Member Link Up Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Nice to hear from you again. I'm sure we can find you a spot. Matches have been moved to the first Saturday of each month. Hopefully, we won't get ice, or snow in January. Early this year we had one match where the high temperature was 27 degrees F.
That was sort of chilly.

The only time I'll cancel a match is if the roads are unsafe as in ice or snow. I would rather spend the amount of my insurance deductable on reloading components than at an auto body shop...or hospital.

I remember one of the matches I went to in either November or December we had sun, rain, snow, sleet, slush, and everything in between. It wasn't exactly warm that day either. I should be there around Dec. 21till Jan. 21.
I'll be putting up for sale a Borka tool set with the TAB pouch, Hornady Lock-N-Load single stage press, extra bushings, a RCBS 750, and some other miscellaneous reloading equipment shortly. If anyone is interested let me know.
Nick I'm interested for sure. I was just about to buy a few things to start reloading. Literally today on midway I had the stuff in my cart hit buy but it wouldn't let me change my address from my phone. So let me know the details? Thanks!
8/24/13 Eastern WA Shoot - After Action Report

Brief After Action Report of our Trip to Eastern WA this weekend for some long range shooting in Jake's neck of the woods.

Three of us (Flashfire, Known, MactheKnife) made a road trip out to the Jubilee Youth Ranch this weekend to connect with Jake and get some long range shooting action on steel targets at the type of distances that are typically very hard to find on the wet side of the state.

After a nice dinner at the Road House Steak restaurant in Kennewick on Friday evening we drove out to the ranch to get some sleep so we could get an early start on Saturday morning. We loaded up our gear at 6:30AM and got out to the firing position at 7:00AM to start to setup some steel targets. Jake reconned and put up some of the far targets prior to our group's arrival (thanks Jake!).

We had targets setup as follows:
- 277 Yards - 5 inch Square on a t-post
- 317 Yards - Steel Swinger
- 390 Yards - Know your Limits Rack with 5 plates of various sizes; and a pepper popper
- 429 Yards - 66% IPSC
- 540 Yards - Hostage Flapper
- 872 Yards - 12" Square
- 950 Yards - 12" Circle
- 1150 Yards - 12"x24" Rectangle

Jake also built a nice rooftop barricade with an integrated port holes underneath that we used to practice typical match stages in the afternoon.

7:00 AM Environmental Stats: 68.8F, 29.29 In BP, 1500 DA, 63% Hmd.

We started out at ground level near where our trucks were parked and engaged some of the near to intermediate distance targets. After a couple of hours, we decided to take a position about 30 feet up on a flat knoll and we also deployed an easy-up canopy to give us some shade in the impending 95 degree heat of the afternoon. We each took turns shooting and spotting. Mike's .308 Mega Maten semi-automatic malfunctioned due to a broken extractor after he shot off about 50 rounds, and the mid-day heat had even arrived. Luckily we had several other rifles available for him to use/try. As temperature began to rise into nineties, we took a break for some refreshments and then decided to use the barricade to run some practice match drills on the targets. After 90 minutes in the blazing sun, we decided to bring the canopy down from the hill so we could sit in some shade while waiting for our turn to use the barricade. On my third run through the barricade drill my 6.5 Grendel malfunctioned due to two the bolt lugs being sheared off. So I went to one of my other rifles for the rest of the day. Late in the afternoon, some of us still hadn't connected with the 950 and 1150 yard targets. The 1150 yard target proved to be somewhat elusive due to the shifting wind conditions as well as the heavy/thick grass around the target gave absolutely no information as far as bullet splash to make corrections. After some time, Jake was able to follow the trace to coach me into making impact on the far target.

After hitting all the targets, and being well dusted and dehydrated by the Eastern, WA environment we decided to pack it in so we could get cleaned up and have a nice dinner back in town. On the way back to the Jubilee Youth Ranch, Jake's newly constructed barricade fell off his truck while he was cruising at about 40MPH, luckily it survived "mostly" intact. A few more screws and 2x4s will make it like new again.

Before we left on Sunday morning - we had to pick up some more fine products from JC Steel Targets and say our farewells. We'll definitely be back for the upcoming match in 2014.

Below are the handful of pictures I was able to capture.

Photo of: Mike, Ed, Me (Steve). Jake is taking the photo.

Jake our host, is on spotter/observer duty and chillin out under the shade of the canopy.

Mike is inspecting spent brass from his rifle, while Ed prepares to shoot. You can see the on the right hand side of the photo, off in the distance - the terrain where we set out targets, near the bottom of the slope.

Mike trying out Ed's AI AW rifle

Ed engaging the spinner target

Jake engaging the spinner target

Me with my 338LM that I used to hit the 1150 yard target

Hello all, I just wanted to introduce myself, so to speak. I'm new to long range and precision shooting. Looking to make it to a few matches. I've been doing the multigun thing for 2 seasons now. Just looking for "training/competition" with my very first bolt gun. Just an excuse to do more shooting.
-Im back from a "SnipersHide Vacation!" :) Hope all have been well and are looking forward to the match. Unknown, I just got some new binos and would be willing to help spot at the match (as well as shoot) if you still need a hand.

-Nick, I like your Starbucks and Guns photos... too funny.

Warhammer72 Welcome. A match is coming up the first Saturday of Sept at the Upper Nesqually Sportmens Club. This "Practical Rifle" match is a great chance to work on positional shooting and quick, accurate target engagement. Welcome to the area...
Welcome Warhammer. Definitely check out the UNSC match, it's friendly and low-key and a great chance to practice everything. Also, a number of us meet up from time to time outside of Acme to shoot steel. If you're in Lynden it wouldn't be far at all to come.
TresMon just want to say a huge THANK YOU and Welcome !
When I was learning to reload I didn't have anyone to teach me so I read...and I read...and I read...did I mention I read ?
TresMon's stickies in the reloading depot were some of the most informative and well written articles on how's it done and gave me a huge head start to reloading right, Much appreciated !

Alos welcome to Warhammer ! Plenty of things going on here in Wa. to keep both of you busy shooting.

Flashfire nice write up on your weekend sounds like a good time except the equipment failures lol.
I just won the contest on Trigger Time's Facebook page for one of my Starbucks photos.

On a side note... We just received a shipment of Ramshot and Accurate powders.
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The open spot for the 07 September practical rifle match just got filled. See you all on the 7th. Thanks to all those who have said they will help RO at the matches. Entry fee for RO's is $10 if other people are interested. We can use 8 people. That way there are 2 people helping on each range for half the match, and they can switch when they help out so they can shoot too.
I was hoping to be able to shoot at this match but was to late. Anyway was wondering if I could show up and just hang out? Maybe help out? Limited experience but I did just get a new stick for the games. Catch you all later. Dan
Gone Bad, and Wrhunter,

You are both welcome to come to the match and hang out, meet people, help RO stages, just visit, watch, or whatever you want. It is a very friendly crowd, and if this next match goes as we hope, we will be doing away with the reservation list. We can always use the help, and it is great to meet new shooters! Welcome!

I found your name at #14 the list on page 49. I meant no offense, I just can't keep all the names and handles straight by memory alone. Any help will be greatly appreciated, but it isn't required of anyone. The people who help RO during the match get a half price entry fee ($10).

We are trying to get enough people helping so that no one (other than Kevin and myself) have to help for more than half of the match. That way, the helpers still get plenty of time to visit, get ready to shoot, shoot, stow their gear, and relax. At least that is the plan.

But, as the wise man said: "If you want to make God laugh, just make plans."
Here's what I did today, A.I people should be able to spot what it is.
I just sent out an updated copy of the rules and penalties for the UNSC practical rifle group to everyone on the email list. I forgot to attach them to the first email, but caught it and sent out a second email with the attachment. If you didn't get a copy, that means you aren't on the mailing list. If you want to receive a copy of the rules/penalties, and/or want to be on the mailing list to get information, please send an email to [email protected] and let me know if you want to be on the mailing list, or if you just want a copy of the rules/penalties.


I will have to take a rain check on this months match. I have to run down to Oregon this weekend or Id love to be at it! Hope someone else can fill this spot and enjoy it...




Didnt get this email but have gotten others...

Thanks again.
This is Scott from PTS formerly known as PMG. You shot in our first match May 2011. I'm out at Ft Lewis now.

Thank for the note. Glad to know your not far away. I'm having my big ELR rifle shipped to me out here in the PNWest.
You teaching? Got a teaching pal? I'm getting geared up to launch WildernessMeans. com WEST here really soon. I'm going to be running my Extreme Long range seminars as well as some live fire training eventually.

Got me a great woodsey gal. All is well. Thanks.

And thanks to all who have welcomed me here.