Re: SWFA-SS Tax Day Group Buy: 1-6, 5-20, and more!
I've got a very different opinion overall. I will keep it entirely cordial, honest and professional. I hope the discussion can continue. It may be a valuable one for many parties here.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What you, and others fail to realize is, its not just "one company" that gets affected by your bad behavior. Many other companies with similar ideas, who might never run into a delay read this stuff and walk away. Every year I talk to big companies that tell me, "the members of the forum are too unkind to business" and they don't want to do business with people on places like this, the internet is too unruly to trust.</div></div>
I see that point yet honest and service/customer oriented companies with the time and commitment to earn peoples business have absolutely nothing to fear. I don't think anyone here was unkind nor unfair to SWFA in any way. In fact, I'd like to see the references, in context, to where that happened.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You're anonymously posting, bashing, attacking, so why should they step up. Sure they would like too, but they see this and immediately change their mind.</div></div>
That is the nature of the beast in a majority of the digital world. It can be both a blessing and a curse. Again it is 100% up to companies to have an appropriate business strategy for the world in which they do business. Online and in this generation things move quick. Why are Facebook and Twitter so popular and successful (immediacy is one answer)? Again, sleep in the bed you make. You want to use social media, blogging and forums to do business you should accept that climate. How is that not just painfully obvious?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">One mistake and you pounce, and they absolutely see it.</div></div>
Again, I don't see any folks here being unfair to them. Some have been more patient than others but I disagree that this was the essential nature of forums response. Again, simple, honest and semi-periodic 5 minute updates would have prevented the whole mess. Also, it's pretty clear they made mistake after mistake. You are being far too kind with that point of view.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Trust me on this, people call, talk about offering the membership a deal on a new offering and I tell them straight up not too. I say it's not worth it, the crowd is too fickle and one big mouth and it all goes south. In some cases they may have 200 units in their hand... I still advise them to consider other outlets, because I don't want to sell them on your business only to have it turn against them and me.</div></div>
Obviously your decision. You are running a business as well. I really don't have much of on an opinion on this and certainly wouldn't presume to be able to give you any advise.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You only hurt each other, the power of this place could have netting you access unlike most would not believe, but you constantly piss on the shoes of people doing their best with no remorse. Why because you can hide behind a pseudonym, there is personal responsibility.</div></div>
Group buys and discounts do not come without benefit for the offering company. I keep hearing this emphasis on such one sided benefits and it just is not the whole picture. Businesses rarely, if ever, sell at loss. Similarly what they miss in price they will make up in volume (or in speed). They can also gain critical new clients, essential to growing their business. There simply are not deals discussed, offered or not offered that are so amazing that it's all "sacrifice" and "favors" from vendors and all benefit for customers.
I take 100% responsibility for anything I've said about SWFA here. I think all others would as well. I believe this is an overstatement of the reactions here even by the most vocal or critical. Sure there is the issue of anonymity, but again, nature of the beast. I don't feel posting my name, phone number or address has anything to do with this situation. I did call SWFA, tell them my order details, and let them know my thoughts. In short I got nothing but nothing from them. Hence more discussion here.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You think you are showing them "truth" and the "right way" but really all you are doing is thinking about yourself, and whether or not you are inconvenienced, stomping your feet like a spoiled child. They didn't update me how and when, "I wanted' so they lose and we'll show them by how much.
Big picture, lots of guys just don't get the big picture. </div></div>
The opinions from members here have spanned a wide "dynamic range". Each of those of us complaining had a different pain or limit point as well. Calling all of us who have voiced concerns and/or complaints childish and selfish is neither fair nor accurate. Frankly, it is not a way to inrgatiate you and the site to all of your members either.
Again putting this back on the customer is just not a fair nor responsible point of view. <span style="font-weight: bold">1 word - COMMUNICATION</span>. No one demanded daily nor even weekly updates. I can pretty well guarantee that a post taking 5 minutes of time from one person at SWFA every 2-3 weeks with a simple honest update would have prevented 99% if not all of this situation. If that is too much to ask then there simply is no reasonable expectation of a normal customer-client relationship.