My take on these... ordered a set from Amazon, figured I would give them a try. In the past I've used the Peltor TEP-100's, the Westons, Sordins, and currently using Peltor Com Tacs. The electronic in ear models I've tried in the past, I've never really been satisfied. They don't block brake/concussive well at all, but do work fine for suppressed or solo use. But not great on the public ranges. So I went back to foam plugs under Com Tacs.
I read through the entire thread, and I knew these weren't going to do much for concussive blast, but otherwise the copy read pretty optimistic. Unfortunately, these aren't going to make the cut for me either. For one, the charge pod won't charge on the right side unless you hold the earpiece down. If you let go, it loses contact and stops charging

. They also appear to have a bit of delay, maybe .5 seconds, but enough to hear the shot and then hear the electronics choking it down. Not sure if that is typical with these, or I got a bad set - but I never had the delay issue with the TEP's or the Westons. FWIW I'm using the Comply foam tips linked earlier in the thread, although I can't image that would make a difference with the delay.
Had a 30-06 hunting rifle two stalls down from me that the OTTO's couldn't really block effectively. I then added my Com Tacs and it didn't really help much. We then moved to the pistol range, and they did do better there, was able to run them alone somewhat effectively against my and my buddies 9mm and 45, and doubling up was even better of course, but still had the slight delay.
For $400, I expected better. To me, they seem no better than the lower cost TEP-100's, and I would recommend those over these TBH. based on cost alone. The Westons I had were nice, but again still didn't do much for concussive and the batteries were a pain.
So, I think these are going back, and I'm just going to stick with foam under Electronic Headsets. There's not enough improvement to warrant the price here imo, when shooting around other folks. If your on your own land or everyone shooting suppressed ie in a class, etc. then they would work great (other than the delay), but so would most other less expensive in ear electronics whether it be TEP-100's, Westons, Walkers, etc.