Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

My creek this morning

The new fire ring in the new location this evening

The night sky looking up through the trees tonight (iPhone)



I have, absolutely love that tangy flavor of goat cheese and Italian cheeses made from sheep's milk. Unfortunately I seem to react to all of them.

The Mayo site covers it in more scientific detail, words like atopic dermatitis, inflammation, enteropathy and proctocolitis. It's mostly considered a kid's disease and, theoretically, most kids grow out of it. I've had chronic sinus issues all my life, I think I'm just one of those kids who never grew out of it and it just got worse as I got older. If you live long enough you get all the prizes, mom used to say "getting old ain't for pussies".

Around the time I went beyond the point of no return I was eating HEB guacatillo which contains "cream fresca".

It's insane how many things you think of or are labeled as "non-dairy" or "milk free" contain dairy derivatives. Whey seems to be a big one for me and that shit is in everything ... bread, sausage (all kinds, some pepperonis and salamis), flavored chips, protein bars, protein drinks, almost anything in a wrapper or a cup that markets itself as "high protein" gets its protein boost from added whey.

you already know what gives you issues i take it. doctors elimination diets are rubbish. apart from what foods you already know give you issues, eliminate everything that so far hasnt given you issues and start with 1 food item. eat that 1 food to confirm it good, then introduce a 2nd, eat those 2 and then introduce a 3rd, etc. when an issue arises, take that particular food out of the diet. slow and stead youll get to a point where you will work out what agrees with you and what doesnt. try a meat only diet, cavemen seemed to do ok with just meat.
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