did you work out today?

Re: did you work out today?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 3-4 x per week.

We train technique for approx 40 minutes, then roll 3 times with a 5 min. break in between. (Most training partners are over 15 years my junior.) Each roll lasts 10 min.
Re: did you work out today?

Tacfit Program 1 Level 3 No Intensity. Four day cycles. Work in lifting and cardio on low and no days. Moderate and high intensity days suck. At least my knees are happier with me today. 47 years young.
Re: did you work out today?

new year, new routine. clean and press. pullups. bent over rows. dumbell raises. shrugs. i'm actually pretty sore. been on the same routine for quite a few months so decided its time for an upgrade.

legs tomorrow.
chest wed.
rest thursday
shoulders fri
dead lifts and arms fri

chest is outgrowing the rest of the body. workin on the back and shoulders more to catch up.
Re: did you work out today?

(Forge movie) No offense, but how gay do they look when they're doing the pushups?? Isnt that known as 69??

And to not take too much away from the thread, I will be doing legs and shoulders today after work!
Re: did you work out today?

I've been getting very good results from flipping a truck tire (old tire off the tower ladder)but any commercial tire 22.5 rim would do. I do it 2-3 times a week. Everything from grip strength to cardio especially legs,upper back gets a good workout.
Re: did you work out today?

tonight is day 3 this week.

Squatting 225 3x5 ass to grass nearing my PR

Overheadpress 135 3x5 this is my new PR I intend to get it

and then 3 sets of chinups to failure.

Can't wait
Re: did you work out today?

I've been doing a piss poor job of keeping track of what I eat lately, and it hit me like a brick wall tonight. Partway into my weights set I just felt absolutely drained. I was having a hard time controlling my weights so I decided to stop before I dropped one. I forced myself to hit the recumbent bike for about 10 minutes, then I bugged out and headed home.

I skipped breakfast today, and I thought I had covered it with a decent lunch. WRONG-O-MATIC.

I got an ipod app so that I can keep track of my calorie intake. I realize now that I had hit the weights with only 700 calories in me the whole day (about 1/3 what I typically consume), and that was a good 5+ hours before I even got to the gym. I went home and ate, now I feel much better.

Everyone has one of those stupid days I guess, lol.
Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bcw1284</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've been doing a piss poor job of keeping track of what I eat lately, and it hit me like a brick wall tonight. Partway into my weights set I just felt absolutely drained. I was having a hard time controlling my weights so I decided to stop before I dropped one. I forced myself to hit the recumbent bike for about 10 minutes, then I bugged out and headed home.

I skipped breakfast today, and I thought I had covered it with a decent lunch. WRONG-O-MATIC.

I got an ipod app so that I can keep track of my calorie intake. I realize now that I had hit the weights with only 700 calories in me the whole day, and that was a good 5+ hours before I even got to the gym. I went home and ate, now I feel much better.

Everyone has one of those stupid days I guess, lol. </div></div>

Man I had the same kind of day just didn't quite manage to get the food in.

I still PR'd my squat though
prwo Opt Nutr whey!

Didn't quite get the OHP missed 2 reps, but it's def going next attempt.

The longer I get at this the more I'm realizing that the weights are definitely the easy part, and it's the food that's the real challenge.
Re: did you work out today?

Just one of those days I guess. Whooped my ass real fast, I won't be doing that again if I can help it. I still feel kinda "off".

good job hitting a PR even on a bad day. WTG!
Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bcw1284</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just one of those days I guess. Whooped my ass real fast, I won't be doing that again if I can help it. I still feel kinda "off".

good job hitting a PR even on a bad day. WTG! </div></div>

Haha thanks alot man. It'll come back it always does I've had some lulls.

Now I just need my PR to go another 1/3 or so of my bodyweight and I'll be Intermediate hahaha
Re: did you work out today?


box squat worked up to 315x6, then did 225x22 reps.
super set speed partial dead lift w/ walking kettle bell lunges 3x12
reverse hypers 3x10

flat bench work up to 5RM
incline hammer strength machine, 2 sets till failure
bent over row/pendlay row 5x5
rolling tricep extensions 4x8
vogelpohl pulldowns super set w/ face pulls 3x12
band pull aparts, 3x10
1 set body weight dips till failure

tabata jump rope intervals

Re: did you work out today?

I can relate benchmstr. I was hitting the weights for about a year straight. I recently took the whole month of Dec '10 off though. I'm finally back in the gym again and I'm feeling soreness that I hadn't felt in a long time. I did continue to run during my time off though.
Re: did you work out today?

Worked out today. Two for two so far this week. Of course the all you can eat pizza buffet for lunch means I'm still calorie positive for the day.
Re: did you work out today?

Did 300 push ups in sets of 25 today while studying for a promotion test, what i need to do is get some more running in. Maybe a run or road ride will work its way in this weekend.
Re: did you work out today?

I was so pissed about work related bullshit today, I spend 2 houres in the gym tonight. I did extra sets of everything.

Chest + biceps. The gym was extra full tonight. Damn new year resolutions; those people will be gone in less than a month!

Well, that did not help me get un-pissed. They took all the benchs. I had to carry my weights to a corner bench, far from where they are stored. I hate walking with 200lbs of weights in my hands.
Re: did you work out today?

rep, and speed day

shoulder press bb...side laterals for assistance work

incline bb press...lat pull downs for assistance work

flat bench bb....db curls cause i wanted to

tri extensions, and rear delts...

so far today no cardio...but it is still early..

Re: did you work out today?

flat bench worked up to 1 rm
hammer strength bench 3 sets till failure
chest supported rows 4x8
tricep death
vogelpohl pulldowns superset w/ face pulls

tire flips across parking lot and back, then jump rope for a few intervals
3 trips
Re: did you work out today?

incline bench warm up plus 3 sets of max reps with 45 seconds between sets
dumb bell bench 3 X10
dips 3 sets till failure, 31, 25, 21
kroc rows 3x15
vogelpohl pulldowns supersetted with tricep pushdowns 4x10
seated power cleans 3x10

jump rope
Re: did you work out today?

I'm on a good streak of not missing any gym days for the last 2 weeks, but have had to take it a little easy due to a tweaked ab muscle. It'll pass with time.

I've been doing more plyo lately and really enjoying it, which is more than I can say for the chicken-legged meatheads who seem generally annoyed @ the sound of box jumps going on next to the weight rack. Boo fucking hoo.
Re: did you work out today?

I workout mon thru fri, I do 100 push ups/50 Dimond push up and then a 100setups.Then my forms and some bag work and thats about it. I jog every now and then.
Re: did you work out today?

worked up 5RM on dead lift from floor, sumo
leg press 2 sets of 10. then strip set, stripped off 1 plate per side after each set till failure, from 7 plates per side to the bare platform. couldnt walk for about 5 minutes
GHRs 4x10

hill sprints