Basically its over in military strategy sense. Only variable is time will they slowly creep on and bleed them dry as in "if you keep coming we will keep killing" or if decision has been made to do a more swift "break the line and push through to Dniepr and see if we can collapse the country". But in the end it may just as well be make a buffer zone, keep killing, keep one eye on the actions of the west and while propaganda in the west is that we are somehow (how is beyond me) weakening Russia in reality its the west and especially the EU that is weakening by having a huge "beggar¶site" stuck to its brain...Sooner or later something will give and judging by reports from Germany their economy is in free fall and people (white and those not cucks - yes both of you Hans and Holgar ) are really upset. We'll see what both two noncucks in Germany can do ..../sarcasm off