I've recently put together a 6 ARC but haven't been able to get out to see how it goes. That being said, when I got the parts ordered I started to feel byers remorse.
First off: Never really wanted anything related to the bolts used in this type of platform.
Second: The barrel and bolt are (by some on here) substandard.
Faxon barrel, Faxon BCG. But with things being the way they are, it was what was available.
Third: The lack of factory ammo and/or components to load with.
Anyway I'm head down the rabbit hole and now once again I'm seeing conversations regarding 'high pressures and possible bolt failure '.
I've got everything to make-up my own loads EXCEPT for powder!
So now I've taken to just examining what I have and the possibilities.
The rifle is all built. Pretty much threw it together, with exception of barrel and bolt, from parts I had.
I was able to buy factory ammo, dies, and some 105g Scenars.
Reading all of this thread, I've look a few things now.
I pulled one of the cartridges apart to do two things. One: establish powder charge and check what COAL could be with the 108 ELDM and the 105
The powder charge was 30.9
The max COAL with the 108's turned out to be 2.344" jambed into lands.
The Hornady factory ammo COAL is 2.250". So I'm looking at probably .084 jump if I took .010 off for being in the lands.
With the Scenar 105 I started the bullet and seated the bullet using the bolt.
COAL on them was 2.303 jambed. So taking .010 off for in the lands I end up with a COAL pretty close to 2.293.
Also my mags max length is 2.318 and 2.300 depending on brand.
So it seems rounds loaded to mag length with the 108 would have a .034 jump at mag length and the 105 scenar would be loaded to 2.293? If my numbers are right.
Also if this factory ammo 'IS' loaded with Leverevolution then it would seem to be over book by a full grain.
Maybe they are taking in the fact that its Virginia brass and the COAL is 2.250?
Hope to get out soon to test..

...and then find some powder