Ingenuity Precision trickler

There are already a lot of IP tricklers out there (you can use it by dropping the bulk charge manually like I've been doing,
How do you go about doing that? Without an AT3 or 4, what are the brains/controller that run the trickler? If it's going to be several more months before delivery of the complete systems (wish we knew!) I'd be open to that as an interim solution, but I haven't understood how it would be controlled.
How do you go about doing that? Without an AT3 or 4, what are the brains/controller that run the trickler? If it's going to be several more months before delivery of the complete systems (wish we knew!) I'd be open to that as an interim solution, but I haven't understood how it would be controlled.

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How do you go about doing that? Without an AT3 or 4, what are the brains/controller that run the trickler? If it's going to be several more months before delivery of the complete systems (wish we knew!) I'd be open to that as an interim solution, but I haven't understood how it would be controlled.
As posted above, you just need the v3 electronics for it to know when to do what. Just like when you first get the V3, you install the electronics in the back of the scale which has a speed control on it and the ports to plug into ect... You can then use the trickler by hand, with a manual thrower or ideally, like I have set up, with the V3 thrower. If you have the v3 thrower and the IP it's a very nice set up and honestly, there isn't any way to improve the basic function of it because it works extremely well.

The new thrower has new electronics which means you can save profiles, and also makes it easier to calibrate ect and it looks like it has a lot of other little nice things to it and I will be all over it for sure, but it's not going to really change my loading.

Now going from the V3 to the v3+IP was absolutely a major change in how I was able to load and the time and frustration involved with it. Definitely the best piece of gear I have which is saying a lot. I have high expectations for the whole system, whenever it does actually start shipping out.
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How do you go about doing that? Without an AT3 or 4, what are the brains/controller that run the trickler? If it's going to be several more months before delivery of the complete systems (wish we knew!) I'd be open to that as an interim solution, but I haven't understood how it would be controlled.
You can still build an autothrow v2.5 so you don't have to manually throw charges with a little imagination and a 3d printer.
I ended up using a Lee powder measure like a V2 and printed the pulleys and housing. I used an aluminum tube from the dropper, but it's probably not 100% necessary. I use the V3 electronics and the IP dropper. Works pretty well. I may skip the new IP system altogether as I can't keep up with what I have now and it doesn't overthrow much.
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You can still build an autothrow v2.5 so you don't have to manually throw charges with a little imagination and a 3d printer.
I ended up using a Lee powder measure like a V2 and printed the pulleys and housing. I used an aluminum tube from the dropper, but it's probably not 100% necessary. I use the V3 electronics and the IP dropper. Works pretty well. I may skip the new IP system altogether as I can't keep up with what I have now and it doesn't overthrow much.

This is what I have essentially. A V2.5. A v2 with v3 electronics, and an IP trickler.

Works great, but with N570 I have to set it up to manually throw the powder, and the trickler finishes it off.
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How do you go about doing that? Without an AT3 or 4, what are the brains/controller that run the trickler? If it's going to be several more months before delivery of the complete systems (wish we knew!) I'd be open to that as an interim solution, but I haven't understood how it would be controlled.

If you already have an FX120i and an IP trickler, here's the rest of what you'll need:

AT V3 electronics (card for FX120i)
1 AT motor (for trickler)
AT V3 motor cable
AT V3 power adapter
AT App
Powder cup

Sta-Ball 6.5:


If you already have an FX120i and an IP trickler, here's the rest of what you'll need:

AT V3 electronics (card for FX120i)
1 AT motor (for trickler)
AT V3 motor cable
AT V3 power adapter
AT App
Powder cup

Sta-Ball 6.5:


Thanks! I do have the FX120i.
So, the IP trickler is available “with motor”. Would this take the place of the AT motor in your list? And the power adapter, would it be compatible?
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You can still build an autothrow v2.5 so you don't have to manually throw charges with a little imagination and a 3d printer.
I ended up using a Lee powder measure like a V2 and printed the pulleys and housing. I used an aluminum tube from the dropper, but it's probably not 100% necessary. I use the V3 electronics and the IP dropper. Works pretty well. I may skip the new IP system altogether as I can't keep up with what I have now and it doesn't overthrow much.
What did you print?
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Weird that his FX120i drifted. Mine did and does never, maybe it's those power cables running next to the unit, dunno.
Same here. And while I get his distaste for "yet another app", I don't understand his repeated emphasis on having to keep the cell phone right there and *on*. At least on mine... once you send the setting to the trickle, the phone can pretty much fuck off. Mine goes into screensaver mode after a couple minutes unless I keep poking the screen; doesn't seem to hurt a thing.

I will say, I've been getting more and more impatient for the IG system - I use a lot of N150, and because of the differing kernel sizes & weights I don't know if it will be any better... but it can't be much worse.
Yeah, I was like WTF? I mean to each his own but pivoting from reloading and some technical explanations to the sudden "Jesus has been persecuted, live a just life you f--king heathen!" was unexpected to say the least.
He's been at that for a while. Pretty much if the video goes much past 15 minutes, you can just plan on skipping the rest because it's going to be more of that.
I have an auto trickler V3 I've been using forever, seems to work exactly like this product.
anything it does better than the v3?
I see some people have poor luck with the V3, mine works great. thousands of rounds 🤗
I also have a V3 that I upgraded with an IP Trickler. I run mostly H4350 through it. It seems to be slightly more consistent than the AT Trickler. The IP Trickler "usually" is exactly at target, or maybe .02 grains over, whereas the AT Trickler can be .02 under and .04 or .06 grains over.

For me, the biggest benefits of the IP Trickler are;

1. No priming involved, unlike the AT. (That's a biggie for me)

2. Easy to handle putting powder back in the jug at the end of a loading session (Another biggie for me). The AT is a PITA in that regard.

3. Not having to disassemble the IP to clean the brass inserts and the aluminum trickler tube, like on the AT.
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Will this still work with the A&D TX-120i that's currently on Amazon? Or does it need to be one from CE that is specifically programmed to work with an AT? I am new to all this. The scale is $580 on Amazon. If it needs to be from a specific website then I guess I can order it from CE or whatever.
I got tired of waiting and used some scrap walnut to mount my 40 year old RCBS thrower over my scale. Works great! Now if I could just figure out how to motorize it 🤔. The contraption on the right side of the thrower is a Hornady case activated powder drop; fits on the RCBS thrower perfectly and I use it to load ball powders into 5.56 and pistol rounds on my T7 press. I have a silicone cup that I use to drop the powder in with no splash. I rubbed the inside of the cup with graphite to keep powder from sticking.

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Have you figured out how to motorize your powder drop since you first made this post? Or enhanced your process with it at all?
Will this still work with the A&D TX-120i that's currently on Amazon? Or does it need to be one from CE that is specifically programmed to work with an AT? I am new to all this. The scale is $580 on Amazon. If it needs to be from a specific website then I guess I can order it from CE or whatever.
You can change the settings on it no matter where you buy it from. You have to have the back part that you install on the scale too though.
Will this still work with the A&D TX-120i that's currently on Amazon? Or does it need to be one from CE that is specifically programmed to work with an AT? I am new to all this. The scale is $580 on Amazon. If it needs to be from a specific website then I guess I can order it from CE or whatever.
I don't think they make a TX-120i. The FX-120i will work. They can be reprogrammed to use any of the available trickler systems. Each system has its own set of detailed instructions on how to program them.
Correct. The IP trickler with the motor, cable, extension and everything correct?
Yes. The back part is called the V3 electronics " or something and it goes on thr scale itself. Not sure about the "TX" but the AD 120i will definitely work with the IP. The new whole system that hasn't been released yet, as well as just the trickler that works with the V3 stuff, the AD 120i is by far the most common scale used for it.

For everything accept maybe bench rest stuff, the AD is pretty good. It's fast, it's affordable, and it weighs to .02gn. That means that your load is going to be within a single piece of H4350, as most of those little pieces weigh about .025gr. or more. The new Sartorius scale is really slick and is more accurate (.001gr i think) and has zero drift apparently, but I don't know how much it would actually improve your load by if any at all. Who knows if a single flake of ball powder makes a difference or not.
Yes. The back part is called the V3 electronics " or something and it goes on thr scale itself. Not sure about the "TX" but the AD 120i will definitely work with the IP. The new whole system that hasn't been released yet, as well as just the trickler that works with the V3 stuff, the AD 120i is by far the most common scale used for it.

For everything accept maybe bench rest stuff, the AD is pretty good. It's fast, it's affordable, and it weighs to .02gn. That means that your load is going to be within a single piece of H4350, as most of those little pieces weigh about .025gr. or more. The new Sartorius scale is really slick and is more accurate (.001gr i think) and has zero drift apparently, but I don't know how much it would actually improve your load by if any at all. Who knows if a single flake of ball powder makes a difference or not.
Ok that's good to know. Thank you. The "TX" was my mistake. I meant the "FX". I have yet to even fire my rifle a single time yet. Thats how new I am so I doubt I will notice the difference that Sartorius offers haha. Someone on here is selling the Sartorious with a V3 for like $1400 but I don't need that fancy of a scale lol.
Ok that's good to know. Thank you. The "TX" was my mistake. I meant the "FX". I have yet to even fire my rifle a single time yet. Thats how new I am so I doubt I will notice the difference that Sartorius offers haha. Someone on here is selling the Sartorious with a V3 for like $1400 but I don't need that fancy of a scale lol.
Just to expand on what @BuildingConceptsllc has said, I have an FX120i/V3/IP setup and I'm very happy with it. When I bought all my stuff, the FX120i was the more common, straightforward platform. It just seemed as thought the FX120i was ahead of the curve and Sartorious was kind of just resting on their laurels. Plus, the Sartorious was more expensive. And, as I recall, not by just a little bit. The FX120i probably is still ahead of Sartorious today, but I haven't paid much attention lately.

And yes, as BC says, my weight variations with H4350 in my setup are .02 grains consistently. I figured it out one time and IIRC, my .308W loads were 1750 kernels. So, with .02 grains per kernel, my variations were one part out of 1,750. I can't imagine that would have any effect on my loads. But, being the anal retentive that I am, I can (and do) pick out one kernel of the charge and get right on the dot. Could I/should I quit doing that ? Yeah, probably.
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My December 2024 might be off... I have now moved my predicted ETA to February 2025 😬
I know a few of you guys will be disappointed by the delayed news, but it's not the first time in the gun industry, or even the scale/autoloader industry.
I'm not in on this product as I bought something to scratch that itch already, but it looks sweet and we need more options, especially if it's priced right.