2-3 dead generals...
View attachment 7853065
Just waiting on confirmation from the Russian side, but it looks like Russia paid up for another two weeks of Ukrainian rent.
For those keeping track,
If this is confirmed, Russia now needs to make it to Friday the 13th, to break the pattern of an average loss of one general per week.

Two more Russian generals killed in Ukraine
Two Russian generals have been killed by a Ukrainian artillery strike on a forward command-and-control center of Russia’s 49th General Army near the frontlines in Kherson region, with a third severely wounded, Ukraine’s military intelligence said on April 23.

GreenGo Juan, your joke was near prescient. The strike hit three generals, two died and one is in critical condition, yet may not survive. This is as literal as you can get to "2-3 generals".
If the report can be confirmed, it will make your joke the most accurate statement you've made this entire thread and the most accurate prediction of the entire thread. Congratulations.