Member Link Up SHWW Group

Re: SHWW Group

ok my bad i forgot all about them sorry. i had a minor setback in getting my rifle together so forgot. they will go out tomorrow.

We are a go for ellensburg. it will probably be 1-2 hours warm up/practice and then i will do a couple stages to keep things interesting. be ready to shoot from any position as per standard no targets inside 400yds.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diggler44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">as per standard no targets inside 400yds. </div></div>
oh crap! There goes my score!
Re: SHWW Group

I meant as per standard all positions

It will be all steel nothing inside 400yds. it will just be a couple fun stages to practice and to give the new guys a intro into tactical match shooting.

If your wondering i will be bringing my suppressed 22lr to try at the 400yd plate. should be interesting shooting with subsonics. cant wait to print out the drop chart with muzzle velocity of 950 and a bc of about .11(approximately gravel)
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When is match season anyway?

spring time. haven't you noticed the majority of the bigger northwest matches are all in the spring (findlay cup, kettle falls, oregon snipers, norcal precision) all in the spring
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah... but you're nuts.</div></div>

That's funny right there. means I am nuts too then !!
Re: SHWW Group

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Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone know anything about this one?

I dropped a PM.... no word yet..... </div></div>

Alright... here's the skinny....

"We would love to have you come to our shoot.

Details so far

Southern Idaho Long Range Tactical Rifle Shoot Nov 6 & 7. Mandatory Safety briefing is at 9:00 AM each morning.

1 Safety Is First, Safety is every ones responsibility we all need to be aware of this.

2 Learn, have fun and become better Long Range Shooters

3 Have friendly competition

No alcohol during the shooting day. We strongly recommend no drinking 8 hours before the match.
No (FMJ) full metal Jacket rifle ammo or tracers.
Shooting glasses and hearing protection is required.
Every shooter must bring a shovel or a fire ax with them. Fire danger is low but we need to be prepared.
Bring food and water for the day as Twin Falls is 18 miles away. 6 miles of good dirt road so a 2 wheel drive car is OK.

Most rifle shooting will be from Prone. Bring a mat or ground cloth if you want.

Recommend 80 rounds rifle ammo per day.

This is not a team event but we encourage people to spot for each other so bring a spotting scope and tripod if you can.

For this shoot there will be very little walking for the rifle stages. It is only 200 yards from parking to the shooting points.

We use steel targets made from AR 500 steel for the rifle course. Targets range in size from 6" disks to 24"x28". We will have most targets set at unknown distances 300 - 900 yards with a few targets set between 900 and 1200 yards. Just for fun we will have one target near 1500 and one at 1760+ yards but they will not count for the score. We can safely run 3 stages at the same time.

Rangefinders are OK for all stages on this shoot.

The 3 of us that are putting this match on have shot matches in AK, NC, MT, CA, UT and WA, but this is the first time for us to put on a shooting match of our own. So this is a learning time for us as well.


4 targets per stage, only 1 hit per target
5 points for a first round hit
3 points for second round hit
1 points for third round hit
Time limit for each stage 5-10 min. first shot starts clock.

3 miles away there will be a 3 gun carbine/pistol/shotgun course set up with steel targets. That course will be scored by the time it takes to hit all targets...

We will have a score for each day
High Long Range Shooter
High CQB Shooter
High Over all Shooter

This shoot has a nice place to camp but no water and no outhouse. I will bring a gas grill for people to cook on. The town of Twin Falls is a 25 minute drive, it has lots of hotels, Jack Pot Nevada is 35 miles away with hotels and gambling

No charge for the match and no prizes. We suggest a 10$ a day donation to the guy that has invested a huge sum of money on over 50 rifle targets. This is to help him maintain his state of the art targets.

The other thing we request is feedback on what we can do to make the next shoot better.

Hope to see you there."


"No cal restrictions. Your 300WM is fine and is a good choice for what we are dooing. Jay the guy that made most of the targets shoots a .300WM

Shooting only Saterday day is fine. Shoot any event you want that is also fine.

Please rember to bring a shovel for fire safety it keeps BLM happy.

Looking forward to meeting you and your .300WM."
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Southern Idaho Long Range Tactical Rifle Shoot Nov 6 & 7</div></div>
That sounds like a heck of a lot of fun! Or, it's a trick by BLM to get a bunch of "volunteers" for a control burn ...

Holy crap, Diggler44! Are you cleaning out an Armory or what? Is this still for getting the S&B or do you have another project in the works?
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ranger1183</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Southern Idaho Long Range Tactical Rifle Shoot Nov 6 & 7</div></div>
That sounds like a heck of a lot of fun! Or, it's a trick by BLM to get a bunch of "volunteers" for a control burn ...

Holy crap, Diggler44! Are you cleaning out an Armory or what? Is this still for getting the S&B or do you have another project in the works?

I really want one of those SAS suppressors on here for sale for $750 plus the transfers and $200 tax stamp. If the guys that said he will take it sends funds i will be buying one as soon as it gets here. can't freakin wait i love suppresors they just make shooting more fun.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diggler44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow tribe that is a long description let me know if you are still interested in going.

Also I have another rifle for sale in the classifieds</div></div>

I didn't write it up.... just passing it along

I would like to go... but it would be a spur of the moment thing... can't plan this one out, I've got too many potential snags....
Re: SHWW Group

Well, that's just it... I'm <span style="font-style: italic">planning</span> on it... but I'm always planning on somethin'.... point being... if plans fall through, I don't want to let anyone down... copy?
Re: SHWW Group

Hey guys- know any good Glock dealers? I'm looking for a 29SF (must be an SF) as close to Bellingham as possible.

Yeager's up here in Bellingham said they could order one, but it came in and it's not an SF. Already called Kesselring and all they have are the regular 29's. If anyone knows someone with a lot of Glock inventory I'd appreciate some contact info. Long drives suck cause we have to go fill out the paperwork and then drive down again to pick it up (I miss the college days of South Dakota...)

Thanks in advance.
Re: SHWW Group

There's a gunshop off the Guide, just north of Bellingham Athletic club, back behind some kind of discount golf store. Only been in there 2-3 times, but might be worth a try. Sorry, can't remember the name, there is a sign on the Guide and alot of times they have a guy swinging a sign in a ghillie suit standing by the road.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: akmike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There's a gunshop off the Guide, just north of Bellingham Athletic club, back behind some kind of discount golf store. Only been in there 2-3 times, but might be worth a try. Sorry, can't remember the name, there is a sign on the Guide and alot of times they have a guy swinging a sign in a ghillie suit standing by the road. </div></div>

Yeah I actually swung by there yesterday after work and they couldn't do anything for me. I don't know about you, but that place seems like a joke. Bunch of 'tough guys' that give bad advice. I asked about ordering some Badger rings for my bolt rifle and he suggested I use an American Defense quick detach mount....yeah so my scope will sit 1" above my barrel. Genius. The time before that I picked up a box of Black Hills 175gr ammo (the only one they had and looked to be about 10-15 years old), the guy made a comment "Well, some guys need fancy ammo to shoot well but once you get enough practice you can shoot the cheap stuff just as well". Uh, ok.

Regardless, thanks for the tip I appreciate it. Any others? I've called Skagit Arms, and the old Sportsman's Warehouse in Burlington (it's called something else now but I can't remember).
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.....Ryo, please don't read me wrong... just wondering where we are at. Do you currently have a "zero" at any particular distance? If you've shot it, and hit anything, then you might....

You need to show up with the point of impact matching the point of aim at a known distance. 100 yds is a good one. </div></div>

Sorry for the late reply. Been really busy with Magpul Dynamics training class, work, family, etc.

I'll get it zeroed for 100 yds. I haven't really shot it yet except at 25 yards to ensure that it was functioning and zeroed at 1.5 inches below bullseye (yes I know it's not exact for height over bore, but it's better than a 25 yard zero). I will take it to a 100+ yds range before I bring it out for the real long range stuff.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ryo</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.....Ryo, please don't read me wrong... just wondering where we are at. Do you currently have a "zero" at any particular distance? If you've shot it, and hit anything, then you might....

You need to show up with the point of impact matching the point of aim at a known distance. 100 yds is a good one. </div></div>

Sorry for the late reply. Been really busy with Magpul Dynamics training class, work, family, etc.

I'll get it zeroed for 100 yds. I haven't really shot it yet except at 25 yards to ensure that it was functioning and zeroed at 1.5 inches below bullseye (yes I know it's not exact for height over bore, but it's better than a 25 yard zero). I will take it to a 100+ yds range before I bring it out for the real long range stuff.</div></div>

Sounds like you're on it.
Re: SHWW Group

I just stumbled on to this thread, and I want to be involved in the Ellensburg shoot. Please PM me the details. I shot with Scott last winter in Moses Lake, talk about all of wrong gear, plus I got parked next to him and his .338 edge with muzzle break pounding in my ear. LOL I have done some learning since then and am in a little better shape for a shoot this year. I'll start cranking out the 175's.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sunnyside Scott</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Fellas,
I just stumbled on to this thread, and I want to be involved in the Ellensburg shoot. Please PM me the details. I shot with Scott last winter in Moses Lake, talk about all of wrong gear, plus I got parked next to him and his .338 edge with muzzle break pounding in my ear. LOL I have done some learning since then and am in a little better shape for a shoot this year. I'll start cranking out the 175's.

good to hear from you again scott, don't worry everybody has a first time at 1000yards, all things considered you did pretty well. I haven't decieded what time we are going to start yet but as soon as i get time i will iron out the details and post it on here.
Re: SHWW Group

Hey guys-

Another inquiry for the local crowd- I'm looking for a gunsmith that can do a trigger job on a Remington 40X trigger, and also someone that can skim bed an HS stock. The closer to Bellingham, the better. I know that Benchmark is pretty well regarded for building entire rifles, but I doubt they'd be interested in doing 2 small tasks if their main business is turning out barrels. Regardless, let me know if you have any good guys.

Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 71firebird400</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey guys-

Another inquiry for the local crowd- I'm looking for a gunsmith that can do a trigger job on a Remington 40X trigger, and also someone that can skim bed an HS stock. The closer to Bellingham, the better. I know that Benchmark is pretty well regarded for building entire rifles, but I doubt they'd be interested in doing 2 small tasks if their main business is turning out barrels. Regardless, let me know if you have any good guys.

Mark </div></div>

Benchmark is closer to you, but don't forget R Bros Rifles in Elma as well. Both do top notch work.
Re: SHWW Group

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Hey Diggler- I saw you had a rifle built on an FN SPR action, what'd you think? CDNN has them for $350 and I'm thinking that controlled round feed along with the mauser extractor makes for a nicer action than a lot of the customs. Plus, I could get GAP to build it for significantly less than the equivalent Remington-based rifle. Just too good of a deal to pass up.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 71firebird400</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Hey Diggler- I saw you had a rifle built on an FN SPR action, what'd you think? CDNN has them for $350 and I'm thinking that controlled round feed along with the mauser extractor makes for a nicer action than a lot of the customs. Plus, I could get GAP to build it for significantly less than the equivalent Remington-based rifle. Just too good of a deal to pass up.</div></div>

cdnn is were i got all of the ones i have built on, however i would vote to support our local builder and call either benchmark or the r bros. both will guarentee 1/2 moa or better.

send it!!!
Re: SHWW Group

Having seen these rifles in action, there is no doubt that having either a <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Benchmark</span></span> or <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">R Brothers</span></span> built rifle would be the way to go.

Especially since they are all within driving distance if you wanted some mods done or if an issue developed later on.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ranger1183</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Having seen these rifles in action, there is no doubt that having either a <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Benchmark</span></span> or <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">R Brothers</span></span> built rifle would be the way to go.

Especially since they are all within driving distance if you wanted some mods done or if an issue developed later on.</div></div>
couldn't agree more. Bret Evans does great work also though seriously backed up.
Re: SHWW Group

I am thinking of buying some steel plates and would need to get a bunch in order to get a good deal. Since you guys are local I would love to sell them here first. If I got some AR 500 plates for a decent deal would anyone be interested in buying some/ going in on it with me?

I am thinking about getting some 6 inch and 12 inch squares. the 6 inch would me 1/2 and the 12 inch would be 3/8 inch. Go ahead and PM me if you have interest because I am still deciding if I want to buy some.

Thanks, Jake