The war in Ukraine and Donbas

Utter fools.
Absolutely. High probability that they're escalating this to the 'canned sunshine' level. I honestly think mankind has completely lost the plot, events over the last few years have confirmed that we're probably too stupid to right the ship. Unfortunately the wrecking ball will destroy everyone not just the idiots progressing this agenda.
It's certainly odd, like we have so much footage and info but so much propaganda, It'll be interesting to see historie's view on it in the future.
I pray mankind lasts that long. I'm really worried a simple mistake or miscalculation will escalate rapidly & as reserved as Putin has been he will over react to the moment.
Wondering why so many are still upright, when during the cold war things/people were handled quickly? Granted the media is hyping for clicks & views but as remote as we are, left wing & third world shit is starting to show up here more & more. Its almost like we are in a pressure cooker & the juggler has been welded in place.
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Poland About to Participate Directly in Ukrainian Conflict​

"Poland is about to take a dangerous step in the Ukrainian conflict. Vladimir Zelensky stated that under the terms of a recently signed pact between Kiev and Warsaw, the NATO country could use its military forces to detain Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace. Such a situation could be considered by the Russians as a case of direct participation, leading to an open war between Russia and a NATO country.

The pact, according to Zelensky, establishes the necessary conditions for Warsaw to have positions inside Ukraine and directly participate in the role of air defense, thus helping Kiev overcome one of its current main strategic difficulties. For a long time, the airspace in the conflict zone has been almost completely controlled by Russia, which has made Ukraine’s Western-supplied tanks and military vehicles easy targets for Russian drones, missiles and aircraft. Kiev is doing its best to try to solve this problem, as it is impossible for one side to achieve any military gains without a strong air defense capacity."

Poland About to Participate Directly in Ukrainian Conflict​

"Poland is about to take a dangerous step in the Ukrainian conflict. Vladimir Zelensky stated that under the terms of a recently signed pact between Kiev and Warsaw, the NATO country could use its military forces to detain Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace. Such a situation could be considered by the Russians as a case of direct participation, leading to an open war between Russia and a NATO country.

The pact, according to Zelensky, establishes the necessary conditions for Warsaw to have positions inside Ukraine and directly participate in the role of air defense, thus helping Kiev overcome one of its current main strategic difficulties. For a long time, the airspace in the conflict zone has been almost completely controlled by Russia, which has made Ukraine’s Western-supplied tanks and military vehicles easy targets for Russian drones, missiles and aircraft. Kiev is doing its best to try to solve this problem, as it is impossible for one side to achieve any military gains without a strong air defense capacity."

Just inching closer to wider conflict...
While China has been designated as Mosow enabler on the latest NATO summit

Its far greater enabler of Ukraine

99.9% of Ukrainian drones are Chinese

And most of US arms are full of chinese components as well

China "a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine" in their "Washington Summit Declaration" yesterday ( is that China is probably "a decisive enabler" of the other side to a much greater extent than Russia.

CEOs of US defense companies, such as Raytheon, are literally on the record saying they had “several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling . . . is impossible” (

Also it's well documented that Ukrainians use "a flood of Chinese drones" against Russia ( and chose to stoop using American ones because they were "glitchy, expensive, and getting lost during flight".

But that, of course, is inconvenient for the purpose of manufacturing consent against China and globalizing NATO so...


Interesting development. More BRICS movement.

Saudi Arabia threatened the G7 with a massive sell-off of European bonds if they touch Russia's assets​

"We'll hit France and its debt first"​

"Saudi Arabia, the new BRICS member and now a close ally of Russia, has threatened G7 member states with a massive sell-off of European bonds if they seize Russian assets.

Bloomberg is reporting this unprecedented threat to the dollar and the euro that caught everyone by surprise."
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Interesting development. More BRICS movement.

Saudi Arabia threatened the G7 with a massive sell-off of European bonds if they touch Russia's assets​

"We'll hit France and its debt first"​

"Saudi Arabia, the new BRICS member and now a close ally of Russia, has threatened G7 member states with a massive sell-off of European bonds if they seize Russian assets.

Bloomberg is reporting this unprecedented threat to the dollar and the euro that caught everyone by surprise."
WTF did they think would happen? Shit on someone long enough and they will reply in kind. How many wars can NATO fight at once?

Poland About to Participate Directly in Ukrainian Conflict​

"Poland is about to take a dangerous step in the Ukrainian conflict. Vladimir Zelensky stated that under the terms of a recently signed pact between Kiev and Warsaw, the NATO country could use its military forces to detain Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace. Such a situation could be considered by the Russians as a case of direct participation, leading to an open war between Russia and a NATO country.

The pact, according to Zelensky, establishes the necessary conditions for Warsaw to have positions inside Ukraine and directly participate in the role of air defense, thus helping Kiev overcome one of its current main strategic difficulties. For a long time, the airspace in the conflict zone has been almost completely controlled by Russia, which has made Ukraine’s Western-supplied tanks and military vehicles easy targets for Russian drones, missiles and aircraft. Kiev is doing its best to try to solve this problem, as it is impossible for one side to achieve any military gains without a strong air defense capacity."
i would say how amazingly stupid the poles are but i suspect this is another soros backed group in power. doubt the polish people are on board with this. but,we put up with same shit. historical memory not so good. poles beat red army in '23. got over run from both sides in '39. i would think some memory might be working. poland was not innocent at that time. they grabbed a bunch of ukraine after ww1. maybe they think they will get some more territory this time? maybe incipient insanity was built into the clot shot world wide?
i would say how amazingly stupid the poles are but i suspect this is another soros backed group in power. doubt the polish people are on board with this. but,we put up with same shit. historical memory not so good. poles beat red army in '23. got over run from both sides in '39. i would think some memory might be working. poland was not innocent at that time. they grabbed a bunch of ukraine after ww1. maybe they think they will get some more territory this time? maybe incipient insanity was built into the clot shot world wide?
There has been talk at various points about Poland taking Western Ukraine. Don't know how viable that is. At the same time, when this is over Ukraine isn't going to be viable either, so no matter what happens it will be a vassal state of someone.
Don’t forget there is always someone willing to throw someone else under the bus for extending his life even for a second… Countless examples in human history where although fully aware of final outcome people would sacrifice others for a few seconds more… In Ukraine it will start (it already is slowly) when those hunting for “volunteers” get fragged in enough
numbers that its more dangerous than going to frontline… Until then, fresh meat for the grinder…
Generally speaking good thing is that western kabuki theater is unwinding and not only has emperor no clothes, but also vassals are lacking cloth, guards have no spears and army is busy playing drag queen pageant while on station. Other than that everything is A Ok, just peachy.
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Poland’s Top General Warns: Prepare for Full-Scale Conflict​

"Poland should prepare its soldiers for an all-out conflict, its armed forces chief of staff has said. General Wiesław Kukuła told a press conference on Wednesday, July 10th: “Today, we need to prepare our forces for full-scale conflict, not an asymmetric-type conflict.”

Tensions have been rising along the borders of Poland and Belarus for the past few years, with security, migration and trade disputes all playing a role.

Russia used Belarus as one of its launchpads to attack Ukraine two years ago, and Belarus and China started a joint military exercise just a few kilometres away from the border of Poland—demonstrating why Warsaw feels constantly threatened."
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Ukrainian jets being flown out of Poland? I wonder how long and to what scale this is happening, if true?
From what we can learn it was a Polish jet flown by a polish pilot

Today, during a rehearsals for the Gdynia Naval Aviation Brigade’s 30th Anniversary event, Polish Air Force’s M-346 Demo Team jet crashed during its flying display.

The M-346 Demo Team, Poland’s newest aerobatic team, was founded in 2023 and debuted at the largest air show in Poland, the Air Show in Radom. The team comprises two Demo Team pilots, Major Adrian “Chudy” Chudziński and Major Robert “Killer” Jeł, who are instructors training cadets at the Air Force Academy in Dęblin. Both have over a thousand hours of flight time on the M-346 “Bielik” aircraft. The team also includes technicians and commentators.

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Poland’s Top General Warns: Prepare for Full-Scale Conflict​

"Poland should prepare its soldiers for an all-out conflict, its armed forces chief of staff has said. General Wiesław Kukuła told a press conference on Wednesday, July 10th: “Today, we need to prepare our forces for full-scale conflict, not an asymmetric-type conflict.”

Tensions have been rising along the borders of Poland and Belarus for the past few years, with security, migration and trade disputes all playing a role.

Russia used Belarus as one of its launchpads to attack Ukraine two years ago, and Belarus and China started a joint military exercise just a few kilometres away from the border of Poland—demonstrating why Warsaw feels constantly threatened."
the insanity in europe is approaching, but not equaling,the insanity in the US. if china has troops on the ground there,then things look like that all bets are off. they have troops on the ground here. seem to be prepositioned? no way to make sense of today's world. seems like suicide of civilization and our species.
i think poland recently had a 2020 like stolen election? does the polish pop and military have any idea what they are getting into? one does wonder.
wonder if this will speed up putin's time table. i hope so. less chance of zelinsky or biden starting in with the nuc stuff.
To the last Ukrainan

Prior to any mass mobilisation

Ukraine’s population will crash to a mere 15mn people by 2100 - UN

“The popular TV ad of the early 90s "We are 52mn" used to be part of the identity of Ukrainians of my generation. Now even the most optimistic scenarios predict twice as few. "Towards the abyss" visualised,” Volodymyr Ishchenko, influential Russian commentator and now Kremlin critic said in a post on social media.

Ukraine was already in trouble before the fighting started. The pre-war 45mn headcount was already controversial as Ukraine has not held a formal census since 2000. As the poorest country in Europe, a fifth of the labour force had already left to seek better paid jobs in the EU and Russia. On top of that the fertility rate in 2022 was 1.4 births per woman -- well below the replacement rate.
Even the UN 37mn estimate of the current population is controversial with other estimates putting it at least ten million fewer people. Ukraine’s population fell behind that of Poland for the first time after a cut price electronic census revealed the number of citizens had dropped by some 5mn people to 37.289mn in 2020 since the last census in 2000. Eurostat also estimated the actual population size to be 37.98mn in 20218 and another study in 2023 found the population had fallen again to 29mn souls, sparking concerns over the future of the country’s demographic future, according to a study from the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, Ukraine Business News reported.

And the crisis is accelerating. Ukraine's birth rate plummeted to 300-year low with just 187,000 births recorded in 2023 (including in Russian-occupied territories), according to according to Ukraine’s Institute of Demography and Social Studies -- the lowest annual figure in recorded history over the last 300 years, exacerbating an already dire population catastrophe facilitated by economic turmoil and war.


US to develop cheap "ERAM" glide bombs for Ukraine​

"The US is developing a new cheap, low-tech, long-range glide bomb to counter Russia’s deployment of thousands of glide bombs to devastating effect in recent months.

The Extended-Range Attack Munition (ERAM) aims to be a low-cost, quick-to-produce air-launched missile with a range of around 460 km, according to a request for information (RFI) first released in January and updated on July 10.

The ERAM glide bombs disclosure invites US manufacturers to develop the munition and bids for the contract. The manufacture of the weapon is intended to begin no later than two years after the contract is awarded, with a production target of up to 1,000 units per year."

Its an interesting article from the timeline standpoint: bombs "for Ukraine" but delivery is no later than TWO YEARS after the contract is awarded. Contract review can take a while. Even if the list for vendors is very short, the two year timeline suggests that either the Uke conflict is planned to last that long or the funding is being justified with the conflict.
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US to develop cheap "ERAM" glide bombs for Ukraine​

"The US is developing a new cheap, low-tech, long-range glide bomb to counter Russia’s deployment of thousands of glide bombs to devastating effect in recent months.

The Extended-Range Attack Munition (ERAM) aims to be a low-cost, quick-to-produce air-launched missile with a range of around 460 km, according to a request for information (RFI) first released in January and updated on July 10.

The ERAM glide bombs disclosure invites US manufacturers to develop the munition and bids for the contract. The manufacture of the weapon is intended to begin no later than two years after the contract is awarded, with a production target of up to 1,000 units per year."

Its an interesting article from the timeline standpoint: bombs "for Ukraine" but delivery is no later than TWO YEARS after the contract is awarded. Contract review can take a while. Even if the list for vendors is very short, the two year timeline suggests that either the Uke conflict is planned to last that long or the funding is being justified with the conflict.
Or they have something else in mind.
The Extended-Range Attack Munition (ERAM)
Reminds me of the "Extended Range" ICM modules for the 155, the DOD loves going back to the well to pull out 30-50s rocket-assisted tech.

Won't matter if they keep parking their like 2 dozen remaining SU's and MiG's in broad daylight.

Also, small little missiles cannot take back 100s of KMs of territory.
they might have about a dozen by the end of summer. i think they wanted 300, lol.
This is a valid point and leads to other questions with obvious answers:

Exactly how many pilots does Ukraine have left? How many have been trained to fly those planes? Where are the other pilots going to come from? Where are the support teams and the logistics terminus going to be located?
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Even if the Ukraine were to somehow win this, they’d disappear. Their birthdate compared to their losses and young people are not enough to sustain them. In other words, the Ukrainian culture will die out because they are all dying out faster than they can be replaced. Odds are even after the war, many say there will only be between 10-20mil ukes left and that’s not enough to keep the culture going over the next 50 years or so, so they claim. I dunno. Maybe that’s where the elite are planning to go before they set it the world implosion.
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Russian MOD already put out a 20M Ruble bounty on a F-16. It'll be a competition between the Russian Air Force and their strategic missile forces and recon groups to do it. Their air force just took delivery of a bunch of MiG31s with updated targeting and avionics -- allegedly -- they'll use those fat goofy ER R-37s AA interceptors that allegedly have a 500KM range.

Russians are steamrolling the elite units, finally, the International Legion, Russian Legion, Kraken, Aidar, and the older Azoz and 1-Dnipro units (12th Special Purpose Operations Brigade and 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade) in Kremmina, Toretsk, and Niu-York/Novgorod.

The only thing this war is doing is killing every Ukrainian and depleting arms stores of all of Europe. That way Halliburton, Raytheon, GE, Lockheed, L3/Harris, Monsanto, and all of the other administrative state lobby groups can gain land and contracts.
Even if the Ukraine were to somehow win this, they’d disappear. Their birthdate compared to their losses and young people are not enough to sustain them. In other words, the Ukrainian culture will die out because they are all dying out faster than they can be replaced. Odds are even after the war, many say there will only be between 10-20mil ukes left and that’s not enough to keep the culture going over the next 50 years or so, so they claim. I dunno. Maybe that’s where the elite are planning to go before they set it the world implosion.
The UKes will be replaced with 3rd world migrants scum!