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Board Doc's, what say you?

Of course they are generic NOW.
Their statin is cheap, so they can afford their new drugs to treat the myelin damage.
Yeah, because myelin is composed mainly of cholesterol LOL.

Lest we not worry about the actual root cause of inflammation which causes the damage (which cholesterol clogs to try and save your life) ....is all the bullshit foods/sugars/seed oils etc pushed on us since WWII because the MIC/Big Food.

Anyone else noticed an uptick in mental health issues, dimentia, brain waste disease since Big Med pushed a lower protein, low saturated fat, low cholesterol, high sugar/carb diets?

Could it potentially be because the brain amd other nerve tissues are principally composed fats, cholesterols, and proteins?

Yeah, I did too.

*noticing intensifies*

Eat real food.
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I didn’t remember this Malone guy, but I see that he is in bed with Pierre Corey, who founded the same group with Paul Marik after Merrick was also disenfranchised for his quackery.

You and I will obviously have to disagree about Malone, Marik, and Korey.

The only thing I will say is that I was very sad about the downfall of Paul Marik’s career because I know that guy, and as I said, I have co-authored a very contrarian paper about the treatment of sepsis with him. He was a very good counterweight to mainstream medicine bullshit. He was a very brilliant guy and still is. It is unfortunate that he took this extreme position on Covid treatments. I honestly think that he might have gone the way of Joe Biden because he is getting up there in years. I think it also relates to his pushing vitamin C for sepsis which in retrospect marks the beginning of his quackery. We have now extensively tested vitamin C for sepsis, and his result was either manipulated or a fluke. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have also now been formally evaluated and formally debunked as legitimate therapies for Covid.

I really regret what happened to Paul Marik. perhaps the same is true with this Malone guy, that he had a legitimate idea, it was debunked as junk science, he dug in and double down, and it cost him his entire credibility. At least that is what happened with Paul. Very sad.

So you just think their cheese slid off their cracker? Really?
And you don't know who Dr Robert Malone is?
I find that hard to believe.
You have been disingenuous and elusive in numerous posts. Some of us can read quite well.
We can read your blog now as well, thanks for that.
No one invited you to leave. Ive been sitting back letting you write. Its all here in black and white. Let the readers decide. Glad you came in and participated. Its been very..... educational.
Don’t know much about milk thistle but foxglove is used to make digoxin and morphine comes from the poppy.

We get glp-1 agonists from Gina monsters, too.

Wikipedia doesn’t think much about milk thistle:

Traditional medicine and adverse effects​

Although milk thistle has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, there is no clinical evidence that it has any medicinal effect, and the quality of research has been poor.[22][23][24] Silymarin is extracted from the milk thistle seeds and available as a standardized extract.[25] In 2019, Cancer Research UK stated: "We need a lot more research with reliable clinical trials before we can be sure that milk thistle will play any part in treating or preventing cancers."[26]

Use of milk thistle may cause stomach upset and produce allergic reactions in some people.[22]


Well isn't Wikipedia just a pinnacle of modern information.
They are lying.
Here. Note the part about the FDA:

Oh yeah. Milk thistle will heal your liver.
Yes, sir.

Hydroxychloroquine is a quack therapy for Covid.

I stand behind my letter to the department of health and the quotes attributed to me in the media.

I also had a lot of skin in the game when I went to New York City and volunteered for two weeks before there were vaccinations and at the time when the virus was still strong and killing people, including healthcare, workers left and right.

Now the virus has weakened or immunity against it has strengthened or probably both. Covid isn’t really a thing anymore, but hydroxychloroquine was never a thing. FULL STOP.

that guy, Paul Merrick, who went over the deep end and got fired from East Virginia medical school and is now part of a quack group promoting complete quackery? I know him. I have co-authored with him. We were one kind until he went over the deep end.

You can believe whatever you want that is your right as a US citizen. However, as regards, healthcare matters, I do this shit for a living. And I have a tremendous amount of expertise and real world experience. That doesn’t mean you have to believe me, but it should give you a little bit of pause that maybe I should be taken seriously.

Plus Man, come on. There aren’t a lot of conservative doctors out there in academia. I am surrounded by bed wetting liberals and they piss me off as much as they do you. We are on the same team and I am trying to represent us in a liberal dominated field.

I am really not trying to fight you guys. I’m just trying to tell you what I know and a lot of what I know with pretty high confidence.
OK. i don't know much but here it is disjointed but.. took my last "flu shot in '75. got the flu 2 weeks later. i deduced that a safe and effective vax can not be produced in less than a year minimum. therefore the annual "flu shot" is just an obvious pharm scam. btw pushed by all our medical experts. mRna has been around for awhile 10 years looking for a market. fauci found a big money maker to sell the fda. anyone who lets someone screw around and give them any dna,rna modulator is suicidal at best. an aside. have given a quart of t.tox. some years ago got converted to dpt. at the time diptheria hadn't existed in deacades in US. pertussis was v, rare and totally pediatric. wondered why the change like maybe in 78/80? seems clear now that was just another $ making more expensive scam. are you one who believes covid came from some chinese street market bat vector? love to know about your vent management.use remdisivir? fauci killed some aids patients with it i think. lot of years dealing with vented patients. but i know management has changed radically in last 15-20 years. what i have known in the past reads very diff than what i have seen documented during the scamdemic. i was around when HIV was a big panic over not much here in FL. i know much worse in NE & kali cities. fauci managed that for big bucks for his masters. did you really believe the available tests for covid were reliable? + tests a big $ maker for many hospitals.what do you say about foot print standing and masks? did you use ivermectin or do you say that it is useless like you claim for hcq?
I agree that the mainstream journals descended into complete madness during Covid, especially early on. I frankly quit reading the new England journal during that time for the first time since I started getting it over a quarter of a century ago.

But none of that has anything to do with statins

And the OP asked for doctors opinions on the boards. It just so happens that I am a certified expert in medical evidence appraisal with all of the credentials to back it up as you can see on my blog. I am also a gun guy and I am not some Raging liberal freaking out about viruses and masks or anything like that. I never got into those controversies. Statins are not controversial. They are simply a value judgment, and I have explained ad nauseam how one can make it and arrive at a valid conclusion, either way, so long as the judgment integrates the known data.

I hope that at least the OP has gotten something out of this
Ok, the YouTube link I posted was from a very well respected cardiologist

https://alicardiology.com/ (His website that I couldn’t find earlier$)

in the LCHF community and all you did was see a YouTube link and completely dismissed it. So I’ll be doing the same to your fucking blog. You are part of the problem too
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Well isn't Wikipedia just a pinnacle of modern information.
They are lying.
Here. Note the part about the FDA:

Oh yeah. Milk thistle will heal your liver.
Eh, eating liver is the best way to heal a lot of things about the body. Minor quibble but a quibble nonetheless
  • Like
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Well isn't Wikipedia just a pinnacle of modern information.
They are lying.
Here. Note the part about the FDA:

Oh yeah. Milk thistle will heal your liver.

This one?

Doesn’t look promising as no results were obtained.

I couldn’t find another clinical trial citation.

Without evidence I ain’t buying it.

OK. i don't know much but here it is disjointed but.. took my last "flu shot in '75. got the flu 2 weeks later. i deduced that a safe and effective vax can not be produced in less than a year minimum. therefore the annual "flu shot" is just an obvious pharm scam. btw pushed by all our medical experts. mRna has been around for awhile 10 years looking for a market. fauci found a big money maker to sell the fda. anyone who lets someone screw around and give them any dna,rna modulator is suicidal at best. an aside. have given a quart of t.tox. some years ago got converted to dpt. at the time diptheria hadn't existed in deacades in US. pertussis was v, rare and totally pediatric. wondered why the change like maybe in 78/80? seems clear now that was just another $ making more expensive scam. are you one who believes covid came from some chinese street market bat vector? love to know about your vent management.use remdisivir? fauci killed some aids patients with it i think. lot of years dealing with vented patients. but i know management has changed radically in last 15-20 years. what i have known in the past reads very diff than what i have seen documented during the scamdemic. i was around when HIV was a big panic over not much here in FL. i know much worse in NE & kali cities. fauci managed that for big bucks for his masters. did you really believe the available tests for covid were reliable? + tests a big $ maker for many hospitals.what do you say about foot print standing and masks? did you use ivermectin or do you say that it is useless like you claim for hcq?

A question about statins for preventing or treating heart disease - which is exactly what the original post asked - should ideally not descend into a referendum about the highly controversial response to Covid.

We need to carefully limit what we are arguing about here else we descend into chaos
Damn want a shit storm.
little back round to the simple question ask.
Moved to bama in 93 @ 46 yo never had sinus issues ever, grew up on a farm. My work included Redstone in Huntsville, right in the middle of what the Indians called the valley of the sickness. (Do to so much mold) Went to an ENT who made me a diabetic with Decadron. The insulin was fun for 18 months, then metformin for 2 years. finally got off all that shit, when I kept my A1C at 4.9 uning what I call normal life, and common sense.

Then came, you have high blood pressure, really why do you say that? You were141/80 when you came in? OK but clue for you, I can set here for 5 minutes and it will drop to 115-120/69-72 then I can stand up & sit right back down & it will be in the 140s' over 80 again, & 5 minutes later it will be down in what you call normal again. So you are saying that I need to take zyx & a baby asprin the rest of my life for that?

Then came the scamdimic and I was not going with that program, at all.
Then last visit he says I need a heart stress test, right after the yearly wellness, OK what did you find/hear wrong? Nothing but you are almost 77 its time? This is where I lost it, Clue me doc, I do 3+ miles a day at 3.5mph at a 10% grade on the tread mill, 30 minutes on a upper body machine & 15 minutes on a bike 6 days a week, & when I come off my heart rate is 84 & Bp is 123/71, does that sound like I have heart issues? His response well if you're not going to listen to me find another Dr. OK I'm real good with that as I don't trust you ass anymore anyway.

New doc, everything looks excellent but your cholesterol is a little high, you need to take this, Hard stop Doc, that shit almost killed some folks I know & made others sick as dogs, is this really needed? As long ago I had a Doc in Fla that said I had high cholesterol but those numbers were normal for ME.

Latest, had cataracts removed 4 weeks ago, everything is so blurry its a bitch trying to type & read here, don't even think its safe to drive, luckily 17yo grandson is here for that. Oh you'll be able to see great in a a week they say.

I'm to the point I don't trust the med system for much of anything anymore. Hence the reason for the OP.
Damn want a shit storm.
little back round to the simple question ask.
Moved to bama in 93 @ 46 yo never had sinus issues ever, grew up on a farm. My work included Redstone in Huntsville, right in the middle of what the Indians called the valley of the sickness. (Do to so much mold) Went to an ENT who made me a diabetic with Decadron. The insulin was fun for 18 months, then metformin for 2 years. finally got off all that shit, when I kept my A1C at 4.9 uning what I call normal life, and common sense.

Then came, you have high blood pressure, really why do you say that? You were141/80 when you came in? OK but clue for you, I can set here for 5 minutes and it will drop to 115-120/69-72 then I can stand up & sit right back down & it will be in the 140s' over 80 again, & 5 minutes later it will be down in what you call normal again. So you are saying that I need to take zyx & a baby asprin the rest of my life for that?

Then came the scamdimic and I was not going with that program, at all.
Then last visit he says I need a heart stress test, right after the yearly wellness, OK what did you find/hear wrong? Nothing but you are almost 77 its time? This is where I lost it, Clue me doc, I do 3+ miles a day at 3.5mph at a 10% grade on the tread mill, 30 minutes on a upper body machine & 15 minutes on a bike 6 days a week, & when I come off my heart rate is 84 & Bp is 123/71, does that sound like I have heart issues? His response well if you're not going to listen to me find another Dr. OK I'm real good with that as I don't trust you ass anymore anyway.

New doc, everything looks excellent but your cholesterol is a little high, you need to take this, Hard stop Doc, that shit almost killed some folks I know & made others sick as dogs, is this really needed? As long ago I had a Doc in Fla that said I had high cholesterol but those numbers were normal for ME.

Latest, had cataracts removed 4 weeks ago, everything is so blurry its a bitch trying to type & read here, don't even think its safe to drive, luckily 17yo grandson is here for that. Oh you'll be able to see great in a a week they say.

I'm to the point I don't trust the med system for much of anything anymore. Hence the reason for the OP.


Well.....lemme tell ya.
This is the best thread on SH right now.
A question about statins for preventing or treating heart disease - which is exactly what the original post asked - should ideally not descend into a referendum about the highly controversial response to Covid.

We need to carefully limit what we are arguing about here else we descend into chaos

"No one knew."

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Promulgating bad information because it is mainstream, is simply...lying.
Damn want a shit storm.
little back round to the simple question ask.
Moved to bama in 93 @ 46 yo never had sinus issues ever, grew up on a farm. My work included Redstone in Huntsville, right in the middle of what the Indians called the valley of the sickness. (Do to so much mold) Went to an ENT who made me a diabetic with Decadron. The insulin was fun for 18 months, then metformin for 2 years. finally got off all that shit, when I kept my A1C at 4.9 uning what I call normal life, and common sense.

Then came, you have high blood pressure, really why do you say that? You were141/80 when you came in? OK but clue for you, I can set here for 5 minutes and it will drop to 115-120/69-72 then I can stand up & sit right back down & it will be in the 140s' over 80 again, & 5 minutes later it will be down in what you call normal again. So you are saying that I need to take zyx & a baby asprin the rest of my life for that?

Then came the scamdimic and I was not going with that program, at all.
Then last visit he says I need a heart stress test, right after the yearly wellness, OK what did you find/hear wrong? Nothing but you are almost 77 its time? This is where I lost it, Clue me doc, I do 3+ miles a day at 3.5mph at a 10% grade on the tread mill, 30 minutes on a upper body machine & 15 minutes on a bike 6 days a week, & when I come off my heart rate is 84 & Bp is 123/71, does that sound like I have heart issues? His response well if you're not going to listen to me find another Dr. OK I'm real good with that as I don't trust you ass anymore anyway.

New doc, everything looks excellent but your cholesterol is a little high, you need to take this, Hard stop Doc, that shit almost killed some folks I know & made others sick as dogs, is this really needed? As long ago I had a Doc in Fla that said I had high cholesterol but those numbers were normal for ME.

Latest, had cataracts removed 4 weeks ago, everything is so blurry its a bitch trying to type & read here, don't even think its safe to drive, luckily 17yo grandson is here for that. Oh you'll be able to see great in a a week they say.

I'm to the point I don't trust the med system for much of anything anymore. Hence the reason for the OP.
Reminds me of my dentist.

I have one cavity that was filled when I was about 7. Probably not even a cavity, they just decided to fill a low spot with some mercury and amalgam or whatever they used.

Every time I go to the dentist you would think I killed kittens - Oh you have to floss, oh you need to…..yada, yada, yada.

Meanwhile people I see flossing and obsessing over their teeth I can see the shitty dental work from across the room.

My dentist set up some appointment with a dental surgeon because he saw some “gum rescission”. Dude was telling me “We will cut some skin from the roof of your mouth, apply it to the area receding and in a few weeks the graft may take. There will be some discomfort. When do you want to schedule?”

I think he was shocked when I told him never with no hesitation or questions - I’m not their ATM card to access the insurance money stream. I’m 56 years old, there should be some wear and tear on the choppers.

Medicine has fucked itself and people need to push back on the industry. The last 5 years has destroyed trust.

The Doctors will say “Fine! Let’s see you treat your own appendicitis!” which tells you everything you need to know about how seriously they take their oath.

The first step to regaining trust is to call out the charlatans in your ranks and at the onset that means Fauci.

You absolutely know the last 4 years were bullshit and continuing to play on just delays your rehabilitation.

Not saying COVID wasn’t real - more likely a purposeful attack on our country by enemies foreign and domestic and your covering for it makes you complicit.

Promoting masks and getting anxious when buying bear spray - 6mm all the way……..
Well.....lemme tell ya.
This is the best thread on SH right now.
Well you want to hear the real kicker?
In 1989 I seen a mole on the wife's right arm in the bright Fla sun I did not like. Told her to have the Docs at work check it out (she was a nurse) all of them said don't worry. Moved to bama in 93 over the years had the doc's here do the same, big nothing to them. Told her to get a referral for a dermatologist, no need they said. 2004 right arm starts hurting, open it up, guess what. Melanoma nodular with leader from same fucking mole.
she went on exp drugs, but lost her in 2013, ask me if I have faith in the med profession?
"No one knew."

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Promulgating bad information because it is mainstream, is simply...lying.
Violating rights and freedoms because of fear.

When you don’t know, it is exactly the time for reasonable and considered thought.

“We had to do something!”

When you have to do something do it to yourself and in ten years we will see how it works out.
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Well you want to hear the real kicker?
In 1989 I seen a mole on the wife's right arm in the bright Fla sun I did not like. Told her to have the Docs at work check it out (she was a nurse) all of them said don't worry. Moved to bama in 93 over the years had the doc's here do the same, big nothing to them. Told her to get a referral for a dermatologist, no need they said. 2004 right arm starts hurting, open it up, guess what. Melanoma nodular with leader from same fucking mole.
she went on exp drugs, but lost her in 2013, ask me if I have faith in the med profession?
Daughters 5th year physical…..My wife mentions to pediatrician that she has started wetting the bed again and she comes into our room in the middle of the night to drink my wife’s whole glass of water.

Pediatrician says nothing to be concerned about…kids go through stages.

I simply Google “wets bed and drinks a lot of water” and every topic that returned was Type I diabetes.

The next day we asked for a blood test and the pediatrician pushed back hard - unnecessary, nothing to worry about, she is fine. We demanded the test I took the afternoon off work.

At about 1700 the pediatrician called in tears. She had already called my wife but as I was watching my daughter she wanted to speak with me as my wife rushed home. My daughters BG was in the 700s and it was life threatening I had to get her in an ambulance. The pediatrician was so sorry.

Than my wife called in tears and in a panic.

Oddly I looked at my daughter and she seemed fine. I told my wife to get her shit together before she came home and we all hopped into the family car for a weekend stay to learn about insulin injections, counting carbs, what is humalog and have been living the TD1 life for more than ten years.

Arrogance and dismissal kills.
Daughters 5th year physical…..My wife mentions to pediatrician that she has started wetting the bed again and she comes into our room in the middle of the night to drink my wife’s whole glass of water.

Pediatrician says nothing to be concerned about…kids go through stages.

I simply Google “wets bed and drinks a lot of water” and every topic that returned was Type I diabetes.

The next day we asked for a blood test and the pediatrician pushed back hard - unnecessary, nothing to worry about, she is fine. We demanded the test I took the afternoon off work.

At about 1700 the pediatrician called in tears. She had already called my wife but as I was watching my daughter she wanted to speak with me as my wife rushed home. My daughters BG was in the 700s and it was life threatening I had to get her in an ambulance. The pediatrician was so sorry.

Than my wife called in tears and in a panic.

Oddly I looked at my daughter and she seemed fine. I told my wife to get her shit together before she came home and we all hopped into the family car for a weekend stay to learn about insulin injections, counting carbs, what is humalog and have been living the TD1 life for more than ten years.

Arrogance and dismissal kills.
Man I feel for you & your wife.

Putting a hard stop to murderers no matter who they are, or who they think they are, is just in my book.
Yes, sir.

Hydroxychloroquine is a quack therapy for Covid.

I stand behind my letter to the department of health and the quotes attributed to me in the media.

I also had a lot of skin in the game when I went to New York City and volunteered for two weeks before there were vaccinations and at the time when the virus was still strong and killing people, including healthcare, workers left and right.

Now the virus has weakened or immunity against it has strengthened or probably both. Covid isn’t really a thing anymore, but hydroxychloroquine was never a thing. FULL STOP.

that guy, Paul Merrick, who went over the deep end and got fired from East Virginia medical school and is now part of a quack group promoting complete quackery? I know him. I have co-authored with him. We were one kind until he went over the deep end.

You can believe whatever you want that is your right as a US citizen. However, as regards, healthcare matters, I do this shit for a living. And I have a tremendous amount of expertise and real world experience. That doesn’t mean you have to believe me, but it should give you a little bit of pause that maybe I should be taken seriously.

Plus Man, come on. There aren’t a lot of conservative doctors out there in academia. I am surrounded by bed wetting liberals and they piss me off as much as they do you. We are on the same team and I am trying to represent us in a liberal dominated field.

I am really not trying to fight you guys. I’m just trying to tell you what I know and a lot of what I know with pretty high confidence.
Was Remdisavir quack therapy? Did you advocate that? Based on which well powered double blinded RCT?😂
I gave up when a cardiologist couldn't explain the purpose of cholesterol and why our bodies produced it, nor could he explain why some people were producing what was considered above "normal" levels if cholesterol.
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But they werent generic or $4 for at least 7 yrs.
Billions were made.

Focus on God and doing good
Focus on what you eat (its possible to eat pretty healthy on a budget IF you are willing to work)
Stop taking vaccines
Limit your meds to what absolutely saves your life.

I have spent 25 years taking care if the sick and injured as an educated and skilled professional.
Im disgusted by much of the healthcare community and their blind following of “smart people above”.

IF you think big pharma or the AMA has your best interest in mind, you are sadly mistaken.

The glorious doctor resume and gloating of self importance just shows someone drank the koolaid, has an ego, and does not have the ability to explore outside their lane.

Get outside the box.
Your health depends on it.
These med topics always have someone come in as the self appointed moderator and teacher for all the ignorants. It always and I mean always begins with credentials and chest bowing. If you want to know what fully vaccinated establishment practitoners justifying their lifelong blind devotion to what they are told by big pharma and corporate boards sound like look no futher. These are the ones. Lots of folks here have heady credentials and aren't lemmings or condescending teachers here to save the less credentialed from their rare ability to gather data and think for themselves.
Covid stuck a fork in the already compromised Med industry. It’s harder to get rid of a bad Doc than a bad Cop. All the studies I have seen said HCQ and Ivermectin worked. But I have no Med degree.

In the late seventies Docs and Big Daddy Gov decided fat bad. Food industry said ok took fat out. Then replaced fat with processed sugar.

Also as a kid I got maybe a half dozen vaccines, if that? Now it’s dozens.

Once the vax and sugar went up and in and the fat went down and out. National health went into a death spiral. JMHO

Trust must be earned, even for doctors. Once they lost it getting it back will be near impossible.
What are healthy foods?
What is exercise?

What do the doctors say?
Are they correct?

Rhetorical questions so....yeah.

What's worse is some of this modern idea of "exercise" is doing stupid things that wear out your body, give you all kinds of joint and skeletal system problems & will make you have a miserable life in old age all because "cool new gym way to work out".

It's also why there is a big difference between "Gym strong" and "Farmer strong".
Some of all those big showy muscle things are pretty useless for a hard day of actual work doing stuff.

Unfortunately these days the women are all about stupid so society is way skewed.
"No one knew."

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Promulgating bad information because it is mainstream, is simply...lying.

Here's what nobody seems to want to do.
Go dig up all the old medical research papers done under Saint Dr Fauci from back in the SARS and MERS timeframe.
All this "heresy meds" were show to actually work well.
All this "vaccine" business was shown to be deadly and dangerous.

But yet when their new lab created variant of the same essential thing came out all of the sudden it was a complete opposite story.

How come Africans weren't dying of Covid by the masses?
How come Mexicans and other south Americans weren't all keeling over?
Why did the Super deadly "Delta variant" in India that was going to kill them all suddenly stop?

All those places were already busy with essentially IVM and Quinine treatments for parasites or quickly spooled it up very quietly.
Latest, had cataracts removed 4 weeks ago, everything is so blurry its a bitch trying to type & read here, don't even think its safe to drive, luckily 17yo grandson is here for that. Oh you'll be able to see great in a a week they say.

The hardest thing about cataract surgery, is the cost of lens implantation that you need to see afterwards, and stay strict about not reading anything or using near vision for 10 days postop.
So you just think their cheese slid off their cracker? Really?
And you don't know who Dr Robert Malone is?
I find that hard to believe.
You have been disingenuous and elusive in numerous posts. Some of us can read quite well.
We can read your blog now as well, thanks for that.
No one invited you to leave. Ive been sitting back letting you write. Its all here in black and white. Let the readers decide. Glad you came in and participated. Its been very..... educational.
And Dr.Peter McCullough, who is about the most respected cardiologist in Dallas.
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How come Mexicans and other south Americans weren't all keeling over?

Brazil actually got hit very hard -because they stopped using HCQ and had replaced it with Lariam and doxycycline for malaria. But Africa,still uing HCQ for antimalarial and IVM for parasites, was highly protected from mass COVID deaths.
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I love how you guys take rocksolid credentials, and turn them around to support an argument that it makes me less credible rather than more

Imagine what a fucking retard I would sound like if I told some special forces sniper with a half dozen tours in the sandbox that his shooting advice is full of shit because he’s part of the mainstream military and he’s just regurgitating back what uncle Sam taught him or told him to tell me. Oh and by the way, I also saw a YouTube video.
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I love how you guys take rocksolid credentials, and turn them around to support an argument that it makes me less credible rather than more

Imagine what a fucking retard I would sound like if I told some special forces sniper with a half dozen tours in the sandbox that his shooting advice is full of shit because he’s part of the mainstream military and he’s just regurgitating back what uncle Sam taught him or told him to tell me. Oh and by the way, I also saw a YouTube video.

Both guys were snipers.

More about them in this thread.
I love how you guys take rocksolid credentials, and turn them around to support an argument that it makes me less credible rather than more

Imagine what a fucking retard I would sound like if I told some special forces sniper with a half dozen tours in the sandbox that his shooting advice is full of shit because he’s part of the mainstream military and he’s just regurgitating back what uncle Sam taught him or told him to tell me. Oh and by the way, I also saw a YouTube video.
You're a fucking idiot.
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Damn want a shit storm.
little back round to the simple question ask.
Moved to bama in 93 @ 46 yo never had sinus issues ever, grew up on a farm. My work included Redstone in Huntsville, right in the middle of what the Indians called the valley of the sickness. (Do to so much mold) Went to an ENT who made me a diabetic with Decadron. The insulin was fun for 18 months, then metformin for 2 years. finally got off all that shit, when I kept my A1C at 4.9 uning what I call normal life, and common sense.

Then came, you have high blood pressure, really why do you say that? You were141/80 when you came in? OK but clue for you, I can set here for 5 minutes and it will drop to 115-120/69-72 then I can stand up & sit right back down & it will be in the 140s' over 80 again, & 5 minutes later it will be down in what you call normal again. So you are saying that I need to take zyx & a baby asprin the rest of my life for that?

Then came the scamdimic and I was not going with that program, at all.
Then last visit he says I need a heart stress test, right after the yearly wellness, OK what did you find/hear wrong? Nothing but you are almost 77 its time? This is where I lost it, Clue me doc, I do 3+ miles a day at 3.5mph at a 10% grade on the tread mill, 30 minutes on a upper body machine & 15 minutes on a bike 6 days a week, & when I come off my heart rate is 84 & Bp is 123/71, does that sound like I have heart issues? His response well if you're not going to listen to me find another Dr. OK I'm real good with that as I don't trust you ass anymore anyway.

New doc, everything looks excellent but your cholesterol is a little high, you need to take this, Hard stop Doc, that shit almost killed some folks I know & made others sick as dogs, is this really needed? As long ago I had a Doc in Fla that said I had high cholesterol but those numbers were normal for ME.

Latest, had cataracts removed 4 weeks ago, everything is so blurry its a bitch trying to type & read here, don't even think its safe to drive, luckily 17yo grandson is here for that. Oh you'll be able to see great in a a week they say.

I'm to the point I don't trust the med system for much of anything anymore. Hence the reason for the OP.

I'm assuming you aren't diabetic now, and you basically had steroid induced diabetes, but my understanding is statins are not recommended to be started at all at your age anyway given the most recent PURL study. From the Journal of Family Practice - which actually establishes most of the guidelines for GPs:
J Fam Pract. 2020 Jun; 69(5): 257–259.

PMCID: PMC7307931
PMID: 32555755

PURLs: How old is too old for statins?​

Bob Marshall, MD, MPH, MISM, FAAFP and Nick Bennett, DO, MBA, FAAFP
Madigan Family Medicine Residency, Tacoma, WA
Corey Lyon, University of Colorado Family Medicine Residency, Denver ;
Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

When to start, continue, or stop statins in those ages ≥ 75 years has been a quandary. Here’s what 2 studies have to say.


Do not start a statin in patients ages ≥ 75 years who do not have known vascular disease or type 2 diabetes; start or continue a statin in all patients ages 75 to 84 with type 2 diabetes to prevent cardiovascular events and mortality; and start or continue a statin in patients ages > 75 years who have known vascular occlusive disease.
Based on a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and a retrospective cohort study.
Ramos R, Comas-Cufi M, Marti-Lluch R, et al. Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in old and very old adults with and without type 2 diabetes: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2018;362:k3359.1
Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration. Efficacy and safety of statin therapy in older people: a meta-analysis of individual participant data from 28 randomized controlled trials. Lancet. 2019;393:407-415.2
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Ms. M is a 76-year-old woman with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus for 10 years and well-controlled mild hypertension. She is otherwise healthy, and her mother lived to age 95. Ms. M has never smoked, has no previous history of vascular/cardiovascular disease, and drinks 1 glass of wine 2 to 3 times per week. Based on the American College of Cardiology (ACC) calculator, she was started on atorvastatin years ago. Is continued use of the medication of any benefit at her current age?
The 2018 American Heart Association (AHA)/ACC/Multi-Society cholesterol guidelines do not provide primary prevention recommendations for those older than age 75 years.3 Up to age 75, the guidelines recommend that patients with type 2 diabetes and a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level ≥ 70 mg/dL, as well as those without diabetes but with an LDL-C ≥ 70 mg/dL and a 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk ≥ 10%, be started on medium-intensity statin therapy.
A 2018 consensus panel review of the current literature, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, concluded that there was insufficient evidence regarding the benefits and harms of statins in older adults, especially those with comorbidities, and that there was a paucity of evidence about statin therapy outcomes (both adverse and beneficial) relevant to older adults.4
A review of all guidelines published since 2013 revealed that only the United Kingdom’s 2014 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline provides a strong, risk-based recommendation for initiating primary prevention with statins in patients > 75 years old.5 These recommendations are based on the QRISK2 calculator (which has since been updated to the QRISK3), which assigns everyone ages > 75 years a > 10% 10-year risk score. This provides a universal statin indication for anyone in the 76-to-84 age range.6
Both the ACC/AHA and US Preventive Services Task Force guidelines clearly state that there are too few data and inadequate evidence in people older than 75 for a strong, risk-based statin recommendation.5 The Canadian Cardiovascular Society guideline takes a similar stance, emphasizing that the recommended Framingham risk model is not well validated in people > 75 years.5
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STUDY SUMMARIES: Two different looks at statin use in the elderly​

A retrospective cohort study (N = 46,864; median follow-up, 5.6 years) examined whether statin treatment is associated with a reduction in atherosclerotic disease and mortality in old and very old adults with and without type 2 diabetes.1 Patients were enrolled from a large, anonymized national database in Spain. The researchers looked only at first-time users of statins and those without a statin prescription within the past 18 months.


Statin therapy seems to provide no benefit to patients ages > 75 years without ASCVD or in patients ages ≥ 85 years without ASCVD, regardless of type 2 diabetes status.
Patients with previous ASCVD, type 1 diabetes, previous lipid-lowering treatment, dementia, cancer, or paralysis were excluded, as were those who were in residential care, were on dialysis, or had received an organ transplant. Patients were stratified by age (75-84 years and ≥ 85 years), diabetes status (with or without type 2 diabetes), and statin use (nonuser or new user).
Results. For patients with type 2 diabetes, the risk of ASCVD (a composite of coronary heart disease and stroke) was lower among those who took statins than among those who did not in the 75-to-84 group (hazard ratio

= 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.65-0.89; 1-year number needed to treat [NNT] = 164). Among those who took statins, there was also lower all-cause mortality (HR = 0.84; 95% CI, 0.75-0.94; 1-year NNT = 306). In those ages ≥ 85 years with diabetes, the statin group did not have a lower risk of ASCVD (HR = 0.82; 95% CI, 0.53-1.26) or all-cause mortality (HR = 1.05; 95% CI, 0.86-1.28).
For patients ages 75 to 84 years without diabetes, there was no difference in risk between groups for ASCVD (HR = 0.94; 95% CI, 0.86–1.04) or all-cause mortality (HR = 0.98; 95% CI, 0.91-1.05). In those ages ≥ 85 years without diabetes, there was also no difference between groups for ASCVD (HR = 1; 95% CI, 0.80-1.24) or for all-cause mortality (HR = 1; 95% CI, 0.90-1.11).
A 2019 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (n = 134,537) and RCT summary data (n = 12,705) evaluated the safety and efficacy of statin therapy in patients ages ≥ 55 years.2 In the group of patients ages > 75 years (n = 14,483; median follow-up, 4.9 years), each 1 mmol/L reduction in LDL-C was associated with significant decreased risk for major vascular events (risk ratio [RR] = 0.82; 95% CI, 0.70-0.95) and for major coronary events (RR = 0.82; 95% CI, 0.70-0.96).
In subgroup analysis by the presence or absence of previous vascular disease, there was a decreased risk per 1 mmol/L LDL-C reduction of major vascular events in patients with previous vascular disease (RR = 0.85; 95% CI, 0.73-0.98); however, there was not a significant effect in patients without previous vascular disease (RR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.73-1.16).
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WHAT’S NEW: Statins may be unnecessary in older adults without ASCVD or T2DM​

Statin therapy reduces the risk of ASCVD and mortality in patients ages 75 to 84 with type 2 diabetes and in patients > 75 years with known vascular disease. However, statin therapy seems to provide no benefit in patients ages > 75 years without ASCVD or in patients ages ≥ 85 years without ASCVD, regardless of type 2 diabetes status.
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CAVEATS: Retrospective cohort design leaves cause and effect equivocal​

Even though the first study was large (with more than 46,000 patients) and the median follow-up was 5.6 years, it was a retrospective cohort study. While there is clearly an association between statin therapy and reduced ASCVD and all-cause mortality in patients with diabetes ages 75 to 84 years, cause and effect cannot be unequivocally stated. However, the meta-analysis, which included RCTs, confirms the benefit of statins in secondary prevention for older patients.
The cohort study did not look at adverse effects from statin therapy in this age group, but the data from the 2019 meta-analysis did not reveal any significant risk of myopathy.
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CHALLENGES TO IMPLEMENTATION: Guidelines are lacking and discontinuing meds requires discussion​

The lack of supporting guidelines to treat this age group with statins remains the largest barrier to implementation. Many patients may already be taking a statin, so a discussion about discontinuing medication will need to be initiated.
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The PURLs Surveillance System was supported in part by Grant number UL1RR024999 from the National Center for Research Resources, a Clinical Translational Science Award to the University of Chicago. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Center for Research Resources or the National Institutes of Health.
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1. Ramos R, Comas-Cufi M, Marti-Lluch R, et al. Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in old and very old adults with and without type 2 diabetes: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2018;362:k3359. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
2. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration. Efficacy and safety of statin therapy in older people: a meta-analysis of individual participant data from 28 randomized controlled trials. Lancet. 2019;393:407-415. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
3. Stone NJ, Grundy SM. The 2018 AHA/ACC/Multi-Society cholesterol guidelines: looking at past, present and future. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2019;62:375–383. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
4. Singh S, Zieman S, Go AS, et al. Statins for primary prevention in older adults—moving towards evidence-based decision-making. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018;66:2188–2196. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
5. Mortensen MB, Falk E. Primary prevention with statins in the elderly. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;71:85–94. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
6. ClinRisk. Welcome to the QRISK®3-2018 risk calculator. www.qrisk.org/three/. Accessed May 27, 2020. [Google Scholar]

I sincerely hope this helps your decision-making
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What's worse is some of this modern idea of "exercise" is doing stupid things that wear out your body, give you all kinds of joint and skeletal system problems & will make you have a miserable life in old age all because "cool new gym way to work out".

It's also why there is a big difference between "Gym strong" and "Farmer strong".
Some of all those big showy muscle things are pretty useless for a hard day of actual work doing stuff.

Unfortunately these days the women are all about stupid so society is way skewed.
Farmer strong, indeed. Reminds me of the story my mother told me about her OB-GYN when I was born.

I was in breech position and I was sitting on my own umbilical cord, which was sticking outside in a loop.

The doctor told her to get on her hands and knees and stick her butt up in the air. She laughed at him because he had that kind of sense of humor.

He picked her up off the table and turned her over and said, "Now, stay that way."

He grew up on a farm and carried calves around. He did not spend time with weights, he spent time working on a farm.
your demanding belief in "university studies" says it all. just doing a wordy example from personal experience.
worked for a guy for 2 years. anesthesiologist,2nd smartest dr i ever knew. a foreigner but was an attending at UW-the mecca of pain management and regional anesthesia. was doing some research on new very short acting local called 5 fluro procaine. was to be used for L&D saddle blocks. found in his initial micro work that it was toxic and destructive to neuro tissue. not sure but i think he published same or at least sent a strong warning up the line. he was told that he would be much happier in private practice and was thus forced there,where he made millions. this finding were ignored the product brought out=subsequent paralysis of some new moms. it disappeared off the market pronto.
your "follow the science" of university studies shows just how bogus your claims are. have been a foot slogger in a few univ studies and they WILL get the results they are paid to produce. if not,next $s go to another "university center". anyone that accepts academic findings without many,many multiple independent confirmations is fool or a bull shiter or a paid shill.
your above comparison of sniping/medical is apples and oranges. yea,this has gone from statins to a covid mix,which is much more worthwhile.
handling of the entire covid scenario is one of the 2 or 3 things that will destroy this country and probably west civ. it's worth looking at if just to stay aware of the present.
I'm assuing you aren't diabetic now, and you basically had steroid induced diabetes,
Last A1C was 5.0 which I contribute to proper diet & keeping active. Although the first 3 weeks after peeper surgery I was worthless, weak plus cold or hot was the rule of the day until last week. Now starting to get back to normal as I'm up to 4 hrs of shop time now vs my norm of 8-12 hrs before peeper work. The blurriness is overwhelming, after such good vision all the years. Think I'll get back to normal at some point but I'm not bouncing back like I thought I would, nor even close to what everyone told me I would.
When I was a kid if a doc said something, it was bankable. These days not so much, as I believe its mostly money driven, and there might be a slow growing movement to off the older folks quicker than mother nature would. Not sure what tomorrow will look like or hold for my grandchildren. The US as a whole seems to be nothing more than a money grubbing nation anymore, where dollars trump everything including human life.

UKDslayer, thank you (and a few others) for bringing clarity to this thread, for awhile I had no clue as to what to believe.
had CAT OS IOL and fairly quick post op bil yag treatment. i can see OK mostly but way short of a med miracle. eyes burn a lot a foggy vision a lot. keep hearing dry eye,dry eye. drops help only a little but require them freq. oh well being old sucks,it's not for wimps.

in all fairness and truth,i must say that current practice is centuries ahead of what i saw early 70s. back then it was an 8hr procedure full deep anesthesia and pt head had to be sand bagged immobile for a week. cataract glasses were about 1/2 inch deep and so thick you couldn't see folks eyes from in front. so yes,huge strides have been made. the shame is that so much of medicine is driven by ego maniacal self aggrandizing jerks and greed for profit at any cost.
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had CAT OS IOL and fairly quick post op bil yag treatment. i can see OK mostly but way short of a med miracle. eyes burn a lot a foggy vision a lot. keep hearing dry eye,dry eye. drops help only a little but require them freq. oh well being old sucks,it's not for wimps.

in all fairness and truth,i must say that current practice is centuries ahead of what i saw early 70s. back then it was an 8hr procedure full deep anesthesia and pt head had to be sand bagged immobile for a week. cataract glasses were about 1/2 inch deep and so thick you couldn't see folks eyes from in front. so yes,huge strides have been made. the shame is that so much of medicine is driven by ego maniacal self aggrandizing jerks and greed for profit at any cost.

NdYag treatment is excellent for floaters, but it might be a little too early postop from his surgery. Definitely worth a discussion on his follow up with his optho. though.
But they werent generic or $4 for at least 7 yrs.
Billions were made.

Focus on God and doing good
Focus on what you eat (its possible to eat pretty healthy on a budget IF you are willing to work)
Stop taking vaccines
Limit your meds to what absolutely saves your life.

I have spent 25 years taking care if the sick and injured as an educated and skilled professional.
Im disgusted by much of the healthcare community and their blind following of “smart people above”.

IF you think big pharma or the AMA has your best interest in mind, you are sadly mistaken.

The glorious doctor resume and gloating of self importance just shows someone drank the koolaid, has an ego, and does not have the ability to explore outside their lane.

Get outside the box.
Your health depends on it.
I love how you guys take rocksolid credentials, and turn them around to support an argument that it makes me less credible rather than more

Imagine what a fucking retard I would sound like if I told some special forces sniper with a half dozen tours in the sandbox that his shooting advice is full of shit because he’s part of the mainstream military and he’s just regurgitating back what uncle Sam taught him or told him to tell me. Oh and by the way, I also saw a YouTube video.
Rock solid credentials don’t mean shit these days.

General Milley has rock solid credentials, I wouldn’t let him fight a wet paper bag for me.

Go back to your echo chamber (pretty ballsy using that term here but this is my echo chamber) and tell the other Docs in the cafeteria how ignorant people are for not bowing to your rock solid credentials.

Shocking isn’t it when your profession acts like a whore you get treated like a whore.

Don’t feel bad.

It’s happened to all professions - for purpose.

I wish you lived within my AO because with some reprogramming from your govt religion you would be useful.

Peeps are going to need someone that knows medicine.

Stop being anxious when you see people without masks - that’s retarded.

You know in MA the average age of Covid death was 81 yoa or so. Dying of Covid increased your life span over the national average.

Shame of it was, most of those elderly were veterans that the governor, with the prodding of some panic doctor decided to house Covid people in veterans homes.

The medical community is criminally complicit.
You’re darn tootin’ we do.

Show some respect or I’ll send a few of the boys around for a tuneup.

I got that kind of juice.

Besides being persuasive, drug reps were always the top 1% in the looks category in their class. The bigger Pharma companies had one male and one female for a given territory for such reasons.
Besides being persuasive, drug reps were always the top 1% in the looks category in their class. The bigger Pharma companies had one male and one female for a given territory for such reasons.

Used to be. Merck pioneered the cheerleader profile. We called them Merckettes.

I can tell you with the utmost certainty that I was not hired for my looks.

But I do have a boat.

Peeps are going to need someone that knows medicine.

You aren't wrong on this. The newer classes of med students have their focus on DEI criteria and equity instead of talent; transgender medicine and their crutches on Dr. Google instead of learning how to think critically. There used to be a time when you could trust a peer review journal, now not so much. You really have to trust your physician, but the problem is you can't always choose the physician that best suits you. And honestly insurance companies decide more of medical care than the doctors do, at least in the private practice setting.
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I was surprised when I got Covid. I was not drinking Corona beer anymore.

Acutally, I called it Grippe de Cerveza. Yo esso culero gigante.

When I did have it, there was only a sore throat. I was given a Paxlovid and I got over it quick. I have had the regular cold, which is also a coronavirus, feel much worse.
Yeah, because myelin is composed mainly of cholesterol LOL.

Lest we not worry about the actual root cause of inflammation which causes the damage (which cholesterol clogs to try and save your life) ....is all the bullshit foods/sugars/seed oils etc pushed on us since WWII because the MIC/Big Food.

Anyone else noticed an uptick in mental health issues, dimentia, brain waste disease since Big Med pushed a lower protein, low saturated fat, low cholesterol, high sugar/carb diets?

Could it potentially be because the brain amd other nerve tissues are principally composed fats, cholesterols, and proteins?

Yeah, I did too.

*noticing intensifies*

Eat real food.
You want a root cause, Chlamydia Pneumonia