I know there are probably better choices out there, but lately Cabelas has been doing a lot of their extra 5X point days, and as a black card holder, thats 30% in points for me, or almost $600 off a Flir Scout 3 320, which buys a lot of ammo and other stuff. Reading reviews specifically on the 320, most state its pretty good, but not great, and that the cheaper TK is a waste. I dont hunt, but I do work in LE and will be using this for searching areas, surveillance etc. My prior agency issued us FLIR Recon units, so thats really the only thermal experience I have. I dont expect a handheld unit to come anywhere near that, but it would be nice to be able to see humans at 100-200 yards with decent clarity, heat signatures on vehicles etc. If im just wasting money, I will just avoid it, but I thought this would be a perfect time to snag one.
Thank you
Thank you