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Rifle Scopes SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Already liked the Hide. Just liked SWFA.. Can I get a little credit for that?
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gjantzer</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kiba</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is there a timeframe for when the promotion ends (i.e. if/when they stop watching the facebook "likes" and stop activating the next coupon code in line?)

I'm fairly certain they won't watch the counter forever, especially as the rate appears to have slowed...

this statement is not accurate......i have been following this from the beginning. Snipershide was getting about 400 new likes a day (evidenced by math in days to reach 10,000 from a previous post). Snipershide got over 700 new likes today. That is a substantial building of momentum, not a slowing. Try to know the facts. </div></div>

No kidding, I figured it would be this weekend to get the 5k mark, but if the current rate holds, we'll be there in a day and a half or so. Get your checkbooks out boys.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Very well said Lowlight to Charger; I sincerely thank you and the folks at SWFA for getting this buy set up. My order is on the way just as soon as the "LIKE" hits 5000 (which I think will be tomorrow). I might have to wait on a back order but I don't care. If this scope is anywhere near what my SS 10X42 HD is then I'll be a happy camper.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Amen, a big thanks to Frank, Brady, and Chris for setting all of this up and for bringing us a great deal, and a great new product. I can't wait to get mine and to read Frank's review once he gets done doing real world testing. Thanks again guys.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Some people can't just accept a great thing!
Probably just anal cause for whatever reason they aren't able to partake in this deal.

I've said already, and I'll say it again!

For this amazing offer! You guys rock!
Me and I'm sure 99.99999% of us are overly appreciative for your efforts and generosity!!

Thank you!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SWFA</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We just sent this out in a mass email. Might get 5k by the end of the night




I actually got to 4000 pretty fast considering the weekend... this should push it over the top.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dantrom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why are none of jona's through the scope pix not showing?</div></div>

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Once again thank you very much for putting this together along with the guy's at SWFA. My order is in as soon as it hit's 5000; I might have to sit up all night but I think it will happen tonight, tomorrow at the very latest. Chris told me to personally thank you Lowlight for this deal and this is my thanks.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

I waited on my PST for well over a year so if they can get it here by 2012 I'll be happy. I've heard that they planned ahead though so we'll see.

These guys are pretty sharp, they are from Texas.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Thanks Swfa. I am looking forward to the new scope. I just pickup a SS10HD and the glass is great. Also sense I just pickup a new ruger gunsite rifle, I only have the funds for one. Bummer

Regards, John
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
You, Charger, and people like you are the reason you don't see more SH Backed GROUP BUYs, because you ruin each and every one of them.</div></div>

I for one think it's great you guys took the time to do this for everyone that is interested. SWFA & you didn't have to but you guys did it and now a lot of people will be getting new scopes at a bang-up price. Those happy customers will go to the range with their new scopes and in turn make more happy customers. It's win-win.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

I have to say that it takes a lot to surprise me these days, but this is a pretty good example of using the real power of the Internet in a way that everybody will win.

SWFA's customer service and SS line is pretty proven, there has not been a "junk" scope in the line. It takes a lot to resist the trends and marketing Tools who insist on trying to offer features on low-priced scopes that simply cannot be engineered, tested, and built to last at those price points. To stay with designs and materials that actually deliver at each price point is hard to do, but so far I think that the SWFA SS line has done it at their level.

When the rumors of the $1500 levels were flying, I pretty much wrote it off as riding the very inflated, crack-smoking, pricing-manipulated tactical scope market wave. When the price goes over $1000, there is only one brand that I even consider at that point, because to me that is an investment, and I'd like the opportunity to leave the glass to my kids and know that they can repeat all of my use and still have a functioning scope decades from now. Several years of a proven design is required before I part with the cash, that's just how I am.

This little promotion actually got my attention, however.

Given the balls of some of the old-name traditionally lower-priced sport optics makers to release a "tactical" scope and then charge $800 for one (are people actually buying them? Good heavens.), this is an opportunity for that guy to acquire what is probably a serious scope with real customer service for what is essentially the same price.

I have to admit, SWFA, that the initial prices of the fixed HD's were still a bit much for me to try one given the alternatives, but here I might have to jump on out of principle (and curiosity). I have a tremendous respect for Frank and Co. and the community that they have built here, and the lack of pure corporate manipulative bull$hit. There are two ways to make money, and one of them is honest, and this sort of thing is pretty transparent (and entertaining from the marketing perspective).

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: David Walter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't notice, is there a limit to the number of uses of the coupon? Could you order two or three at that price?

I never really thought about buying "multiples" since my purchasing of any more than 1 will likely have bad outcomes "on the homefront" but that is a good question for those that may be thinking about ordering several...no doubt that this deal would be even better for those that can afford more than one!!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ORD</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: David Walter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't notice, is there a limit to the number of uses of the coupon? Could you order two or three at that price?

I never really thought about buying "multiples" since my purchasing of any more than 1 will likely have bad outcomes "on the homefront" but that is a good question for those that may be thinking about ordering several...no doubt that this deal would be even better for those that can afford more than one!! </div></div>

FWIW....Out of curiosity I went and tried to put two in my cart and use the current code..... it only took $400 off once......
I suppose you could buy one fully with the code and then go back and get another,but sounds like we need clarification.....
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

I didn't give this scope a great deal of thought...until I saw the reticle. Looks like a new/improved Gen 2....and FFP to boot.... OK,I'm interested.

I understand that SWFA is coming out with a zero stop later?
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: chpprguy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ORD</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: David Walter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't notice, is there a limit to the number of uses of the coupon? Could you order two or three at that price?

I never really thought about buying "multiples" since my purchasing of any more than 1 will likely have bad outcomes "on the homefront" but that is a good question for those that may be thinking about ordering several...no doubt that this deal would be even better for those that can afford more than one!! </div></div>

FWIW....Out of curiosity I went and tried to put two in my cart and use the current code..... it only took $400 off once......
I suppose you could buy one fully with the code and then go back and get another,but sounds like we need clarification..... </div></div>

The $400 off coupon was set up wrong. It's now good to go. The $500 off is also ready for multiples. Hopefully we can turn it on later this afternoon.
It was actually on for a few hours this morning by mistake and a few people figured it out.

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

holy shit, my wife is gonna' kill me (she'll have to range me in that magnificent SWFA SS-HD reticle!);)
Maybe my credit card will marry me when the dust from the divorce settles...

ETA: Just so I don't feel too alone, will anyone else's significant other slaughter them where they sleep for this purchase? I'm gonna' have to have my credit card bill sent to a buddy's house...

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: FALex</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ETA: Just so I don't feel too alone, will anyone else's significant other slaughter them where they sleep for this purchase? </div></div>
You're not alone, I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to figure out how to buy 2 without her finding out. The things we do to support the Hide and SWFA!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Hey Chris, once this thing reaches 5,000 likes and orders start coming in, if it gets to that long awaited 10K, does the ring thingy still happen for the early orders as well??

I am ordering once it reaches 5,000 regardless... was just curious. Thanks Brother!!!

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

I bet that once you use a coupon code then that's the order. I wouldn't think they would let you change what coupon you used several days after the fact. If they did, that would be awesome but the rings are the like the reward for being patient till 10,000 likes!

Either way, its an awesome deal!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Couldn't agree more. I don't know any of the rules but I'm sure if there is any mis-understanding they would probably side with the customers. Most, if not all of the Hide sponsors do. I honestly don't do business anywhere else. There's no point.

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

A couple of thoughts....

1. Too bad the 26,000+ view doesn't translate to 26,000 LIKES...I know, I know....I've been back to this thread probably 50 times since it started to get updates.

2. Some have an issue with the cost and think the original price must be really high if they are still making money by offering these discounts. How about this perspective. I just sold a scope and mount...the mount would've worked for this. Even those that have multiple rifles/scopes mounts....How many of them will order this scope and nothing else? I for one have inquired about sunshade, ARD, lens caps and mount...I haven't quite made my mind up between the Bobro mount or the AAD mount. I would prefer the Bobro only because I think I may need to remove this for it to fit in the case I have...would prefer not to and if that's the case, I really like the AAD! My point being, perhaps they aren't making a dime by selling this with the maximum discount but figure they'll make money on the accessories....isn't that how it works most times?

3. Ummmm....I went on so much with my 2nd point that I can't remember what my 3rd point was going to be...... It wasn't this but I wish I could see/read Frank's review before this hits 5000 LIKES. I know I don't need to order RIGHT AWAY but I think there will be a TON of orders and I don't want to be numeber 937 on the wait list! I would really like to know how many of these are ordered in the 30 days the $500 off coupon is activated.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Been in the market for a pst/weaver then this, things are looking up

Couple of questions I have I couldn't find within the 9 pages..

Whens the deadline for the 10,000 likes?

How longs the group buy going to be available?
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

I "liked" both SWFA and SH and told my family and friends to do the same.

I'm going to try and wait it out for 10k or 28 days after the 5k code before I order because I just bought a USO last week and their is a hornady GB going right now so funds are tight.

I just bought my first high end scope last week, a USO SN-3 3.2-17, here off the hide FS section and now I'm going to be getting my second high end scope now.

For a gun I don't even have in hand yet, but this is way too good of a deal to pass up.

Thank you SWFA & Frank, this is a great idea.

I hope to see many more GB's like this, even though Frank said it won't happen again for a while cause of whinny little girls that cant get a good deal and be happy as pie.

I'm keeping my hopes up that Frank'll see how many people benefit from this and APPRECIATE WHAT HE DID FOR US.

And hopefully they will show it with their support here at the Hide and with SWFA throught future purchases.

We can't let one or two bad eggs ruin a good thing for the other several thousand of us.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

The time limit to reach 10,000 is 30 days from when the promo started (May 13 - June 12).

Each coupon also expires 30 days from when it is activated.

If we hit 5,000 today the $500.00 off coupon will be activated and it will expire on June 16.

Scopes won't be here until sometime in June so there is no benefit from ordering now with the existing coupon code.

Once you order it is a done deal.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Thanks for explaining the process. I am looking forward to purchasing this optic.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SWFA</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The time limit to reach 10,000 is 30 days from when the promo started (May 13 - June 12).

Each coupon also expires 30 days from when it is activated.

If we hit 5,000 today the $500.00 off coupon will be activated and it will expire on June 16.

Scopes won't be here until sometime in June so there is no benefit from ordering now with the existing coupon code.

Once you order it is a done deal. </div></div>