This thread will be dedicated to ZCO News and Updates so we can keep the members here of Sniper's Hide more easily updated. Simply subscribe to this thread and when we have any news or information we will post it here. Then new information doesn't require a separate post every time. The members here at Sniper's Hide have been outstanding and always supportive, so we'd like to try and give back in an easier manner for you to keep track of.
Also, if you have specific questions, feel free to ask in this thread as well. Thank you all for the huge support you have given us!
Most recently:
1. The new MPCT3 reticle has started shipping to our dealers and first reports back from end users has been exceptional. See this thread here:
2. The members here have requested a sunshade, and the first batch of 56mm sunshades has also been sent out to dealers. MSRP on the sunshades is $60 and measures 3" long.