So what your trying to tell me is a 22lr bullet diameter is fluid??? It changes from shot to shot, target to target, person to person?? I think not.. i can shoot my RimX through 4 different targets, cardboard, thick paper, computer paper and that hole is going to vary in size on each of those.... the bullet still is the same size shot in all those targets...
And OnTarget does not assume bullet hole size made in paper.. it subtracts bullet diameter....Jeff will tell you this if you reach out to him about how his software calculates... thats how everyone calculates groups by hand...they subtract bullet diameter. This isn't anything new. We can agree to disagree
Humm, OnTarget methodology is distinctly different ... first it uses the nominal bullet size for scaling the circle you place around your bullet hole then you center this circle on your bullet hole - you DON'T position the circles so that they just touch the outside of the bullet hole (as you would a pair of calipers...
Imagine a target paper that only records a 1/16" hole for each shot, and two bullet hole centers .224" apart. With OnTarget you would center your .224" circles on the two 1/16" holes and get e-e .448" and c-c .224". With calipers you would get e-e .2865" and c-c .0625"....
@padom much as i REALLY appreciate all the excellent information and sanity you consistently provide to all of us, and i accept and applaud your consistency and description of how you are measuring your targets ...... i think you are on very thin ice when you try and defend the
accuracy of your measurements.
As you clearly describe, your measurements are internally consistent and can be compared with everything else you have shown - they just have to be re-calibrated before they can be compared with numbers from someone who believes they are measuring for accuracy.
I find the stuff you post interesting enough that i often take the time to take your pictures into OnTarget or Ballistics-X and remeasure them so that i get the sort of numbers that 'I' am familiar with - then i can meaningfully compare your results with mine.
You have vastly more experience than I have and, i suspect, don't really 'use' the numbers - i suspect you look at any group and instinctively know how it 'rates' ? i don't have that skill/experience yet so need the measurements to help me evaluate other peoples groups . Since I'm the one doing the 'work' that means that they are all going to be measured the way that *I* want them to be measured

They may be all measured incorrectly - but at least they will be consistently incorrect.
Anyway my point in taking the time to write this is that I don't think the 'derision' is aimed at you specifically. There have been very many comments recently all over the hide and elsewhere about the general low level of accuracy & precision of group measurements, and lack of any common methodology - to the extent that it is often impossible to compare or take seriously some of the group sizes that people post. Of course, it depends on what people want to use the group sizes for, your results are admirably self consistent and can be compared against everything that you have shown - but, for example, they are unfair to compare against other results on
@jbell 6x5..