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Fieldcraft Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dave_</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For a great many of us, the apocalypse is already here. </div></div>

I'm in the home construction industry and we've been living the "apocalypse" for a while now. The principles remain constant:

-Conserve your resources
-Reduce your footprint
-Adapt and overcome
-Define your needs
-Deny your wants
-Avoid isolation
-Network with others (who are trustworthy)
-Gather and act on REAL intel
-Avoid over reaction
-Operate slowly and carefully within a well planned strategy
-Consider every expenditure of resources (time, money, provisions, etc) as permanent and irreplaceable
-PRAY...alot </div></div>

That's good protocol in every situation, even in times of excess
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: countryboy300</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This 2012 crap is getting old already. The Good Book says the Lord will come as a thief in the night. Nobody knows when its coming except for the Man upstairs. We are not promised another minute. Just enjoy each day here and thank God for giving us this day. </div></div>

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tigerhawk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Mayan guy writing their calendar dropped dead right after he finished 2012, and nobody else in the Mayan civilization knew how to write a calendar. That is why people think the Mayans predicted the world ending in 2012.

I'm thinking they discovered Pot around that time... and that guy just said fuck it.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Are you guys wearing saran-wrap pants? Because I can clearly see you're nuts.

That's funny!!!!!

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Why worry about 12.21.2012, it's going to be yet another typical day. The media/Mayan hype will create a frenzy and the weak minded will buy into that crap. There will be unscrupulous individuals preying on your fears and doing everything to get to your finances, these types of folks will be the only ones to get rich quick. Heck, why only focus on 12.21.2012. There is a group of nutcakes that really believe that May of this year is the end of the world. Harold Camping has calculated the May 21 date based on his reading of the Bible. "Beyond the shadow of a doubt, May 21 will be the date of the Rapture and the day of judgment," Great, yet another false prophet.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Remember Jim Jones? 900+ people put their trust in his false preachings and look what it got them, cyanide laced kool-aid and an agonizing death.

It doesn't hurt to be prepared given the worlds state of affairs, escalating food prices, etc. but actually believing a specific date marks the end of time? Get real.

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father"
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TerrorInTheShadows</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wonder if teenage birth rate goes up when these "disaster" type scenarios present themselves?</div></div>

Birth rates go up during "disasters," usually due to power outages. Basically, since they can't watch TV they have sex instead.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bcw1284</div><div class="ubbcode-body">VA, don't let us hold you back!

dont question me, my fingers on the tri
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Okie dokie, I think I will play. I went back and read the original pass that got this started so I think I am ready.
I will start with the title. What does that mean anyway? A disaster like 2012? I feel like Uncle B.S. right now but will refrain from that direction. I can only assume the reference is to some movie which if I remember the earth was destroyed in a massive tidal wave. I saw a rainbow just the other day so rest your sphincter, not gonna happen.On the off chance it does I am sure I can hold back most of the water with my AR15.
Yes in a disaster having a close knit group you can depend on would be nice. I like to call them close friends. Mine will be busy taking care of another close knit group I like to call family, so will I most likely.
The best weapon anyone can possibly posess in a disaster is a very compact super computer I like to call a brain, sadly many today have theirs hopelessly packed with useless information mostly gleaned from the internet and something I like to call a "crack box". You can find at least 2 of these crack boxes in any household in America. They run on small round shiny discs and hypnotize an immobilize all ages for hours on end, destroying any hope of learning real world survival skill utilizing "the brain".
Now for the plan.
I have 20 pounds of pork rinds and the knowhow to make almost anything I could need including making soap from nothing more than wood ashes and possum fat. Why the pork rinds? Possum makes only mediocre pork rinds at best. I do not live where I do as an afterthought. Most of my supplies will walk up to my door drawn by the smell of pork rinds and the promise of a possum soap bath. My water is gravity fed right off the lizards back as well so I may catch some supplies with that bait as well. I figure mostly Floridians if they make it this far.LMAO
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I've actually studied Astronomy and its history. 2012 is bullshit.

The Mayan calender is riddled with errors - what do you expect when the only guide you have is the Sun (which they thought was a God) and Moon in order to tell the date. They thought the universe revolved around the earth, which was flat. LOL

Finally the orbits of planets which is the genesis for the hysteria were completely unknown by the Mayans. They were unknown by all until the physics (Issac Newton) were understood centuries later.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Laws of Planetary motion...

Nowhere in the above article do I find any references to the Maya.

IMHO, in the scheme of the Universe and all that's actually important, I see the Maya as a bunch of non-starters becalmed in an archaic astronomical backwater.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Laws of Planetary motion...

Nowhere in the above article do I find any references to the Maya.

IMHO, in the scheme of the Universe and all that's actually important, I see the Maya as a bunch of non-starters becalmed in an archaic astronomical backwater.


I just call them D-Bags
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: poorboyshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">screw 2012 you better just plan for collapse of our fedral goverment and stock pile food ammo silver fuel and other necessory item dont forget tp </div></div>

white gold (toilet paper) will be worth more than, who knows what but it will be worth stockpiling
not worried about zombies-snake and nap, will take care of them, claymores in the front hedge tar pit around the house disguised as a walk way,hand dug well under kitchen floor canned food in pantry, i'm worried about the electrical grid falling down then i couldn't play movies and video games...
actually not worried about anything except my wife telling me that i'm right for any reason this scares the hellout of me.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

After reading the Pessimist's Guide to World History I realized that disaster is the norm for the human race. It's the relative peace and prosperity the US has enjoyed that is rare. It doesn't have to be the end of the world to go to survival mode. Watch the lady in Schlinder's List complaining to the Jewish leaders that she wanted the Germans out of her home. History is full of millions of examples where people didn't see it coming. Even the boy scouts said "be prepared".
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: banks74</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I saw in "Zombieland," how hard it was to get Twinkies...For those of you with stock in Hostess...you can thank me for the jump in stock price.



I hope to God they have Oreo's.

Here's my neighbor's SHTF stockpile (no joke):

1 single shot 22, 10,000 rounds of ammo.

1 Mosin-Ngant M44, 100 rounds of ammo.

3, 10 pound cases of various nails.

3 axes, hammers and various repair tools/including roofing tiles.

A house with well (hand pump).

20 gallons of bleach.

100 pounds of salt.

2 bee hives.

12 fruit trees.

4 chickens and a rooster.

And a lot of knowledge of how to raise and prepare food.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

In a word, "No".

Let's be honest here...

FWIW, at my age, and in my condition, I doubt I'd really be wanting to go that route. Life is already more than challenging enough for me to not be wanting several times more on my plate. I probably consume more pills in a month than some of you have ever seen in your entire life. Not like that stuff grows on trees.

I'll be enjoying the short excursion, thank y'all. Maybe I'd do best on the front line.

What resources I may have would probably be better off in my descendants' hands anyway.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I think you who a joke about what is going to happen, are truly afraid of knowing the truth...It's going to happen and only those who have prepared are either going to survive on their skills or turn to a ravager..you will be killed by your own kind..It will be a fight of faith, you will be against your brothers..the saving grace is God will be on our side....
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

He did not get tired of carving.

The construction contractor told him, "Enough is enough. This is costing us too much for building more and more pyramid just so you can continue to scribble your doom and gloom endlessly. Go home. Get a real job. Get a life. Even the buzzards are laughing..."
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

The last disaster I prepped for was the FDA banning of caffeine in Four Loko. Cleaned out 3 gas stations. Don't even want to mention the quantity. That was a close call. Unfortunately the stash only lasted a month... moment of silence please.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

First off...if you guys think the Mayans knew nothing then you may have forgotten that most of the scripture, and evidence of their society was eradicated by conquering tribes. Like the conquistadors, and Christian missionaries. SO any accurate information on their lifestyles, beliefes, or sceitific advances is lost through conquest, plundering, and destruction. I highly doubt we will fully understand what they truely meant with their scriptures after all thats been lost. Lets be honest we know very little about them.
Now I have in my possesion as of current two books about the Maya. One is by Michael D. Coe, Professor of Anthropology at Yale University (at least when this book was printed), and the other is writen by Dennis Tedlock a Professor of Anthropology at the State University of New York Buffalo. Even they say that interpatations of the Mayan way of life is constantly changing due to new archeological discoveries. It is changing at a rate so fast that several months from now our view of their way of life chould be changed.
I study these things more out of amusement because I find it fascinating that a society with nothing but stone tools, bare hands, and no beast of burden created a highly sophisticated society. They have buildings that are so pefectly aligned to the north, south, east, and west parallels that it rivels our technology. An amazing feat even by todays standerds.

Ancient societies add a bit more mystery to life at least in my opinion. Like pottery found off the coast of India that dates back to 30,000yrs....I could point to more but I'm starting to get tired of sitting down at the moment.

I doubt it would be the end of the world. More like collapse of modern society. These things happen every few hundred to thousand years or so.
Loss of power would mean an almost immediate loss of life for anybody dependent of life support systems in medical care. Access of information and communication would be left to word of mounth, or courier. Radios will probably be the first to be reestabilished when power comes back.
But the more important factor for any person, or society is the establishment of potable water, and food. Priority number one, and two. Then would be adequete shelter for everybody. This will help bring down the sense of desperation amoung surviving individuals.
When those things are handled you will then need to worry about establishing some form of economical system, and a judicial system to boot. Meaning an armed force of police enforcers, and military personnel. Merchants, farmers, docters, lawers, teachers, architects, and engineers being of equal importance after security of state is established.
Immediately after such a catastrophic event occurs realestate will be ripe for plicking, and I suggest the securing of all known sources lands rich in minerals for economic growth. Along with any/all stratigic locations like old ports, bases, surviving/prospering cities, electric plants, ect. Example being the Hoover Dam which provides a larg part of the electrical power to the west coast.
I suggest some of the more respectable members gain control of these locations, because some other warlord will probably do the same. And they may not be so noble in their choosen endeavers.
This is all hypothetical solutions for a hypothetical scenario. The situation at hand will dictate the actions taken, and those are unforeseeable.
Personally I'm not going to let any sort of disaster, manmade event, economical collapse, person, or thing get in the way of my aspirations. I take great delight in the idea orbiting cities, cybernetically/biologically inhanced humans, and intersteller space travel. Especially since mankind as a whole is approaching the ability to achieve such accomplishments. I may not be the smartest person on the earth, but I am smart enough that I know that all it takes is an abundance of resources, and a good scientific team to do so.
If that means joining the military and moving rank to do so then so be it. OR by becoming a major corporate financier in the scietific field. Life's trials will dictate my actions, but I will see it through regardless, or die trying.

[sarcasm on]
Now if you don't mind I need to put on my pink plastic wrap to replace my last pair of panties, because my left nut fell through. All I need now is a aluminum sobrero, with knee high stilettos, and I'm ready to party

Tungu reporting from the desert valley. I know you guys said Mount Fuji was just east of our last known location, and all I had to do was cross the great lake, but I can't find it. I'll keep looking and secure the location.
Tengu over and out.
[sarcasm off]
The strongest human survival trait is our ability to work together, and I plan on using it to its full potiential regardless of the situation.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

wow holy crap this is crazy talk i have head pains from reading this. 2012 is the end then thats cool i just dont want to deal with the nut jobs that are still around after words. they are bad enough now waiting on the end of the world.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Exactly right Explorer. Little things can kick you in the ass pretty damn fast.
I don't send that fat check to the insure company cause all the cool kids are doing it. No, my ass is going to wreck my or someone elses car at some point and I'd like to keep my house.
Its all about insurance.
ITs mind blowing to me that a so called primitve culture could make such accurate measurements of our solar system, which they did. Hell I don't even know what day it is half the time. For all I know I missed the end of the world by at least a week or two.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

All this talk about 2012 being the end of the world. What exactly is the end? The end of technology? Surely that wold destroy some lives both literally and metaphorically. The end of civilized commerce? Well, that may hurt a portion of the world mainly in the upper end of the income bracket. What exactly is the end? If the end involves the world exploding or simultaneous nuclear attacks worldwide well I doubt few people are prepared for that type of "end". Either way I guess we will find out in 7 months.......
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I should have said I don't think that the end is near, I do however have things for when a natural disaster comes along and cuts my power for several weeks and we are snowed in for several days. This has happened plenty of times here in ND. These small inconveniences happen often, that leads me to beleive that at some point we are going to be hit with something much worse that could possible take out power for a month or more and shut down travel for the same. An ice storm hits some where here every spring last year one small town was with out power for over two weeks, thats a long ass time. A freinds ranch was without power for more than a month. Three to four day blizzards have happened enough in my 33 years that I know one day a much worse one will hit. When a three day blizzard hits it takes several day to dig out. Five days with out access to food, I know there are plenty of homes that don't have enough food set aside for five days.
The blizzard of 97 was a three day, we were with out power for three days. My parents had a generator and always had plenty of food setting around. Luckily my bro's sled was there to go out and get stranded people. I beleive they had at least 15 people or more to feed and shelter, also the sewage treatment plant wasn't working. Shit piles up damn fast. Sadly, I was stuck at my parents while my college buddies were stuck at our apartment in a different town partying it up.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

No offense, but have any of you people talking/joking about the "end" of the Mayan calendar ever actually seen the Mayan calendar?

I hate to be the one break it to you, but it is cyclical and has no end.

Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Well there are actually two calenders. One short count which is 13x7,200days or 256 1/4yrs, and the long count. But yes it is cyclical like the hands of a 24:00hr clock Haha. The world is going to end at 23:59hrs haha
Better get the old Tzompantli ready just in case.
Very interesting culter though. The Mayans believed that if a event occurred in a certain K'atun that it would be repeated again in the next cycle.
It appears we have the Toltec Mayans to thank for human sacrifices, and dipictions of serpants,jaguars, coyotes, and eagles eating hearts. These post classic Mayans wore feathered head dresses (each feather represented an enemy captured in combat), and were dipicted of having a stylized bird, or butterfly on the chest. Needless to say the sacrificed many to Chahk, or Rain God.
They also, appearantly, brought about the human sacrifices at the ball court. Where the winners won not only the wager, but the lives of the people they played against. Plus the clothes of the onlookers.
Before these Toltecs arrived the Mayans were appearantly much more peaceable. After their arrival they became less friendly. Their heirs being the Aztecs by the way.
If you are looking for a end of the world prophesy from the Mayans it would be by earthquake. They believed that the world has ended three times before:


The forth coming is suppose to be due to earthquake. Events in Japan surely come to mind, and if you notice there weren't any reports of buildings collapsing do to tremors. This is due to architectural ingenuity of their part.
The islands of Japan being striken by constant earthquaks learned longago the high rise buildings needed a defense against lateral movements. Their solution being a sort of pedulum built inside their structures. This usually seen as a larg pole independent of the incapuslating structure, or in more modern times a number of larg balls )four to five....get your head out of the gutter by the way
) placed throughout the building. These balls are controlled via CPU and is activited the instante a large tremor is felt.
These inovations would do a great deal of preventing larg scale damage to any high rise buildings along the world's fault lines. Sadly this is long over do in many cases.
If you have studied anything about earth's long history you will know that it has been hit by catalysmic astroids, a huge ice age, and then oceanic water levels riseing do to the melting of the larg sheet ice do to the last ice age.
Chroniclers of the bible have a story of a great flood, Noah's Arch. As do many other religions throughout the world. I could simply be chaseing the mice in my head, but I don't believe in coincidence.
A large scale earthquake has the potential to move entire continents, and shift the earth's axis in relation the sun. Thus changing the warming effects we recieve, and are dependent on for survival, on a world wide scale. Shifting environmental changes would be unpridicable, and doubtful any plans would survive the change. Seeing that this would result in probably the largest human migration in makind's history. Along with tropical climates shifting also. If you remember that there was a time where North Africa was lush green and tropical. Contrast to what it is today.
Some speculative theories suggest that the last great ice age was the direct result of the axis shifting via a larg volcanic eruption.

Good luck to any surivivers! And I hope you have been keeping to your academic studies! I think I have exhuasted myself and it is time for me to retire.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I am stocking up. I have about 100 rolls of toilet paper.

I honestly think nothing really bad is going to happen. If it does we all are screwed. Who has the stuff to ensure they will be able to survive to a point of truly being old? Working together is the only way to survive. Having a boat load of ammo would not be bad if you are lucky enough to survive. So let’s say when you are with your group you can defend your stuff. We all know how most people are when it comes to shooting. They are all about spray and pray. Most people do not have any backup plan. Their backup plan is your backup plan. When it gets bad so do people you can not expect it to be like the power outages of the east cost where people pulled together. Power will be back on in a day or two. What happens with there is no power anywhere and the trucks with food have not came in over a week and there is no way to know if they will ever come? It will get bad real bad.

The best preparation a person can have is knowing how to garden /farm, and survival skills. Then the knowledge to know you have to save seeds for next year because you can not go to your local hardware store and buy new seeds. That is provided you have thought ahead and have been getting organic seeds so they are not sterile and worthless. Yes it is true many of the seeds we plant when they grow and produce seeds will not grow because they have been designed that way. Having that information in book form is good so your group can learn that also.

I found out the seeds thing the hard way. I had some stuff in my garden that grew better than any thing had grew before. Well I kept the seeds and properly stored them(looked it up online) then the next year they did not grow at all. So I looked that up and some seeds will not produce a second batch. Now all of my stuff is organic. It is kind of cool to keep your own seeds and replant them the next year.

Zombies! That is funny but only a little. I say this to my religious friends frequently. “The Bible states the dead shale rise. You know that means zombies.”
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: effinnewguy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">2012? I'm worried about this Saturday. </div></div>

Oh yes the eternal will I get some this weekend. I remember those days. Good luck.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

Many folks in the SE just learned that lesson. We were lucky no damage to the primary. Power was out for awhile, but our home never lost power for more than 8 seconds. Fuel is never an issue with us, and our fridge an freezers were stuffed with others food. The HVAC system was liked by all that were here. Most all had no, water, food ect. or cash which was now king.

I'm glad I lived poor all my young life, made me understand the difference between perception, and reality.
I still have some of my equipment an small gear loaned out. Some power generation stuff, Tractors, saws, an other gear used for making sure it will still be there until the jobs done.

Big unpaid homes, boats, fancy ride's, and other toys make a family safer how? I laugh every time I hear someone say, a backup system is to much money, might be true if you never need one in your life, or can't think for yourself.
My family comes first, toys second,...then again I'm just a dumn ass who never takes anything for granted.
Re: Anyone preparing for a diaster such as 2012?

I have a green ticket.

I mean really: The mayan calendar is just that: a calendar.
Do you get all uptight on December 31? No, you go out and have a party, and wake up on the first with a raging thirst and a massive headache. No one gets excited about the end of the world when their "Dogs Playing Poker" Calendar runs out.