Re: SHWW Group
Here is a rundown so that everybody knows what to prepare for. Save your questions for match day. if you guys know anyone who is coming but doesn't check on here feel free to copy it and email it to them.
Basic Rules
All rifles will be safely handled at all times and any loaded rifles off the firing position will be automatically disqualified, chamber flags are required off the firing line. Scoring is simple all hits are worth 1point except (know your limit). Time will be strictly upheld when your name is called you will have 1 minute of prep time to get ready after that the timer will announce time has started whether you are ready or not so be prepared.
All stages will start with loaded mag inserted but with the bolt open and rifle on ground unless otherwise noted. RO will give a description, quick q&a and then the RO will shoot course of fire to demonstrate. Also all rifles must have bolt open and mag out of rifle when moving from shooting positions in the middle of a stage.
Location 1
Stage 1 (wheel stage)
This stage will be shot from a wheel on its side you will start by engaging the target with 3 rounds from your weak side, followed by 3 rounds on top, finishing with 3 rounds on your strong side. Targets will be 3-33% ipsc distance of around 400yds.
9 rounds total, time allotted 1min 45seconds
Stage 2 (Know your limits)
From roughly 250 yds you will engage the kyl plate rack starting biggest and going to the smallest plates. Largest plate is worth 1 point, smallest plate is 5 points. If you miss your score is zero regardless of previous hits. Max points scored are 5 and you can stop shooting at any time.
5round max, time allotted 60seconds
Stage 3 Doghouse
Shooter will start with rifle on top doghouse, there will be 3 targets at roughly 300-350yds, shooter must engage from 3 positions inside doghouse and 3 on top of dog house. Shooter chooses which order to shoot but once in a position you must fire all 3 rounds from that position before moving positions. Targets are 45% ipsc.
12 rounds total, time allotted 2min
Location 2
Stage 4 T post
Shooter will start from standing with rifle on ground, shooter must engage the target from standing 2rds, kneeling 2 rds, and sitting 2rds. The only support allowed in this portion is the t post. Shooter will then transition to prone and fire at a bank of 4 targets at roughly 575yds one rd per target.
10rds total, time allotted 1min 45sec
Stage 5 Rooftop
Shooter will fire at the bank of 4 targets from prone one round at each target, followed by 4rds from the rooftop at the same bank of targets. Shooter will then move locations and engage the single target at 1035yds with 4 rounds.
12rds total, time allotted 2min 30sec.
Stage 6 (know your limits/hostage)
Shooter will engage the paper kyl/hostage target, shooter must start with 5rds into the hostage target hits are in black 2x2” misses are -2 if hit boxes to immediate left or right shots high or low are 0’s. Shooter must then engage the kyl target with up to 5rds you pick which targets you shoot and when you stop, any misses on the kyl portion and you receive 0 points for that portion.
10rds total, time allotted 1min 15sec
Location 3
Stage 7
Location 1 you will start standing with the rifle in the ready position bolt open. You will engage the target with 5 rounds from the prone position. After which you will move to location 2.
Location 2 you will engage same target with 5 rounds
10rds total, time allotted 3min
Stage 8
Again you will start from location 1 with rifle on ground only this time no mag inserted and bolt open. You will start by picking up your rifle and moving to the designating shooting area (location 3).
From location 3 you engage the target 5 times. From this position you are not allowed to use a bipod, you can however shoot off whatever you are carrying including prone from backpack/sling/jacket/etc…. Rangefinder and any rear rests are of course allowed. You will then move back to your original firing position.
From you original firing position you will finish off by firing 5 more rounds at same target from prone.
Total rounds fired 10, time allotted 3min.