M40a1 build guide

here are a few pics of my new A1. Still need a scope, sling and a few small details but I am pleased and feel that is about as close as I can get. I can see remnants of 3-4 layers of bedding in the stock, if it could only talk.

The Infamous Crown

I have, the paint was done by a former marine sniper just as he would have done his own so it's about as real as it gets in my opinion. This stock has some beautiful wear and was a very early smear stock that has been used quite a bit. It has a few notches scratched in the tang area that look deliberate and symbolize only who knows what. Like I said earlier, I wish it could talk and tell what it has seen.
So, sab9259, I'm sure you had to know this was coming......if you'd be so kind........what is the depth of your recessed muzzle cut, and the ID of the ring? Thanks in advance.
I agree with leaving the paint on as is on a return stock! If I were lucky enough to own a B-17 waist gun 50 in my collection & it had the gunner's personal art or writing on it somewhere I wouldn't clean anything off! I thought I heard of gunners doing that though not sure but the point is stuff like that is character or testimony!
To clear things up, this stock was not painted when I got it. It had the usual remnants of krylon left from over the years but I had a good fellow paint this just as it was his when he was in the field
There is a rifle that looks familiar! I know that there was alot of detail put into that gun. It is on a US Marines returned stock and no detail was over looked. All the way down to the paint job and tape, this gun is a peice of Marines history. I have seen that guns sister and they look ALOT alike. Must have been painted by the same person. Congratulations on your M40A1 looks very good.
here are a few pics of my new A1. Still need a scope, sling and a few small details but I am pleased and feel that is about as close as I can get. I can see remnants of 3-4 layers of bedding in the stock, if it could only talk.

The Infamous Crown

Not critisizing your comment Mesca, I know you understand the beauty of the used returns. I guess either way is ok/up to owner. Its both cool character though I can also see a return that could benifit from cleaning as well if its really caked on and hashed up.

I agree with you 100%. The paint job on this one looks good. Out of curiosity, I would be tempted to remove the paint and see whats hiding under ;)
Havent posted many pics of my Sticks....but heres one of them.
My 2112/PWS built A1 along with stamp and signed record/build book.
Take off stock and bottom metal, Take off original Unertl base/rings, Original Unertl Scope (1 digit off of my actual issued scope), Hart barrel, and 6 dig receiver.
About as close as you will ever see outside of the Corp.


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Thanks you Redmanss and M40_A1.....As both of you guys and many here know and can appreciate. Many years of saving, networking, finding and collecting parts involved. Out of all the rifles I have had built by my 2112, this is by far my most prized.
Cool history and story behind the this scope.
On behalf of myself and all the silent lurkers, THANK YOU!

Since you are able to measure the rim like that, is it safe to assume the cut is pretty much straight down?

Also, while you're at it, the other end of calipers usually has a depth measuring rod that sticks out. Would it be possible to get the depth of the recessed surface? Thanks again.
Here are a few pics of the M40A1 that I had Norm Chandler's shop build for me. Has a turn-in stock and bottom metal, Hart USMC contour barrel, originally had an MST-100 on the rifle, but picked up one of the Unertls that were for sale a whiles back on CMP along with a SIMRAD mount. Was going to do the original finish on he metal, but decided to go with the IBA Man-O-War finish to make it a little more durable.

Pre-Unertl pics
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Need a quick answer.. No time to read the whole 26 pages of the thread.

Outside the first batch of 6-digit and some C,E,G receivers added later, anybody knows if 7-digits were used?

7-digits as in a 1975 receiver serialed 68XXXXX?

98% sure- no.
(I've learned never to say "never" when it comes to the M40A1)
Mesca....100% yes on the "seven" digit SN for the VN era M700.....There were very few and were late production and were refered to as the "Product Improvement Series". Senich talks about them on page 162 of his book "one Round War".
I actually know a gentlemen who has one of these rifles....It was originally released from WTB Quantico as a Trophy Rifle. It has the Satin black Redfield and the rounded corner later gen. Redfield base. The last four are etched on the scope.
I have pics burried somewhere. I think another member actaully has some posted on here somewhere.

I have seen where they were actually used on some of the early A3's so Im assuming that somewhere down the line it had been used on an A1. Like I said, I would assume. But I personally haven't seen any A1's with them....which really doesn't amount to much...lol
Mesca....100% yes on the "seven" digit SN for the VN era M700.....There were very few and were late production and were refered to as the "Product Improvement Series". Senich talks about them on page 162 of his book "one Round War".
I actually know a gentlemen who has one of these rifles....It was originally released from WTB Quantico as a Trophy Rifle. It has the Satin black Redfield and the rounded corner later gen. Redfield base. The last four are etched on the scope.
I have pics burried somewhere. I think another member actaully has some posted on here somewhere.

I have seen where they were actually used on some of the early A3's so Im assuming that somewhere down the line it had been used on an A1. Like I said, I would assume. But I personally haven't seen any A1's with them....which really doesn't amount to much...lol

Thanks for the info. Thats a bummer... the quest for a correct 6-digit continues...
Ill help ya with that Mesca....Ill keep my eyes out. I as well as other close buddies on here come across them from time to time. They are not unicorns. Just have to be hyper vigilant. We will locate you one.

Off to C&H Precision Weapons for another M40A1 spec build with black oxide finish.....

McMillan M40A1 USMC spec stock
Schneider USMC spec contract barrel
Winchester 70 per 64 all steel 2 piece bottom metal (from a 1957 30-06 model 70)
Remington 700 action with old style trigger
Remington 700 recoil lug
Remington 700 BDL mag box
Remington 700 BDL mag spring
Remington 700 milled follower
1/4-28X2" 3/16" allen drive socket head cap screws


Built by Dave Clark

Dave retired in 2013 from the United States Marine Corps after 26 years of service as a 2111 (Small Arms Technician), 2112 (Precision Weapons Technician) and 2181(Senior Ground Ordnance Maintenance Chief).* Dave is formerly the NCOIC of the famed USMC PWS (Precision Weapon Section) at Quantico VA.
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I am thinking off getting the parts together to have an A1 built to go with my A3 and wanted to know if A1's were ever built with one piece bottom metals like the DDROSS unit? I was planning on building a late model A1 and was hoping I didn't have to try too track down the two piece unit and pay a premium for it. Thanks for the help.
scatsob...sorry to say, but no. All the A1's were built on all steal modified Winchester pre64 mod70 and a few on Supergrade bottom metal. They didint start the one piece until the A3. Really not to awful hard to find. Might even be able to find someone on here that might have a set to move.
Thanks rim, I kind of figured that but wanted to make sure. I have some people tracking parts down for me, I know one will show up. I will probably have it built on a "E" receiver with a Schneider barrel. I just wish I could get my hands on a USMC issued scope for around $3k, and not the $6-$8k they are selling for :(.
Thank you for the info M40_A1 :). I will be back to this thread quite a bit over the next year or so. I only recently made the decision to have an A1 built as I can get it done in Quantico and likely won't have this chance again when I PCS in a little over a year from now.
I know, I know...I always start off a project trying to do it on the cheap but that really would be blasphemy for a Quantico built A1. it would be really nice to find a return stock for $800 or so. I cleaned house to fund the A3 build as budget is going to be tight for the A1.
While a take-off stock is a nice piece of history, a new McMillan stock will not have been beat to death. Nice, fresh start.

Check with your gunsmith about bolt jeweling. My M40A1 started with a jeweled bolt, and the jeweling does show through the blue. But, I'm sure with suitable prep there must be a way to eliminate that.