Re: SHWW Group
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bigwheels</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, if we're really going to do it in the snow, then It'll have to be in November after elk season. I'll need volunteers with quads, or snow mobiles to help set up tgt's up there. The logistics of this will be tough. Does everyone actually have all the necessary winter survival gear? I have seen 14" of snow fall up there in 3-4 hrs. The passes may be closed too. At least HW 20 will almost certainly be closed by then.
Or, if we don't REALY want to do it in the snow, then late August would be best. Before the archery deer season opens. Otherwise we'll have a bunch of pissed off guys with stick, & string all over.
So lets vote...
Summer:</div></div> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bigwheels</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, if we're really going to do it in the snow, then It'll have to be in November after elk season. I'll need volunteers with quads, or snow mobiles to help set up tgt's up there. The logistics of this will be tough. Does everyone actually have all the necessary winter survival gear? I have seen 14" of snow fall up there in 3-4 hrs. The passes may be closed too. At least HW 20 will almost certainly be closed by then.
Or, if we don't REALY want to do it in the snow, then late August would be best. Before the archery deer season opens. Otherwise we'll have a bunch of pissed off guys with stick, & string all over.
So lets vote...
As hardcore and badass as winter + snow sounds, there's enough challenges already that I think summer would be better (at least for the first time around).
Winter would require a whole extra degree of caution -- bunch of guys (who may have varying experience being "really" outdoors) spread out in an unfamiliar area with motivation to push themselves from a cardio standpoint. It could be really easy for hypothermia to sneak up on somebody.
Not that it isn't possible to do safely -- but I think that it is a big enough endeavor that it may be a good idea to do it a couple times before throwing in the extra sack of monkey wrenches that winter could introduce.