Odd ball hobbies

I don’t really have any “uncommon” hobbies.

But speaking of going down a rabbit hole on YouTube...

A few months back I was on YouTube and stumbled upon a guy that lives up in Canada and he built this pretty incredible off grid log cabin all by hand using mostly non electric tools. Built a sweet outdoor kitchen area and everything. Now apparently as the area is becoming more populated he’s leaving his place an building another one further up in the mountains.

Now I somehow have the crazy bug up my ass to want to go do something similar.

If you’re into that kind of thing, you should go check out his channel.

His YouTube channel is “My Self reliance”
5' wing with full autonomous ability. Have been flying this bird multiple miles away from my flying location. With the camera it is like actually being in the plane. Being able to fly for around 1 hour, it will cover a ton of distance and gives the ability to explore.


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5' wing with full autonomous ability. Have been flying this bird multiple miles away from my flying location. With the camera it is lick actually being in the plane. Being able to fly for around 1 hour, it will cover a ton of distance and gives the ability to explore.

That’s slick! But if you’re not maintaining visual contact with it, please be careful. You’re obligated to give way to man carrying aircraft, and that camera only gives you so many degrees of view. As a heli pilot who’s had a near miss with a drone, I’d hate to see any of my fellow heli brethren in a smoking hole from hitting that thing, or what the rest of your life would be like if that happened!

My hobbies are fairly conventional. Shooting, motorcycles (sportbikes specifically), flying, reading, gaming, listening to music/podcasts, movies. I used to SCUBA, but haven’t been in years. Skydiving, hang gliding, and paragliding are on my list of things to do at some point as well.

I was pretty deep into wet shaving for awhile, so maybe that’s “odd.” Never really got into the hardware side of things, but I definitely went a little overboard trying new soaps and aftershaves to find what I liked!
My house is a bit of a zoo. 3 dogs, 4 desert tortoise's, a crested gecko and a planted red cherry shrimp tank.

I would really love to get some poison dart frogs.

Here's the bioactive terrarium I built for the gecko:

Not really a hobby per se but I do snag up some hot wheels if I see a neat one here and there.


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That’s slick! But if you’re not maintaining visual contact with it, please be careful. You’re obligated to give way to man carrying aircraft, and that camera only gives you so many degrees of view. As a heli pilot who’s had a near miss with a drone, I’d hate to see any of my fellow heli brethren in a smoking hole from hitting that thing, or what the rest of your life would be like if that happened!

Agreed, when we fly we know what is around us for sure. Though in all honestly hitting this thing would be no worse than hitting a goose or something of that size. The wing is all foam so not that dense or dangerous. And we "try to stay at the recommended altitude". Though lets be honest being up higher is also a lot of fun. There has been so much BS spread through the media and everything else about anything FPV or drone that it is honestly quite aggravating.

Have flown 20 miles with the wing currently, and looking at extending that further this summer. The farm land and rivers around this area are fun to cruise and explore. I can't stand the dumb asses that fly over cities and other heavily populated areas. That is just asking for a problem.

Of course that doesn't take into account the gliders that I have and fly as well. These are all carbon and will thermal like nothing else. Have had them well over 400' multiple times at my flying field. Longest flight has been over 2 hours at this point.
I was into rc air for a while. I tried FPV but my eyes wouldnt let me, only time I felt queasy in my life. I guess it was close to motion sickness.
Now I play with guns, shoot trap, skeet, and five stand. Was shooing on a league befor China Flu.
I also have a few antique and vintage cars in various stages of resurection or disrepair depending on your view.
I inherited my fathers wood working shop and am setting that up.
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Not sure if it is a hobby, or even unusual, although I don't know many people who do this in the way I do.
I also didn't realize I had been doing it for so long.
About 20 years ago, I started approaching individuals, manufacturers, and groups, to donate "Items Useful To The Infantry Soldier", which I in turn ship off to my former team, when they deploy. The team in it's current configuration is a Scout/Sniper platoon for the 1/327 Infantry, 101st Airborne, Div. In my era (VN) they were called Tiger Force. The team, since meeting a bunch of us veterans of the group, back in year 2000, have taken up the name again.
Most of our elder Vets, Organized by me, donate something to the cause, whether it be a few bucks, or hand made items such as wool socks or hats, to micro-tools, and multi-tools. We've even sent a periscope the year they were working mostly urban areas in Iraq. I have gotten corporations to donate, as well, Spenco sends us foot care products, especially the thin "moleskin" type product they make, and Stiletto tools sent us a collection of Titanium tools, for entry, such as pry bars, and hammers, during the Iraq deployments.
I obtain compact binoculars, and compasses, silicon impregnated cloth, bore snakes, and small flashlights, and am always keeping an eye out for other small items. My basic search mode, is "what would I have really been glad to have in my pocket or ruck, when I was in the field, carrying everything, far from support". Handy items, small or compact items, etc. Of course, way before the Cigar thing became an organized thing, I was sending cigars to the team.
Summer deployments get cooling towels, winter deployments get gloves, plus each gets all that other crap as well.
I have developed a simple method to get people to help out: if they send me cash (I don't solicit cash, but some of my old team mates just say "buy what you think they need" I spend every cent on items, and pay for the shipping myself, If they send items to me, I pay for shipping to the APO, myself, and if they wish (which I highly encourage, they can ship directly to the team, once I have an APO.
I never reveal where the guys are going or when, but as soon as the APO is given, I pass that on, mostly to my team mates.
Several years ago, a member of this forum was most generous with a direct donation of heavy sweaters or jackets (I don't remember which). I was absolutely floored.
Of all my hobbies, interests and involvements, this gives the most satisfaction, and fulfillment.
I am a birder, hiker, back packer, rock climber, shooter, hunter, fisherman, recumbent trike rider, vegetable gardener, HAM, and rock hound. All of those have given way in some aspects to age, ability, interest, and/or money, but this personal project continues from year to year, seeking, gathering, soliciting, and making new friends of the current active duty team.
I have followed the careers of many of these young guys, some of whom are now elders themselves. Many have gone on to Ranger school, or SF selection, some have become 1st Sergeants and some CSM's, Many have retired or ETS'd, and most have created families, and worthy lives. We lost 5 during this period, and that hurt as bad as losing one during our own time.
When one of our young members was severely burned in 2007, I spent 3 months at his bedside helping him learn to walk again, changing his dressings, and going to PT with him. I reported daily to the other members his progress. We became fast friends, with his mom, and family, and with him as well.
This has been a rewarding, fulfilling and amazing unusual personal project.
Not really a hobby per se but I do snag up some hot wheels if I see a neat one here and there.
Not a bad hobby.
Most of my hobbies turn into jobs, from hunting, fishing, to woodworking-turning, and at times shooting. They all end up as money pits. I hope this doesn't bite my ass, but this component shortage has slowed me down some and I don't mind, not because I don't have, just not sure when I can replace it.
Even though I enjoy hobbies, I sometimes wonder if I do not engage in some crap just to piss away disposable income, because none have been what one would call a stress reliever, or a means to retain ones sanity except shooting alone.
Right now, even though I see the error of my ways, I think I need BB gloves, which will never be used by me.
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Shopping for my sons glove couldn't find any made in US other than Nokona.....offered to let him custom make one but he wanted whatever all the other kids had.....made in Vietnam.
Gotta love peer pressure, I get into it also with actions and scopes.
Rawlings moved their glove making primarily to the phillipines a few yrs ago, but their top tier gloves are still pretty solid.
My dealings with nokona are far from positive, I ordered their top of the line glove, production glove, far from custom, but supposedly made to order, as in they do not stock, arrived in 6 days. My mistake was not reading their return policy. When I asked for a return-refund, I got exchange or credit only. I asked the girl, if I was unhappy with their flagship model, what would make me think a lesser glove would be suitable. Communications ceased quickly, plus she never did issue a call or return label.
Like 168 mentioned, most of their minimal breakin gloves look like wet dishrags after 2 seasons, usually one.
If you kid is a middle infielder and would entertain Nokona, I'll make you a smoking deal on a 11.5" Bloodline edge, my nuts are going to be sore no matter where I list it, may as well make a hide member happy.
Gotta love peer pressure, I get into it also with actions and scopes.
Rawlings moved their glove making primarily to the phillipines a few yrs ago, but their top tier gloves are still pretty solid.
My dealings with nokona are far from positive, I ordered their top of the line glove, production glove, far from custom, but supposedly made to order, as in they do not stock, arrived in 6 days. My mistake was not reading their return policy. When I asked for a return-refund, I got exchange or credit only. I asked the girl, if I was unhappy with their flagship model, what would make me think a lesser glove would be suitable. Communications ceased quickly, plus she never did issue a call or return label.
Like 168 mentioned, most of their minimal breakin gloves look like wet dishrags after 2 seasons, usually one.
If you kid is a middle infielder and would entertain Nokona, I'll make you a smoking deal on a 11.5" Bloodline edge, my nuts are going to be sore no matter where I list it, may as well make a hide member happy.

Baseball has been left behind.....just as well I didn't get him one based on Hide reviews and his leaving the game.

Computer age kids can't take the slow aspects of baseball.
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Baseball has been left behind.....just as well I didn't get him one based on Hide reviews and his leaving the game.

Computer age kids can't take the slow aspects of baseball.
I did not even have kids, but sponsor 2 brothers, just bought a pitching machine, on wheels, have 8 dozen college world series balls here, canceled last yr so cheap, supply of cage bats, gloves to get them till their last yrs of legion ball.
If these kids were not sports oriented, doubt we would be pals, not buying ipads, or phones.

You will do fine with your son, around here, I hate to see them exit.
Not my hobby now but thought I’d throw this out here. My “video game”. Mid to late 60s. Used to play for hours. Build a layout, run a few laps, tear it down, start a new one. Disassembled cars, cleaned, replaced parts. Man I was a weird kid 🤪
Dug it out of the attic, maybe give to grandson.
Took apart one of the cars. Took me back. My eyes ain’t what they used to be 😂


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