I guess in some cases they have to make up for low quality high school that is being propagated by the left. School choice was one of the best things (among many) Trump wanted to offer for addressing race disparity. Teach kids to write, speak, do math and think for themselves; not condition them to being inferior (which is what CRT does - it preaches rewards based on skin color regardless of achievement) and how to steal. The Unions sucking up the bucks from daddy gov. when the kids lose. There is something to be said for standardized teaching protocols - providing they are without the woke crap written by the AG's SIL. Kids must pass or else the school gets NO money, not more. They are intentionally failing the youth - and that includes the non-POCs in this schools too, so it really isn't about race, its class-based. There needs to be a reason for good teachers to want to go into the profession and do the right thing. There has to be a better solution that this.