Member Link Up Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

For a hunting rig I don't find weight that large of an issue. You can go on the light side and be around the 10# mark but really what does that get you? Case in point my 338 with S&B is 18# fully loaded and not a big deal. We are talking about 6-8 pound difference here. For what? A rifle that I KNOW will easily and consistently reach out and get some at 1500y +. Not trying to downplay those who like light set ups but personally it works for me.

I mean chances are if you cant pack that 18# rifle in, there is a slim chance you are going to be packing an animal out...
Yeah. I also hump my 21lb elr rifle out for hunting in my Eberlestock GS2. But only when I'm going to a spot to sit with the possibly of shots past about 600yds. But that virtually eliminates any possibility of a shot at an animal I may stumble apon. If I'm still hunting to, or from I just bring the M70. I used to pack in for the high hunts with the M70 too but my back, & knee problems prevent that now.
Good video Eric,

Couple of things,

-good to see you out there scott!! now you need to come over here again to fart around
-Who in the world is that shooting a left handed AI??
-Travis, I see you went to S&B, nice choice, you liking it?

And next Match, JC Steel Targets will donate to your prize table.
I am glad to be out here. As soon as I get a free weekend I'll be out. I'll bring a tent and sleeping bag. We can talk about setting up a geo orienteering course for your kids and shoot at some yotes.
Tentative course of fire for 03 August 2013 match

530 yards =66% IPSC (T8)
500 yards =66% IPSC (T7)
440-480 yds =50% IPSC (T6)
360 yards =50% IPSC (T5)
290 yards =50% IPSC (T4)
240 yards =10 inch rnd (T3)
100 yards = 8 inch rnd (T1) and 5.5x8.5 rectangle (T2)

STAGE 1. In the Box 15 rounds/150 seconds max
Begin Port arms, empty chamber. After start signal, load with up to 15 rounds. While not allowing any part of shooter or rifle to touch the ground outside of the box, engage T1-T8, and repeat in that order until 15 rounds have been fired. One point per hit. 15 points possible..

STAGE 2. Pick a port 12 rounds/120 seconds max
Begin at low ready with up to 12 rounds loaded in rifle. After start signal, fire 2 rounds ONLY from top of doghouse attempting to hit T1 and T2. Then enter the doghouse, and using only ports ajacent to a wall, engage all remaining targets in order (T2-T8, or T3-T8) by firing only 2 rounds through each port selected. If the shooter successfully hits all 8 targets, and has rounds left, they may return to begin shooting T1-T4 until all 12 rounds have been fired. 1 point per hit. 12 points possible.

STAGE 3. Right or left 16 rounds/120 seconds
Using the right angle props. Begin standing behind an empty rifle. After start signal, load with up to 16 rounds, and engage 4 targets from right shoulder/side, and 4 targets from left shoulder/side. Targets are to be engaged far, near, far near: T8 then T1, T7 then T2, T6 then T3, T5 then T4. Shooter may use up to 8 rounds per side. 8 points possible.

STAGE 4. It is in the cards 8 rounds/10 seconds per shot
Shooter begins in prone position with rifle loaded with up to 8 rounds. Next to the shooter are 8 playing cards, shuffled so the cards are in random order. Cards will be Ace,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Each shot will be timed at 10 seconds. Once in position, the range officer will say :"Make ready, Stand by." Within about 5 seconds, the timer will sound. Shooter will have 10 seconds to turn over a card, and engage that target. Between shots there will be a delay, long enough for the range officer to again say: "Make Ready, Stand by." And the timer will sound again. 8 points possible.

Total rounds (max) for the match = 51
Total points possible =43
Looks great!

Tentative course of fire for 03 August 2013 match

530 yards =66% IPSC (T8)
500 yards =66% IPSC (T7)
440-480 yds =50% IPSC (T6)
360 yards =50% IPSC (T5)
290 yards =50% IPSC (T4)
240 yards =10 inch rnd (T3)
100 yards = 8 inch rnd (T1) and 5.5x8.5 rectangle (T2)

STAGE 1. In the Box 15 rounds/150 seconds max
Begin Port arms, empty chamber. After start signal, load with up to 15 rounds. While not allowing any part of shooter or rifle to touch the ground outside of the box, engage T1-T8, and repeat in that order until 15 rounds have been fired. One point per hit. 15 points possible..

STAGE 2. Pick a port 12 rounds/120 seconds max
Begin at low ready with up to 12 rounds loaded in rifle. After start signal, fire 2 rounds ONLY from top of doghouse attempting to hit T1 and T2. Then enter the doghouse, and using only ports ajacent to a wall, engage all remaining targets in order (T2-T8, or T3-T8) by firing only 2 rounds through each port selected. If the shooter successfully hits all 8 targets, and has rounds left, they may return to begin shooting T1-T4 until all 12 rounds have been fired. 1 point per hit. 12 points possible.

STAGE 3. Right or left 16 rounds/120 seconds
Using the right angle props. Begin standing behind an empty rifle. After start signal, load with up to 16 rounds, and engage 4 targets from right shoulder/side, and 4 targets from left shoulder/side. Targets are to be engaged far, near, far near: T8 then T1, T7 then T2, T6 then T3, T5 then T4. Shooter may use up to 8 rounds per side. 8 points possible.

STAGE 4. It is in the cards 8 rounds/10 seconds per shot
Shooter begins in prone position with rifle loaded with up to 8 rounds. Next to the shooter are 8 playing cards, shuffled so the cards are in random order. Cards will be Ace,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Each shot will be timed at 10 seconds. Once in position, the range officer will say :"Make ready, Stand by." Within about 5 seconds, the timer will sound. Shooter will have 10 seconds to turn over a card, and engage that target. Between shots there will be a delay, long enough for the range officer to again say: "Make Ready, Stand by." And the timer will sound again. 8 points possible.

Total rounds (max) for the match = 51
Total points possible =43
For sale Face to Face only!

A 40 CAL package that I just cant swing right now.

Just trying to get some of the same money that I have into it. And I have waited 6 months to get it all together.

4 pounds of VIHT N340 new
3000 large pistol primers
over 3000 once fired 40 cal brass
New set of hornady 40 cal dies

$340 for all of it.
Sign me up please....

Tentative course of fire for 03 August 2013 match

530 yards =66% IPSC (T8)
500 yards =66% IPSC (T7)
440-480 yds =50% IPSC (T6)
360 yards =50% IPSC (T5)
290 yards =50% IPSC (T4)
240 yards =10 inch rnd (T3)
100 yards = 8 inch rnd (T1) and 5.5x8.5 rectangle (T2)

STAGE 1. In the Box 15 rounds/150 seconds max
Begin Port arms, empty chamber. After start signal, load with up to 15 rounds. While not allowing any part of shooter or rifle to touch the ground outside of the box, engage T1-T8, and repeat in that order until 15 rounds have been fired. One point per hit. 15 points possible..

STAGE 2. Pick a port 12 rounds/120 seconds max
Begin at low ready with up to 12 rounds loaded in rifle. After start signal, fire 2 rounds ONLY from top of doghouse attempting to hit T1 and T2. Then enter the doghouse, and using only ports ajacent to a wall, engage all remaining targets in order (T2-T8, or T3-T8) by firing only 2 rounds through each port selected. If the shooter successfully hits all 8 targets, and has rounds left, they may return to begin shooting T1-T4 until all 12 rounds have been fired. 1 point per hit. 12 points possible.

STAGE 3. Right or left 16 rounds/120 seconds
Using the right angle props. Begin standing behind an empty rifle. After start signal, load with up to 16 rounds, and engage 4 targets from right shoulder/side, and 4 targets from left shoulder/side. Targets are to be engaged far, near, far near: T8 then T1, T7 then T2, T6 then T3, T5 then T4. Shooter may use up to 8 rounds per side. 8 points possible.

STAGE 4. It is in the cards 8 rounds/10 seconds per shot
Shooter begins in prone position with rifle loaded with up to 8 rounds. Next to the shooter are 8 playing cards, shuffled so the cards are in random order. Cards will be Ace,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Each shot will be timed at 10 seconds. Once in position, the range officer will say :"Make ready, Stand by." Within about 5 seconds, the timer will sound. Shooter will have 10 seconds to turn over a card, and engage that target. Between shots there will be a delay, long enough for the range officer to again say: "Make Ready, Stand by." And the timer will sound again. 8 points possible.

Total rounds (max) for the match = 51
Total points possible =43
03 August 2013 signup list

As of 09:30 this morning the match is full. If anyone on the list wants to cancel, please let me know and I'll put someone from the standby list in that slot. I'll check the email around noon on Friday the 2nd, and do any updates and notices as appropriate. Here is the list so far. If I missed anyone, please let me know.

1. Matt J.
2. Kevin D.
3. Mike W.
4. Eric B.
5. Russ H.
6. Jason G.
7. Ed M
8. Steve M.
9. Craig C.
10. Laurel C.
11. Dad C.
12. Reed W.
13. Rod G.
14. Steve L.
15. Ryan B.
16. Craig R.
17. Jason (Stainlesssteelsamurai)
18. Marty (MJHXX)
1. Anton
2. Mark K.

There are a few of us that are working on how we can approach the Board of Directors at UNSC so that we can also use the 600 yard range for our matches. That would at least double our capacity. Our first request was denied, then as we acquired more information about why the initial request was denied, it was suggested that we put forward another proposal to get us onto that range. The initial draft for that proposal has been done, and we are waiting for revisions, and other suggestions that may help bolster our request. We hope to present it to the board so they can consider it in time for their August 6, 2013 meeting.

We have ordered more targets, re-bar, and another timer in preparation for getting onto the 600 yard range. Hopefully, our second proposal will be successful.
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Rather than having a "free fire" session after the match, I am inclined to let more people shoot, and have the match run a bit longer. But that would mean the wait between shooting on the stages could be longer. I don't mind, and would also give up my spot so more people could shoot.

How does the rest of the group feel about longer waits so we can have more shooters, and no free fire after the match?

Travis R. can't make it, so Ed M. gets his spot.
!!!!! Kesselring Gun Shop lost there FFL , that's the rumor i heard today & selling all firearms to other FFL only - anybody conferm this???

Looks to be true, here's more info for you.
Kesserling's loosing FFL!

Unknown I'd like to see stages that run two shooters at a time, kind of like last time where there's a right and left hand side then the waits would be minimal. Doesn't even have to be the same stage, one could be a doghouse and one could be a barricade just be sure not have them start at the low ready that way no rifles are pointed right or left side at the start ;)
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So start the shooter on stage 1, while the shooter for stage 2 is standing by waiting to start? That could reduce wait time. Maybe if we post the shooting order, the shooters for stages would be more prepared, rather than waiting for their name to be called.
That or squad everyone up into 5 person groups and after your squad is done shooting, pack all your gear on you and walk to the railroad tracks and back again to simulate the distance you have to walk at larger matches between stages and then the wait won't seem so long between shooting.

Just kidding by the way ;)
Rather than having a "free fire" session after the match, I am inclined to let more people shoot, and have the match run a bit longer. But that would mean the wait between shooting on the stages could be longer. I don't mind, and would also give up my spot so more people could shoot.

How does the rest of the group feel about longer waits so we can have more shooters, and no free fire after the match?

Travis R. can't make it, so Ed M. gets his spot.

I'm fine with that. The conversations I have with other shooters between stages is the most enjoyable part of the match.
Do Unknown and KevinD have two timers? I'm not sure two guys shooting timed stages would work because of that. The one stage where five guys shot simultaneously worked because it wasn't individually timed. Now, if you split the range in half and have one guy shooting from the left side while the other guy is getting ready on the right side, that would be faster but more confusing???
Did the stage where 5 guys shot at once make it much faster? Did the time to walk out and retrieve/replace paper targets negate the 'five at once' speed advantage? I liked that stage, but maybe shoot at 200 yards would seem more challenging/tactical - but then the time goes up to retrieve/replace.
A few matches ago, we had one stage where we had to run like 50 yards before getting to our rifle - to simulate shooting while winded. I liked that aspect as well.
I think the shooting time afterwards is a responsibly relaxed time where you can test others gear/get some tips or try to hit that #4 target that have you problems all day. Either way shooting is shooting and I'm greatful either way.

Excellent article! I will share with my wife and hopefully convince her to start shooting with me. I noticed that you too are left handed - we must stick together.
Do Unknown and KevinD have two timers? I'm not sure two guys shooting timed stages would work because of that. The one stage where five guys shot simultaneously worked because it wasn't individually timed. Now, if you split the range in half and have one guy shooting from the left side while the other guy is getting ready on the right side, that would be faster but more confusing???
Did the stage where 5 guys shot at once make it much faster? Did the time to walk out and retrieve/replace paper targets negate the 'five at once' speed advantage? I liked that stage, but maybe shoot at 200 yards would seem more challenging/tactical - but then the time goes up to retrieve/replace.
A few matches ago, we had one stage where we had to run like 50 yards before getting to our rifle - to simulate shooting while winded. I liked that aspect as well.

We just ordered a second timer. However, whenever there are two shooters in close proximity, a timer picks up both unless we have some kind of device to insulate the timer against picking up the second shooter's firing. What Atone is suggesting (I think), is to have both shooters on the line waiting to shoot so the range officer can go from one to the other while another person on the range clears off and makes the first shooter's firearm safe. That way, we can reduce the time between clearing one shooter and the second shooter being ready to fire.

The second timer was purchased in hopes of our getting onto the 600 yard range.

Having 5 shooters at once on a stage makes things MUCH faster. Having shot and studied matches for a number of decades, most of the time for a match comes from clearing one shooter of the range, and getting the next shooter ready to begin. It usually takes about 1-4 minutes from the end of a shooter's string, until the next shooter begins firing. When we have a 3 minute string of fire, it begins to add up. Anything we can (safely) do to reduce the time between shooters will mean more time we can spend shooting.

I think posting the shooting order, and having 2 shooters (stages 1, 2) on line waiting to begin will help. The group at UNSC is unusually cognizant of shooting order, and that helps tremendously. I have been at some matches where a shooter will walk off to get a cup of coffee if he is 2 shooters down...then they get bitchy because they got dropped to the bottom of the squad. We have a good group at UNSC.
If I could get points for hitting the berm I'm all for it. Are we allowed to use a tripod so long as everything fits in the box?

YES! You can use any device that will fit into the box. As always, you have to start holding everything though, and the stage begins with you at port arms. Maybe some kind of sling device to hold up your tripod would help...A tripod and some position that braces the rear of the rifle (like a knee) could actually be very steady. The whole purpose of many of the stages we develop is to get the shooters thinking about precisely the questions Sacshooter brought up. Working these things through at our match will help develop the techniques that work, and find those that don't work so they can be trashed.
YES! You can use any device that will fit into the box. As always, you have to start holding everything though, and the stage begins with you at port arms. Maybe some kind of sling device to hold up your tripod would help...A tripod and some position that braces the rear of the rifle (like a knee) could actually be very steady. The whole purpose of many of the stages we develop is to get the shooters thinking about precisely the questions Sacshooter brought up. Working these things through at our match will help develop the techniques that work, and find those that don't work so they can be trashed.

I shall find a suitable appendage from which to hang my tripod....

If we went with one of those extra long Harris bipods would we have to use it for the rest of the match?
You cannot add or remove items from your rifle mid-match. The configuration your rifle starts the match in, is how it should remain throughout the match. I will bring my tripod with a cradle on top. Anyone who wishes to use it is welcome to do so. I'm sure other people will bring theirs too.
NO, you can use a tripod for only one stage if you wish. It is your rifle that has to stay the same throughout the match. You can use a tripod, sandsock, elbow bag, rucksack or other ancillary items for other stages as you wish as they are not part of your rifle. If someone wants to carry a tripod for the entire match, they are welcome to do so...I sure won't do it though, but I'm sorta lazy that way.

I'll be happy to share my tripod with anyone who wants to use it.
I'm planning on bringing one of these to the match,


Should come in handy for those unorthodox positions. Do I have to carry it at the start of each stage ? That could get awkward ;)
I'm planning on bringing one of these to the match,

View attachment 11734

Should come in handy for those unorthodox positions. Do I have to carry it at the start of each stage ? That could get awkward ;)

That has to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. At least it would be compact, Anton might require you keep in a pack so it doesn't run a-muck
Because of the way Gmail lists contacts, that system added anyone I contacted onto the practical rifle list. So just 5 minutes ago, I cleaned up the list, and separated "contacts" from the "practical rifle" list. Everyone on the practical rifle email list should have received a short email explaining this. If you didn't receive the test email, and wish to be on the list, please contact [email protected], and I'll add you onto the list to receive info about the practical rifle matches at Upper Nisqually Sportsmans' club.
I know where there will be some Reloader 10 & 15, some Ramshot Tac, and some Hodgdon AR Comp powder on Friday...

Looks like I'm going shopping Friday. Now I have to read up on AR Comp, it sounds like it burns a bit faster that RL15, it may make a good substitution for IMR 8208. I ran out of that last week. I may have to postpone range day tomorrow and wait till early next week to try out some loads.