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Ok, who snitched AJ....

You should have responded he should have shot his momma instead of putting her in the hospital when she got sick, told him to eat his children instead of fast food, or something like that, he would have respected that.
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Lol, the internet seems to be in need of digital estrogen blockers. Sucks for the guy who snitched. He knows deep down that he is less than a man. If you disagree have the intestinal fortitude to engage with that individual directly. On a side note I’ve been thinking all day that this forum seems to have gotten real 7th ID heavy overnight. The read this thread and realized it was a show of support for AJ. I applaud the effort and also support AJ and his fight against “cry closets” and “safe spaces.” However, can not identify changing my profile pic to the 7th ID insignia because I have not earned the right to wear it. Not saying anyone is wrong just explaining my choice not to. I have enjoyed several great debates with AJ. I admire his steadfast dedication to his principles and unwavering faith in our constitution.
Lol, the internet seems to be in need of digital estrogen blockers. Sucks for the guy who snitched. He knows deep down that he is less than a man. If you disagree have the intestinal fortitude to engage with that individual directly. On a side note I’ve been thinking all day that this forum seems to have gotten real 7th ID heavy overnight. The read this thread and realized it was a show of support for AJ. I applaud the effort and also support AJ and his fight against “cry closets” and “safe spaces.” However, can not identify changing my profile pic to the 7th ID insignia because I have not earned the right to wear it. Not saying anyone is wrong just explaining my choice not to. I have enjoyed several great debates with AJ. I admire his steadfast dedication to his principles and unwavering faith in our constitution.

Not quite 7th ID

I don't give a shit if it was a test or not. It was a douchebag thing to do, some of us consider pets as part of the family.

I had a soldier’s mom demand to know why I was kicking her son out of the army after a positive urinalysis and possession of cocain. My reply: “ma’am your son is an example of why TRADOC is failing this army. He doesn’t even posses the aptitude for a semen container in a gay prison. If stupid could fly he would be a U2 spy plain. He could make it from Miami to Seattle in under 30 minutes. If you want my advice, I would suggest you stop harassing myself and my staff duty, conclude that this one is a lost cause... ruined. Best scrap that one and start over.
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Ah didn’t see the custom lettering added from my IPhone. On that note, how is it that you have surcumvented AR 670-1 and been granted the power to alter a class A division patch without being struck down where you stand by the ghosts of every CSM??!!! Are you a wizard!? I’m a retired E-8 and I had to look over my shoulder as soon as I looked at the image. In the spirit of all things righteous and good....Dicks out for Harmbe!!!!!
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Ben and Jerry moved to Sausulito. married each other and opened a roller disco.

Their ice cream is now made by Unilever... same folks who make toilet urinal cakes. I live 8 miles from their plant... and won't eat this faggot shit.

Haagen Dasz! At least they are honest about being capitalists.



How fucking dare you ruin my fag post with another fag post! :mad:
You've given AJ's opinion a lot of power...


I don't forget shit like that especially under the circumstances. Most people with that opinion have enough decency to stay out of threads like that. I don't care if you guys think it's ok for people to pull that shit, it won't change how I feel towards the cocksucker.
I don't forget shit like that especially under the circumstances. Most people with that opinion have enough decency to stay out of threads like that. I don't care if you guys think it's ok for people to pull that shit, it won't change how I feel towards the cocksucker.
No one is asking you to change how you feel. You clearly have a right to feelings. What is important is that you are expressing that openly instead of kicking a kitten and crying to teacher that AJ drank your juice box.
I don't forget shit like that especially under the circumstances. Most people with that opinion have enough decency to stay out of threads like that. I don't care if you guys think it's ok for people to pull that shit, it won't change how I feel towards the cocksucker.

So what you are saying is that the jury is still out? ;-)

In seriousness... I remember that post... and, yeah, that was off the rails. But we have come to expect that from AJ at times.

But he is still an institution here. Even when he crosses the lines at times. And his posts merit some occasional slap-downs.

Sorry about your dog... and hope it went ok and he has recovered under your care.. But if your pal has since passed... that it's opened the door for a new puppy and good memories and a new awesome family member. Everyone here on SH treats pets as family, even though at times some here deal with grief in callous ways.

So what you are saying is that the jury is still out? ;-)

In seriousness... I remember that post... and, yeah, that was off the rails. But we have come to expect that from AJ at times.

But he is still an institution here. Even when he crosses the lines at times. And his posts merit some occasional slap-downs.

Sorry about your dog... and hope it went ok and he has recovered under your care.. But if your pal has since passed... that it's opened the door for a new puppy and good memories and a new awesome family member. Everyone here on SH treats pets as family, even though at times some here deal with grief in callous ways.


The dog had to be put down the night of the surgery, hence the fucking hatred towards that piece of shit.
I don't give a shit if it was a test or not. It was a douchebag thing to do, some of us consider pets as part of the family.

When you say “part of the family” do you mean like your wife?

Need clarification, I don’t think beastiality is accepted on the hide, (not meaning to offend those who have that special goat or sheep, you know who you are)...
For some folks dogs are family.
For other folks dogs are tools and livestock.

If the SHTF there are folks who would eat their dogs or use them to feed the neighbors if it came to it.
If the SHTF there are folks who would feed the neighbors to their dogs if the dogs got hungry.

My advice however is to learn from like every apocalyptic movie ever. If the SHTF and you have the choice between a woman and a dog... you'll have a long life if you pick the dog.... if you pick the woman you'll be lucky to be alive the next day.
For some folks dogs are family.
For other folks dogs are tools and livestock.

If the SHTF there are folks who would eat their dogs or use them to feed the neighbors if it came to it.
If the SHTF there are folks who would feed the neighbors to their dogs if the dogs got hungry.

My advice however is to learn from like every apocalyptic movie ever. If the SHTF and you have the choice between a woman and a dog... you'll have a long life if you pick the dog.... if you pick the woman you'll be lucky to be alive the next day.

What happens when you need some lovin’?

I don’t think ol lasseys assey is going to like you very much if you pound one out on her.

At least a woman can be used for taking care of business, then she can fix you supper after. Or hell you could repopulate the earth together!

Try that with an animal and you end up with this

Ah didn’t see the custom lettering added from my IPhone. On that note, how is it that you have surcumvented AR 670-1 and been granted the power to alter a class A division patch without being struck down where you stand by the ghosts of every CSM??!!! Are you a wizard!? I’m a retired E-8 and I had to look over my shoulder as soon as I looked at the image. In the spirit of all things righteous and good....Dicks out for Harmbe!!!!!

I did it. I altered the pic because I wanted to make sure no one hunted me down for stolen valor. I have immense respect for everyone who served.
I didn't know it was a horrible insult to alter the image. If I have insulted anyone I will gladly take mine down.
My only intention was to honor AJ.

I sure don't want to look over my shoulder fearing someone who can kill me with a qtip from accross a crowded room.
I did it. I altered the pic because I wanted to make sure no one hunted me down for stolen valor. I have immense respect for everyone who served.
I didn't know it was a horrible insult to alter the image. If I have insulted anyone I will gladly take mine down.
My only intention was to honor AJ.

I sure don't want to look over my shoulder fearing someone who can kill me with a qtip from accross a crowded room.

, pump your breaks buddy. That was a purely sarcastic joke that only veterans of the army would get. No one is accusing you af anything. I promise.
Hey AJ Good News

WASHINGTON, DC — A tornado watch is in effect for parts of northern Virginia plus Washington, D.C., until early Monday morning, according to the National Weather Service. At 6:05 p.m. Sunday, the National Weather Service issued the tornado watch, which runs until 3 a.m. on April 15.
Let’s drop the Bradu bashing...

We have lots of other ways to have fun with this thread. The guy lost his dog. And no matter what, that’s not something we bash on here. M’kay?

Now let’s get onto buying more ammo and such.


I have thick skin, they aren't bothering me. I've said what I had to say and I am done with the thread, they can say whatever they want to about me.
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What happens when you need some lovin’?
I don’t think ol lasseys assey is going to like you very much if you pound one out on her.
At least a woman can be used for taking care of business, then she can fix you supper after. Or hell you could repopulate the earth together!

You don't need a woman for some lovin in rough times, just a printed copy of your porn stash and at least one functional hand.

A dog will keep you warm on a cold night better than a woman, if it gets colder just add more dogs as needed (one dog night, two dog night, three dog night and so on).

I prefer to eat what I cook, less chance of getting poisoned. And as to repopulating, well I'll figure that one out later on if it's important.
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You don't need a woman for some lovin in rough times, just a printed copy of your porn stash and at least one functional hand.

A dog will keep you warm on a cold night better than a woman, if it gets colder just add more dogs as needed (one dog night, two dog night, three dog night and so on).

I prefer to eat what I cook, less chance of getting poisoned. And as to repopulating, well I'll figure that one out later on if it's important.

Lol till you get shot for keeping one hand on some old ass Betty white porno and the other hand on your pecker pounding one out.

Always keep one hand on your pecker and the other holding your side arm, pointed at the door, while cranking, being ready for your enemy to catch you in the act.
Lol till you get shot for keeping one hand on some old ass Betty white porno and the other hand on your pecker pounding one out.

Always keep one hand on your pecker and the other holding your side arm, pointed at the door, while cranking, being ready for your enemy to catch you in the act.

Get a full-auto M-14 in your left hand. Then secure your right hand in a strap so it could not move. That way when the enemy breaks down that door you can mow them down and still keep on cranking at the same time. Recoil assisted multi-tasking...
Get a full-auto M-14 in your left hand. Then secure your right hand in a strap so it could not move. That way when the enemy breaks down that door you can mow them down and still keep on cranking at the same time. Recoil assisted multi-tasking...

So what happens if you finish right as the guy dies on the floor in front of you?

Does that mean your into murder porn?
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So what happens if you finish right as the guy dies on the floor in front of you?

Does that mean your into murder porn?

I think even the most hardened marauders and the most vicious zombies / Necromorphs of an irradiated wasteland would possess the unspoken decency to leave a man alone when he is takin' care of business. If they don't, then they'll be taught via a mag dump of 7.62x51. Call it intended consequences...
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