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Board Doc's, what say you?

Statins are evil. Do you know what else was a big scam? Telling young thin women of European descent that they needed to take calcium in large doses without Vitamin K2 to prevent osteoporosis. Calcium builds up straight in the large arteries without the K2.
Take a look at the original statin patent : mandated co-ingestion of CoQ10
Besides being persuasive, drug reps were always the top 1% in the looks category in their class. The bigger Pharma companies had one male and one female for a given territory for such reasons.
100% truth. My cousin and her husband are Pfizer reps. They both do very well because of both brains and looks.
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Post number 109

I am out of this conversation. OP can DM me should he desire any further information

Post number 128
I love how you guys take rocksolid credentials, and turn them around to support an argument that it makes me less credible rather than more

Imagine what a fucking retard I would sound like if I told some special forces sniper with a half dozen tours in the sandbox that his shooting advice is full of shit because he’s part of the mainstream military and he’s just regurgitating back what uncle Sam taught him or told him to tell me. Oh and by the way, I also saw a YouTube video.

How can we trust you?
Both the folks I know who were put on statins... quit almost immediately. Said it fucked them up.

Avoid at all costs. Once they get you on them... it's a cash cow.

My plan is for stents, bypass, transplant... whatever. But no fucking Statins. For the last 20 years I've looked at that shit and said "No FUCKING Way!"

How did it fuck them up? Just curious?
Car crash or exercise related?
I would say a combination of musculoskeletal injuries, dehydration (while taking statins either directly or indirectly related to side effects like diarrhea), and exercise related injuries from people who decide they want to do The Murph without drinking water before, during, or after...
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I love how you guys take rocksolid credentials, and turn them around to support an argument that it makes me less credible rather than more

Imagine what a fucking retard I would sound like if I told some special forces sniper with a half dozen tours in the sandbox that his shooting advice is full of shit because he’s part of the mainstream military and he’s just regurgitating back what uncle Sam taught him or told him to tell me. Oh and by the way, I also saw a YouTube video.

Ego showing…..

Trust me, met more of your kind, bloviating about “credentials” with arrogance for days than kind and good hearted healers……

Only way it gets worse if you were a trauma surgeon or a neurosurgeon…..
How did it fuck them up? Just curious?
In my case, crippling joint pain. Like every joint (including ones I didn't know I had) were full of crushed glass.

All other than the joints I have damaged were fine again within a few days of stopping taking them.

Same thing with all but one of the statins on the market, last one caused severe muscle pain in stead (again, entire body)
Please provide a link to the circulation paper that you claim you authored; I just want to make sure it was not a letter to the editor about nattokinase or some other fringe quackery treatment. Because that’s what nattokinase is and if you are truly a physician recommending these fringe treatments, you have exposed yourself as a shill of the vitamin/supplement/alternative medicine movement
How can you shill for something there’s no money in? 🤔 If only there was a combination of image and text that could encapsulate the thrust of my point… oh wait.


Maybe you should try to get his license revoked. Can’t have all these dangerous opinions out there threatening revenu…. I mean, ugh, patient safety, yeah that’s it, patient safety. Lol, if anybody on here is a shill it’s you pal. You’re like the hawk tuah girl for big pharma. Why don’t you just go ahead and tell us you are the science.

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He's no good.
Refutes things we know otherwise know to be true
Long ago got hit with shrapnel in my right knee & right hand. While on the table they had a sheet hanging where I could not see them working on my knee. Right arm was on a board & a "Doc" was working on sewing the knuckles & back of my hand up. Watching this he goes to tie a knot and pulls the whole suture out. Ok, people who don't do anything never make mistakes. Then he does it a second time making it worst than the shrapnel did in the first place. So my mouth gets ahead of my brain & I ask Doc how long have you been doing this? No B/S He looks at the clock & says about 45 minutes, I'm a FNG medic. The knee guys did a great job, the hand still bares his handy work. He went on to be one of the best medics we had. Every time I met a new doc I wonder if I am patient #1 again.

Now when dealing with any so called professional I wonder were they first or last in their class, & was their class the best or worst to go thru that school. Clue, if you ask them their class ranking & experience to date, be ready for blow back, as most of them need a chill pill very quickly. Their response is the best indicator if you should start finding another before going any farther. Had a few walk out & never return. Just like any profession if you question them and they chest pump, like Bill Engvall always said, "Here's Your Sign".
A cured patient is lost revenue. We have apprentice, journeyman and master it the trades. How come it is practicing medicine?

Because science changes. Understanding advances. New medications become available. It’s not static.

An example:

Multiple sclerosis is a terrible disease. Autoimmune. Progressive, debilitating, potentially fatal. Prior to 1993 no medications existed to modify the disease, only to treat the symptoms of a relapse (usually steroids).

Now we have a plethora of DMT (disease modifying therapies) that can slow or stop the progression. Patients can live full lives with a normal aging process. Die with it, not because of it.

That’s why it’s practice.

this is quite true. yes,practice is necessary in any learning setting. bad things can happen. large improvements past times are easy to see. however,the presence of biased,paid for results and bogus "pier review" have become increasingly common. all are paid for by,essentially bribes,to mostly university medical programs and government regulators thru actions which have now become more well known. that is illustrated by the whole covid response. if you deny that,then you are stupid,which i think not. or,you are schilling for you masters,more likely. medical "education" is supposed to be well followed,monitored and mentored. sometimes yes,sometimes not. shit happens but the recent actions of big pharma,big med and big gov are essentially crimes against humanity on a scale not seen since the cultural revolution.

reference to post 172
I am ill equipped to speak on that topic.

Do share with the class.

Do you expect every drug to work well?
Tasisulam worked too will for melanoma. Wife and 685 others world wide were on that study. She was in her 8th cycle when they pulled if from the study & market. No side effects period, for 683 people. Yet they stopped it cold w/o an explanation. Researcher at UAB Kirkland Clinic was dumbfounded as were, all the others. Most including the wife did not live past 2 years, when w/that drug tumors where disappearing rapidly, and life was normal for study patients . Best any of us could tell was they did not what a cure, too much money involved.
I'm listening,...
IMHO cancer is well more than 1 disease. we still are pretty much in the dark on many of its issues. however,i have always thought that if one did find or discover a total cure, your life would end faster than a holder of clinton secrets. your lab would suffer an accidental 4 alarm fire. way too much money in the status quo. ending the disease would put too many,too much out of tril $ biz.
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IMHO cancer is well more than 1 disease. we still are pretty much in the dark on many of its issues. however,i have always thought that if one did find or discover a total cure, your life would end faster than a holder of clinton secrets. your lab would suffer an accidental 4 alarm fire. way too much money in the status quo. ending the disease would put too many,too much out of tril $ biz.

Funny you mention this. I have felt the exact same way in re: certain "Charitable Organizations" (i.e. "Feed the Hungry/Children/Sick" etc.). They aren't interested in a "long term/permanent" solution to the problem that created the charity because that would mean the end of their organization and source of revenue! So, they keep soliciting for short term $$$ knowing the problem won't ever end, meaning the donations/revenue stream won't ever end. The question being, how much is the organization skimming off the top? Sheez, sometimes I think these orgs are in cahoots with each other. Ever notice lately how the suggested donation for these TV charities is "$19.00 a month (that's only 63 cents a day!!!)" :cautious:

I believe in being charitable to orgs that seek long term/permanent solutions to problems, even if it means the charity would, eventually, no longer be needed. There's always a new problem that will pop up. I believe in recruiting my beneficiaries personally and helping them one-on-one. And all I ask in return is for them to "pay it forward" as best they can and help others like I helped them.
Please provide a link to the circulation paper that you claim you authored; I just want to make sure it was not a letter to the editor about nattokinase or some other fringe quackery treatment. Because that’s what nattokinase is and if you are truly a physician recommending these fringe treatments, you have exposed yourself as a shill of the vitamin/supplement/alternative medicine movement
I work as a chiropractor, and see lots of different types of cases. One 62 yo male came in with early dementia. Could not remember well and could not learn new things. He obtain an MRI of his brain, which showed narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels in the front lobe.

I suggested a quality natto-kinase to dissolve plaque. After two months he though he might be getting better, and after 6 months he was pretty much back to normal. Now he is totally his old self. According to the nattokinase.org.jp, 3/4's of the NK on the market comes from China and has no therapeutic value. I sold my patient Natto-Serrazime from Design for Health. DFH is a super high quality USA supplement company.

It must be taken on an empty stomach, so it's proteolytic action is not wasted on dissolving food.
Tasisulam worked too will for melanoma. Wife and 685 others world wide were on that study. She was in her 8th cycle when they pulled if from the study & market. No side effects period, for 683 people. Yet they stopped it cold w/o an explanation. Researcher at UAB Kirkland Clinic was dumbfounded as were, all the others. Most including the wife did not live past 2 years, when w/that drug tumors where disappearing rapidly, and life was normal for study patients . Best any of us could tell was they did not what a cure, too much money involved.
I'm listening,...

What do you want me to say? Do you think I know why the study was stopped? Was it this study?

If so probably because

Results: The study was placed on clinical hold after randomization of 336 patients when a safety review indicated an imbalance of possibly drug-related deaths in the tasisulam arm.

Conclusions: Although the study was stopped early because of safety issues in the tasisulam arm, tasisulam was considered unlikely to be superior to paclitaxel, and paclitaxel activity in the second-line treatment of melanoma was much lower than expected. The toxicity imbalance was attributed to an unexpectedly low tasisulam clearance in a subset of patients, underscoring the importance of pharmacokinetic monitoring of compounds with complex dosing, even in late-phase studies.

If this is a different study, please provide a link to the relevant study, I’d like to read it.

Back to the subject at hand. cholesterol and triglycerides. My Levels of both are outstandingly low except for the good cholesterol. Yet, I make no effort to eat a low fat diet. In fact at one check up several years ago, a physician joked that if my triglycerides were any lower, I’d be dead. My Brenda, who does her best to eat right and not eat fats and is on meds for cholesterol, has real trouble reducing hers.

My thoughts, this issue is primarily a hereditary one. Some got it and some don’t. Life is a crap shoot. You do the best you can with what you got, keeping in mind that No One is Promised Tomorrow. So, your options are

1. Sit down on the couch and wait to die
2. Live life to the fullest, take care of yourself, but don’t quit living just because……

I choose the later, eat less, exercise more and give thanks to the maker for all the blessings I have received.
I quit going to doctors about 25 years ago. I still go but only if something is broken or torn or I can't get rid of the pain after a few weeks. I have a DNR. Fuckit...we aren't immortal and something is going to take me out.

You, too.

In fact, it's a little morbid to think about, but each and every baby ever born has, or will, die. Arguably..maybe there is one exception.

I'm okay with that. Death is an important part of life.

I'm 63. I have broken fingers and toes, collar bone, jaw, concussion, nose more than 3 times, ribs a few different times, quite a few stitches, stabbed, sprained ankles and wrists. When I was 25, I had a doctor ask me when I broke my neck...I was there due to tingling and pain that was coming from that spot. I THINK it was when I fell out of a tree and landed on my neck on my bicycle. A few inches and the handlebar might have made me a real young corpse. I had a stiff and sore neck for about 2 months but...I got over it. Except that vertebrae is continuing to heal itself and if I live long enough, it will sever my spinal cord. I don't think I will make it that long. I had right shoulder rotator repaired about 20 years ago. Tendon sewed back together in my left index finger about the same time. Appendectomy maybe 15 years ago. Abdominal hernia about 10 years ago. I am actually going in tomorrow about the other shoulder rotator that I hurt in February while running and tripped. It's not getting any better even with a TENS unit and exercises. I'm hoping for a cortisone shot because I don't want to be down post surgery this summer. Maybe in the winter. I've been sorta rough on the orthopedic parts. I have some aches and pains that remind of some good times and some bad times, too.

I don't take any vitamins nor meds of any sort on a daily basis. I take aspirin or a BC Powder if I can't shake a headache. I eat what I want and I drink what I want...when I want for the most part. My diet is varied and eclectic but I gravitate towards meat. And whiskey. I have used real butter for 5 decades, real sugar for as long, avoid the use of most oils. Bacon? FuckinA!! I do the Apple Cider Vinegar thing every day. I never had COVID because I never tested for it. HAHA! We are taking a dose of Ivermectin once a week and neither of us has been sick in a very long time. I haven't had a cold or anything else in over 10 years, maybe more.

I do not trust "modern" medicine. I do not trust any government of any nation on earth, ESPECIALLY the one in DC. I don't trust the drug companies. I don't trust much of anyone or anything other than my own instincts.

I think we should allow Natural Selection Be Great Again. If you are the type to sit around, eat a bag of chips, poor personal hygiene...you might get selected sooner rather than later.
Back to the subject at hand. cholesterol and triglycerides. My Levels of both are outstandingly low except for the good cholesterol. Yet, I make no effort to eat a low fat diet. In fact at one check up several years ago, a physician joked that if my triglycerides were any lower, I’d be dead. My Brenda, who does her best to eat right and not eat fats and is on meds for cholesterol, has real trouble reducing hers.

My thoughts, this issue is primarily a hereditary one. Some got it and some don’t. Life is a crap shoot. You do the best you can with what you got, keeping in mind that No One is Promised Tomorrow. So, your options are

1. Sit down on the couch and wait to die
2. Live life to the fullest, take care of yourself, but don’t quit living just because……

I choose the later, eat less, exercise more and give thanks to the maker for all the blessings I have received.

Although elevated HDL is usually considered a good thing, it can actually be caused by secondary processes including alcoholism, hypothyroidism, and primary biliary cirrhosis. There is also a well-established phenomenon of what is known as dysfunctional HDL, in which the elevated HDL is no longer atheroprotective.
Although elevated HDL is usually considered a good thing, it can actually be caused by secondary processes including alcoholism, hypothyroidism, and primary biliary cirrhosis. There is also a well-established phenomenon of what is known as dysfunctional HDL, in which the elevated HDL is no longer atheroprotective.

When I started eating a keto diet I was concerned about my blood numbers.

doc was horrified by the high fat diet but couldn't deny how my "bad" cholesterol number lowered and my good cholesterol was very high.

Next physical my "bad" was steady and the good came down some, still high but down.

For no particular reason I hadn't had any alcohol for two or three months prior.

That cause was provided by someone here .

Perhaps alcohol has a certain benefit if in moderation.
What do you want me to say? Do you think I know why the study was stopped? Was it this study?
They would not release any information back then about why it was stopped to any of us.
All of those involved I talked to had the same opinion, average people are nothing more than lab rats for the elite. If something is found that works, that will stop an aliment cold, but the money that would be lost is too great, its pigeon whole-ed for the select few while the average, Oh well your going to die".
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They would not release any information back then about why it was stopped to any of us.
All of those involved I talked to had the same opinion, average people are nothing more than lab rats for the elite. If something is found that works, that will stop an aliment cold, but the money that would be lost is too great, its pigeon whole-ed for the select few while the average, Oh well your going to die".

I see this in Type I diabetes.

Insulin is probably one of the most mature absolutely life saving medicines in the market yet continual tweaking keeps those patents alive.

While doctors are willing to introduce an MRNA vaccine Willy Nilly into the general population they treat any advances in Type I diabetes like something that has to be studied for years to ensure patent safety despite its obvious the tech will work.

For instance why isn't there yet a two stage pump that can deliver insulin as well as glucose? Ask that question you get looked at like a rube. The only issue I could see wouldbe the stability of the glucose source but with the reservoir parts of the pump being disposable the glucose could be changed more frequently than the two days the insulin tank stays in use. A small amount of emergency glucose would give parents some piece of mind.

Joslin Diabetes Hospital is an amazing place but I kind of feel the slogan to see the end of diabetes is somewhat tempered by "In due time......."
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Had a cousin who was prescribed one beer day from age 10 until his death at 64. He was not supposed to live past his teens per all the docs but the one who said have a beer. His lupus was the worst most docs had ever seen before.

It's my understanding that high spirit alcohols (Bourbon, Scotch, Gin, Rye etc.) are not as impactful on Blood Sugar, etc., again, if consumed "in moderation" (2 shots a day max for men, 1 for women). There might be some therapeutic value to it. We shall see.
They would not release any information back then about why it was stopped to any of us.
All of those involved I talked to had the same opinion, average people are nothing more than lab rats for the elite. If something is found that works, that will stop an aliment cold, but the money that would be lost is too great, its pigeon whole-ed for the select few while the average, Oh well your going to die".

So no data, just opinion? If there was no data where did the efficacy results and adverse events information come from?

So no data, just opinion?
Read it as you're trained to, I don't care. Those of us in the study, only know what we could find out, & experienced. I Remember the victor always writes the reports & history books. Then again data has been never massaged to fit and agenda and shills are a figment of ones imagination.
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Tasisulam worked too will for melanoma. Wife and 685 others world wide were on that study. She was in her 8th cycle when they pulled if from the study & market. No side effects period, for 683 people. Yet they stopped it cold w/o an explanation. Researcher at UAB Kirkland Clinic was dumbfounded as were, all the others. Most including the wife did not live past 2 years, when w/that drug tumors where disappearing rapidly, and life was normal for study patients . Best any of us could tell was they did not what a cure, too much money involved.
I'm listening,...

They would not release any information back then about why it was stopped to any of us.
All of those involved I talked to had the same opinion, average people are nothing more than lab rats for the elite. If something is found that works, that will stop an aliment cold, but the money that would be lost is too great, its pigeon whole-ed for the select few while the average, Oh well your going to die".

Read it as you're trained to, I don't care. Those of us in the study, only know what we could find out, & experienced. I Remember the victor always writes the reports & history books. Then again data has been never massaged to fit and agenda and shills are a figment of ones imagination.

I’m terribly sorry about your wife. Truly.

You made a very bold statement and then provided no resource for research. You asked me a question, literally, but gave me nothing upon which to provide an answer. And when I posted the results of a study showing unacceptable mortality rates you shrugged it off. Are you surprised by my unwillingness to agree?

I’m taking your last sentence as sarcasm but realistically there’s no data to massage. I’m not going to change your mind, clearly, but you haven’t given me a reason to change mine.

Peeing in the pool and then saying I don’t care isn’t a compelling argument.

You made a very bold statement and then provided no resource for research. You asked me a question, literally, but gave me nothing upon which to provide an answer. And when I posted the results of a study showing unacceptable mortality rates you shrugged it off. Are you surprised by my unwillingness to agree?
I put you in the same boat as the other chest thump-er.
I put you in the same boat as the other chest thump-er.

I think that says more about you than it does about me.

I’m willing to have a discussion, you’re not.

But hey, that’s okay. This is the innanet, after all.

But at least now I know not to waste any more time on rebuttal.

Big Pharma bad, Guinea pigs, profit, lies, deceit, got it.

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I think that says more about you than it does about me.

I’m willing to have a discussion, you’re not.

But hey, that’s okay. This is the innanet, after all.

But at least now I know not to waste any more time on rebuttal.

Big Pharma bad, Guinea pigs, profit, lies, deceit, got it.

My mother participated in a cancer study in 1996, I don't recall any guarantees or promises that were offered except she was going to get a treatment or she might get a placebo, they did guarantee it would make her sicker from the possible side effects to determine dosage levels. Study participants were instructed that this was a study, it was not a cure and whether they got better or worse that at some point it would be discontinued with no further treatment. Yes, they agreed up front they were guinea pigs, they were all terminal and knew it. My mother got very ill and she died with the idea that if she could just get one more treatment it might cure her. Patients in studies tend to believe this is the golden pill or treatment and forget the rest. You can bow up and be pissed the rest of your life or you can move on. It is all your choice. We are all terminal.
My mother participated in a cancer study in 1996, I don't recall any guarantees or promises that were offered except she was going to get a treatment or she might get a placebo, they did guarantee it would make her sicker from the possible side effects to determine dosage levels. Study participants were instructed that this was a study, it was not a cure and whether they got better or worse that at some point it would be discontinued with no further treatment. Yes, they agreed up front they were guinea pigs, they were all terminal and knew it. My mother got very ill and she died with the idea that if she could just get one more treatment it might cure her. Patients in studies tend to believe this is the golden pill or treatment and forget the rest. You can bow up and be pissed the rest of your life or you can move on. It is all your choice. We are all terminal.

Very sorry about your mom.

You are totally right in your assessment, but…keep in mind that I have turned over a new leaf, I have turned my face toward the sun, so to speak, and away from the evils of Big Pharma. Liars, cheats, ne’er do wells, general riffraff and the like, all of them. A pox on their houses!

So take away your realistic and well-reasoned statements, we haven’t time or the inclination to peruse them.