I was certain it was for a better commission as he was hard selling pretty hard. No issue with that. Just doing a job. My thought was, after I left, "why didn't he sell me the RPR I came in looking for and asking about and begin a relationship where I would be buying all sorts of supplies and accessories over time up to and likely including a $4K rifle or more. Price was right on the RPR. I just needed a push. Face contorted as soon as I mentioned the RPR was what I was interested in. Yet, they have one in stock. I'm not spending $4K-$7K on a rifle that I may only ever get to shoot at distance once or twice. I need an entry level in order to get all 'my' ducks in order. Am I going to be able to find and use long distance ranges? How often will I be able to go? Will I even enjoy it? These are all questions I need to answer and at $1100 entry, I can answer some of those questions. At $4K, I'm a bit hesitant. No issue, I have a AR19 is .308 build that I'm gonna try out at longer distances and likely pick up an RPR when I find the right deal.
Thanks everyone for your input. I appreciate it and look forward to participating in this thread and forum and getting to know you fine folks.
AR10 pic.
I think cabellas has them on sale right now. I saw an ad for 300 off. Not sure though when that sale started or ended.