Contingency plans are in place for that as well.Fair enough... And on your last sentence we are in complete agreement.
And 'other people's problems' rapidly become 'everyone's problems' when suddenly the 'other people' covet what you have in your own little slice of heaven. And by 'everyone's problems' I mean our own very, very personal problems if the unwashed masses decide they want your stuff.
Anyhoo... hopefully won't come to that. I guess the odds are in direct proportion to one's distance from urban centers. Those 10 miles outside 'Watts and Harlem' are going to be in a lot more jeopardy than those 200 miles away. Most shitbags aren't going to live long enough to get 200 miles. The ones that do, however, will probably be tough targets.
Just 'sayin.
And yes……we have been busy.