Member Link Up Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jcvibby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I will also be putting together a pretty awesome match on February 23rd-24th. Hope to see you all there.

All food will be included for both days! I hope things like Carne Asada, meatlovers breakfast scramble, and angus burgers just to name a couple sound good!!

This is the first match for us, but hope to have lots of people having a great time. And you will get another opportunity to ride in a chopper before the findlay cup! Which is a bonus for sure. </div></div>

Jake RSVP me for this right now! Lol...
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Guys for your information my local range has gotten in a fairly large quantity of primers, mostly Federal small and large rifle, the 210M are $31.50 a 1000, which is a pretty good deal, well I think. If anyone needs some Federal primers, I am willing to pick them up and bring them to the shoot Saturday, just send me a pm. I am trying to ween myself of the CCI BR2 which cost $15 more, Tulas are showing promise but I might end going with the 210M myself.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Jake the link you gave isn't working...

This one should work
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

I don't know what everyone is doing tomorrow morning, but I plan on being out at UNSC for some load development and to zero a couple rifles. I should be there by 1000 or so. If anyone else has nothing to do tomorrow morning feel free to join up.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dibbs</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeff that's news to me, I'll do some checking at work tomorrow. Shooting on State Lands (DNR managed) was closed for a while when fire danger was high, but I'm not aware/haven't heard of a total closure or ban on shooting. </div></div>

On a side note did you happen to check on this Dibbs ?
Looking at setting up reservations for the Dec. match but don't want to be stuck in Ellensburg with the match an hour away again lol.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

It went well today. Just as we finished picking up the steel at the 500 yard line, it started to rain in earnest. During the match, we got a little bit of drizzle now and then, but not enough to even make it worth getting the rain gear out of my rig.

Broker was a real sport today. He didn't shoot, but brought his barricade out for us to use, and did scoring for the entire match. I thought that was really generous of him. Kudos!

If anyone has a formula that takes into account target size and distance in order to figure out how to weight the points, please let me know. I may be making the one I'm coming up with much more complicated than I need to. The one I'm working on uses distance, square inches of target VS MOA to set how many points any given target would be worth. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. (Figuring out the square inches of various targets is is the other stuff that is giving me problems.)
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

My method was different as all my tgts were valued the same but I gave double points for a first rnd hit, & points +50% for a second rnd hit. I also tried to have all the tgts about 1-2moa in size. But to your question. I think drop the square inch of the tgts. Moa size gives a good representation of difficulty at all ranges. After all a 3"x3" tgt @ 200yd is just as difficult to hit as a 6"x6" @ 400yd. Of course the actual range should be considered as well due to wind, etc. So my recommendation is to use only moa size along with actual range, & relative difficulty of the firing position to assign tgt value. Simple is better, especially when you're the one setting up, & scoring.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

I use John Feddock with John's Gun & Tackle in Port Orchard. He only charges $25. 360-871-2709

On that note I'm working on getting an FFL as well and I'll be able to help you guys out on local transfer.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Alright I apologize for the delay here are the details for the match

***Always looking for more help/RO'S


3 Miles down durr rd in Ellensburg Wa, see for directions from your location

Saturday Schedule

8am-10am sign in
10am Safety briefing
10:30am First rounds down range. Should finish up around 4pm
430ish we will start the bbq for Hamburgers, Hot dogs, chili

730 squading and scores from day 1
8am first rds down range
2pm roughly we should be doing awards/prizes

Round count 144

On every stage you will be allowed to used any equipment you are carrying with you.

If you have any questions feel free to email me [email protected] or cell phone 360 632 6482

Day 1

Stage 1 (Location 1) Dot Drill

Shooter will start from prone with 5 rds loaded in the magazine and will have 10rds behind a designated line. On command shooter will fire 1st 5 rds 1 per dot, after which shooter will go retrieve 5 more rds fire them and then retrieve the final 5rds. There is 15 dots and you can only score 1pt per dot..

1min prep, Time is 2 min, 15rds

Stage 2 (location 2) Doghouse

Shooters will start with rifle on top of doghouse magazine inserted bolt back. When instructed by the RO the shooter will enter the doghouse, shooter will engage bank of targets at 400yds. From each position in the doghouse shooter will fire 3 rounds from left to right on the 45%ipsc targets. Once a shooter fires one shot from a position he must fire all 3 rounds before moving to the next location. Order in which shooter chooses positions is completely up to them. You may only use a position once and there will be total of 15 rds (3rds@ 5 positions). All hits 2pts each

Time is 3min, 15rounds total

Stage 3 (location 3) Shoot from Cover

Shooters will start with rifle on ground mag in bolt back, on ro command shooter will engage the bank of 3-12” squares at 600yds. From each of the designated locations on the barricade shooter will fire 3 rounds, 1 at each of the targets firing from left to right. Shooter may use any part of his kit to accomplish this. Shooter chooses order in which positions they fire but once a round is fired from a position shooter must fire all 3 rds from that position and no position can be used twice. All hits 2pts each

Time is 3min, 12 rounds total

Stage 4 (location 4) Chaos

Shooter will start standing with rifle in hands magazine in bolt back on ro command shooter will fire 2rds @66%ipsc @ 200yds. Shooter will then go prone and engage 675 66% ipsc designated by ro with 4rds. Shooter will then engage the 200yd target again with 2 more rounds after shooter will open his bolt and dump his magazine. Shooter will then cross gully on foot to shooting location #2 from that position shooter will engage same target at 650yds with 4 more rounds. 200yd hits will be 1pt & 600yd+ will be 3pts.

Time is 3min, 12 rounds total

Stage 5 (location 5) Reach Out and touch’em”

Shooter will start prone mag in bolt back on RO command shooter will engage the 1000yd coyote silhouette. After the coyote target shooter will engage the 100%ipsc target @ 1250yds with 5 rounds. 1st 2rds at each target are worth 3pts and remaining 3 are 2pts each.

Time is 3min, 10rds total

Stage 6 (location 1) Fence

Shooter will start standing on RO command shooter will go prone fire 1rd @33%ipsc on left followed by 2 rds @66%ipsc. Shooter will then switch to weakside and repeat. After all 6 prone rds are fired shooter will repeat from each of the 3 rails on the fence. All hits will be worth 2pts each
Time 3min, 15rds total
Day 2

Stage 7 (location 1) Retreat

Shooter will start prone with bolt back magazine in, on ro command shooter will engage target @ 300yds with 3rds. Shooter will then advance 25yds and fire 3 rds at same target from sitting. When finished with sitting shooter will advance another 25yds and shoot 3rds kneeling. After kneeling shooter will advance 25yds and shoot 3 rds standing at same target. When done engaging targets shooter will then clear rifle and run back to original firing position. Total time will be 3min and you must be back to original firing position before time is called. Shooter will lose 1pt for every 10seconds over 3min they take. Shooter is allowed to quit shooting and return to original firing position at any time as long as there weapon is clear when returning. Prone hits will be 1pt each and all other positions will be 2pts each.

Total time 3min, max rds fired 12

Stage 8 (location 2) Couch Commando

Shooter will start prone next to the couch and fire 3rds from prone at the 45%ipsc targets at 400yds. After that shooter finishes prone he must engage the targets from 3 other positions on the couch firing 3rds from each position. All positions must be from off the couch you will be limited to only having your feet on the ground. Time for some creativity. All hits will be worth 2pts each.

Total time 3min, 12rds total

Stage 9 (location 3) Know your limits

Shooter will first engage the KYL rack at 300yds up to 3 rds at the circles 6”, 5”, 3” followed by two shots at the hostage hits on hostage +2, wrong hits -2 . KYL scoring will be 2,4,6 cumulative for possible total of 12pts on kyl. Shooter will then engage the bank of targets at 600yds (12”,10”,12” squares). Shooter will then shoot each target twice from left to right..

Total time 3min, up to 11rds possible depending on kyl shots fired

Stage 10 (location 4) Take the hill

Shooter will start roughly 30yds behind firing position on command he will advance to designated location. There will be 3 66%ipsc targets located at roughly 410, 550, 650. Shooter must hit the 410yd target 3 times at which point he will be allowed to fire at the 550yd target which he must hit 3 times before moving to the last target at 650ydswhich can be hit 4 times. Pts values will be 410-1pt, 550-2pt, 650-3pt per hit. Shooter will be limited to 20rds total fired if needed.

Total time 3min, up to 20rds fired (10 hits possible)

Stage 11 (location 5) Reach and Touchem

Cof will be same as days 1 so make sure you take notes on day 1 shots.

3min total, 10rds total
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I use John Feddock with John's Gun & Tackle in Port Orchard. He only charges $25. 360-871-2709

On that note I'm working on getting an FFL as well and I'll be able to help you guys out on local transfer. </div></div>

I know it's a holiday weekend but in this guy usually there to take calls? I got his machine a couple times. Just trying to find someone to make a deal go through.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Hey guys, I am in need of some RO's for the JC Steel Target Challenge. It is Feb. 23rd and 24th.

Here is a link to the match thread

Here is what is all included in the RO package.

RO for the match and you get free food all weekend like everyone else, Free refreshments, Free T-Shirt, you also get to pick off the prize table which is shaping up very nicely for a first match. AND, you will also get 50% off the JC Steel Target Challenge #2.

Thats really the best we can offer. Its alot of volunteer time, and not alot of reward. I understand that, but we are truly thankful for those that do serve for the weekend. We can not make these matches go round without RO's. And your support is much appreciated.

PLEASE, if you would like to RO, let me know so I can put your name on the list.

Have a blessed day.

Jake Vibbert
JC Steel Targets
Jubilee Youth Ranch
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: unincsmr</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I use John Feddock with John's Gun & Tackle in Port Orchard. He only charges $25. 360-871-2709

On that note I'm working on getting an FFL as well and I'll be able to help you guys out on local transfer. </div></div>

I know it's a holiday weekend but in this guy usually there to take calls? I got his machine a couple times. Just trying to find someone to make a deal go through. </div></div>

He might be visiting family for Thanksgiving. I'll see if I can get a hold of him tomorrow.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Well, I'm happy to report that all my steel, & stands have survived the hunting season. I went up for my 1st shooting trip since Oct , & found all the steel, & stands right where I left them. All the posts we put into the ground up there are still in place as well. Found out as usual that after almost 2 months without firing a shot I am in need of some trigger time...
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Yeah. It hasnt been a problem other than deer season so far. I also need to get a couple more 2X4's made to replace some shot up ones too. I also gave the new FFP @ 855yd a try yesterday.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Would anyone lend me a good spotting scope and tripod for this weekend? I need one for Scott's match that I'll be ROing and I'd appreciate it. Thank you...
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

I know I'm ROing the Couch Commando stage, so at least 400 yards clearly, but I don't know what other stage I'll be at since I believe I'm doing a different stage the 1st day. So I need to see at least 400 clearly?

Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Hey all,

Just got to the Poulsbo area recently. Hit up the ONF and some other DNR lands for some long(er) range stuff. Not asking for your secret spots but wondering if your local guys wouldnt mind another shooter tagging along, or I can drive or whatevers needed. I shoot 308 and 300 WM so nothing. I look forward to the match in Feb given the time off work.
I work day shift so everyother week my days are different but ill shoot in any weather. Feel free to PM or ask any questions. Look forward to meeting you fellow shooters.


Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BGE541</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey all,

Just got to the Poulsbo area recently. Hit up the ONF and some other DNR lands for some long(er) range stuff. Not asking for your secret spots but wondering if your local guys wouldnt mind another shooter tagging along, or I can drive or whatevers needed. I shoot 308 and 300 WM so nothing. I look forward to the match in Feb given the time off work.
I work day shift so everyother week my days are different but ill shoot in any weather. Feel free to PM or ask any questions. Look forward to meeting you fellow shooters.



Welcome Reed. I'm over in the Brownsville area, and there's a couple guys here in Poulsbo. I post up get-togethers here when we have them and I'm sure we can give you a buzz when we're doing more local things.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Kirk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Broker

Feel free to use my spotting scope, it will be fine for that.

Kirk R </div></div>

Thanks Kirk, so I'll just borrow it off you Saturday morning then?
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

For everybody coming this weekend please make sure your drop chart goes out to at least 1350yds you will need it.

Also don't forget you must either have parking permit that comes with your hunting/fishing license or a discovery pass.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

The weather turned out to be nicer than expected today Mostly sunny until the afternoon. Not so sure we'll get that lucky tomorrow though lol...
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

New guy checking in. I'm in Duvall, and interested in learning and meeting folks, and improving my skills.
I dropped a line to Jake at JCSteel to let him know I'd like to volunteer for his Challenge in February.

Right now, I'm shooting an M1A that's been worked over by SEI. I want to figure out if this rifle is worth the money to upgrade the stock and telescope, or get a bolt gun instead.

Years ago I went down the m700 road with Badger bottom metal and all that, but I got rid of all that years ago, and am starting over in long range precision type shooting. I now have a 'classic' m70 in '06, factory, that might be a good action to start a build on, but really want your opinions on how to cost effectively get equipment to be competitive.

Looking forward to the smell of victory, even if it ain't mine!
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Welcome aboard Seeds! I'm gonna work on a get together within the next month hopefully and I'll post it up here. You're also always welcome to come to the Upper Nisqually Sportsman's Club December 15th where we have a small match on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Welcome aboard. The M1-A is a great platform, but it can eat up lots of money if you put on one of the really fancy stocks. You might want to look into one of the older military stocks (I think they were called the E-2) stock that was designed for the select fire use. The comb is higher to align your eyes better on a scope, and it has a handgrip like the Ar-15. I used to have one that was built with the Barretta machine gun rear shoulder pad that had a flip up bar to go over your shoulder for full auto use. But it was a nice concaved curved rubber butt pad, rather than the standard slick metal US military one.

I think Springfield Armory had those stocks. I don't know if they are still made, but they used to have a wonderful laminated wood onev that resisted warping really well.

Your model 70 in 30-06 would be a great long action to build on. It might be worth looking at the 6.5-06 Ackley Improved as long as you are building something. You would have plenty of velocity, and could build it with a 1-8 or 1-8.5 twist barrel to stabilize the 144 grain Scenar bullet. I would guess that the 06 improved case should easily get you pretty near 3000 FPS with that bullet...pretty impressive, but of course, barrel wear would be significant. If you didn't need all that velocity, you could just go with a standard 30-06 case shooting 180-200 grain bullets, but recoil would be a problem in matches.

I think that with the 06 case, any smaller of a bore than 25-06 would have pretty severe errosion. Even the 25-06 isn't known as easy on a bore. The bigger the bore, the less errosion, and more recoil though, so it is a balancing game between velocity, errosion, and recoil. Pick your poison I guess.

The matches at Upper Nisqually on the 3rd Saturday will give you some good practice, and a chance to meet some of the locals who shoot on this side of the mountains.

Most of the bigger matches are about 3 hours driving time at least. There is the friday night rifle league at an indoor range that is advertised on, but I haven't been to it. For some reason, shooting 25 yards and less with a rifle seems, well, as waste of rifle ammo. It would be a fun match for a pistol caliber carbine though.

I think Marysville, or Custer has some outdoors practical rifle matches that would be closer to your area than Eatonville (Upper Nisqually). You might check on the other gun web boards and see what the clubs have...

Anyhow, nice to have another shooter in the area. Welcome.
Re: Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Seeds, the M1-A is a very fun rifle to shoot! I would own one myself but my trigger finger gets a little itchy with semi's for some reason.

The M70 is a great platform as well!

I'd encourage you to come out to one of the matches as well. It's a good opportunity to meet other shooters in the area, and you won't meet a better bunch of guys! Welcome to the area!

Which reminds me.. Any idea how much ammo we might need for the match on the 15th?