My employer mandated the vaccine. Anyone else?

So refuse hospital beds to people who refuse an experimental drug? What about the people developing organ problems because of the shot? We should definitely refuse them hospital space also since the morons took and expirmental drug, I mean what did they think was going to happen?

y’all get your big hospital boat in or did it already sink with the all the dead bodies on it?

holy shit look 11 people died out of 3000 cases in Washington today. Man that’s like .8 percent! Whatever will we do!? Probably get like 5 more jabs will probably do the trick.

I literally can’t even imagine what it would be like living my life in perpetual fear.

20-34 yr olds make up 9.8% of hospitalizations in WA. And how many of them eat McD every meal or have health problems?

go back in your house and put your double mask back on. The gov will come tell you when it’s safe to come out again. View attachment 7684993
View attachment 7684994
Are you seriously trying to reason with a retard? Do you have any "feelings" charts? Fact charts are hurtful and racist!!!!!!! Dont be mean!
Except those people aren't spreading their issue to other people that could potentially kill them. Big difference, huh
As my Dr buddy and wife said, the percentage with covid in the hospital that had the shot are less than 10% at their hospital and it's literally all old people with weekened immune systems. Unlike the initial strain, they have a ton of people in their 20s and 30s that did not get the shot that have all the beds and ventilators used up. Again, the shot should not be mandated. But you also should not be allowed in the hospital if you refuse it and get covid.... Pretty simple fix really
Fuck your buddies liberal spin and fuck you for pushing it .

You sound like Democrat scum.
Why don't you throw in a few fouci quotes while your at it or are you having trouble deciding which one of his contradicting lies you want to push.

My dil is a rn in a large hospital .
Her view is way more realistic and even with training she has been out 2 weeks with cv. She is 30 and a health nut and works out.

She kickes a heavy bag so hard it shook the reloading table and knocked the powder dispenser out of wack in a different room.

Masks and shots ain't stopped shit. There is no prevention.

Need to speed up recovery medicine research and forget the rest of this bullshit.
Except those people aren't spreading their issue to other people that could potentially kill them. Big difference, huh
Does that mean we should outlaw McDonalds?
Pretty sure they have killed more people than the rona. Also they are the leading cause of younger people dying of rona.


but if you get the mcdeeznuts jab, when you happen to eat there they just give you a small so you are less likely to get overweight and die.

some people gained 100# within 2 weeks of getting the jab tho but I promise it’s unrelated. Some people died of heart failure after gaining so much weight but it wasn’t the mcdeeznuts jab that killed em I promise.

also if you don’t get the mcdeeznuts jab you your grandma and neighbors all die I think.
None, that myth has been destroyed 50x over. The hospital doesn't get shit for it, the family of the deceased gets 9k. Get the facts...
That is bs I have family and friends that work in the hospital and while the emergency acts are in place they do get extra funding for amount positive tests and deaths because they get funneled more of the emergency funds when you a "hotspot"
I have heard the "full hospital" myth here as well. When I hear it, I call the hospital and ask. They always say they have space available.

One local last week was being reported as on diversion, sending people away. Their emergency room wait was 12 minutes.

Some are actually near or at full capacity dealing with covid whether you want to believe it or not.
What hysteria. My wife works in the main hospital in town and sees it everyday first hand that they are at capacity. That's not some made up bullshit. If you don't want to get a covid shot, that's great, but you also shouldn't be allowed to go to the hospital if you get it and need treatment. Leave the bed space for people that really need it then....
All Covid, right?

I can't help but laugh at some of you guys that choose to ignore that it is bad in some areas. I'm sure you believe it is all still 100% political even though this is worldwide...

No, I'm not vaccinated and my employer hasn't mandated it yet but I'm sure it is coming once FDA approved. Companies are losing a lot of productivity due to covid and will probably do everything they can to prevent this. I'm betting it will eventually be mandatory to be able to go get medical care at a clinic or hospital. I don't like it but I'm not going to spend hours online every day sharing memes, spreading misinformation, or talking about how you guys plan to do something about it which we all know is never going to happen.
Companies are losing a lot of productivity due to covid

It's a self inflicted wound, if they'd just butt the fuck out of everyone's lives it would fix itself like every flu season of every year of the last 200 years.

Instead they keep sending people home for two weeks cause they might spread the coof and telling people they're suspended or fired if they don't get vaxxed so they lose employees and productivity.

They vote retards into office that pay people more to stay home than they make at work.

Fuck em, they brought it on themselves.

It's not the big guys I care about. Look at the big picture where suppliers can't keep up with demand and the little companies are going out of business because of it. Let's take a small trucking company for example that only has a few trucks. There are a lot of parts on national backorder so when their truck or trucks break down, they are pretty much fucked. Some parts supposedly 6 months out but that's not a big deal I guess🤦🏼‍♂️
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Companies are losing a lot of productivity due to covid

I have family working in hospitals. The decision making blanketed with the prevalent phrase "Out of an abundance of caution" means free vacation days for anyone feeling under the weather. It is being abused by people, causing those with moral principles to be overloaded with work. Companies are doing this to themselves.
I have family working in hospitals. The decision making blanketed with the prevalent phrase "Out of an abundance of caution" means free vacation days for anyone feeling under the weather. It is being abused by people, causing those with moral principles to be overloaded with work. Companies are doing this to themselves.

Which is exactly why these companies are going to push for vaccinations. They will say you've been vaccinated and are no longer a risk to the others or some bullshit like that. Once again people are bringing it upon themselves because they are taking advantage of the situation.
Which is exactly why these companies are going to push for vaccinations. They will say you've been vaccinated and are no longer a risk to the others or some bullshit like that. Once again people are bringing it upon themselves because they are taking advantage of the situation.

The people taking days off are "fully vaccinated".
It appears our government is failing us, health care is failing us the economy is in rough shape.

What's next?

Traditionally countries do what ? when they are in trouble.

Been that way for centuries.
I would like to pick the next one and colonize it, screw giving it back.

You think President Trump pissed off a lot of people? Hold my beer.
I'm a our Founding Fathers would have understood Liberal, not as Mao would have understood it.

If you don't get vaccinated and die - good. I chose not to get the vaccine, had a very rough bout with COVID, and almost died myself. Not as bad as some of our members, but for fucking sure not as good as most either.

The whole time my blood oxygenation was dropping and shit started looking worse, all I could think about was how much I appreciated living in a country where I was free to die if my choices led me there.


The question that the liberal left would like you to believe is being asked is this:

"How many children have to die before we do something!!!!"

The question actually being asked is:

"How many children have to die before we take the American Dream out back and shoot it dead?"
I already told my boss and his id quit if they even mentioned it. The key is to get colleagues together on this. No employer is going to fire 25% or more of their staff. If people dont start standing up and/or organizing we can kiss our country good bye. Seriously were is your line? If they can forcibly inject you with a experimental substance for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate are you really free? If we allow this now imagine what our kids will have to deal with. This shit needs to stop now
"How many children have to die before we take the American Dream out back and shoot it dead?"
Children are among the least affected demographic that this virus touches. The answer is few to none.

It's more a question along the lines of: "Why should the old, weak, and feeble stay home just so the young and healthy can make their own medical choices?"

We should just force everyone to be vaccinated so the weak can pretend they aren't at risk and carry on like nothing's wrong.
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I'll just leave this out here:
What's the difference between savaging members who chose to get a jab and the govt forcing you to get a jab.

Both are large groups of assholes telling other people what to do.
Get the shot.
Don't get the shot.
Wear a mask
Don't wear a mask.
We keep looking to these groups for "WHAT DO DO!! OMG WTF SAVE ME"

Aspire to give no fucks. Because that is what your opinion is worth. Whether your name is Fauci or 6GTPRO.
Ironically older people are like "Seen this shit, don't care: get on with it" Younger people are like "OMG GET A SHOT GET A MASK SAVE THE KIDS"

I got a shot. If you think I'm a pussy: Fuck you
If you think I'm smart and listened to science: Fuck you
If you think I made a decision: You are right and Fuck you.
If you think my decision impacts you: You are wrong and Fuck you
If you have hair: Fuck you
If you don't have hair: Fuck you
Stop butting into other people's business. Stop electing people who butt into other people's business. That's why we are in this mess-
Holy shit.
Because it's worldwide, it can't be political?

There is definitely a pandemic of stupidity worldwide.

You lament the destruction of our economy, and point to full hospitals.
This wasn't created in a month.

Like I said, some of you think everything covid is 100% political. Just because the government is taking full advantage of the situation doesn't mean that it is completely political. I like how you disagree with what I said so you imply that I'm stupid. This is why the left is going to continue to do what they are doing and succeed. I'm sure now I'll be labeled as a liberal fuck on here for my opinion on things but I don't give a shit.
Like I said, some of you think everything covid is 100% political. Just because the government is taking full advantage of the situation doesn't mean that it is completely political. I like how you disagree with what I said so you imply that I'm stupid. This is why the left is going to continue to do what they are doing and succeed. I'm sure now I'll be labeled as a liberal fuck on here for my opinion on things but I don't give a shit.

I didn't say you were stupid, Hoss.
Maybe you could list those things that have not been political?
Like I said, some of you think everything covid is 100% political. Just because the government is taking full advantage of the situation doesn't mean that it is completely political. I like how you disagree with what I said so you imply that I'm stupid. This is why the left is going to continue to do what they are doing and succeed. I'm sure now I'll be labeled as a liberal fuck on here for my opinion on things but I don't give a shit.
Either way. There is/was some seriously convenient timing for the exploitation of this virus.
Like I said, some of you think everything covid is 100% political. Just because the government is taking full advantage of the situation doesn't mean that it is completely political. I like how you disagree with what I said so you imply that I'm stupid. This is why the left is going to continue to do what they are doing and succeed. I'm sure now I'll be labeled as a liberal fuck on here for my opinion on things but I don't give a shit.

Seeing all the authority figures violate their own rules constantly is the cherry on top to have confidence in saying it is political. The people in the world who have the most to lose by dying have zero worries about COVID. World leaders would not be meeting 2019 style in 2021 if there was even a slight chance they would be inadvertently killing each other.

Time after time we see their behavior for photo ops, then immediately when they think no one is looking they revert back to normal human behavior.
What hysteria. My wife works in the main hospital in town and sees it everyday first hand that they are at capacity. That's not some made up bullshit. If you don't want to get a covid shot, that's great, but you also shouldn't be allowed to go to the hospital if you get it and need treatment. Leave the bed space for people that really need it then....
Quite funny considering medical malpractice has been killing more than the rona for years.
Do you have an idea of the patch those unvaccinated should wear?

What’s the big push indeed?! Why are the unvaxxed demonized? Why are “they” giving out free weed, holding lotteries, etc…. To encourage those on the fence to get the jab? Has anyone ever heard of having to work so hard to save the world?
That’s my question. The pressure is even more intense up here in Canada. Why is this so important so fast? Is the sky about to fall on everyone who had 2 shots?
I just resigned from a fairly high profile role at a large company. Partially because of vaccine shaming (didn't force us to get it, but were making it very uncomfortable for those who didn't show their papers) , partially because of hyper-wokeism, partially because 70+ hour weeks for the last year aren't fun.

Felt like I was selling my soul to leftism.

Now who wants a link to my Only fans?
I expect my income to drop 40% this year when I lose my job due to c-jab “hesitancy”. I’ll find something else, but the family will suffer.
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What hysteria. My wife works in the main hospital in town and sees it everyday first hand that they are at capacity. That's not some made up bullshit. If you don't want to get a covid shot, that's great, but you also shouldn't be allowed to go to the hospital if you get it and need treatment. Leave the bed space for people that really need it then....

Some are actually near or at full capacity dealing with covid whether you want to believe it or not.
Can you lefties at least ask your handlers for some new propaganda?

Tonites news, all you sheep now need a third shot.

It's the new taxation without representation. And if you think they will be free forever your a dumbass.

As soon as the government can make it manditory for all, you will immediately start paying and will go up in cost expodentialy.

But you sheep didn't think things out did you.

That's ok we're used to it.
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I know I'm late to this.
Our COmpany required the vax.,,blue wrist bands to prove Vak
Or you where a mask.
Still wear a mask.
After all I work alone after 4 pm
pm...really after 2pm
The only other works in receiving.
I do orders,,

Work till midnight.
So basically wear a mask coming in,,then 1hr .
Here's the real question
No one cleans the shared computers,,tape dispenser
Or other scared equipment.
They're smoking crack of just wearing a mask is all you need.

All that said


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I have heard the "full hospital" myth here as well. When I hear it, I call the hospital and ask. They always say they have space available.

One local last week was being reported as on diversion, sending people away. Their emergency room wait was 12 minutes.
Public health put out a press release here around Thanksgiving claiming the hospitals were completely full in a county that doesn't even have a hospital.
Our FOP lawyer said that, pursuant to the Denver PD Vax Mandate, if an employer in Colorado mandates it, the employees must take it or employment can be terminated without violating any Colorado or Federal Law.
By law, Americans cannot be discriminated against in employment on the basis of their religion or disability. If an employee has a religious objection to a flu shot, or a medical reason why he or she cannot get one, and the employer forces the employee to get the shot, that could be a violation of state and federal law.

I keep seeing claims that a Lawyer said this is cut and dry. It is not. Take the experimental shot or loose your job is coercion, and its not legal. The experimental shot is not stopping the spread, the proof is there the mask is not stopping the spread. The only reasonable accommodation is take it if you want, or wear a mask if you want. There is no science that shows either protects you.

Don't skip the third link. It goes into moral exemptions. You know, like how they say vegans can't be forced. Well its not just vegans.
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I got the shots and I could give a rats ass what anyone thinks of it. Yea a few metal things are sticking to me and I occasionally wake up with a bed full of mud from unwittingly running the forest, howling at the moon at night but fuck it. It’s my life and I made MY fucking choice. As for explaining the mangled dead deer in my bed to game and fish, well, life is full of challenges.
Nobody gives fuck you got the shot! Honestly, nobody fucking cares! Like, nobody, not even those pushing it care! We just ask the same in return!