Not as black and white as you gentlemen would like to believe. The following is a quote from an ultrasound technician:
" The law will ban abortion at every stage of pregnancy for every reason.
This is not okay, not reasonable, and definitely not acceptable.
If you don’t know me well, maybe you don’t know what I do for a living. I’m an ultrasound technologist. My colleagues and I look at babies in every stage of pregnancy every day. I also work in a high risk unit. My unit and I look at babies and mothers in varying states of mental and physical health. If you think an abortion ban sounds good, then I am a good person to ask about why it isn’t.
So let me tell you:
About the woman whose baby developed with no skull, and the brain just floating around. Her baby still had a heartbeat, and she would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman whose baby has a rare chromosomal condition called T13. Her baby’s organs grew outside its body, and had a cleft palate so bad that there was no nose. She would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman whose blood pressure is spiking so high that she passes out and is likely to stroke out before her baby is born. She would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman with such a severe form of hemophilia that giving birth will probably be fatal to both her and the baby. She would not be able to access abortion.
About the 13 year old whose school isn’t allowed to teach her science-based sex-education, so she didn’t know how to prevent pregnancy or STIs, but whose body is not developed enough to carry to term without being damaged. She would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman who was raped by a friend who wanted to “make sure she got home safely”. She would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman who has PCOS so only has periods every 3-4 months and can’t find a birth control that works for her. She would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman whose abusive partner removed the condom without telling her (it’s called stealthing, and it happens more frequently than you’d think). She would not be able to access abortion.
About the woman with the cornual ectopic pregnancy that isn’t reliably in the uterus, and could grow to a size that will kill her. She would not be able to access abortion."
As you can plainly read there are numerous medical conditions and compassionate care decisions that can necessitate a medical (abortion) termination of a pregnancy. On a historical moral note WWJS (what would Jesus say?) given that he was a Jewish Rabi two thousand years ago.
Fairly sure in his time the belief was life (or at least personhood) began at birth (first breath), but that can be an armchair debate in another thread.
You fucking people.
You are espousing the morals and ideals of the Third Reich....literally.
This country is now FILLED with "doctors" that would make Josef Mengele, look like Patch Adams.
" Its only the unwanted."
"Its only those who would be a drain on society."
"But! Rape and incest!!"
Ok. You get rape and incest. That completely shuts down the infant body parts industry, and Planned Parenthood. Plus, we recoup the money that is literally poured into those programs.
That cuts the real abortions allowed 99.9% .....approximately, but I bet thats real fucking close.
You go from 100k abortions per year, to 100.
But you know what.....its not about rape and incest. You know how we know?
Because no one wants to ban everything except for rape and incest. Its simply the ugly strawman, they build to prop up abortion on demand.
"Let's kill all the cripples before they are born."
Its takes a massive piece of shit to suggest this. I have several in my circle of family and friends, confined to a wheelchair. A second cousin with cerebral palsy, late wife's cousin with spinal bifida, to name two beautiful people.
Never have I interacted with them and thought, "You shouldn't have been born."
I do have a cousin who the doctors recommended be aborted. His mother said no way, its in God's hands. He has a mild bit of autism, but otherwise quite capable of functioning in society. When the whole RoeVWade shit was struck down, he got on Farcebook and really showed his ass, unfriendly family and clear he is unfortunately terminally retarded. Maybe his momma should have listened to the Mengele institute.
Here is where you'll dismiss me, tell me I have no place in the discussion because....FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIAN!!! Booo! Hisses! Yeah...fuck you, nazi cunts.
God IS in control. Nothing happens he doesn't ALLOW TO happen.
He does not create evil. He did not create evil.
Man and his buddy Satan created evil.
If a cat is pregnant, do you abort the kittens? No, you let her have them, then adopt them, or turn them loose in my remote neighborhood....but thats another topic.
People who won't kill a cat, think nothing of aborting a baby.
The fact that you cocksuckers don't see the problem here, is what is so alarming.
You couldn't kill God with junk science from the you'll kill him with the destruction of empathy, compassion, and love.
You people are fucking monsters. You certainly have a form of godliness....but its not holy.