Member Link Up Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Guys, just got back from Montana out shooting at the Sage Flat team match. Ed and Steve were there as well to represent the Wet side of Washington. A long ways for a match but it was simply great, I'm sure the guys will say more, but for those of you that shoot together its a great part of the country and the match was a hell of a lot of fun.
Hey guys third generation had Varget in stock last week. I was at work so i couldn't post it here in time. For some reason this site is blocked there. Anyways i have a pretty good amount of Varget #1's now and IMR 80208xbr i can part with if anyone is interested? Only for us puget sound folks.
MADrtcw - I've been trying to track down a couple #'s of Varget for a while. I have a hunting load worked up using it, but have ran out. I sent you a PM as well...let me know what you want per pound and if you still have a pound or two to spare.


Hey guys third generation had Varget in stock last week. I was at work so i couldn't post it here in time. For some reason this site is blocked there. Anyways i have a pretty good amount of Varget #1's now and IMR 80208xbr i can part with if anyone is interested? Only for us puget sound folks.
He guys the thunderbeast rep is coming to Washington and putting on a demo at cascade on the 26th at 9 am
The rep will also be at the Kitsap rifle and revolver club for a suppressor shoot/demo on (double check it's early!) The 29th as well. I believe silencerco will be there and wynako machine (going off memory but they are in Monroe) will be as well. Also Randy who is one of the main guys who got the suppressor bill and sbr bill passed is the host and I'm sure will have some of his form 1 home made cans there too

Also if any of you guys are left handed and have lefty bolt guns I'd love to go shooting with ya. Going to be picking up a custom rifle or two within the next 6 months and trying to decide lefty vs righty. I'm left handed but so far only shot right handed guns.
Howdy from Texas y'all. Been a while since I posted here so I decided to check in. Been looking all over for a place to shoot around here, & FINALLY may have found a couple spots, but I had to abandon Tx, & look in NM. Luckily its only an hour away from here so not much worse than my drive to Acme back there. Haven't had a chance to go scout it yet but it looks promising on Google Earth. All BLM land for several miles. There is NO public land in Tx. And though the people here are friendly they are also lawyer shy, & won't let people shoot on their land citing liability issues. Can't say as I blame them.
I'll be heading to Florida to pick up my new 5th wheel the week after next. Getting a screamin deal on a brand new 2013 Keystone Avalanche 343RS. Only problem is I have to go get it. Or pay some trucking Co $3500 to deliver it. Well fuel will only be about $1000 or less so I'll be off for a few days. My 9' truck camper is great for hunting but not so great for living in...
Hope you all are doing well up there in the cold north. Its been abnormally wet down here for the last 2 weeks. Cooler temps but high humidity. Only getting up to the low 90's but humidity has been in the high 70% with occasional thunder storms which can be pretty violent down here. Much different than any I've experienced up there even in the mountains. I'll actually be glad when its back to 105* with 10% humidity.
Good Shooting y'all.
I checked weather forecast before the match at UNSC yesterday...It said expect a high around 70...WRONG! My face feels like a piece of overcooked bacon this morning. I didn't shoot worth a darn, but I really had a great time. We are fortunate to have a great bunch of shooters attending there, thanks to all of you for making all the work worth while.
Any of you guys left handed? Trying to find someone with a left hand bolt gun to try out. Im left handed but only used right handed guns so far but now that im looking at picking up something like an AI figure i should see if left handed is better
Any of you guys left handed? Trying to find someone with a left hand bolt gun to try out. Im left handed but only used right handed guns so far but now that im looking at picking up something like an AI figure i should see if left handed is better


I'm left handed. Once you get a proper left hand bolt gun you will not go back. I have several rifles that you are welcome to try out including a LH AIAW. Just PM me with your logistics and we can figure out how to meet.


Howdy from Texas y'all. Been a while since I posted here so I decided to check in. Been looking all over for a place to shoot around here, & FINALLY may have found a couple spots, but I had to abandon Tx, & look in NM. Luckily its only an hour away from here so not much worse than my drive to Acme back there. Haven't had a chance to go scout it yet but it looks promising on Google Earth. All BLM land for several miles. There is NO public land in Tx. And though the people here are friendly they are also lawyer shy, & won't let people shoot on their land citing liability issues. Can't say as I blame them.
I'll be heading to Florida to pick up my new 5th wheel the week after next. Getting a screamin deal on a brand new 2013 Keystone Avalanche 343RS. Only problem is I have to go get it. Or pay some trucking Co $3500 to deliver it. Well fuel will only be about $1000 or less so I'll be off for a few days. My 9' truck camper is great for hunting but not so great for living in...
Hope you all are doing well up there in the cold north. Its been abnormally wet down here for the last 2 weeks. Cooler temps but high humidity. Only getting up to the low 90's but humidity has been in the high 70% with occasional thunder storms which can be pretty violent down here. Much different than any I've experienced up there even in the mountains. I'll actually be glad when its back to 105* with 10% humidity.
Good Shooting y'all.

Hey Bigwheels - great to hear from you. How is the new job? I picked up a Class C RV back in November and took it to the Sage Flats match. Having an RV at the match site is pure luxury.
Guys, just got back from Montana out shooting at the Sage Flat team match. Ed and Steve were there as well to represent the Wet side of Washington. A long ways for a match but it was simply great, I'm sure the guys will say more, but for those of you that shoot together its a great part of the country and the match was a hell of a lot of fun.

It was great to see how well represented we were at Sage Flats. I came home with an extra bag and my wife asked why. I explained that I had my ass handed to me and had to bring it back for re-attachment.

Sage Flats was a huge learning experience. Marksmanship was only a third of the match. Field craft, communication, team work, etc. made up the balance. Steve and I know what we need to practice.
Was at UNSC and shot for Precision for the first time warmed up with 1942 Mosin PEM.... and a 338 Lapua Savage 110 yesterday Got a few hand hold position tips from the owner . I really need to get out of my own way with this precision shooting. I was amazed at how a little caffeine and being hungry affected the shot.
My posts here will count as the final notification for the match as my email is all jacked up and I am in process of trying to sort way too many emails... If anyone has any questions here is my #3609138607 and this sat at 0900 off of the Hyak/silver creek exit, east of the I-90 overpass is where we will be meeting. The round count will be 80 and you will need 12 rds of pistol. We will be in mountainous terrain, but on a old FS rd. I do have open room on the roster so if someone is thinking of showing up but not sure, come on up!
See you all in a few days and safe travels!
August 2014 Practical Rifle Tentative Course of Fire

100 yard range:

6" square (T1)
4" square (T2)
5.5" x 8.5" rectangle (T3)
3.5" x 7" rectangle (T4)

12" round (T5)
40% IPSC (T6)
10" round (T7)
12" square (T8)

1. Left side of range: 12 rounds, 120 seconds, 1 point per hit
Begin with empty rifle. Rifles with removable magazine will have magazine out, rifles without removable magazine will remove the bolt. After start signal, move from start area to shoot position, and place empty rifle on the ground. Return to start area and retrieve either 6 rounds of ammo in a magazine, the bolt, or 6 loose rounds of ammo. Return to shoot area and engage T1-4 with one round each, and re-engage T1-2 a second time (6 shots total). Leave empty rifle at shoot area, and return to start area. Retrieve 6 LOOSE rounds of ammo, return to rifle, and engage T4,5, then T1-4 with one round each (6 rounds total).

2. Standards: Right side of range. 12 rounds/120 seconds/1 point per hit. There will be a gently balanced 1x2 above shooter's muzzle at both shoot areas. Shooter's muzzle must protrude below the 1x2 during shooting and preparation, but if the 1x2 is dislodged by the rifle (poor muzzle control), the shooter will receive a zero on the stage.

After the start signal shooter will engage T5-8 with one round each from offhand, then with a completely empty rifle (chamber and magazine), move to shoot area 2, and fire one round on T5-8 from kneeling, then transition to seated position and repeat.

3. Rooftop/barricade. Left side of range. 12 rounds/120 seconds/1 point per hit. This will use the small roof top placed onto it's side with the point of the "V" toward the targets. Begin @ low ready with empty chamber. After start signal, engage T1-4 with one round each from either right, or left side of barricade, but with muzzle below the top line of the barricade. Then engage T1-4 with one round each from over the top of the barricade, and finally, engage T1-4 again from the other end of the barricade, again below the top line of the barricade. Must use cover and remain inside side fault lines.

4. Pistol stage. 16 rounds/ 60 seconds/16 points possible
Shooter will begin with pistol at low ready position on the left side of the range,
about 15 yards from the left bank of targets. Pistol will be loaded with no more
than 8 rounds. After the start signal, shooter will fire one round only on T1-4,
and repeat. Shooter cannot leave shoot area 1 until his pistol has it's slide
locked to the rear, or the cylinder open. After pistol has it's slide locked to the
rear, or cylinder open, shooter will move to shoot area two, located in front of
targets #5-8. Shooter may reload their pistol only AFTER stopping at shoot
area two. Shooter will then fire one round only at targets #5-8, and repeat.
Shooter must engage targets as designated 1-4, then 1-4 again, then engage
targets 5-8, then 5-8 again.

550 yard range

535 yards: 66% IPSC, and 50% IPSC (T12, and T13)
500 yards: 50% IPSC, and 66% IPSC (T10, and T11)
435 yards: 40% IPSC, 50% IPSC, 66% IPSC (T7, T98, T9)
375 yards: 8" square, and 12" square (T5 and T6)
300 yards: 10" round, and 12" round (T3 and T4)
200 yards: 4" square, and 6" square (T1, and T2)
100 yards: small triangle, small rectangle, and small square (Bank #1)
small rectangle, small square, small triangle (Bank #2)
small square, small triangle, small rectangle (Bank #3)

Stage 4. In the cards. 9 rounds/90 seconds/1 point per hit. There will be three cards, with each card indicating the various banks of 3 targets at 100 yards. The deck will be shuffled and placed at random in front of the shoot area. Shooter begins with empty rifle on ground next to the deck of 3 cards. After the start signal, shooter will turn over ONE card, load rifle, and engage the bank of targets indicated on the card they turned over. If the incorrect bank is engaged, there will be a zero score for that bank of targets. All banks of targets shall be engaged from RIGHT TO LEFT ONLY. Shooter will repeat this process with the other two banks of targets.

Stage 5. Parapet. 10 rounds, 120 seconds/1 point per hit. Using rifle, sling and bipod bags, packs or other support. Begin at low ready, chamber empty. After start signal, from the uppermost level of the parapet, engage T3 with one round, and T4 with one round only, and repeat. Then from the lowest level of the parapet, engage T1, and T2 (200 yards) with one round only. From the middle height level of the parapet, engage T5 with one round, and T6 (375 yards) with one round, and repeat.

Stage 6. Horizontal Barricade. 9 rounds/120 seconds/1 point per hit
Shooting around the ends of the barricade will be done from a full left handed position around the left side, and a full right handed position around the right side...hybrid positions are not allowed. Shooter must pull the trigger with the hand matching the side of the barricade they are shooting from (i.e., left hand side of barricade=left trigger finger). Start position is low ready, empty chamber. After start signal, move to either end of the barricade, and engage T7, T8, and T9 (435 yards) with one round only from that end of the barricade, using the barricade as cover. Repeat over the top of the barricade, and repeat from the remaining end of the barricade.

Stage 7. Parapet and barricade. 12 rounds/120 seconds/1 point per hit. Shooter will begin in overwatch position from either end of the barricade, or any level on the parapet. Shooter will have 30 seconds to acquire their overwatch position prior to start of the stage.
Shooting positions will be from either end of the horizontal barricade, and from one level (shooter's choice) at the parapet. Shooter must use cover at the horizontal barricade.
After the start signal, shooter will engage T10, T11,(500 yards) T12, and T13 (535 yards) with one round only. Move to next position and repeat, move to final position and repeat. IF THE MUZZLE OF A LOADED FIREARM GOES ABOVE THE BACK STOP AREA, SHOOTER WILL ZERO THIS STAGE. THERE WILL BE NO WARNING FOR FAILURE TO PROPERLY CONTROL YOUR MUZZLE.
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Pro tip for today:

When using your gas powered weed whacker, insure that you have located and removed (or stay away from) all underground bee/wasp/hornet nests. If you don't fine 'em first, I guarantee they will find you REALLY FAST, and let you know how unhappy they are with you and your weed whacker.

Now, where is that baking soda mixture?
I have learned more about yellow jackets and how to kill them in the past 28 hours than I ever thought possible. I never did like yellow jackets, and now I add them onto the short list with spiders (ask me in person where I got bitten) for insects I really have it out for.....personally out for. Among other stings, I got one through a heavy pair of sweat pants, on through a shirt, and one bastard actually made it inside my shirt and got me on the belly more than once before I found and stomped the crap out of him.
I was out at UNSC today, and they are really busy getting ready for the big sporting clays match. Some ranges will be shut down to accommodate the sporting clays match. With all the money that sporting clays brings into the club, I understand why they cater so much to that discipline. When a club can charge hundreds of dollars for entry fees, and they fill every available slot, that is a huge cash cow that few clubs can afford to ignore.
With that many shotgun shooters, I imagine they do the same stuff we do, and when one guy finds powder, he publishes it for his buddies. Or, like us, guys may split an 8 pound keg of powder... Even so, 300 shooters doing all that shooting uses up a great deal of powder. It wouldn't surprise me if the total amount of powder burned that weekend came to about a half pound to a pound per shooter....that is 100-200 pounds of powder..
Does anyone have a kid who is into things like Coaches whistles, British Bobby's whistles, etc? I have a couple of interesting ones that are just sitting in a box... Or I suppose if someone here is a whistle collector, that would work too.
been reading through the first few pages of comments and it appears a few of you guys know some good spots to shoot 1k? if so any chance I could get a pm with some of the locations. just got my first long range rig done and would like to stretch its legs past 550 :)
been reading through the first few pages of comments and it appears a few of you guys know some good spots to shoot 1k? if so any chance I could get a pm with some of the locations. just got my first long range rig done and would like to stretch its legs past 550 :)

624...Keep an eye out for tac matches in the local comp thread. NW Precision is holding a match just south of Spokane on the Saturday 30th. Go to the forum thread above and check it out. shots out to 1275. I shot my first 2 matches last month and had a blast! I learned a lot too. Its well worth it to go to a big match. If you do go, I'll see you there!

been reading through the first few pages of comments and it appears a few of you guys know some good spots to shoot 1k? if so any chance I could get a pm with some of the locations. just got my first long range rig done and would like to stretch its legs past 550 :)

You really need to attend one of the UNSC matches first. We're pretty protective of spots around here. In the past when spots have been shared then other people start showing up and we find litter, spent shotgun hulls, etc. I'm sure once you get to meet people and they get to know you they'll gladly invite you out.
You really need to attend one of the UNSC matches first. We're pretty protective of spots around here. In the past when spots have been shared then other people start showing up and we find litter, spent shotgun hulls, etc. I'm sure once you get to meet people and they get to know you they'll gladly invite you out.

What this guy said!
Chris, been watching this, make sure you vote for the competing measure on the ballot that keeps things status quo, big f-in infringement that I cant sell my personal property even to family or friends.

Jstuck624, I will echo what Nick and Kevin stated, just come out to the match and get to know some folks. Places to shoot at distance West of the Cascades are few and far between, and most are a pain to get steel out to, (by foot or a bike) folks have done a lot of leg work to find somewhere reasonably close and to be honest most are closely guarded for the reasons stated.
The links to that Bill aren't working for me at the moment, but the outlawing of private sales is bullshit since they would then force people to pay sales tax on FFL transfers between 2 non-business entities and that IMO is illegal taxation...
They say there won't be tax between 2 individuals on face to face transfers but the FFL can charge their transfer fee. The really shitty part is if you are caught selling w/o the 4473 the first time its a gross misdemeanor and the second is a class C felony!
They say there won't be tax between 2 individuals on face to face transfers but the FFL can charge their transfer fee. The really shitty part is if you are caught selling w/o the 4473 the first time its a gross misdemeanor and the second is a class C felony!

I couldn't get the link to come up last night, but if I don't have to charge sales tax and that crap goes through then I'm restarting my business and getting an FFL so I can do transfer for friends on this side for $5. If I don't break enough to clear the cost of the FFL and business license I'll write off the extra as a loss on my taxes and take it back, lol...
The problem with the ballot is going to be making sense of the two measures. That means reading all of the words. People get hung up on sales. One is also about transfers. I can't take my grandson to a range and teach him to handle and shoot guns. Once I put the gun in his hands, I have completed a transfer. He gives it back, another transfer. Under federal law neither of us is allowed to have a 4473 processed. When I clear a blockage or an unsafe condition so he can continue, I just became a felon. When he is finished and gives me back the gun, he is too. The simple way to look at the ballot is more is less. One page vs. 18. Kinda like obamacare - the bill could read "get health insurance or we will tax you." End of discussion. Vote short and reject long.
The problem with the ballot is going to be making sense of the two measures. That means reading all of the words. People get hung up on sales. One is also about transfers. I can't take my grandson to a range and teach him to handle and shoot guns. Once I put the gun in his hands, I have completed a transfer. He gives it back, another transfer. Under federal law neither of us is allowed to have a 4473 processed. When I clear a blockage or an unsafe condition so he can continue, I just became a felon. When he is finished and gives me back the gun, he is too. The simple way to look at the ballot is more is less. One page vs. 18. Kinda like obamacare - the bill could read "get health insurance or we will tax you." End of discussion. Vote short and reject long.

Good to know and even more of a reason to get this out into public awareness.