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Is anyone else pissed about the Government lie and coverup of the Vegas shooting


Full Member
Obvious that the press has been made to shut the hell up and not even mention it much less ask for an update of the investigation, Also social media is being shut down as fast as it is produced, This is a HUGE story and the public just sits around fat, dumb, and happy while they get away from it, Lets see what others out there on the site think about the lies so far, If you don't smell a rat in the official story, you probably believe Oswald was the only shooter,
is been week and weeks and they still "dont have anything".....either they are grossly incompetent, and should be fired.......or they are covering something up, and should be fired........

but like you said, the american public has the attention span of a goldfish.....and once its off the news, they no longer care about it........

the gun grabbers are eager to use it as an excuse to justify taking away guns........yet they dont seem as eager to figure out why he did it.........odd dontcha think?
Just for grins, let's keep this going and see if we get cleansed. For starters the "deranged gambler" was called as the lone shooter quicker than Lee Oswald. Show me another millionaire that offs himself because he had a bad night or so gambling.

Also, his last three jobs were all Govt including IRS and he had a lot of money for a salaried CPA type.He has no history, which means he was cleansed.

There was a lot of confusion (and still is) over who killed him. Mysterious missing time from guard that ends up on Ellen's show for softball questions and then disappears again to now,

27 serious black guns plus ammo for a couple of platoons carried into Kill room but only 1 or 2 are used. HUGE QUESTION.....why would you take such a chance to carry an arsenal into the room when each trip put you at risk of being stopped and ruining the operation?

An early (non govt) analysis of the gunshots showed two important facts: At some point 2 guns firing overlapped at the same time. Also claimed that second shooter was maybe 150 yards or so closer than the main hotel shooter. Different cyclic rates.

The proof of how many empties found in room was not compared to people hit and the strikes from misses, Analysis in a few minutes would show direction of misses and the angle to the ground to show distance for a 5.56. There was (likely gone now) video taken the next day where they were resurfacing the strikes. Wearing FBI white coveralls, they were using a roller out of a bucket to fill in strikes. Can think of NOTHING else they could have been doing.

There were two helicopters on film during the firing that have not been mentioned ANYWHERE. Normally, they operate ofer the Grand Canyon during the day only. I want the tail numbers, owners, logs, etc. but I am sure they have also been covered up.

Supposedly a computer was found in the shooters room .....without disk drive. Why would shooter take one with him when he could do nothing without a disk drive?

And these questions are just for starters. Let's leave the why of the shooting out and just question the mechanics for now before we get too covered up.

With them squelching the internet and threatening the news media, this could drag on and be considered the truth as long as the JFK hit.

Would appreciate some input here, guys. Not saying all above is true but is most of what I have to begin, I have more if some of you want to play,

Also, I do not plan on offing myself in the near future! I am tired of this shit.
Well, you’ve put up some information I wasn’t aware of.

Lets keep it piling up! Maybe someone has something that’s hasnt been scrubbed yet. Some personal cell phone video etc.

tail numbers might be difficult in the dark.

Video of the fbi covering impact sites would be interesting if it’s still available.

I never liked the time gap from (alleged) guard being hit to him doing something. He’s a guard, with no radio?? If I was a guard, and I was hit, I’d be on that thing faster than the blood was flowing (Assuming I was unable to return fire). So wtf there? How about a cell phone? Homeless people have Facebook pages and nicer phones than me. He couldn’t call the desk or 911 immediately???

are all the victims accounted for? Was this perhaps a hit on a Precision target, covered up? Did the “lone gunman” even discharge his weapon? Was it fired the day before perhaps? Do we know for certain the lone gun man died at the scene? Perhaps he was in a pelican case and unloaded at the scene.

Way too many loop holes. More than (any version) of the tax code...
Here's a question: How many people were killed by gunfire?
How many people were wounded or injured by gunfire?
We all know that 58 were killed and approximately 500 were injured but the gungrabbers want everyone to believe that it was all by gunfire yet to the best of my knowledge no official statistics have been released on the specifics. How many injuries were the result of havoc and not direct gunfire? If the LVJ article is correct and approximately 1100 rounds were fired then that would be a 50% hit ratio. Maybe not a superhuman feat given the distance and pop. density but it still seems a little suspect especially in the light of no real details.
The thing I want to see is where are all the photos or video of the a/o shortly after the fact. I want proof there were bullet impacts, body's, blood an so on. If he shot thru the door with 200rds where is the proof of the hall way being shot the fuck up? The EMT/ Ambulance/ ER records of who was treated, by who, for what, an who paid the bill. So far the only proof has has been talking heads on the news. I can't find anyone who knows anyone who was there, or treated anyone. The first thing I'd like to see is irrefutable proof that it did happen.

I was just thinking to myself the other day that there has not been one mention lately on any news source about the Las Vegas shooting it’s almost like it never happened. Ok I know this is deep a conspiracy theory on a conspiracy theory, but what if the government really wants the public to panic and go out and buy more weapons and ammo so they stage or really do have these mass shootings then call for more gun control hoping it will motivate/scare people into a buying frenzy. A reverse psychology approach?
Just for grins, let's keep this going and see if we get cleansed. For starters the "deranged gambler" was called as the lone shooter quicker than Lee Oswald. Show me another millionaire that offs himself because he had a bad night or so gambling.

Also, his last three jobs were all Govt including IRS and he had a lot of money for a salaried CPA type.He has no history, which means he was cleansed.

There was a lot of confusion (and still is) over who killed him. Mysterious missing time from guard that ends up on Ellen's show for softball questions and then disappears again to now,

27 serious black guns plus ammo for a couple of platoons carried into Kill room but only 1 or 2 are used. HUGE QUESTION.....why would you take such a chance to carry an arsenal into the room when each trip put you at risk of being stopped and ruining the operation?

An early (non govt) analysis of the gunshots showed two important facts: At some point 2 guns firing overlapped at the same time. Also claimed that second shooter was maybe 150 yards or so closer than the main hotel shooter. Different cyclic rates.

The proof of how many empties found in room was not compared to people hit and the strikes from misses, Analysis in a few minutes would show direction of misses and the angle to the ground to show distance for a 5.56. There was (likely gone now) video taken the next day where they were resurfacing the strikes. Wearing FBI white coveralls, they were using a roller out of a bucket to fill in strikes. Can think of NOTHING else they could have been doing.

There were two helicopters on film during the firing that have not been mentioned ANYWHERE. Normally, they operate ofer the Grand Canyon during the day only. I want the tail numbers, owners, logs, etc. but I am sure they have also been covered up.

Supposedly a computer was found in the shooters room .....without disk drive. Why would shooter take one with him when he could do nothing without a disk drive?

And these questions are just for starters. Let's leave the why of the shooting out and just question the mechanics for now before we get too covered up.

With them squelching the internet and threatening the news media, this could drag on and be considered the truth as long as the JFK hit.

Would appreciate some input here, guys. Not saying all above is true but is most of what I have to begin, I have more if some of you want to play,

Also, I do not plan on offing myself in the near future! I am tired of this shit.

So many many maybes, supposedlys, and unsubstantiated stories. Of course, if it was a conspiracy, the investigation would take longer, and they would be more tight lipped. So as to not warn the other conspirators they were on to them.

Unlike the Kenndy Assassination, by which an entire generation who was too "smart" to see the obvious evidence, and too lazy to read the Warn Reports, concocted a million stupid theories on how it wasn't Oswald. Going so far as to say it was an impossible shot. LOL. Incompetence is common, why does everyone try to act like its last on the list? That is why there are so many maybes, supposedlys and unsubstantiated stories in the world. If you must qualify your story with one of those, it is just that, a story. Thank you for properly qualifying it though, you spoke of it to start as if it was credible.

LOL. The news stops covering it, and its "the peoples" fault.
So many many maybes, supposedlys, and unsubstantiated stories. Of course, if it was a conspiracy, the investigation would take longer, and they would be more tight lipped. So as to not warn the other conspirators they were on to them.

Unlike the Kenndy Assassination, by which an entire generation who was too "smart" to see the obvious evidence, and too lazy to read the Warn Reports, concocted a million stupid theories on how it wasn't Oswald. Going so far as to say it was an impossible shot. LOL. Incompetence is common, why does everyone try to act like its last on the list? That is why there are so many maybes, supposedlys and unsubstantiated stories in the world. If you must qualify your story with one of those, it is just that, a story. Thank you for properly qualifying it though, you spoke of it to start as if it was credible.

LOL. The news stops covering it, and its "the peoples" fault.

No need to trade with a grown man, particularly a shooter that still buys the Warren Report and Oswald as a lone shooter. You should get out more.

The excuse that the investigation needs to be secret makes no sense when they already said the only participant is DEAD. You can talk freely about it after that. By the way, when Holder was caught, he quickly owned up to the story that he and his men lost track of 2200 weapons they were going to track to the Mexican buyers and didn't track a single one. He readily agreed to incompetence versus the REAL story behind his operation. I am sure the government will continue to keep all of us informed.
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You know too little. If you were online looking into this you would know there are constant cleanings of quotes and even striking those belonging to a group. You can keep your doctor.

No need to trade with a grown man, particularly a shooter that still buys the Warren Report and Oswald as a lone shooter. You should get out more.

The excuse that the investigation needs to be secret makes no sense when they already said the only participant is DEAD. You can talk freely about it after that. By the way, when Holder was caught, he quickly owned up to the story that he and his men lost track of 2200 weapons they were going to track to the Mexican buyers and didn't track a single one. He readily agreed to incompetence versus the REAL story behind his operation. I am sure the government will continue to keep all of us informed.

Holder knew Daddy would make it go away.

What particularly do you find not credible in the Warren Report? What particularly points you to there being more than one shooter in Kennedy Assassination? They gathered and tested such a mountain of evidence, so as to leave little doubt. Of course to your average conspiracy guru, that is more evidence of a cover up. The more elaborate the better.

What I am pissed about is all the fucking looney wackjobs we have on this forum.


If you aren't careful, the tin foilers might put you on "the to be taken care of list" once "the revolution comes" if you refer to them as tin foilers or looney whackjobs too many times. Seems that pointing out truth or calling bullshit offends them. I know, truth takes all the fun out of being a whackjob.
What I am pissed about is all the fucking looney wackjobs we have on this forum.


That may, be but where is the proof it happened as reported? After most every other event there is mtns of photo/video evidence? Where is it at? Show me a bullet riddled hallway, bullet impacts on blood stained ground. Show me medical transport records, ER records, ER bills, an by who they were paid. How about a coroners report, an where the deceased was interned or Cremated. All I/others ask is for proof, an to date there has been none? If you were on a jury, sounds like you would take the word of the Press/LE/lawyers/DA ect. I know it goes against the grain but I like/demand proof, of mass murder that falls out of the news, almost as fast as it made it. I'll be the odd guy out, an wear that badge with pride.
If it were still in the news every day would that be due to an anti 2A conspiracy?

Was as the guy with his own ar in Texas that shot the church shooter a pro 2A / NRA conspiracy?

There's plenty of corruption, lying and even conspiracies out there that you don't have to believe the infowars bullshit. Hell, maybe that's the real conspiracy. You get fed a load of bullshit to focus on to make you look like a kook so that anyone that raises issues with the lying federal gov gets associated with the Alex jones types to discredit them.
More than 1100 rounds in what time frame? What’s the average cyclic rate to meet that? And he didn’t have any full autos? And he reloaded and changed rifles due to jamming?

diddmt do the math but it doesn’t sound right.

Here is 1000rd from a sig p320. It took them just over 15 minutes to shoot them. In no hurry.

I think he was an arms dealer, selling guns to isis fighters, may or may not have been working with/for the feds, buy went wrong...they killed him, and another 58 people and took off with the weapons.

It explains why the feds don't want to say what happened, explains his money, explains multiple shooters, the reason for the arsenal in the room, the works.

Think if the feebs know they botched a bust/sting, allowed a terrorist attack, and the bad guys got away with God knows what for weapons, and are still at large... they'd tell us about it?

Just my take.
I think he was an arms dealer, selling guns to isis fighters, may or may not have been working with/for the feds, buy went wrong...they killed him, and another 58 people and took off with the weapons.

It explains why the feds don't want to say what happened, explains his money, explains multiple shooters, the reason for the arsenal in the room, the works.

Think if the feebs know they botched a bust/sting, allowed a terrorist attack, and the bad guys got away with God knows what for weapons, and are still at large... they'd tell us about it?

Just my take.

Another fat and furious op gone bad eh. It wouldn’t surprise me.

I think he was an arms dealer, selling guns to isis fighters, may or may not have been working with/for the feds, buy went wrong...they killed him, and another 58 people and took off with the weapons.

It explains why the feds don't want to say what happened, explains his money, explains multiple shooters, the reason for the arsenal in the room, the works.

Think if the feebs know they botched a bust/sting, allowed a terrorist attack, and the bad guys got away with God knows what for weapons, and are still at large... they'd tell us about it?

Just my take.

How did you qualify for the tin foil hat looking for tail numbers? Everyone knows black helicopters don't have tail numbers.

"You can keep your doctor." ??? Where the fuck did that come from, or am I the crazy one here?

I'll remember this thread and it's contributors the next time I'm told I "just believe everything the left feeds me."

PS, just fucking around, don't put me on the "exterminate now" list please.