Port strike coming… not going to be good!

Well they should have made better choices. I mean it sucks but they should have learned skills and knowledge that people want to pay for.

I've seen some really stooooid shit posted before but this has now surpassed even the Felipe bullshit. I deleted everything after this because it was garbage salad.

So people in other professions should have made better choices but these forklift monkeys shouldn't have to find another profession that pays better? I'd like to hear you explain that fucked up logic.

And then you post this jewel. Unfucking believable.
I'm impressed with your tenacity. In about every thread you post in you show your ass but you keep coming back.
Gota draw a line somewhere.

Well shit.
I got really upset. I thought this thread was titled Pork Strike coming.

I just ran to Sam's Club and bought 4 cases of bacon and 3 cases of Jimmy Dean's sausage.

I can hunker down with toilet paper and other stuff running low because of a port strike but bacon is non-negotiable.
I'm with you brother. If I don't have bacon and sausage with breakfast I'm not a nice person.
This is retarded talk.

A. The ATC were federal employees
B. There was a massive trained force of military ATC during cold war that were used as a stop gap.

You aren't putting some non trained idiot in charge of unloading hundreds of millions of product from a ship with 20k cans on it.
This is a retarded response showing ignorance of the Taft-Hartley act and how it works. Try reading, it helps.
Wasn't all that long ago when the west coast longshoremen did the same.
I have personally witnessed the long lines of ships off the SoCal coast.

It looked kinda like this......but on a massive scale that a person has trouble comprehending.
Imagine this view amplified X 1000........

View attachment 8514958
Great. Now I'll never get my Walmart Body Bags.
This is a retarded response showing ignorance of the Taft-Hartley act and how it works. Try reading, it helps.
This is a retarded response showing ignorance of the Taft-Hartley act and how it works. Try reading, it helps.
You have no idea what you are talking about. The strike can be rulled illegal in which case they force workers back as their jobs will not be protected ( and they will slow roll like a mfer) or they will replace them with scabs in which case the delays will go on for months and grind the country to a halt. Either way the gov doesn't have shit for options...legally or realistically. You can't force people to work and there is no ready replacement labor pool out there. And even if there was...good luck making it through the lines. Those dudes have ran the docks for 150 years.

Again, it seems the drop in the bucket would be the smart move. Are the owners attempting to follow the congressional business model? At the end of the day, they don’t even cover the drop.
Owners are foreign business interests who don't care about how it effects the US economy. The loss is "temporary" becuase when things resume and all costs will be beared by importers, exporters, warehouses ect...not to mention suffering of US citizen.

All ships coming into a US port should have to be up to US coast guard standards including maintained as well as crew training and currency. It's a massive national security risk letting these fuckers knock down our bridges and choke commerce. We ( the us) should dictate terms...not these 3rd world oligarchs.

If they want our market they need to play by fair rules...which we decide.
And as far as foreign ownership of the ports, how about eminent domain? Would that be possible?

The rebuild them with the necessary automation to streamline the operations and just like that, the greedy go they way of the $20/hr McDonald's worker when they get replaced by a kiosk.

Just spitballin' here.
We sold them to foreign interests.....our leaders let it happen due to greed. Like they sold out the rest of the country......but to dick sucker's and mental midgets here....the longshoremen are the bag guys... L. O. FUCKING L
You have no idea what you are talking about. The strike can be rulled illegal in which case they force workers back as their jobs will not be protected ( and they will slow roll like a mfer) or they will replace them with scabs in which case the delays will go on for months and grind the country to a halt. Either way the gov doesn't have shit for options...legally or realistically. You can't force people to work and there is no ready replacement labor pool out there. And even if there was...good luck making it through the lines. Those dudes have ran the docks for 150 years.

The Taft-Hartley Act doesn't rule a strike illegal, of course. Just mandates a 90 day "cooling off period" where the old contract is extended and the parties must negotiate. Everyone knows that, right?
The Taft-Hartley Act doesn't rule a strike illegal, of course. Just mandates a 90 day "cooling off period" where the old contract is extended and the parties must negotiate. Everyone knows that, right?
One of the provisions states what is a legal and illegal strike. An illegal strike does not grant them protection from NLRB. The cooling off period does nothing. You can't force people to be productive or sign a deal they are willing to walk away from.

Not to be a smart ass but labor law was part of my job from 2015-2022. Both public sector and private unions and helping to negotiate CBAs for the agency from management side.

And it's 80 days not 90.
You have no idea what you are talking about. The strike can be rulled illegal in which case they force workers back as their jobs will not be protected ( and they will slow roll like a mfer) or they will replace them with scabs in which case the delays will go on for months and grind the country to a halt. Either way the gov doesn't have shit for options...legally or realistically. You can't force people to work and there is no ready replacement labor pool out there. And even if there was...good luck making it through the lines. Those dudes have ran the docks for 150 years.


I'm very, very sure I could replace the $100/hr crane worker that unloads the container ship.

Climb into the cab, sit down. Push forward on the control stick. Down for down, clamp/unclamp, up, back and left or right.
Seems like running a 6k boom forklift is more complicated.
I'm very, very sure I could replace the $100/hr crane worker that unloads the container ship.

Climb into the cab, sit down. Push forward on the control stick. Down for down, clamp/unclamp, up, back and left or right.
Seems like running a 6k boom forklift is more complicated.
Ignorance is bliss. Dunning- Kruger at work here folks.

No one is letting some retarded risk tens of millions in product just like they aren't letting some retard jump into a tower crane and lift curtain walls over populated areas.
Pretty much the same as the Claw Machine at Main Event.


That said, if your job can be automated, it will be automated. The only thing keeping the company from automating your job is that you are cheaper. Once that calculus is reversed; robots don’t call in sick, go on strike, bitch about shift work, or any of the myriad other things that makes managing humans a nightmare.

And, increased costs of doing business are almost never absorbed by the company; they are passed on to the consumer. Don’t kid yourself, the CEOs and owners are still going to get their bonuses.
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We recently automated one of our jobs, requires a babysitter for the 5.5hrs required to run the task. The robot has parameters that must be acknowledged, otherwise it's just taking up floor space, wasting time and bandwwidth. All in the name of eliminating repetitive motion injuries, I have been doing that job in an average of 4hrs almost daily for 29yrs and guess what, no repetitive injuries suffered. Now I can do it while sitting in a chair, cable for the touch screen controller are long enough, I am pretty sure I can do it laying down. 🤣