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Port strike coming… not going to be good!

I wonder if the political folks looked at the polling data and the fact the Kamala and Joe were fully in support of the strike and decided it was better not to risk a full Republican takeover of the Federal government. I fully expect that if this strike had run until the election the economic pain would have certainly put Trump into the White House and maybe delivered the House and Senate as well.
Is everyone going to return their toilet paper now?

Way ahead uh ya!

Muh backup Bee Dayt



Thank you,
They need to nationalize the ports and force all shipping that enters US waters to meet US standards for both ship and crew. Fuck the euro trash who owns them, they should have never been allowed to be sold.
What are you afraid of? It's not like they'll go around knocking down bridges or anything.
I hate to get into the "I hate unions" discussions, but I hated hiring union workers. I ran a boat up in Alaska for several years. Union shipyards in Seattle were always available to get into. The non-union yards were always backed up 3 to 6months to get hauled out.

Go to the union yard and spend 2mil on a shipyard. 15 man crew to so the same work that cost 500k and took 5 to 7 guys in a non-union yard.

It took a crew of 7 union guys to put our prop back on. Took 3 guys in the non-union yard. Both took a full day.

I have some friends in the unions out here and they are pissed that they are getting priced out of a bunch of jobs. Labor rates are almost twice what the non-union labor rates are.
And we all will be willing to hold out until they lose that fight. Those dumbasses just gave us the best reason to push for automation.
How is "give into our demands, or we wil cripple your economy, and make life harder for everyone " it is the same mentality as Hamas, Hezbollah, Antifa, Stop Oil..........
They not our friends, so don't expect us to treat them as such.
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They get union strike pay dumb dumb. That's part of where their dues go. The amount of people commenting without the foggiest idea how any of this shit works is hilarious.
It is not forever. That fund has a limit. And with the amount of waste.
Straight pay, less than what they would make in a week usually, plus no overtime if I remember correctly. Going on strike hits the wallet.
It doesn't take long when you have a commie admin. that hands out tax payer money to the union pres. to get shit back up and running again. Daggett probably got some back-door cash to "fix it". Hence, like was mentioned earlier, cum-face and bidet can say..."See...we made good on the "American people!" Making it look like a win. As#h@les. Mac
Is everyone going to return their toilet paper now?
Hopefully we all see the elephant in the room: the mentality that succumbed to the Covid hysteria is still around. If the media fear mongers then many people react emotionally instead of objectively analyzing the various data points and making an informed decision.

Very few learned anything in the past few years. So now we know the next “emergency “ will have the toilet paper zombies raiding Costco, crying for government help, and be fully willing to persecute any who live outside of the approved narrative.

I have come to the point of believing that people aren’t gullible any longer, they are woefully foolish and retarded .
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It is not forever. That fund has a limit. And with the amount of waste.
Straight pay, less than what they would make in a week usually, plus no overtime if I remember correctly. Going on strike hits the wallet.

Many years ago I was a welder. A union tried to organize us. An older guy i worked with from up north convinced me to vote no. He said after years of paying dues and promises of, “You’ll be taken care of,” when they did strike he got a “free” tank of gas. Ive forgotten how long he was on strike, but it wasnt just a few days.
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It is not forever. That fund has a limit. And with the amount of waste.
Straight pay, less than what they would make in a week usually, plus no overtime if I remember correctly. Going on strike hits the wallet.
There are guys who get like 30 hours month. It takes years before you start to get consistent work and you basically need someone to take care of you until that happens. They also need 700 hours a year for benefits to kick in so they have to bassist LIVE at the union hall hoping someone calls in sick.

The union members voted like 99% across the board to strike. They know the score. It's either this or loose their jobs in a few years to China and euro trash automation.
And we all will be willing to hold out until they lose that fight. Those dumbasses just gave us the best reason to push for automation.
How is "give into our demands, or we wil cripple your economy, and make life harder for everyone " not the same mentality as Hamas, Hezbollah, Antifa, Stop Oil..........
They not our friends, so don't expect us to treat them as such.
No your friends are the Chinese and euro trash billionaire shipping owners.

The faggotry and lack of critical thinking in this thread is why this country is fucked up and loosing.

Takes a special breed of fucking retard to cheer for the actual enemy and ostracize American blue collar workers trying to keep their jobs at the expense of euro and Asian shipping companies who are extracting wealth from this nation. Taxpayers who show up to work everyday. But you want the Chinese to control even more of our shipping/ports becuase you are mad the union members are doing the ONE fucking things that could save their jobs.

Go fuck yourself and any other anti American Chinese loving dick sucker out there that wants to put Americans out of jobs and add to the trade imbalance.
They need to nationalize the ports and force all shipping that enters US waters to meet US standards for both ship and crew. Fuck the euro trash who owns them, they should have never been allowed to be sold.
Nationalize as in government owned and controlled? Hmmm, what could go wrong with that? How is that working with the postal service?
Nationalize as in government owned and controlled? Hmmm, what could go wrong with that? How is that working with the postal service?
And the alternative is foreign governments currently own our ports and could shut them down during a global conflict.

Would China ever let a foreign gov control their ports? Russia? Any nation not full of globo homo self destructive retards.

You want to put China in charge of the postal service too? Let them read all the mail, fire the American workers and replace them with Chinese machines. Then all profits go to China and we are completely dependent on them for basic functions
That is what is happening here.

And we wonder why the enemy is winning.
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And the alternative is foreign governments currently own our ports and could shut them down during a global conflict.

Would China ever let a foreign gov control their ports? Russia? Any nation not full of globo homo self destructive retards.

You want to put China in charge of the postal service too? Let them read all the mail, fire the American workers and replace them with Chinese machines. Then all profits go to China and we are completely dependent on them for basic functions
That is what is happening here.

And we wonder why the enemy is winning.
They can shut them down by stopping shipments to the USA. Are you really that dense?
The problem is not who owns the docks. The problem is that we are no longer a manufacturing economy but a consumer economy.
Why would they need a stopgap for only 3 months? What’s going on in the next three months?

99% chance Juhbiden told them to make this deal or he would Hartle them before the election. One they steal the election they no longer care about the economy for three years.

Door number one... they get to say 'we solved it' vote for Kamala and in January... who cares. They strike and destroy the economy so that martial law can be declared or new smackdowns placed on our population.

Door number 2. Their 'steal' somehow fails and Trump gets in and the Union does what they are told by Soros and Obama... and strike to give him a crippling economic blow during his first week in office.

Either way... the American People lose...

The big Union Bosses get a kickback to go in their huge bank accounts. The union members who are generally great Americans who are sadly suckered generation-after-generation by the promises of their Commie Union bosses.... get fucked...

They can shut them down by stopping shipments to the USA. Are you really that dense?
The problem is not who owns the docks. The problem is that we are no longer a manufacturing economy but a consumer economy.
You are really fucking dumb. It's not just imports.

There are exports ( raw material, machinery, food being the big 3)
Loading provisions on US Merchant Marine ships
Loading Provisions on US Navy Ships
Loading Provisions on allied ships
Sending supplies to allied nations
Sending supplies to us bases overseas

And about 100+ other situations where these ports would be used to execute actions against a nation state who owns and controls them. You don't think a Chinese automated system could be sabotaged or remotely destroyed should they need to shut us down?

There is no magic us navy base where it's gov personal doing the rigging, Loading, crane ops for ships. It's all longshoreman...either union on the economy or union contracted gov for sensitive sites.

We have allowed the enemy to control our means of waging war. All the ships tanks jets and soldiers don't mean jack shit if you can't manage the log train...and longshoremen and our ports are a critical link in that chain.

Seriously you can't be this fucking stupid.
Door number one... they get to say 'we solved it' vote for Kamala and in January... who cares. They strike and destroy the economy so that martial law can be declared or new smackdowns placed on our population.

Door number 2. Their 'steal' somehow fails and Trump gets in and the Union does what they are told by Soros and Obama... and strike to give him a crippling economic blow during his first week in office.

Either way... the American People lose...

The big Union Bosses get a kickback to go in their huge bank accounts. The union members who are generally great Americans who are sadly suckered generation-after-generation by the promises of their Commie Union bosses.... get fucked...

Or 3. Kicking can down the road. The union membership are overwhelming red. As good as the current situation is for leverage, it's really bad optics shutting down ports in middle of massive natural disaster.

It's not the US gov or anyone who cares about Americans on the other side of the negotiating table. It's foreign owned shipping companies who are happy to let Americans suffer if they can shift the blame to the workers.

The stop gap let's them get back to work while not having to give up on automation demands..which are the real sticking point.

Personally I wouldn't cave as you are just giving the company leverage and more time to make contingency plans. Sucks for the American population but very few people biitching and moaning would sacrifice their careers and families security to help random people who don't give a fuck about them. Meet the demands or bleed yourself dry. It's the only way to guarantee they win.
Remember, the air traffic controllers tried to 'cripple America' weeks after Reagan took office. Because the and their Red bosses were angry that he beat feckless Peanut-boy in a landslide.

And Reagan not only stomped them out, but set the Union movement back decades.

Gee... wonder if Trump has a plan? To help the workers and deal with the corrupt bosses who are stealing the rank and file members blind in the name of socialism...

It's a theory...

Or 3. Kicking can down the road. The union membership are overwhelming red. As good as the current situation is for leverage, it's really bad optics shutting down ports in middle of massive natural disaster.

It's not the US gov or anyone who cares about Americans on the other side of the negotiating table. It's foreign owned shipping companies who are happy to let Americans suffer if they can shift the blame to the workers.

The stop gap let's them get back to work while not having to give up on automation demands..which are the real sticking point.

Personally I wouldn't cave as you are just giving the company leverage and more time to make contingency plans. Sucks for the American population but very few people biitching and moaning would sacrifice their careers and families security to help random people who don't give a fuck about them. Meet the demands or bleed yourself dry. It's the only way to guarantee they win.
Yeah you're right, we should all be concerned about them getting a ridiculous pay raise while everyone else struggles....

I honestly don't care, they just got rid of themselves faster than otherwise with this stunt. The less unions to forcably take people's money and give it to the Democrat machine the better.
Yeah you're right, we should all be concerned about them getting a ridiculous pay raise while everyone else struggles....

I honestly don't care, they just got rid of themselves faster than otherwise with this stunt. The less unions to forcably take people's money and give it to the Democrat machine the better.
You don't even understand how their pay works. Go educate yourself before spewing bullshit.

And it's not more than any other blue collar trade in metro areas. Sorry you are poor and jealous of other people making good money.
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Remember, the air traffic controllers tried to 'cripple America' weeks after Reagan took office. Because the and their Red bosses were angry that he beat feckless Peanut-boy in a landslide.

And Reagan not only stomped them out, but set the Union movement back decades.

Gee... wonder if Trump has a plan? To help the workers and deal with the corrupt bosses who are stealing the rank and file members blind in the name of socialism...

It's a theory...

That's a different situation is already addressed.

A. ATC are federal workers. It's illegal for them to strike like all fed employees ( by illegal it means they loose NLRB protection).
B. There was a large pool of military ATC that go through the same training and use same equipment that could slide in.

Longshoremen aren't Feds so they can strike. There is no pool of qualified people to step in. They can't afford any slow down or delays so training new people will not help. Anyone qualified would be union as well and they aren't going to scab.
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Remember, the air traffic controllers tried to 'cripple America' weeks after Reagan took office. Because the and their Red bosses were angry that he beat feckless Peanut-boy in a landslide.

And Reagan not only stomped them out, but set the Union movement back decades.

Gee... wonder if Trump has a plan? To help the workers and deal with the corrupt bosses who are stealing the rank and file members blind in the name of socialism...

It's a theory...


That was one of the best things Reagan ever did.

No one is forcing the members to join. They could strike against the union, or vote for Right To Work laws. They chose to join, pay dues, and even chose to strike. All because they have a higher allegiance to their communist masters than the USA. They like their terrorist groups. literally saying they will hold America hostage until they get what they want. Why not use malware or ransomeware? It is the same outcome. Why do yhey hold products that donot belong to them as bargaining chips? They are terrorists.
They protect their jobs so good they attacked a solid waste driver trying to empty dumpsters. What cowards they are.
I'm not union dumbass. Try again.
Could have fooled me with how sensitive you are. You seem to think that you know everything about everything and no one else does, and also that you make so much more than anyone else. You are just a loud mouth, but I was just giving you crap. I couldn't care less about the unions cutting their own throat so the bosses can funnel more money to themselves and the Democrat machine.
Just remember that the US sold the Long Beach Naval shipyard to the chinese.
Not sure how that all worked out......and I'm not sure we will ever know the real story.

The Wikipedia article cited says the sale to China was halted, Rush Linbaugh among others lobbied heavily. Sold to a South Korean company and now owned an very large Italian shipping company.
The Wikipedia article cited says the sale to China was halted, Rush Linbaugh among others lobbied heavily. Sold to a South Korean company and now owned an very large Italian shipping company.
No critical infrastructure should be foreign owned. It's insanity that it ever happened in the first place.
No critical infrastructure should be foreign owned. It's insanity that it ever happened in the first place.
I'm not getting too deep with all this. Nothing anyone says will sway the union vs non-union shit people believe. Just a couple things I know

Ports in Philadelphia are owned and run by local govt (The Port Authority) They lease locations to companies, but have the authority over all of it

60% over 6 years isn't ridiculous. A ship comes in and these guys work until it's either empty or full, then they're done until the next
Just remember that the US sold the Long Beach Naval shipyard to the chinese.
Not sure how that all worked out......and I'm not sure we will ever know the real story.

and politicians act like they can't figure out why the navy can't get their ships repaired.
fk'n commies are selling off the militaries ability to fix their ships.
Fk'n Clinton, this started under him.
Exactly. No ships come in no work. Ship comes in at 4pm..sorry you aren't seeing little Timmy's soccer game and won't be home until breakfast. The only people really making bank have seniority and have been there for 20+ years. You eat alot of shit for alot of years before it starts to get cush. I think their demands are reasonable all things considered and the more high paying blue collar jobs...the better for this nation. We are bleeding wealth to overseas adversaries. Slowing that down is a GOOD thing. Automation of the ports is a threat to national security. We don't build that shit here so we can't control it.
I have no problem with paying these guys. It's not a particularly easy job, and the nature of their contract is such that they need to make up for not only the last four years of Bidenflation but also account for whatever is coming in the next half-decade.

What I cannot accept is this Luddite concept of protecting jobs from automation. That is fucking retarded because it ignores the last 150 years of technological progress the human race has created. Automation doesn't take jobs, it simply shifts their nature.

I'm assuming that most of these workers are Boomers who want one last fat contract before retirement - cool, we can be good humans and let them ride off into the sunset. But they shouldn't be replaced with a bunch of 19-year-olds under the lie that these jobs will remain manual forever and ever. That's disrespectful to everyone involved and is ignorant of human nature.

By the way - all those younger workers coming in to replace the retirees would probably be much happier to sit at a console and move pixels with a mouse or joystick than they would be to sweat in the cab of a forklift.
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I have no problem with paying these guys. It's not a particularly easy job, and the nature of their contract is such that they need to make up for not only the last four years of Bidenflation but also account for whatever is coming in the next half-decade.

What I cannot accept is this Luddite concept of protecting jobs from automation. That is fucking retarded because it ignores the last 150 years of technological progress the human race has created. Automation doesn't take jobs, it simply shifts their nature.

I'm assuming that most of these workers are Boomers who want one last fat contract before retirement - cool, we can be good humans and let them ride off into the sunset. But they shouldn't be replaced with a bunch of 19-year-olds under the lie that these jobs will remain manual forever and ever. That's disrespectful to everyone involved and is ignorant of human nature.

By the way - all those younger workers coming in to replace the retirees would probably be much happier to sit at a console and move pixels with a mouse or joystick than they would be to sweat in the cab of a forklift.
Once you separate the idea of Automation and Automation in this application, the brain can start figuring this out.

Why yall are so hard for technology to make you as a human obsolete and no longer worth keeping around is like wishing for a meteor to come down and kill everyone.

The elites have you brainwashed. It's like the Jews who loaded the other Jews into trains. They thought they would be spared only to end up at the same fate once they were no longer useful. The loudest bitchers are delusional to think they will be spared and won't end up the same.

There is nothing Luddite about seeing where this is headed and trying to slow it the fuck down. But again people like you are brainwashed by the principles of capitalism, MBA profit above all else and six sigma bullshit ( which i have both of by the way).

They have your brain so twisted they get you working to advance their goals while destroying your own future....and you cheer for it?
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You fail to point out that if there is no work when they show up, they still get paid for 5 hours if they are there 5 minutes or an hour.
No they don't. IlA workers have already explained how many do not even survive the first 2 years becuase most can't afford to only work 30 hours a month while damn near living at the union hall waiting for work. And if they can't get 700 hours a year they lose their benefits and can be kicked out of the union. Starting pay is $20/hr. $20x30 is 1200 a month, before taxes. Try living on that. Alot of them quit for more steady work.

What you are talking about is if they get dispatched to a ship coming in. And that is probally correct but it also NEVER happens. All kinds of financial penalties are put into these types of CBAs to prevent bad actors from going against the intent of the CBA. They are designed to discourage that from happening.

You guys should really stop talking about shit you do not begin to understand. Just perpetuating more bullshit.

Season 2 of the wire actually covered the longshoreman lifestyle pretty well. It was filmed at the port of Baltimore with actual stevadoors ( ILA).
Why China would be allowed to own 1 square foot of land anywhere in America is beyond me. Buy it all back and tell them to fuck off. We need a 10 year plan to become completely un-reliant on anything from China. Not medicine, computer chips, or anything else. All manufacture here the end. No more rubber dogshit either.
Once you separate the idea of Automation and Automation in this application, the brain can start figuring this out.

Why yall are so hard for technology to make you as a human obsolete and no longer worth keeping around is like wishing for a meteor to come down and kill everyone.

The elites have you brainwashed. It's like the Jews who loaded the other Jews into trains. They thought they would be spared only to end up at the same fate once they were no longer useful. The loudest bitchers are delusional to think they will be spared and won't end up the same.

There is nothing Luddite about seeing where this is headed and trying to slow it the fuck down. But again people like you are brainwashed by the principles of capitalism, MBA profit above all else and six sigma bullshit ( which i have both of by the way).

They have your brain so twisted they get you working to advance their goals while destroying your own future....and you cheer for it?
You do realize that you are writing this anti-technology rant on the internet instead of a letter sent by the Pony Express, right?
No they don't. IlA workers have already explained how many do not even survive the first 2 years becuase most can't afford to only work 30 hours a month while damn near living at the union hall waiting for work. And if they can't get 700 hours a year they lose their benefits and can be kicked out of the union. Starting pay is $20/hr. $20x30 is 1200 a month, before taxes. Try living on that. Alot of them quit for more steady work.

What you are talking about is if they get dispatched to a ship coming in. And that is probally correct but it also NEVER happens. All kinds of financial penalties are put into these types of CBAs to prevent bad actors from going against the intent of the CBA. They are designed to discourage that from happening.

You guys should really stop talking about shit you do not begin to understand. Just perpetuating more bullshit.

Season 2 of the wire actually covered the longshoreman lifestyle pretty well. It was filmed at the port of Baltimore with actual stevadoors ( ILA).
600 a month. Not 1200
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Exactly. No ships come in no work. Ship comes in at 4pm..sorry you aren't seeing little Timmy's soccer game and won't be home until breakfast. The only people really making bank have seniority and have been there for 20+ years. You eat alot of shit for alot of years before it starts to get cush. I think their demands are reasonable all things considered and the more high paying blue collar jobs...the better for this nation. We are bleeding wealth to overseas adversaries. Slowing that down is a GOOD thing. Automation of the ports is a threat to national security. We don't build that shit here so we can't control it.

Should have made better choices. Maybe learn to code, live in areas with lower cost of living…
I'm afraid it's inevitable. They aren't the first.

"The Luddites were members of a 19th-century movement of English textile workers who opposed the use of certain types of automated machinery due to concerns regarding decreased pay for textile workers and a perceived reduction of output quality. They often destroyed the machines..."
I'm afraid it's inevitable. They aren't the first.

"The Luddites were members of a 19th-century movement of English textile workers who opposed the use of certain types of automated machinery due to concerns regarding decreased pay for textile workers and a perceived reduction of output quality. They often destroyed the machines..."

What you’re saying is unions are direct descendants of Luddites?