to great excess wherever one looks. The way population continues to rise, we don't need any so-called externally sourced disasters to bring forth a credible doom. As population density increases and transportation expands, the more it appears to me that disease would be the final insult.

Western society has had at least one major depopulation within historical time, namely the Plague. There's no reason not to believe that the plague was only the latest in a series of less well documented similar repetitions. For instance, what happened to the Clovis people, or the Vikings in North America? Plague figured prominently in creating the Dark Ages, and left Europe vulnerable to conquering Moslem hordes. Without Charles Martel, we might all be speaking Arabic right now, or even the language of a dead civilization, like Mayan. This is one scenario which has legs, it's happened before, and could again.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

You are absolutely right, Greg.
A "primitive" society is way less vulnerable to strikes against its technical "life support" system, that would render most of the so-called western world more or less helpless.
We are seeing increasing numbers of bacteria and viral diseases especially originating in Africa and Asia that are immune to modern medicines, possibly caused by poor people receiving meds starting treatments they do not finnish, and rather sell the remaining meds instead.This let some of the bacteria survive and they become immune to that med, and also mutate into nastier and nastier strains as they travel high-speed worldwide on modern means of transportation.

Another grave issue, without any intent to start a shitstorm, is what Europe especially is facing these days with naive politicians dead set on forcing a mass scale cultural mixing.
This will not turn out well, it has been proven over and over again since the early dawn of ages that trying to force large groups of people with completely opposite beliefs and culture to live "peacefully" together just turns an area into a powder ceg with a lit fuse.
Those who disagree, look at Balkan/eastern europe, that is no less than a religious based war still ongoing but no longer newsworthy.
The bad news for us is that with our disarming politics, political correctness and total lack of ability and willingness to defend ourselves will be easy prey, courtesy of our BMFIC`s...

John - out
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I have some ambivalence toward putative disasters.

I suspect Western society has painted itself into a corner it can't get out of without surrendering some of its more cherished beliefs, however faulty their obvious outcomes may be. Between this and the hypocrisy political postures demand, I doubt the folks in charge would do what needs doing no matter how clearly they saw any impending doom approaching.

It would take something like an overwhelming disaster to pry the reins from their terrified hands.

Personally, I have trouble choosing to believe whether this is good or bad.

The good news, wherever we're headed, we should be arriving soon.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: OregonShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The only thing ending in 2012 is a 4 year term. Thank God! </div></div>
When I read 2012 in the subject I immediately thought of the next big election. That could be as much of a disaster as anything.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

It will be. Either the red team or the blue team will win again, and the spending of our grandchildren's labors and the evaporation of our liberties will continue apace. We are Rome, right down to the influx of foriegners for cheap labor so that we may more effectively soften ourselves for the kill that always finds a decadent and fat society. 2012 may well bring disaster, but I doubt the Mayans had a clue as to what it will be. And life will go on, probably just less good times to balance out the drudgery.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Ive been hoarding sunglasses in preparation
yes you heard me
sunglasses they are light and ill be able to carry a bunch of them with me and ill trade for stuff with them.
because all you tin foil / secret squirrell guys
will break yours and you will wanna look good for the ladies ...
thats where I come in
you know its still gonna be all about the fashion
after the dust settles
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Three kinds of folks live in this world,

Those that have to prepare for any/everything,
Those that don't have a clue, even if it was tattooed on their forehead in braille.
Those that don't care because they know they can get threw 99% of anything man made.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jig Stick</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ive been practicing with my crowbar in case there is a headcrab infestation
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jig Stick</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ive been practicing with my crowbar in case there is a headcrab infestation

You need a Sniper crowbar
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Its not uncommon for this topic to crop up every so often. I found an article on another forum that hits it on the head when it comes to prepared or not

" I've put a lot of thought lately into SHTF/TEOTWAWKI scenarios, and I've spoken with quite a few folks and I think I've found a few flaws in some of the predominate SHTF thinking on a lot of folks. I've also exposed quite a few holes in my own planning. I've compiled a list of what I consider to be "SHTF Truths" that I feel are appropriate to place here for discussion.

These are, by and large, intended to address a total SHTF scenario. I.E Power is lost, the store shelves are near empty, EMS, fire and police protection are hours away...if available at all. Riots and civil unrest are either currently occurring or on the verge. It's time to bug out or stay down.

Since this is a firearm forum, let's start with the firearm related misconceptions:

First and foremost...you're not going to be scavenging for ammunition. I hear a lot of folks saying " I only want a (9mm, .40, .45, .223, 762x39, 30-06, .30 because I can scavenge popular ammunition calibers if the SHTF". Let's think back a few months to the ammunition crisis. Anyone remember that? For nearly 18 months here I couldn't find a box of .45 ammo, or a pack of large rifle primers for my life. Now, there was never any REAL threat here. I.E The only people who were purchasing or obtaining ammunition were those who were already inclined to own and shoot firearms. In the wake of a real emergency, no one is going to be anti-gun. Your staunchest Brady campaign neighbor is going to be whipping out his credit card at Cabela's to keep the mongrel hordes from beating down his door, because you just can't beat the will to survive.

Also, keep in mind that during the "ammo crisis" the presses were running nearly non-stop. In a real SHTF stores are going to be limited to what they have on hand because the trucking industry will be dead in the water, and the presses will be dry.

Don't really think about scavenging it from others either. While you might get a box or two off of a neighbor who has croaked from the new plague, those opportunities are going to be few and far between. After all venturing out into the wastes and braving people that are probably trying to kill you for something as trivial as extra ammunition is probably not going to increase your lifespan, and wasting 300 rounds in a firefight with your neighbor (even if you come out alive) to get at the 50 round box of .45 LC in his basement isn't really an economical decision. Long story short, what you've got on hand is what you're going to get.

Sounds drab right? Well look on the bright side, it means you're free to choose caliber that you like, that you're comfortable with, and that you shoot well. Also, it's at least partially mitigated by the next item on the list.

About 1,000 rounds is probably more than enough. Let's face it, firefights are dangerous. Principally because people are trying to kill you. Even if you are a real bad-ass, eventually the law of averages is going to catch up to you, and someone's going to lay you out. If you're consistently involved in gunfights, you are going to die. As a wise man once said, your best asset is a lifelong commitment to awareness, avoidance, and deescalation.

Realistically, money spent on magazines is probably better than money spent on ammunition. If I'm being shot at I'll take 200 rounds of magazine loaded .223 over 500 rounds of loose pack any day of the week!

So go ahead and shoot up that extra ammo now. When the world goes to hell the practice will be worth more to you than the ammunition will.

Oh! By the way, you probably won't be hunting for your food either. This is one of my favorites from the "Country Boy Can Survive" types. I'm not sure how things go in your neck of the woods, but around here poaching is a serious problem...and right now it's a crime...and people don't really need the food. When the park rangers and wildlife management folks are busy fending off the herds of angry super-mosquitoes from Mars, and the food has dried up you're going to see the biggest urban migration you've ever witnessed. Folks who were sickened by the thought of meat are going to be killing each other over that last rabbit or pigeon. Even rural areas will be overrun with REI clad suburbanites seeking sustenance from you salt of the earth type of folks. Most won't be successful, but they don't know that. Remember, you're going to be dealing with individuals who consider staying at the Quality Inn roughing it. They're convinced that the woods are filled with deer, elk and buffalo just ripe for the taking....and they are HUNGRY! So! Much like ammunition, what you have is probably what you're going to get. At least for a long, long while.

On the other side of the firearms spectrum, your tactical gear will probably get you killed. Imagine the scenario : you've escaped from federal prison in the wake of a major oil crisis that has effectively shut down the United States. You're hungry, angry, and down to the last round for your scoped .300 Win Mag you "traded" off of that lovely gentleman you met last week. Really! All it cost you was the hatchet you buried between his eyes. You know you need to get to some more supplies, and fast. Who are you going to bet on? The guy with the drop leg holster, tac-vest, molle webbing and $600 backpack...or the college kid with the garbage bag slung over his back.

Parading around in a ballistic vest, with $2600 of crap hanging from your neck is probably not going to do much but make you an easy target.

Thats enough for one night....I will try to pick this up tomorrow.

These are...of course my opinions. They're open to interpretation, and placed them here to spur discussion. Let me know what you think."

Certain things were right on the level with my thoughts on specific topics. The whole ammo subject on quantity, and its availability, whether your trying to get it, or have 1k rounds in an ammo box made me thing of the reloading hoarders. I am not talking about guys who actually shoot ten million rounds a year. I am talking about the guys who "prepare" for and "event". I have heard situations from Mexico invading, to Obama illegaly disarming the country. And with every individual who feels that 49lbs of powder, 10k primers, 10k bullets, and a ton of, what is arguably a tweekers dream, of unloaded brass..."just in case". In case of what? You want to set a record on how fast you can turn components into loaded ammo to shoot it faster than you can load it? Those of us who load may have had run-ins with folks like this, and know how bad it was to get stuff.
Bullets are useless until they are loaded in a mag (or a cylinder for revolver fans). Until then, they just keep shelves from escaping the Earths gravitational bonds.