Ingenuity Precision trickler

Just to offer a slightly different perspective....personally, I don't care that the powder hopper and this new wind screen are some what opaque, 3D printed parts.

It was ages and ages ago I worked for a short time with a company that made motorcycle peel-off's, visors, etc. with very large plastic injection machines. They made their own molds. It was a lot of $$ to have a mold made and a lot of dollars to maintain them and was only justified by the large quantities that were being produced and sold.

I don't blame this fella Paul for not jumping on the injection molded bandwagon from the start (and if ever). While we, on SH, are more than willing to spend this kind of dough on a powder measure system, what is the realistic market size for a product like this?

IMO, it sure as fuck isn't the average deer hunting community member, the population of which drives the bulk of rifle and ammo sales. Even including all rifle target sports participants, we are still (again, IMO) somewhat of a small niche market.

Some enterprising person may come up with a glass powder hopper at some point....but to me, its a non-issue.

Personally, I'm looking for rock solid, accurate, repeatable, and fast performance from a well integrated system/scale and if this thing ever gets released it looks like its my huckleberry.

I'm not saying others are wrong about their dissatisfaction with the 3D printed parts, we are all entitled to our own opinions (even if they are wrong! ;-) hahaha).

I just have a different view and my list of priorities for a powder drop system does not have optically clear molded plastic parts anywhere near the top.

Yep, totally agree!
^ but this was sometime ago. The ability to manufacture things made of plastic has changed dramatically. Case in point: Despite all of their foibles, the super trick guys pulled it off and at a price point 25% lower than this gizmo.

I would rather have something that looks like a polished product rather than a 3-D printed science fair project, but like you, my priorities are fast and accurate so I will take it
Is... is it happening??
Nah. Just our 8th consecutive monthly-installment of "start shipping next month" announcements. 🤣
We have enough information now to plot the error in Paul’s estimates

I’m not gonna waste my time on Excel, but suffice it to say that whatever remaining time he estimates, you should double, triple or even quadruple it as a rule of thumb.

The initial estimates were off by a factor of four and then three and I’m guessing now two so I think NyQuil is right and the earliest orders ought to be looking at Halloween
Just to offer a slightly different perspective....personally, I don't care that the powder hopper and this new wind screen are some what opaque, 3D printed parts.

It was ages and ages ago I worked for a short time with a company that made motorcycle peel-off's, visors, etc. with very large plastic injection machines. They made their own molds. It was a lot of $$ to have a mold made and a lot of dollars to maintain them and was only justified by the large quantities that were being produced and sold.

I don't blame this fella Paul for not jumping on the injection molded bandwagon from the start (and if ever). While we, on SH, are more than willing to spend this kind of dough on a powder measure system, what is the realistic market size for a product like this?

IMO, it sure as fuck isn't the average deer hunting community member, the population of which drives the bulk of rifle and ammo sales. Even including all rifle target sports participants, we are still (again, IMO) somewhat of a small niche market.

Some enterprising person may come up with a glass powder hopper at some point....but to me, its a non-issue.

Personally, I'm looking for rock solid, accurate, repeatable, and fast performance from a well integrated system/scale and if this thing ever gets released it looks like its my huckleberry.

I'm not saying others are wrong about their dissatisfaction with the 3D printed parts, we are all entitled to our own opinions (even if they are wrong! ;-) hahaha).

I just have a different view and my list of priorities for a powder drop system does not have optically clear molded plastic parts anywhere near the top.

So is the hold up the molded hopper? Just get dram worx hoppers and print an adapter?
I’ll look in the mail for my free unit for solving this dilemma. 😂
  • Haha
Reactions: Baron23
We have enough information now to plot the error in Paul’s estimates

I’m not gonna waste my time on Excel, but suffice it to say that whatever remaining time he estimates, you should double, triple or even quadruple it as a rule of thumb.

The initial estimates were off by a factor of four and then three and I’m guessing now two so I think NyQuil is right and the earliest orders ought to be looking at Halloween
Just wait for F Class John's 3rd "It's here!" video, then add 6 months.