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Rifle Scopes SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ScottyS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have to say that it takes a lot to surprise me these days, but this is a pretty good example of using the real power of the Internet in a way that everybody will win.

SWFA's customer service and SS line is pretty proven, there has not been a "junk" scope in the line. It takes a lot to resist the trends and marketing Tools who insist on trying to offer features on low-priced scopes that simply cannot be engineered, tested, and built to last at those price points. To stay with designs and materials that actually deliver at each price point is hard to do, but so far I think that the SWFA SS line has done it at their level.

When the rumors of the $1500 levels were flying, I pretty much wrote it off as riding the very inflated, crack-smoking, pricing-manipulated tactical scope market wave. When the price goes over $1000, there is only one brand that I even consider at that point, because to me that is an investment, and I'd like the opportunity to leave the glass to my kids and know that they can repeat all of my use and still have a functioning scope decades from now. Several years of a proven design is required before I part with the cash, that's just how I am.

This little promotion actually got my attention, however.

Given the balls of some of the old-name traditionally lower-priced sport optics makers to release a "tactical" scope and then charge $800 for one (are people actually buying them? Good heavens.), this is an opportunity for that guy to acquire what is probably a serious scope with real customer service for what is essentially the same price.

I have to admit, SWFA, that the initial prices of the fixed HD's were still a bit much for me to try one given the alternatives, but here I might have to jump on out of principle (and curiosity). I have a tremendous respect for Frank and Co. and the community that they have built here, and the lack of pure corporate manipulative bull$hit. There are two ways to make money, and one of them is honest, and this sort of thing is pretty transparent (and entertaining from the marketing perspective).

Go SWFA! </div></div>

Thank you sir.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

My Girlfriend is awesome, upon arrival at the house I explain the deal... then when mentioning what the price could be she immediately says she will forward the link/news to her friends and brother...

Oh yea, new SS HD here I come.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SWFA</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The time limit to reach 10,000 is 30 days from when the promo started (May 13 - June 12).

Each coupon also expires 30 days from when it is activated.

If we hit 5,000 today the $500.00 off coupon will be activated and it will expire on June 16.

Scopes won't be here until sometime in June so there is no benefit from ordering now with the existing coupon code.

Once you order it is a done deal. </div></div>

So, to clear things up, you can at least wait until June 12 to order. That way you can see if we hit the 10k mark. And if not, you still get the $500 off.

That's what I'm going to do. Come hell or high water, 12 Jun I will be ordering.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SWFA</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The time limit to reach 10,000 is 30 days from when the promo started (May 13 - June 12).

Each coupon also expires 30 days from when it is activated.

If we hit 5,000 today the $500.00 off coupon will be activated and it will expire on June 16.

Scopes won't be here until sometime in June so there is no benefit from ordering now with the existing coupon code.

Once you order it is a done deal. </div></div>Is this scope ready for production? Not to throw cold water on this, but respectfully- what's the chance this is going to turn out like the Vortex PST deal where in June, they say July, then August, and then, oh, sorry...we need to make some improvements, and so on.
Thanks for the great deal, and I'm in, but one can't help but wonder...again, respectfully.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shooter McGavin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can you clear your cookies on your computer and vote again? </div></div>

No. It's a many-to-one relationship between the facebook page and facebook account unique IDs in the database.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SWFA</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Scopes won't be here until sometime in June so there is no benefit from ordering now with the existing coupon code.</div></div>

So are you saying that there is no use in ordering at the 5K mark?? But wait until close to the end of the coupon code to see if we get to 10K in time??

Just trying to get things clear in my head. Thanks!!!!

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

My thinking goes along with Stricklands. Unless you just need to pay for this scope NOW, I'd wait until closer to June 12th and then order just in case it might hit the 10k mark. The scopes aren't in hand yet, think I remember SWFA posting in the other thread that they are in customs ATM. Just my .02 on it.

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

I have a number of friends Liking this, probably 8 total. If everyone could continue to work on this...we will pass 5,000 Likes.

10,000 looks pretty far off, though. But we have a month.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Got on face book to create a new account and it keeps telling me that my address is something like an existing account. Not sure what i need to do. Am i going to have to create a new email address for face book? I am on the phone getting everyone i know to do this after seeing this today. What a great thing you guys are doing for all us.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Guys, against my better judgement I shot some video today which I will post shortly, it's not a complete review, not by my standards, but it is a look and some tests to see the reliability, tracking of the scope... so I will get that going.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Chris, do you have any sunshades that work with these scopes?? I am going to want one and need to know what accessories you have. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!!

Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Guys, against my better judgement I shot some video today which I will post shortly, it's not a complete review, not by my standards, but it is a look and some tests to see the reliability, tracking of the scope... so I will get that going. </div></div>

Are you going to post this "teaser" video in this post?

I keep looking for it!!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Guys, against my better judgement I shot some video today which I will post shortly, it's not a complete review, not by my standards, but it is a look and some tests to see the reliability, tracking of the scope... so I will get that going. </div></div>

Cant wait to see it
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Guys, against my better judgement I shot some video today which I will post shortly, it's not a complete review, not by my standards, but it is a look and some tests to see the reliability, tracking of the scope... so I will get that going. </div></div>

Don't be sooo hard on yourself LL.
Many thanks for the adhoc review. Look forward to the review in depth. She looks like a winner!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Long time lurker, finally joined up to say I'm looking forward for 5k. I'd really like to buy two of them at this price, as this will be going on a .308 AR, but I know that I'll build a bolt gun in the future.
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Thanks for the video and thanks to the guy's at SWFA. I know the count is rising fast but with over 50000 members at this forum, I would think that more members would chip in and be at the ten thousand mark easily even if they don't like or use SWAFA scopes just to help out fellow members that want to get this deal. Just my two cents worth!
Re: SnipersHide/SWFA SS HD 5-20x50 GroupBuy

Should hit the 5k mark tomorrow