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Et tu, Brute?

Missing the point, she was arrested for violation of a law trespassing, I think mask mandates are stupid and unconstitutional, she was warned she would be arrested for trespassing if she didn’t leave. Second point is just because places are public you can’t go there and do whatever you want.
How was your booster?
"Just following orders"
"Just following the law"

Where have I heard those phrases before....

Conform and obey citizen and you shall not be harmed. (until we decide something else is 'illegal')

A long time ago in a neighborhood far far away, and jackass neighbor served a young man trespass notice for mowing over the property line. When he again mowed the lawn, the police were summoned and the young man's father told the police that they could arrest the young man over his dead body.

'Hey you were trespassing, you got served notice"

As if laws are never abused so as to establish conformity or to benefit those in power. SO what if she was trespassing. If you truly oppose the mandates, you'd get behind this person or you can cower in the corner until the come for you.
Interesting perspective.

It's because they DON'T believe in the mandate BS that she wasn't charged with anything of the like. Many jurisdictions have some kinda nonsense on the books for it, LE refuses to use it because we all know it's unconstitutional.

Trespass is pretty clear, if somebody that represents the property asks you to leave because you aren't following their rules or you don't want to wear the school uniform, guess what... you're trespassing and that's illegal and it's solid legal ground for an arrest.

That you equate arresting someone for trespassing to the argument for putting Jews in an oven presented at Nuremberg is laughable.

Me personally, I'd have made damn sure she understood yroad she was traveling down, but teens are stupid, they think they're smarter than everyone else and sometimes they don't listen to reason.

That doesn't make the cop a Nazi, it makes her an idiot. Step off school grounds, like literally right over there on the sidewalk and protest to your heart's fullest.

If you stay here it's going to result in an arrest, welcome to adult life where your actions and decisions have consequences.

And that bullshit about public funds, get real, public access makes it a public building not public funding and even buildings with public access have people who represent the interests of the property who can ask you to leave if you're a homeless guy and you decide to start shitting on the floor.
Yes, the cops were doing their job...... I personally would find a new job if one of my tasks was to arrest 16 yr olds that wanted to go to school-- but just me. It is odd how they can decide when they want to "do their job" and the amount of times that they should do something and don't.

I'm sure this will be a butchered explanation of it-- but I've always liked the conversation in Kingdom of Heaven between the main guy and the king.... something to the extent of-- when you are giving an accounting of your actions to God you wont be able to say I was commanded or ordered to do these things by men in power,- That will not suffice. Your soul is in your own hands and only you are responsible for what you do.
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Interesting perspective.

It's because they DON'T believe in the mandate BS that she wasn't charged with anything of the like. Many jurisdictions have some kinda nonsense on the books for it, LE refuses to use it because we all know it's unconstitutional.

Trespass is pretty clear, if somebody that represents the property asks you to leave because you aren't following their rules or you don't want to wear the school uniform, guess what... you're trespassing and that's illegal and it's solid legal ground for an arrest.

That you equate arresting someone for trespassing to the argument for putting Jews in an oven presented at Nuremberg is laughable.

Me personally, I'd have made damn sure she understood yroad she was traveling down, but teens are stupid, they think they're smarter than everyone else and sometimes they don't listen to reason.

That doesn't make the cop a Nazi, it makes her an idiot. Step off school grounds, like literally right over there on the sidewalk and protest to your heart's fullest.

If you stay here it's going to result in an arrest, welcome to adult life where your actions and decisions have consequences.

And that bullshit about public funds, get real, public access makes it a public building not public funding and even buildings with public access have people who represent the interests of the property who can ask you to leave if you're a homeless guy and you decide to start shitting on the floor.

Just following orders sir.

No ovens were fed. Cops arrested you just the same. Right here in America. "Just enforcing the law" is always an excuse for the lazy. Is it just or not? That is the real question. It makes that cop part of the authoritarian system. its hard to stand up to the crowd and takes a lot of strength.

Careful with the "she desrved to be arrested" The way laws are written nowadays--we all are guilty of something. Time to stand up
Now it's akin to racism 🤣

This is your problem dude, your feelers being hurt or being angry doesn't make you right.

Ive had people doing shit like this where it's like "look man you really shouldn't go to jail for this, that's dumb, here's how you accomplish your goal smarter and avoid giving them the ability to have you prosecuted for something stupid..."

And they don't want to hear it, they're like 'No, arrest me."

Okay, dumbass. All I can do is try but in the end if you're hell bent on behavior because you're determined to provoke an arrest because you WANT the scene and the drama, so be it.

Arrest a 16yr old? Nah, I'd find another solution, get the parents, hell get the BF to get her out of there, whatever. That's me. Are they wrong for doing it the way they did? No. They aren't, I wouldn't have handled it that way, but that doesn't make it wrong.

Keep shit like this in mind when you're participating in all these little fuck the police threads that pop up. This is why you want to pay them better. This is why you want higher standards, better benefits, etc. You want the best candidates that will find creative ways NOT to arrest a 16yr old instead of falling back on what's legal or permissible in the situation.

Can't have it both ways. You want to cut pay and funding and constantly demonize the people doing the job, that's fine... knock yourselves out. This is the price you pay. Anybody worth a shit jumps ship and you're left with people who can't think on their feet and find a better way to handle something like this.
Assume much? I am almost always pro-police as the police are usually right (Search button upper right) and have never advocated for their defunding. Since we disdain education here on the hide: THe puprpose of citizen sit-ins was to break the law, get arrested and provoke confrontation (peacefully). THe point was to show the problem inherent in the law.

But you are so hell bent on defending the police, you can't see that in this case, they may be upholding an unjust mandate.

Unlike some people I can tell the difference between a bad action and a bad actor. It doesn't mean the cops should be disbanded or fired. It means the system needs to change. The fact that I have to explain this, means I am probably dealing with some of very low intelligence.

I will tell people when they are wrong and full of it.

Continue to excuse your boot licking. Like I said, its the whole idea of police, schools, govenrment. But in your rush to defend the police, you cannot stand to hear a bad word about them.

Pro tip: cops get it wrong sometimes. If you aren't free to criticize them, you aren't really free are you? If no one says 'that is wrong' how will it ever be corrected.
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But trespassing is trespassing right??

View attachment 7720833

If someone refused to leave your property after being fined for trespassing; the next step is for them to be arrested for said trespassing.

Unless it's a private school then it's public property. Paid for by tax money.
She broke no law in my book.
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Unless it's a private school then it's public property. Paid for by tax money.
She broke no law in my book.
Your book doesn't apply in a court of law.
Look, she is a juvenile, nothing will happen to her in a criminal justice sense.
She made her point, just like the left with the click bait, you get the exact same reaction here.
What an officer does in Wyoming has no bearing whatsoever on what an officer does or does not do in Minnesota, Oregon or California.
What's next, you fucks are going to defend the school shooter in Dallas and say the cops shouldn't have arrested him?
After all, it was his right to go to school and commit a crime on school grounds, right?
What's next, you fucks are going to defend the school shooter in Dallas and say the cops shouldn't have arrested him?
After all, it was his right to go to school and commit a crime on school grounds, right?
Really going to try to equate those two???
Really going to try to equate those two???
Oh, so now that is an issue?
Yet you said nothing with the false equivalency of nazism/communism/racism earlier?

A criminal act was committed on school grounds, apparently, according to you, arrests shouldn't be made on criminal offenses committed on school grounds.
Where was this gusto for enforcing trespassing laws last summer when a bunch of vandals trespassed and destroyed $2,000,000,000 worth of private property across the country?
Ahhh...there it is. And while misguided in her attempt (trespass), I do applaud the action of civil disobedience. What if we (subjects) said "no" to the crown, when they attempted to take our liberties? Bottom line...a 16 yr old stood up while the adults wordsmith the intricacies of law and order online.
Where was this gusto for enforcing trespassing laws last summer when a bunch of vandals trespassed and destroyed $2,000,000,000 worth of private property across the country?
What do the Police in Wyoming have to do with Police in Minnesota, Oregon, Seattle or California?
Where are the stories of mass disturbances in Wyoming where LE failed to act?
Your book doesn't apply in a court of law.
Look, she is a juvenile, nothing will happen to her in a criminal justice sense.
She made her point, just like the left with the click bait, you get the exact same reaction here.
What an officer does in Wyoming has no bearing whatsoever on what an officer does or does not do in Minnesota, Oregon or California.
What's next, you fucks are going to defend the school shooter in Dallas and say the cops shouldn't have arrested him?
After all, it was his right to go to school and commit a crime on school grounds, right?
You fucks?? First of all you fuck...there is a huge difference between civil disobedience and school shooting.
Second, what an officer does in any state HAS a bearing on mine.....especially today with 24/7 information. If one officer in your state infringes on your rights in your state maybe the next officer I'm my state does the same shit to me in mine.

There is video of this girls arrest. She was polite and respectful. The officers likewise were polite and respectful.

Some of my best friends are cops and I have nothing but respect for the good ones. But.....this blind allegiance to all laws and all officers sickens me. Be the victim of an overzealous man child with a gun, badge and chip on his shoulder and see how quick you are to lick them boots.
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But you are so hell bent on defending the police, you can't see that in this case, they may be upholding an unjust mandate.
She was arrested for trespassing, not failing to wear a mask. Get that through your head.

If the school says all kids have to wear vagina hats on Fridays and your son shows up without one, that's fine, no issue with civil disobedience.

When they tell him to leave it's time to LEAVE. Just because you don't agree with the rules of the property owner doesn't give you a free pass to stay on the property and disobey them.

This is a double edged sword. Be really careful about how cavalier you want to be with trespassing laws so when the feds and antifas start marching through your neighborhood and you want them off YOUR property you aren't eating your own words.

Or is it okay if they stand on your porch and call you a racist as long as they disagree with your position on paying reparations for owning slaves 150yrs ago?

Don't be dense.
You fucks?? First of all you fuck...there is a huge difference between civil disobedience and school shooting.
Second, what an officer does in any state HAS a bearing on mine.....especially today with 24/7 information. If one officer in your state infringes on your rights in your state maybe the next officer I'm my state does the same shit to me in mine.

There is video of this girls arrest. She was polite and respectful. The officers likewise were polite and respectful.

Some of my best friends are cops and I have nothing but respect for the good ones. But.....this blind allegiance to all laws and all officers sickens me. Be the victim of an overzealous man child with a gun, badge and chip on his shoulder and see how quick you are to lick them boots.
So, the Officers were polite and respectful when making an arrest for a criminal offense committed in their view?
You have an issue with that?
Would it have been better if they weren't polite and respectful?
Or would you rather them turn a blind eye to crimes committed in their view?
Wouldn't you prefer ALL officers to be polite and respectful when dealing with the public?
You should be applauding the way they handled their business.
She was arrested for trespassing, not failing to wear a mask. Get that through your head.

If the school says all kids have to wear vagina hats on Fridays and your son shows up without one, that's fine, no issue with civil disobedience.

When they tell him to leave it's time to LEAVE. Just because you don't agree with the rules of the property owner doesn't give you a free pass to stay on the property and disobey them.

This is a double edged sword. Be really careful about how cavalier you want to be with trespassing laws so when the feds and antifas start marching through your neighborhood and you want them off YOUR property you aren't eating your own words.

Or is it okay if they stand on your porch and call you a racist as long as they disagree with your position on paying reparations for owning slaves 150yrs ago?

Don't be dense.

Take a history class and get back to us about how civil disobedience works:

Your homework:

Because clearly the feds and Antifa respected trespassing and destruction property during their 'mostly peaceful protests'. But we don't want to disturb the police for fear of upsetting mask mandates.

How about vaccine mandates?
How about stay at home orders?

Where's your line? Or is it missing like your backbone?
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So, the Officers were polite and respectful when making an arrest for a criminal offense committed in their view?
You have an issue with that?
Would it have been better if they weren't polite and respectful?
Or would you rather them turn a blind eye to crimes committed in their view?
Wouldn't you prefer ALL officers to be polite and respectful when dealing with the public?
You should be applauding the way they handled their business.
Here's the thing....maybe you are or were a cop. Maybe you just really really like rules to follow regardless of their moral value. Either way neither of us will agree with the other so I'll leave you with this....good day sir,

"ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
Just do I’m keeping score correctly:

-public CAN be trespassed from public school

-boys can rape girls in schools as long as they wear a kilt.
Pretty much--although in fairness, the police took the rape kit and did arrest the kilt-wearer--it was the school board who said "nothing to see here"

and @jmp1 pretty much mic dropped any and all response. I can't top that.
Iyou leave the trespassing alone and go after their denial of a public education you get a double win.

Win the education front via civil suit and the trespass goes away.

Hell. Filing the suit will most likely make it go away.

That's your win.

Not to mention if you win the civil you get a cash payout. Mention that all proceeds will go to charity, make sure it’s widely known ( press coverage so the jury knows) and it’s a win.

It’s a fight worth having.
She was arrested for trespassing, not failing to wear a mask. Get that through your head.

If the school says all kids have to wear vagina hats on Fridays and your son shows up without one, that's fine, no issue with civil disobedience.

When they tell him to leave it's time to LEAVE. Just because you don't agree with the rules of the property owner doesn't give you a free pass to stay on the property and disobey them.

This is a double edged sword. Be really careful about how cavalier you want to be with trespassing laws so when the feds and antifas start marching through your neighborhood and you want them off YOUR property you aren't eating your own words.

Or is it okay if they stand on your porch and call you a racist as long as they disagree with your position on paying reparations for owning slaves 150yrs ago?

Don't be dense.
Don't be dense is right!! The only reason she was trespassing is that she wouldn't wear the face diaper and that's all they could try to do to get rid of her.
Regardless of the "law" she did nothing wrong!! If there wasn't a bullshit mask mandate(not a law) they wouldn't have needed to trespass her.
Where is your line?? If your school district mandated skirts for all students and your son didn't wear one would you help cuff and stuff him?? Law is the law right??
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Ahhh...there it is. And while misguided in her attempt (trespass), I do applaud the action of civil disobedience. What if we (subjects) said "no" to the crown, when they attempted to take our liberties? Bottom line...a 16 yr old stood up while the adults wordsmith the intricacies of law and order online.
Civil disobedience is just that "civil". She was civil about, as were the officers.
She is making her point the right way, public opinion will be on her side, at least locally. The officers did what they had to do, and the were "civil".
This is NOT an unlawful arrest, no one's rights were violated.
This will likely never see a courtroom for the criminal offense.
Civil disobedience is typically followed by arrest. Because, at some point a law is broken.
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The cop and the principal were both cunts.
Locking down the school and telling the kid that it was her fault? Really? Talk about escalation for no reason. The cop should have been there to de-escalate the situation. He should have told that principal to carry on like normal and brought the kid to the office and called the parents. Then have the parents come remove the kid from the school. There was zero reason to let the situation go to the extent that it did. This didn't happen in a five minute time period so he had ample time to get some guidance from his supervisor. If he did and they told him to take the course of action that ended in a child being cuffed they are a fucked up division.
Just doing my job!! Well sometimes your job requires using your fucking brain and all of your resources. The trespass from the school should have been shredded and an alternative approach used.
The only thing that this accomplished is some lawyers getting a payday and everyone else acting like they had no other choice.
The cop and the principal were both cunts.
Locking down the school and telling the kid that it was her fault? Really? Talk about escalation for no reason. The cop should have been there to de-escalate the situation. He should have told that principal to carry on like normal and brought the kid to the office and called the parents. Then have the parents come remove the kid from the school. There was zero reason to let the situation go to the extent that it did. This didn't happen in a five minute time period so he had ample time to get some guidance from his supervisor. If he did and they told him to take the course of action that ended in a child being cuffed they are a fucked up division.
Just doing my job!! Well sometimes your job requires using your fucking brain and all of your resources. The trespass from the school should have been shredded and an alternative approach used.
The only thing that this accomplished is some lawyers getting a payday and everyone else acting like they had no other choice.
Totally agree that this situation should have been handled differently...WE as a citizenry should have united and said "NO"'long ago, held our elected representatives responsible and worked through our challenges with honesty, integrity, and careful unbiased thought. Now...well, fuck the democrats and the left.
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Don't be dense is right!! The only reason she was trespassing is that she wouldn't wear the face diaper and that's all they could try to do to get rid of her.
Regardless of the "law" she did nothing wrong!! If there wasn't a bullshit mask mandate(not a law) they wouldn't have needed to trespass her.
Where is your line?? If your school district mandated skirts for all students and your son didn't wear one would you help cuff and stuff him?? Law is the law right??

But she DID do something wrong which was a criminal act. She refused to leave after being told to do so. Thats criminal tresspassing. She can have her day in court and a judge will decide if that arrest was justified.

Every other point has beem covered and several here are just stiring the pot.

I don't see any reason to reply further as this thread is already circling the drain.
Take a history class and get back to us about how civil disobedience works:

Your homework:

Because clearly the feds and Antifa respected trespassing and destruction property during their 'mostly peaceful protests'. But we don't want to disturb the police for fear of upsetting mask mandates.

How about vaccine mandates?
How about stay at home orders?

Where's your line? Or is it missing like your backbone?
You really are kinda dumb aren't you? The fact that they didn't respect trespassing laws is an argument in FAVOR of enforcing it, not against it.

It doesn't matter if there's a mask mandate or if the principal just doesn't like girls from Wyoming, if he says leave and she refuses, that's trespassing, you idiot.

It's simple to avoid, so avoid it. Show me somebody who's been arrested for a vaccine mandate you, or a stay at home order, I'll wait.

My department is mandating that vaccine shit, know what that means? It means you only have a couple choices as an employee:

-Comply and Vaccinate
-Exemption (Medical / Religious)
-Wait for termination

Know what happens after I'm terminated if I show up for work, I'll give you a hint since you seem a little slow, they're going to tell me to leave.

Can you guess what happens next if I refuse?
Don't be dense is right!! The only reason she was trespassing is that she wouldn't wear the face diaper and that's all they could try to do to get rid of her.
Regardless of the "law" she did nothing wrong!! If there wasn't a bullshit mask mandate(not a law) they wouldn't have needed to trespass her.
Where is your line?? If your school district mandated skirts for all students and your son didn't wear one would you help cuff and stuff him?? Law is the law right??
I'd tell him when they tell you to leave, leave, and we'll put you in a less liberal school or home school you. I sure as shit wouldn't advise him to stay in defiance of an order to leave the property and get himself arrested.

I guess that's the difference between people who get arrested and people who don't, though... common sense and intelligence, or a lack thereof.

Why do you think they're being arrested for Trespassing and not the mask violations? One is going to hold up in court and one isn't, guess which is which. The fact that you don't like it is irrelevant, it's beyond legal.

Should homeless people be allowed to wallow in puddles of their own piss and shit inside businesses because the manager pressing charges for trespassing is really just a roundabout way to keep his floors clean and merchandise safe from theft? Maybe he should have to wait till they steal something instead of just preemptively telling them to leave because he's already been down that road.

Once again, being mad doesn't make you right and whether you agree with the hippy policies behind the order to leave the property is IRRELEVANT.
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Move into the cattle car sir.

Just following orders.

But didn’t know.

If you are a cog in the machine you ARE the machine.

At some point YOU are part of the problem.
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It doesn't matter if there's a mask mandate or if the principal just doesn't like girls from Wyoming, if he says leave and she refuses, that's trespassing, you idiot.
You really don't have a clue how civil disobedience works.

According to your logic, we have to listen to every crazy law ever made up by arbitrary bureaucrats and let the cops enforce them and then run away when they threaten to arrest us.

What if the Principal doesn't think girls need an education? I guess she should just leave and find a better school before she gets arrested for trespassing (especially in the urban metropolis of Wyoming)

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. More than the cops, more than the school. You enable this tyranny.

And if you had any balls, after they fire you, I'd show back up to work saying the firing was illegal. Let them arrest you. Stand up and stop being such a pussy. Sooner or later they are coming for you. Your compliance now means nothing.
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What if the Principal doesn't think girls need an education? I guess she should just leave and find a better school before she gets arrested for trespassing (especially in the urban metropolis of Wyoming)

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. More than the cops, more than the school. You enable this tyranny.

And if you had any balls, after they fire you, I'd show back up to work saying the firing was illegal. Let them arrest you. Stand up and stop being such a pussy. Sooner or later they are coming for you. Your compliance now means nothing.
You're such a dumb fuck you keep coming up with wilder and crazier shit to try and justify your retarded position.

With as liberal as this country is you really think girls don't get to have an education is gonna fly 🤣 WTF ever. Keep making up dumb shit that's never happened to try and support your argument.

Yeah, show up and get yourself arrested. Great fucking plan you dumb fucking retard. You'll surely be a force for change from behind bars.

You'd do better to stand on the sidewalk that's public and picket. But whatever, we're done talking off you go now to retard purgatory with the rest.
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What a bunch of morons gettin thrown in jail.

This guy got sent to sibera for calling on the soviets to follow what they had written in THEIR constitution. THE NERVE OF THAT GUY

I could go on....
If your equating civil rights and Jim Crow to trespassing…
You think they got arrested for being black?

Nope--trespassing on "no coloreds" or "disturbing the peace"

Its just a mask mandate--the government telling you what to wear and when to wear it and then arresting you for non-compliance.

And you will notice it was mostly younger people--college students.

Arrested for loitering and disorderly conduct.....
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But she DID do something wrong which was a criminal act. She refused to leave after being told to do so. Thats criminal tresspassing. She can have her day in court and a judge will decide if that arrest was justified.

Every other point has beem covered and several here are just stiring the pot.

I don't see any reason to reply further as this thread is already circling the drain.
Circling the drain we agree on. Enjoy your chains.
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Gentlemen, I think I've finally figured out why our country is in the shape it is in.
On the left we have a love for authoritarian rule. They are united in their cause and succeeding. On the right we just wallow around bickering about just how much boot we're willing to lick. As long y'all want to follow all laws your masters impose don't expect it to get better. Just roll over and hope they pet your belly.
Here is an example, please consider the facts:
You own a deli downtown.
10 minutes before closing time, a vegan comes in and sits at the counter.
Orders nothing, says nothing. Just sits there.
It's now 2 hours since you closed the deli.
Vegan is still sitting there, as a protest because you sell meat and cheese.
Vegan refuses to leave.
This is a peaceful protest. The Vegan has not stolen or damaged anything.
You want to go home and get some sleep, because you have to be back at the deli in 7 hours to prepare to open.
What are you going to do about your unwelcome visitor that has been told by you, to leave?
Here is an example, please consider the facts:
You own a deli downtown.
10 minutes before closing time, a vegan comes in and sits at the counter.
Orders nothing, says nothing. Just sits there.
It's now 2 hours since you closed the deli.
Vegan is still sitting there, as a protest because you sell meat and cheese.
Vegan refuses to leave.
This is a peaceful protest. The Vegan has not stolen or damaged anything.
You want to go home and get some sleep, because you have to be back at the deli in 7 hours to prepare to open.
What are you going to do about your unwelcome visitor that has been told by you, to leave?
Since its a deli you should have plenty of knives around. Its always a good time to practice your knife throwing skills.